ALLIED VAUGHN MOD-TORMENTARO (DVD/NON-RETURNABLE/2017) DFR45652DMan who discovered an oil field is haunted by his past. MOD
Year: 2017Video
2017-12-29Studio: Allied
VaughnGenre: SuspenseMPAA
Rating: Not
ColorAnimated: Live-ActionFull
Synopsis: TORMENTERO is the magical tale of Romero, who years ago discovered an oil field in his village that caused his friends and neighbors to lose their way of life and ultimately reject him. Now retired, alcoholic and schizophrenic, he is haunted by his past and sets out to reclaim the love and honor he lost decades ago after his fateful discovery. This DVD features the official TORMENTERO trailer, surround sound and comes in Spanish with English subtitles.
Director: Ruben
ImazCast: Ruben Imaz; Jose Carlos Ruiz; Gabino Rodriguez; Waldo Facco; Monica Jimenez