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victor reader trek victor reader stream & trekker breeze combined talking book reader & gps for blind & visually impaired with bluetooth capability
Victor Reader Trek- Talking Daisy Book Reader & GPS in One for the Blind and Visually Impaired Overview Navigate The World around You And that latest Best Seller with One Consistent Physical Experience! Today people everywhere consume content while traveling, but for someone who is blind or visually impaired physical keys plus a consistent user experience is so much more important while navigating outside with one hand already occupied by a cane or guide dog. The VictorReader Trek combines the world renowned simple book reading and media playback experience of the VictorReader Stream with the navigation guidance technology found in the Trekker Breeze. With the press of the online button you can toggle between the always-on Orientation guidance mode and offline or online book reading: UPC NO: 808890141007 SKU: ADIB0788XPZRY
victor reader trek  victor reader stream & trekker breeze combined talking book reader & gps for blind & visually impaired with bluetooth capability
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