DR Strings Phosphor Bronze Acoustic 5-String Bass Strings
Gauges: 45-65-85-105-125. The Rare phosphor bronze acoustic bass strings are a departure from the standard, good quality bronze string currently available, with a new, different, and stronger voice. You'll notice a distinct improvement in tone, depth, and sustain with Rare phosphor strings. Players who want a fatter, louder sound and a deeper bottom will appreciate the Rare phosphor tone, sound, and feel.
DR Strings Dragon Skin Clear Coated Mandolin Strings (10-14-24-36)
Dragon Skin strings have a proprietary patent pending coating from K3 Technology Coating that makes them the first coated strings that "sound as good or better than uncoated strings. "
DR Legend Polished Flatwound - Lite - Electric Guitar Strings
Gauges 12-16-24-32-42-52. Legend polished flatwound electric guitar strings are made with old-style construction for a vintage sound.
DR Strings Sunbeam - Phosphor Bronze AcousticRound Core 12-54
DR Strings Sunbeam - Phosphor Bronze AcousticRound Core 12-54 Item Condition: New Brand: dr strings Item model number: RCA-12 Color: Original Version Product Information - Gauge: Light gauge - Hand wound on round cores give added sustain - The tone does not seem to decay as do other phosphor bronze strings - Musically bright and rich sounding - Very flexible - Gauges 12-16-24-32-42-54 - Wonderful sustain, Flexible Sunbeam phosphor bronze strings are hand wound on round cores which give a terrific result... Wonderful sustain... Remarkable sustain. The tone does not seem to decay as do Other phosphor bronze strings, which we think of as decaying in a curve. The Sunbeam phosphor seems to sustain in a straight line, until the sound "falls off". The Sunbeam phosphors are also musically bright and rich sounding. Additionally they are very flexible... More So than any Other string we have played. From the Manufacturer SUNBEAM Acoustic Guitar Strings utilize a phosphor bronze wrap wound on a round high-carbon steel core. The use of the round core increases flexibility and produces a long sustain that fades slowly and evenly without any sudden drop-offs. SUNBEAM phosphor bronze strings are musically bright and rich sounding.
DR Strings BLACK BEAUTIES Black Coated Heavy 7-String Electric Guitar Strings (11-60)
DR's new, remarkable, proprietary and patent pending K3 Technology Coating is the first coating that makes no apologies and no excuses for not delivering sound equal to uncoated strings. Players tell us that these strings have more volume, less unwanted overtones, greater clarity and articulation then standard, uncoated strings. Yet, they provide the same protection due to corrosion and perspiration as well as increased tone life that coated strings are known for."
DR Strings Hi-Def NEON Green Coated Heavy 7-String Electric Guitar Strings (11-60)
DR NEONs are super bright color coated strings that sound clear, bright and musical. Players love the bright NEON colors and their remarkable sound. Super bright in daylight and under stage lighting, DR NEON is 100% black light reactive and glow strongly under UV lighting. NEONs are the first coated string to make no apologies. While Neons last as long as a coated string should (three to four times as long as uncoated strings) they sound as good, or better, than uncoated strings. "
DR Strings Drop Down Tuning DDT Electric 7 String Set
The first thing you will notice about these strings is that they go right into tune and lock in. Players say they are "so stable it is almost eerie. "Now you can stand and deliver in-tune notes at lower pitch that are clean and clear. Expect more and get more. Change tunings and be surprised how DDTs lock right in. Be surprised how little adjustments you make. DDTs deliver far more than just heavy gauges. Drop with confidence, drop with accuracy. DDTs maintain their intonation at lower tunings far better than any other string we have ever played or heard. Designed over a two-year build and test period to answer the needs of the dark side. Guages: 11.15. 19.32. 42.54. 65
DR Strings Legend Extra Life Flatwound Electric Guitar Strings
Legend polished flatwound electric guitar strings are made with old-style construction for a vintage sound.
DR Strings Dragon Skin (2 Pack) Light Coated Electric Guitar Strings (9-42)
Save BIG when you buy today!
DR DDT - Mega-Heavy - Electric Guitar Strings
The first thing you notice with DR Drop-Down Tuning Guitar strings is how stable they are. DDT strings maintain their intonation at lower tunings far better than other strings you may have played or heard. Players say DR DDT guitar strings are so stable it is almost eerie. Now you can "stand and deliver" in-tune notes at lower pitches that are clean and clear-plus you can drop tune with confidence and accuracy. You'll be surprised how few adjustments you'll make to change tunings and will be even more surprised how well DR Drop-Down Tuning strings lock into tune. Experienced players comment: "Tuned down, I was never able to play a favorite riff. It always came out muddy and garbled. Now it is crystal clear. I am going to record it and give it to my bandmates, who could not hear it before. " DR DDT strings deliver far more than just heavy gauges-they deliver impeccable tone. Mega Heavy gauges: 13-17-22-42-56-65.
DR Hi-Voltage Dimebag Darrell Signature - Medium - Electric Guitar Strings
The Dimebag Darrell signature Hi-Voltage electric guitar strings stay in tune and remain bright and fresh for a long time. DR Hi-Voltages are made for string bends, whammy-bar dives, harmonic screams, and chunky riffs. "I've been playin' the strings of strength since 1995. I like the way DR Strings feel and react, you can really get a grip on them. They're great for everything, from big ol' string bends, to huge whammy bar dives, perfect for blood curdling harmonic screams and just straight out heavy chunky riffin'. They also stay in perfect tune and remain fresh and bright for an amazingly long time" said Dimebag. Gauges 10-13-17-26-36-46.
DR Black Beauties Extra-Life Coated - Heavy - Guitar Strings
DRs EXTRA-Life Black Beauties offer guitar players a superior black coated string without sacrificing the crisp tone, clarity, and volume of traditional DR HandMade Strings. EXTRA-Life is a super thin advanced. 0003" coating on the plain electric guitar strings and on the wrap wire for added protection. DR's remarkable, and proprietary, patent pending K3T Technology Coating is the first coating that makes no apologies and no excuses. Players say these strings have less unwanted overtones, more volume, great clarity and articulation than standard uncoated strings. Yet, they provide the same protection against corrosion due to humidity and perspiration as well as the increased tonal life coated strings have come to be known for. Gauges 11-14-18-28-38--50.
DR Tite-Fit Nickel Wound- Medium-Heavy - Electric Guitar Strings
Tite-Fit roundwound nickel-plated electric guitar strings are designed to be a great all-around string available in a wide range of gauges. Based on a round core, the construction techniques for the Tite-Fit electrics are very old. However, the core wire and wrap wire in DRs are the latest, most advanced and expensive metals available. Use Tite-Fit strings for flexibility, tone, and long life. These guitar strings sound great for rock, blues, heavy metal, and jazz. Gauges 10-13-17-28-38-50.
DR Strings Ukulele Multi-Color Soprano Concert Strings
The ukulele is one of the easiest and most fun instruments to get into. And if you're new to it, these Ukulele Multi-Color Soprano Concert Strings make it even easier. A ukulele set up with multi-color strings says to the student, "This should be fun and easy. " It's not as daunting as one with four regular strings. Imagine how clear and easy it is for any age student to understand a teacher who says, "3rd finger on the red string, 4th fret. " instead of "3rd finger on the 2nd string on the 4th fret. "DR HANDMADE STRINGS are well known and used by famous artists around the world. Now, with these Ukulele Multi-Color Soprano Concert Strings you they're turning their attention and expertise into the ukulele world.
DR Strings PHR-11 Pure Blues Heavy Electric Strings - Buy Two, Get One Free
Guages: 11-50In the DR tradition of using old-style construction to improve modern performance, PHR-11 Pure Blues electric guitar strings are designed with pure nickel wrap wire, round wound on round cores. While this is a slow, expensive method of string making, it does produce a string acclaimed for increased sustain, vintage tone and great low tones for playing rhythm to lead. The extra step of winding pure nickel around a round core gives the Pure Blues a punch that players say they are surprised to get in a vintage style string.
DR Tite-Fit Nickel Wound- Heavy - Electric Guitar Strings
Tite-Fit roundwound nickel-plated electric guitar strings are designed to be a great all-around string available in a wide range of gauges. Based on a round core, the construction techniques for the Tite-Fit electrics are very old. However, the core wire and wrap wire in DRs are the latest, most advanced and expensive metals available. Use Tite-Fit strings for flexibility, tone, and long life. These guitar strings sound great for rock, blues, heavy metal, and jazz. Gauges 11-14-18-28-38-50.
DR Strings Drop Down Tuning Lite Electric Guitar Strings (9-42)
The first thing you will notice about these strings is that they go right into tune and lock in. Players say they are "so stable it is almost eerie. " Now you can stand and deliver in tune notes at lower pitch that are clean and clear. Expect more and get more. Change tunings and be surprised how DDT's lock right in. Be surprised how little adjustments you make. DDTs deliver far more than just heavy gauges. Drop with confidence, drop with accuracy. DDTs maintain their intonation at lower tunings far better than any other string we have ever played or heard. Designed over a two year build and test period to answer the needs of the dark side. "
DR Strings Hi-Def NEON Blue Coated Medium 4-String (45-105) Bass Guitar Strings
DR NEONs are super bright color coated strings that sound clear, bright and musical. Players love the bright NEON colors and their remarkable sound. Super bright in daylight and under stage lighting, DR's NEON 100% black light active and glow strongly under UV lighting. NEONs are the first coated string to make no apologies. While NEONs last as long as a coated string should (three to four times as long as uncoated strings) they sound as good, or better, than uncoated strings. These ones are blue, guage .045 - .105 for electric bass.
DR Hi-Voltage Dimebag Darrell Signature - Medium-Heavy - Electric Guitar Strings
The Dimebag Darrell signature Hi-Voltage electric guitar strings stay in tune and remain bright and fresh for a long time. DR Hi-Voltages are made for string bends, whammy-bar dives, harmonic screams, and chunky riffs. "I've been playin' the strings of strength since 1995. I like the way DR Strings feel and react, you can really get a grip on them. They're great for everything, from big ol' string bends, to huge whammy bar dives, perfect for blood curdling harmonic screams and just straight out heavy chunky riffin'. They also stay in perfect tune and remain fresh and bright for an amazingly long time" said Dimebag. Gauges 10-13-17-30-44-52.
DR Tite-Fit Nickel Wound- Half-Tite - Electric Guitar Strings
Tite-Fit roundwound nickel-plated electric guitar strings are designed to be great all-around strings. Based on a round core, the construction techniques for the Tite-Fit electrics are very old. However, the core wire and wrap wire in DRs are the latest, most advanced and expensive metals available. Use Tite-Fit strings for flexibility, tone, and long life. These guitar strings are available in a wide range of gauges and sound great for rock, blues, heavy metal, and jazz. Gauges 9.5 - 11.5 -16-24-34-44.
DR Strings NEON Hi-Def Green SuperStrings Light Top Heavy Bottom Electric Guitar Strings
NEON is the second in DR's SuperStrings series. Super bright in daylight, and with stage lighting. DR's NEON strings are so bright in appearance "they look like they are on fire. " DR's NEON strings shine brightly under stage lights, and are 100% black light active so they glow strongly under UV lighting. And DR's NEON sound as good as they look. As Joey Clemment from Selena Gomez said, "Yeah they look great, but they sound incredible! "NEON is the first coated string to make no apologies. While NEON lasts as long as a coated string should (three to four times as long as uncoated strings) they sound as good, or better than uncoated strings. K3 Coating CareThe K3 coating on EXTRA-life strings is designed for use with standard picks and fingers. The K3 coating can be damaged by scraping against metal. It is important that care be taken when stringing guitars and basses where the strings are passed through a metal block or bridge. Scraping can damage the coating. Gauges 9-46.
DR Legend Polished Flatwound - Medium - Electric Guitar Strings
Gauges 13-17-26-34-44-54. Legend polished flatwound electric guitar strings are made with old-style construction for a vintage sound.
DR Strings 10-Pack Ukulele Multi-Color Soprano Concert Strings Soprano/Concert
Gauges: 24, 30, 36, 26DR Handmade Strings are well-known and used by famous artists around the world, and now they also create some of the finest-quality ukulele strings. This 10-pack of Multi-Color strings are made with super-bright colors and are designed for clear, bright and musical sound. With 4 strings and 4 colors, these strings make learning ukulele fun and easy. Everyone loves color, and with a ukulele setup with these Multi-color strings makes it easy for students to learn. A guitar with ordinary strings challenges students, but how clear and easy it is to understand a teacher or lesson when it says "3rd finger on the red string, 4th fret. " It's a lot better than the teacher who says, "3rd finger on the 2nd string, on the 4th fret. "Case sold separately.
DR Strings Drop Down Tuning Big N' Heavy Electric Guitar Strings (10-52)
The first thing you will notice about these strings is that they go right into tune and lock in. Players say they are "so stable it is almost eerie. " Now you can stand and deliver in tune notes at lower pitch that are clean and clear. Expect more and get more. Change tunings and be surprised how DDT's lock right in. Be surprised how little adjustments you make. DDTs deliver far more than just heavy gauges. Drop with confidence, drop with accuracy. DDTs maintain their intonation at lower tunings far better than any other string we have ever played or heard. Designed over a two-year build and test period to answer the needs of the dark side.
DR Strings Fat-Beams Stainless Steel Medium 6-String Bass Strings (30-125)
String gauges: 30-45-65-85-105-125Fat-Beams Stainless Steel Medium 6-String bass strings are compression wound to produce fat mids, bright highs, and that distinct edgy Fat-Beam sound. Hand-made with the finest American stainless steel available, these strings are wound on round cores for increased flexibility and tone. DR Strings are hand-made (not machine-made) because DR's expert string-makers are capable of making micro adjustments needed through the winding process for the best sound and feel possible.
DR Strings Dragon Skin (2 Pack) Hard Coated Electric Guitar Strings (11-50)
Save BIG when you buy today!
500-BR 2.75" Premium Buttersoft Leather Guitar Strap, Brown
This Buttersoft Glove Leather Top guitar strap is 2.75" wide and features a suede backing. It & #39; s lightly padded double ply matte leather exterior has a suede interior, leather ends with embossed DR logo. Soft yet durable with broken-in feel Embossed DR logo on leather end Perri & #39; s Item No. 500-BR - Brown Glove Leather Top with Tan Suede backShop like the pros at Sam Ash Music, where discerning musicians go for premium guitar accessories.
DR Neon HiDef - Medium Green - 5-String Super Bass Guitar Strings
DR NEON Strings are the second in DR's SuperStrings series. In natural light and stage light these strings sparkle brightly. Under ultraviolet black light, they appear to glow. Made from nickel-plated steel, these super bright colors are designed to sound clear, bright and musical.
Dr strings 3-RPM-12 Rare Phosphor Bronze Acoustic Guitar strings 12-54 light
Dr strings 3-RPM-12 Rare Phosphor Bronze Acoustic Guitar strings 12-54 light condition: New Brand: DR Strings MPN: RPM-12
DR Strings Rare - Phosphor Bronze AcousticHex Core Bluegrass 12/56
DR Strings Rare - Phosphor Bronze AcousticHex Core Bluegrass 12/56 Item Condition: New Brand: dr strings Item model number: RPBG-12/56 Product Information - The result is warm, bright and balanced tone with an overall fatter and louder sound with a deep bottom end - Acoustic guitars of all types seem to benefit from a distinct improvement in tone, depth, and sustain - Phosphor Bronze Acoustic Guitar Strings: Bluegrass 12-56 - 12, 16, 24, 34, 45, 56 RARE Acoustic Guitar Strings utilize a phosphor bronze wrap wire over a hexagonal high-carbon steel core. The result is warm, bright and balanced tone with an overall fatter and louder sound with a deep bottom end. Acoustic guitars of all types seem to benefit from a distinct improvement in tone, depth, and sustain. From the Manufacturer RARE Acoustic Guitar Strings utilize a phosphor bronze wrap wire over a hexagonal high-carbon steel core. The result is warm, bright and balanced tone with an overall fatter and louder sound with a deep bottom end. Acoustic guitars of all types seem to benefit from a distinct improvement in tone, depth, and sustain.
DR Neon HiDef Super Electic Guitar Strings - Orange - Medium
DR NEON Strings are the second in DR's SuperStrings series. In natural light and stage light these strings sparkle brightly. Under ultraviolet black light, they appear to glow. Made from nickel-plated steel, these super bright colors are designed to sound clear, bright and musical.
dr strings nwe9/46 dr neon electric guitar strings, light/medium, white
DR NEON White Strings are super bright color-coated strings that sound clear, bright and musical and are an excellent idea for those wanting to add color to their rig. Super bright in daylight and under stage lighting, DR NEON White Strings are 100% black light active and glow strongly under UV lighting. These strings will last as long as a coated string should (three to four times as long as uncoated strings) while maintaining tone that is not only good, but better than top-quality uncoated strings.UPC NO:600781004732 SKU:ADIB00DDAXW1S
DR Hi-Beam Stainless Steel - Medium - 6-String - Bass Guitar Strings
Gauges 30-45-65-85-105-125. Hi-Beam Stainless Steel Bass Strings are round-wound and constructed upon a round core which is unique in the industry. Hi-Beams require much more time, care, and extra steps to make than other bass strings. This results in a bass string that is highly flexible, musically bright, and renowned for durability, unusually long life, consistency, and string-to string balance. Fits virtually all bass scale lengths up to 37-3/4".
dr strings npb630 nickel coated bass guitar strings, medium
NEON Hi-Def Pink Bass 6 string 30-125. Super bright colors that will sound clear, bright and musical. NEON's are 100% black light active and will glow under any UV light source.UPC NO:600781003902 SKU:ADIB0051EAWO4
DR Strings RPB45 Rare Medium Phosphor Bronze Acoustic Bass Strings (45-105)
RARE™ phosphor bronze bass strings are constructed upon a hex core... combining winding techniques developed by DR's long-lasting Lo-Riders™ and DR's rich, ringing & nbsp; RARE™ & nbsp; phosphor bronze acoustic guitar strings. RARE™ & nbsp; phosphor bronze acoustic strings are a departure from the standard bronze string currently available... possessing a new, different, and stronger "voice". When DR set out to produce a string with new characteristics, the goal was to redesign contemporary thinking about what phosphor bronze can do for an & nbsp; acoustic instrument. Players who want a fatter, louder sound, a deeper bottom will appreciate the RARE™ & nbsp; phosphor tone, sound, and feel. Gauges:. 045;. 065;. 085;. 105
dr strings hidef neon acoustic guitar strings nusaa10
HI-DEF NEON Color Coated Electric Guitar Strings are available in a wide variety of luminescent color options designed to give your stage presence a little extra pop, especially under UV black lighting. They feature a hexagonal core wire and a silver-plated nickel-plated steel wrap on the wound strings. All strings include the neon colored K3 coating, delivering longevity, more projection, fewer unwanted overtones, plus enhanced clarity and articulation.UPC NO:600781006071 SKU:ADIB009P68FCA
DR Strings - NEON - HI-DEF-WHITE- Electric Guitar Strings - MED - NWE-10 - 10-46
Guages: 10, 13, 17, 26, 36, 46. DR Strings' K3 NEON Hi-Def White Electric Medium strings are an excellent idea for those wanting to add some pizazz to their rig during performances. It's easy for players to fall in love with the bright color that matches their remarkable sound. Super bright in daylight and under stage lighting, DR Strings' NEONs are 100% black light active and glow strongly under UV lighting. These strings will last you as long as a coated string should (three to four times as long as uncoated strings) maintaining a sound that is not only good, but better than top-quality uncoated strings.
DR Lo-Rider Stainless Steel - Medium - 4-String - Bass Guitar Strings
Lo-Rider™ stainless steel bass strings are round wound and constructed upon a hexagonal core. They provide more depth of tone, and are a bit stiffer than Hi-Beams™ . Bass players who are into slapping, popping, and tapping will love the high end and depth of Lo-Riders™ . The slight bit of stiffness makes Lo-Rider™ & nbsp; bass strings very accurate when playing harmonics. Great consistency, and great string-to-string balance are DR hallmarks. & nbsp; Gauges: .045; .065; .085; .105
DR Hi-Beam Stainless Steel - Medium Lite - Bass Guitar Strings
Hi-Beam™ stainless steel bass strings are round wound and constructed upon a round core which is unique in the industry. Hi-Beams™ require much more time, care, and extra steps to make than other bass strings. The extra effort DR expends making Hi-Beams™ results in a bass string that is highly flexible, musically bright (not harshly bright) and renowned for durability, unusually long life, consistency, and string to string balance. They don't eat your frets. Hi-Beams™ are the string to choose for brightness, and ease of playing. Gauges: .045; .065; .080; .100
dr strings nge11 coated nickel electric guitar strings, heavy
NEON Hi-Def Green Electric 11-50. Super bright colors that will sound clear, bright and musical. NEON's are 100% black light active and will glow under ANY UV light source.UPC NO:600781003681 SKU:ADIB0043UVY1W
DR Strings - NEON - HI-DEF-WHITE- Electric Guitar Strings - Heavy NWE-11 - 11-50
Super bright colors that will sound clear, bright and musical.Super bright in day light, or under stage lighting. DR NEON strings “pop” in appearance on your guitar. DR NEON strings sparkle brightly under stage lights, and are black light active so they flow under UV lighting. The DR Strings Neon electric guitar strings are nickel plated strings wound on hexagonal cores.FeaturesColor: Hi-Def WhiteHeavy String Gauge: .011, .014, .018, .028, .038, .050K3 NEON coating is 100% black light active and will glow under any UV light source.DR Model Number: NWE-11
DR Strings BKE-10 Extra Life Black Beauties Coated Electric Guitar Strings
DRs EXTRA-Life Black Beauties offer guitar players a superior black coated string without sacrificing the crisp tone, clarity, and volume of traditional DR HandMade Strings. EXTRA-Life is a super thin advanced .0003" coating on the plain electric guitar strings and on the wrap wire for added protection.DR's remarkable, and proprietary, patent pending K3T Technology Coating is the first coating that makes no apologies and no excuses. Players say these strings have less unwanted overtones, more volume, great clarity and articulation than standard uncoated strings. Yet, they provide the same protection against corrosion due to humidity and perspiration as well as the increased tonal life coated strings have come to be known for.Gauges 10-13-17-26-36-46.
DR Strings - DIMEBAGS - Electric Guitar Strings - Lite-n-Heavy - DBG-9/46 - 9-46
The Dimebag Darrell signature Hi-Voltage electric guitar strings stay in tune and remain bright and fresh for a long time. DR Hi-Voltages are made for string bends, whammy-bar dives, harmonic screams, and chunky riffs."I've been playin' the strings of strength since 1995. I like the way DR Strings feel and react, you can really get a grip on them. They're great for everything, from big ol' string bends, to huge whammy bar dives, perfect for blood curdling harmonic screams and just straight out heavy chunky riffin'. They also stay in perfect tune and remain fresh and bright for an amazingly long time" said Dimebag.Gauges 9-11-16-26-36-46.
DR DDT - Extra-Heavy - Electric Guitar Strings
The first thing you notice with DR Drop-Down Tuning Guitar strings is how stable they are. DDT strings maintain their intonation at lower tunings far better than other strings you may have played or heard. Players say DR DDT guitar strings are so stable it is almost eerie. Now you can "stand and deliver" in-tune notes at lower pitches that are clean and clear-plus you can drop tune with confidence and accuracy. You'll be surprised how few adjustments you'll make to change tunings and will be even more surprised how well DR Drop-Down Tuning strings lock into tune. Experienced players comment: "Tuned down, I was never able to play a favorite riff. It always came out muddy and garbled. Now it is crystal clear. I am going to record it and give it to my bandmates, who could not hear it before." DR DDT strings deliver far more than just heavy gauges-they deliver impeccable tone. Extra Heavy gauges: 11-15-19-32-42-54.
DR Neon HiDef Super Electic Guitar Strings - Yellow - Medium
DR NEON Strings are the second in DR's SuperStrings series. In natural light and stage light these strings sparkle brightly. Under ultraviolet black light, they appear to glow. Made from nickel-plated steel, these super bright colors are designed to sound clear, bright and musical.
NEON Hi-Def Multi-Color Acoustic Guitar String Set (12-54)
12, 16, 24, 32, 42, 54 Multi-Color Strings make learning fast, easy and fun
DR Black Beauties Extra-Life - Medium 5-String - Bass Guitar Strings
The HandMade String™ is now The HandMade COATED String™! DR HandMade Strings, makers of the world & apos;s finest handmade guitar and bass strings, now combines the latest wire technology with old-fashioned craftsmanship. DR & apos;s EXTRA-Life™ is the world & apos;s finest coated string. EXTRA-Life™ has a super thin advanced .0003 & quot; coating. The wrap wire is coated before the string is wound. This coating includes a corrosion inhibiting lacquer for extra protection against damaging substances such as perspiration, dirt, humidity and & quot;acid hands & quot;. DR & apos;s EXTRA-Life™ strings offer players a superior coated string without sacrificing the crisp tone, clarity, and volume of traditional DR HandMade Strings. Black Beauties™ have a black coating that make every bass look great! Gauges: .045; .065; .085; .105; .125
dr strings pb540 pure blues bass guitar strings
PURE BLUES bass strings combine a fat, warm punch with an edge especially designed for the modern bass player. By combining a new and unique Quantum-Nickel with the highest possible standard in winding techniques, PURE BLUES bass strings achieve an unUPC NO:600781006309 SKU:ADIB009P71UMG
DR Red Devils - Coated - Medium - Bass Guitar Strings
The HandMade String™ is now The HandMade COATED String™! DR HandMade Strings, makers of the world's finest handmade guitar and bass strings, now combines the latest wire technology with old-fashioned craftsmanship. DR's EXTRA-Life™ is the world's finest coated string. EXTRA-Life™ has a super thin advanced .0003" coating. This coating includes a corrosion inhibiting lacquer for extra protection against damaging substances such as perspiration, dirt, humidity and "acid hands". DR's EXTRA-Life™ strings offer players a superior coated string without sacrificing the crisp tone, clarity, and volume of traditional DR HandMade Strings. Red Devils™ have a red coating that make every bass look great! & nbsp; Gauges: .045; .065; .085; .105 & nbsp;
dr strings pure blues bass guitar strings pb5130
Dr Strings' PURE BLUES Medium bass strings combine a fat, warm punch with an edge especially designed for the modern bass player. By combining a new and unique Quantum-Nickel with the highest possible standard in winding techniques, PURE BLUES bass strings achieve an unsurpassed sound and feel. Hand-wound on round cores for increased flexibility.DR strings are handmade (not machine-made) because their expert string makers are capable of making micro adjustments needed throughout the winding process for the best sound and feel possible.Gauges: 45-65-85-105-130.
DR Handmade Strings BKB6-30 DR Strings BKB6-30 Black Beauty 6-String Bass Strings 30-125 BKB6-30 DR HANDMADE STRINGS
DR Handmade Strings BKB6-30 Dr Bk Bty 6-Str 30-125FeaturesDR Electric Guitar StringsModel Number: BKB6-30
DR Hi-Beam Stainless Steel - Medium Lite (105) - Bass Guitar Strings
Hi-Beam™ stainless steel bass strings are round wound and constructed upon a round core which is unique in the industry. Hi-Beams™ require much more time, care, and extra steps to make than other bass strings. The extra effort DR expends making Hi-Beams™ results in a bass string that is highly flexible, musically bright (not harshly bright) and renowned for durability, unusually long life, consistency, and string to string balance. They don't eat your frets. Hi-Beams™ are the string to choose for brightness, and ease of playing. Gauges: .045; .065; .085; .105
DR Neon HiDef - Medium Orange - Super Bass Guitar Strings
NEON™ is the second in DR's SuperStrings™ series. Super bright in day light, and with stage lighting. DR's NEON™ strings are so bright in appearance "they look like they are on fire." DR's NEON™ strings shine brightly under stage lights, and are 100% black light active so they glow strongly under UV lighting. And DR's NEON™ sound as good as they look. As Joey Clemment from Salena Gomez said, "Yeah they look great, but they sound incredible!"
DR Strings K3 Neon Hi-Def Red White & Blue Electric Guitar Strings 10-46
DR NEONs are super bright color coated strings that sound clear, bright and musical. Players love the bright NEON colors and their remarkable sound. Super bright in daylight and under stage lighting, DR NEON is 100% black light reactive and glow strongly under UV lighting. NEONs are the first coated string to make no apologies. While Neons last as long as a coated string should (three to four times as long as uncoated strings) they sound as good, or better, than uncoated strings.Guages: 10-13-17-26-36-46
DR Strings - NEON - HI-DEF-GREEN - Electric 7 String Guitar - Med NGE7-10 10-56
Super bright colors that will sound clear, bright and musical.Super bright in day light, or under stage lighting. DR NEON strings “pop” in appearance on your guitar. DR NEON strings sparkle brightly under stage lights, and are black light active so they flow under UV lighting. The DR Strings Neon electric guitar strings are nickel plated strings wound on round cores for a great clear and bright sound.FeaturesColor: Hi-Def Green Medium String Gauge: .010, .013, .017, .026, .036, .046, .056 K3 NEON coating is 100% black light active and will glow under any UV light source. DR Model Number: NGE7-10
DR Strings - NEON - HI-DEF-WHITE - Electric Guitar Strings - Lite - NWE-9 - 9-42
DR NEON 2NWE9 Neon White Electric Guitar Strings Lite 9-42
Add some color to your ax with DR NEON 2NWE9 Neon White Electric Guitar Strings. The 2NWE9 strings are bright color-coated strings that deliver a clear sound. Bright in daylight stage lighting, the DR NEON 2NWE9 strings are also 100% black light active and deliver a strong glow under UV lighting. Get yours today at Alto Music!
dr strings phr10 medium pure blues pure nickle electric guitar strings 6pack
Pure Nickel Electric Guitar string-The Vintage String. In the tradition of using old style construction to improve modern performance, Pure Blues electric guitar strings are designed with pure nickel wrap wire, round wound upon round cores. While this is a slow, expensive method of string making, it does produce a string acclaimed for increased sustain, vintage tone, and great low tones for playing rhythm to lead. The extra step of winding pure nickel around a round core gives the Pure Blues a punch that players say they are surprised to get in a vintage style string.UPC NO:678358928101 SKU:ADIB00VOE1WE4
DR Hi-Beam Stainless Steel - Medium - 5-String - Bass Guitar Strings
Hi-Beam™ stainless steel bass strings are round wound and constructed upon a round core which is unique in the industry. Hi-Beams™ require much more time, care, and extra steps to make than other bass strings. The extra effort DR expends making Hi-Beams™ results in a bass string that is highly flexible, musically bright (not harshly bright) and renowned for durability, unusually long life, consistency, and string to string balance. They don't eat your frets. Hi-Beams™ are the string to choose for brightness, and ease of playing. Gauges: .045; .065; .085; .105; .125
DR Hi-Beam Stainless Steel - Lite - Bass Guitar Strings
Hi-Beam™ stainless steel bass strings are round wound and constructed upon a round core which is unique in the industry. Hi-Beams™ require much more time, care, and extra steps to make than other bass strings. The extra effort DR expends making Hi-Beams™ results in a bass string that is highly flexible, musically bright (not harshly bright) and renowned for durability, unusually long life, consistency, and string-to-string balance. They don't eat your frets. Hi-Beams™ are the string to choose for brightness, and ease of playing. Gauges: .040; .060; .080; .100
DR Strings PB-45 Pure Blues Bass Guitar Strings 40-105
By combining a new and unique Quantum-Nickel™ with the highest possible standard in winding techniques, PURE BLUES™ bass strings achieve an unsurpassed sound and feel. PURE BLUES™ with Quantum-Nickel™ wrap are brighter, more magnetic and offer more top end clank and accuracy than typical nickel plated strings. Hand-wound on round cores for increased flexibility and more sustain. Quantum-Nickel™ Bass Strings on Round CoresThe Best of Steel with Nickel Feel© FAT mids, BIG bottom Top End Clank and AccuracyString Gauges: 45, 65, 85, 105Dr Strings Item No. PB-45Get yours today; with the security of our many decades of experience and Sam Ash Direct efficient order processing, your satisfaction is guaranteed!