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Butterfield's Overland Mail Co. Stagecoach Trail Across Arkansas 1858-1861 - by Bob O Crossman (Paperback)

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Butterfield's Overland Mail Co. Stagecoach Trail Across Arkansas 1858-1861 - by  Bob O Crossman (Paperback)
Butterfield's Overland Mail Co. Stagecoach Trail Across Arkansas 1858-1861 - by  Bob O Crossman (Paperback)
Butterfield's Overland Mail Co. Stagecoach Trail Across Arkansas 1858-1861 - by  Bob O Crossman (Paperback)
Butterfield's Overland Mail Co. Stagecoach Trail Across Arkansas 1858-1861 - by  Bob O Crossman (Paperback)
Butterfield's Overland Mail Co. Stagecoach Trail Across Arkansas 1858-1861 - by  Bob O Crossman (Paperback)
Butterfield's Overland Mail Co. Stagecoach Trail Across Arkansas 1858-1861 - by  Bob O Crossman (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 268
Genre: History
Sub-Genre: General
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Robert Owen Crossman
Age Range: Adult
Author: Bob O Crossman
Language: English

Book Synopsis

Butterfield's Overland Mail Co. Stagecoach Trail Across Arkansas: 1858-1861 by Bob Crossman tells the story of the Overland Mail Company stagecoaches which carried passengers and mail west from Memphis and St. Louis to San Francisco through Arkansas. The Overland stagecoaches and stage wagons traveled day and night, completing the 3,293 mile journey is less than twenty five days.

This book pays special attention to each of the twenty Overland Mail Company stations spread across Arkansas. The stations were typically located about fifteen miles apart. The stagecoaches or stage wagons would stop for ten minutes at each station for the quick change of horses. Twice a day the stage would stop at a station for about forty minutes, allowing the passengers to have a moment of rest and purchase a quick meal while the driver obtained a fresh team of horses or mules.

Review Quotes

"Bob Crossman has filled in a much needed gap for Butterfield's Overland Mail Company by documenting the history of this famous Old West enterprise from Memphis, Tennessee, to Fort Smith, Arkansas."

Gerald T. Ahnert

Historian and member of the Oregon-California Trails Association who for the last fifty years has been researching Butterfield's

Overland Mail Company.

"John Butterfield's Overland Mail Company story is a truly amazing piece of American History. This well researched book gathers information regarding the trail through Arkansas and will be recognized as The Authority on the subject. It makes all of us that are friends of the Butterfield Trail very grateful for this book."

Margaret Motley

President, Pope County Historical Foundation (Potts Inn)

"Bob Crossman has successfully memorialized the Butterfield's Overland Mail Company's development, operation, and route in Arkansas through meticulous, comprehensive research! This work is a significant contribution to the history of the state which will be referenced for decades to come."

David Plummer

Descendant of Butterfield Station Agent, Samuel Plummer

"The Fort Smith to San Francisco route of the Butterfield Overland Mail has been covered extensively. This book provides a much-needed history of the Memphis to Fort Smith route, and it contains photos, maps, schedules and news articles making it a great resource.

Glendle Griggs

McCollum-Chidester House Museum

Ouachita County Historical Society, Camden, AR

"Dr. Crossman has written a book that is a must-have for the history enthusiast, Old West fan, or for reference in libraries and museums. A light has been shown on some historical places that were not widely known in the past."

Jack W. James

Old Military Road Museum, Lavaca, Arkansas

"With a keen interest and living near the old Butterfield stagecoach road, I'm glad to add this historical Butterfield Trail book to my library."

R. D. Keever

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