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Ilford 11 x 14" Multigrade Art 300 Paper (30 Sheets)
Ilford Multigrade Art 300 has a textured matt surface with an eggshell sheen. The new base has been specially produced for HARMAN technology by Hahnem
Ilford 11 x 14" Multigrade Art 300 Paper (30 Sheets)
Ilford 11 x 14" Multigrade FB Fiber, Glossy Surface, 50 Sheets
ILFORD MULTIGRADE FB WARMTONE is a premium quality, variable contrast black and white paper which has a warm black image tone on a warm white base. It is especially suitable for toning. MULTIGRADE FB WARMTONE has a 255g/m 2 fibre base. MULTIGRADE FB WARMTONE is part of the ILFORD MULTIGRADE system and is fully compatible with all existing MULTIGRADE filters and equipment. It is equally suitable for printing from conventional black and white and XP2 SUPER negatives. MULTIGRADE FB WARMTONE is available in double weight 1K glossy and 24K semi-matt surfaces.
Ilford 11 x 14" Multigrade FB Fiber, Glossy Surface, 50 Sheets
ilford 2001741 galerie prestige smooth gloss 17 x 22 inches, 25 sheets
GALERIE Prestige Smooth Gloss is a high-density heavyweight base and smooth gloss finish creates the look and feel of a superior photographic print. With the added benefit of being "touch dry" from the printer, this gloss media is the "choice of professionals".UPC NO:4027501194539 SKU:ADIB008AYMGE6
ilford 2001741 galerie prestige smooth gloss  17 x 22 inches, 25 sheets
Ilford Bromophen Powder Black & White Paper Developer - 5 Liter #1960549
BROMOPHEN is a powder developer suitable for developing all black and white papers. It is made into a stock solution that is diluted 1+3 for use. It is economical, clean working and has good keeping properties. It gives a slightly warm of neutral image tone with most papers.
Ilford Bromophen Powder Black & White Paper Developer - 5 Liter #1960549
Ilford Galerie Prestige Smooth Pearl (8.5 x 11 in. - 100 Sheets)
The Ilford Galerie Prestige Smooth Pearl (8.5 x 11 in. - 100 Sheets) features the very latest HDR (High Dynamic Range) optically clear nanoporous coating and coupled with recent advancements in nanoporous inkjet receiving layer design, makes this the reference media for producing images with superb clarity, high sharpness and excellent color gamut.The high-density heavyweight base and smooth pearl finish not only eliminate glare and fingerprints but with its natural photographic white tint, produce prints with the true look and feel of a photograph. For outstanding imaging performance, combined with the benefit of "touch dry" from the printer, this pearl surface media is the "choice of professionals".Smooth Pearl is compatible with all high quality dye and pigment based inkjet printers.Features: Professional pearl finishInstant dry nanoporous surfaceSuperb photographic image quality and consistencyHeavyweight look and feel of a traditional photographExcellent compatibility with all good quality pigment and dye based inkjet printersSuperb color gamut with dye ink printers
Ilford Galerie Prestige Smooth Pearl (8.5 x 11 in. - 100 Sheets)
ilford galerie professional inkjet 8.5x1125 sheet smooth gloss
GALERIE Smooth Gloss Paper features the very latest HDR (High Dynamic Range) optically clear nonporous coating for outstanding imaging performance coupled with the benefit of touch dry from the printer. The high density heavyweight base has a natural photographic white tint to produce prints with an excellent color gamut and high sharpness. The gloss surface looks and feels like a true photographic print. It is compatible with all high quality dye and pigment based inkjet printers. UPC NO: '019498979293 and SKU: ADIB00006I5C4
ilford galerie professional inkjet 8.5x1125 sheet  smooth gloss
Ilford 8 x 10" Multigrade IV Black & White RC Glossy Paper (25 Sheets) Value Pa
Heres a fun and affordable way to try out Ilfords fine selection of black white paper and film. This value pack includes 25 sheets of 8x10 Multigrade Glossy Paper and two 35mm rolls of HP5+ Film. Multigrade IV RC Deluxe is a premium quality paper with a bright base tint. The image color remains cool to neutral whether viewed in daylight or fluorescent light. Multigrade IV RC Deluxe is part of the Ilford Multigrade system and is fully compatible with all existing Multigrade filters and equipment. Multigrade IV RC Deluxe has the standard weight (190g/m2) resin coated base. It is available in glossy, satin and pearl surfaces. HP5 Plus is a high speed, medium contrast film making it especially suitable for action and press photography and also an excellent choice for general purpose photography. Nominally rated at ISO 400, it yields negatives of outstanding sharpness and fine grain under all lighting conditions. HP5 PLUS has been formulated to respond well to push processing and film speeds up to EI 3200/36 are achievable with Ilford Microphen developer maintaining good shadow detail and well separated mid-tones with sharp grain.
Ilford 8 x 10" Multigrade IV Black & White RC Glossy Paper (25 Sheets) Value Pa
Ilford Multigrade FB Classic, Enlarging Paper 8x10", 25 Sheets, Glossy #1171972
ILFORD MULTIGRADE FB CLASSIC has been designed for the creative printer wanting neutral image colour, great clarity and a good response to toners. This is a premium quality, variable contrast, black and white photographic paper, coated onto a 255g/m2 fibre base. MULTIGRADE FB CLASSIC has a white base tint and prints made on the paper have rich blacks, deliver excellent tonal rendition and overall print appearance. In addition to producing the superb quality you have come to expect from ILFORD photographic papers, you will find that this product is versatile, easy to work with in the darkroom and well suited to toning applications, particularly on theglossy surface. MULTIGRADE FB CLASSIC is a fast exposure darkroom paper. The product has a shortinduction time of around 20 seconds for image appearance during processing; there is a closer speed relationship between grades; more uniform grade separation; sharp images; an extended low contrast at soft filtrations (00 end);a 50% reduction in wash times to save on water; whilst retaining all the handling and filtration during processing that you have come to expect from traditional MULTIGRADE FB papers. It is also suitable for use in all types of darkroom enlargers. It is compatible with most safelights designed for black and white papers with a cut off no lower than 580nm. It is also fully compatible with the ILFORD chemistry range as well as the ILFORD optimum permanence wash sequence. MULTIGRADE FB CLASSIC will deliver seven full grades of contrast from grade 00 to grade 5 in half grade steps when used with ILFORD MULTIGRADE FILTERS. After washing and drying, it can be mounted using the standard methods for fibre-basedpapers
Ilford Multigrade FB Classic, Enlarging Paper 8x10", 25 Sheets, Glossy #1171972
Ilford Multigrade FB Classic, Enlarging Paper 11x14", 10 Sheets, Matte #1172298
ILFORD MULTIGRADE FB CLASSIC has been designed for the creative printer wanting neutral image colour, great clarity and a good response to toners. This is a premium quality, variable contrast, black and white photographic paper, coated onto a 255g/m2 fibre base. MULTIGRADE FB CLASSIC has a white base tint and prints made on the paper have rich blacks, deliver excellent tonal rendition and overall print appearance. In addition to producing the superb quality you have come to expect from ILFORD photographic papers, you will find that this product is versatile, easy to work with in the darkroom and well suited to toning applications, (particularly on the glossy surface). MULTIGRADE FB CLASSIC is a fast exposure darkroom paper. The product has a short induction time of around 20 seconds for image appearance during processing; there is a closer speed relationship between grades; more uniform grade separation; sharp images; an extended low contrast at soft filtrations (00 end);a 50% reduction in wash times to save on water; whilst retaining all the handling and filtration during processing that you have come to expect from traditional MULTIGRADE FB papers. It is also suitable for use in all types of darkroom enlargers. It is compatible with most safelights designed for black and white papers with a cut off no lower than 580nm. It is also fully compatible with the ILFORD chemistry range as well as the ILFORD optimum permanence wash sequence . MULTIGRADE FB CLASSIC will deliver seven full grades of contrast from grade 00 to grade 5 in half grade steps when used with ILFORD MULTIGRADE FILTERS. After washing and drying, it can be mounted using the standard methods for fibre-based papers
Ilford Multigrade FB Classic, Enlarging Paper 11x14", 10 Sheets, Matte #1172298
Ilford FP4 Plus Black and White Film, ISO 125, 5x7" - 25 Sheets #1678307
ILFORD FP4 PLUS is a medium speed, all-purpose black & white film with very fine grain and outstanding sharpness. It has superb exposure latitude above and below its ISO 125, (meaning it can be both push or pull-processed). This makes FP4 PLUS a highly capable film for most photographic subjects, scenarios and lighting conditions. It particularly excels at highly detailed subjects in good indoor and outdoor lighting conditions and is therefore an ideal film for portraits, fashion, street, product photography, landscapes and architecture. FP4 PLUS can be processed in a wide range of different developers using spiral tanks, deep tanks and automatic processors. Getting started in photography and wondering which film to choose? Read this guide.
Ilford FP4 Plus Black and White Film, ISO 125, 5x7" - 25 Sheets #1678307
Ilford Universal Wash Aid Liquid for Black/White Film and Paper, 1 Liter
Ilford Wash Aid is a hypo-eliminator formulated to aid the efficient removal of the thiosulphate by-products of fixation by ion exchange. It is particularly useful in speeding up the washing of fibre based papers and is designed to be used with the Ilford optimum permanence sequences. It can be used to aid the rapid washing of all Ilford films and fibre papers saving both time and water. It is particularly useful if a hardening fixer has been used.
Ilford Universal Wash Aid Liquid for Black/White Film and Paper, 1 Liter
ILFORD GALERIE Prestige Smooth Gloss - 8.5" x 11" - 25 Sheets (2001738)
Professional gloss finishInstant dry nanoporous surfaceSuperb photographic image quality and consistencyHeavyweight look and feel of a traditional photographSuperb colour gamut with dye ink printers
ILFORD GALERIE Prestige Smooth Gloss - 8.5" x 11" - 25 Sheets (2001738)
Ilford 8 x 10" Multigrade IV Black & White RC Pearl Paper (25 Sheets) Value Pac
Ilford Value Pack - HP - 5+ Pearl Surface Pack
Ilford 8 x 10" Multigrade IV Black & White RC Pearl Paper (25 Sheets) Value Pac
Mod54 3 Spiral Tank Accessory
The MOD 54 sheet film processing insert for the processing of 5x4" sheet film in a Paterson film tank (3 reel tank). Ideal for anyone who wants to process 5x4" sheet film as easily as 35mm and 120. Only 1 litre of chemistry is required and up to 6 sheets may be processed at any one time. This insert is for use in conjunction with the Paterson 3 Reel Tank only.
Mod54 3 Spiral Tank Accessory
5 Rolls Ilford HP5 400 120 Film
Ilford HP5 Plus is a fast black and white film. It is ideal for action, available light and general purpose photography. HP5 Plus is compatible with all major processing systems, including those which give the standard short fixing and washing times. It's not a 36 exposure is a 120 mm film.UPC:610696429377SKU:ADIB005ESSSC0
5 Rolls Ilford HP5 400 120 Film
Ilford Harman Reusable Camera with Flash + 2x Rolls of Kentmere Pan 400 Film
The HARMAN reusable camera & Kentmere film combo is a reusable plastic 35mm camera with flash.This comes packages with 2 x Kentmere Pan 400 films, battery, and strap and makes the perfect gift for anyone looking to try shooting film.Kentmere Pan 400 Black and White 36 Exposure FilmKentmere 400 is a fast, fine grain black and white film, ideal for pictorial and fine art photography. Prints made from Kentmere 400 film exposed at EI 400/27 have very fine grain and outstanding sharpness.In fact the results are similar to those expected from a conventional medium speed black and white film. The superb image quality of Kentmere 400 means that it is possible to use this film in situations that would usually require a medium speed film.Its EI 400/27 speed rating, however, allows the use of higher shutter speeds or greater depth of field than with a medium speed film while giving similar quality results. Additionally, the fast speed of Kentmere 400 ensures excellent results in low lighting conditions.Kentmere 400 is more than an ISO 400/27 Degree film. Its exposure latitude allows good quality results to be obtained over the exposure range EI 200/24 to EI 1600/33. Kentmere 400 is compatible with all major processing systems and can be processed in all popular developers.With Kentmere 400, Kentmere has created a truly remarkable black and white film. Thanks to revolutionary core shell emulsion technology, it has a level of sharpness and freedom from grain that belies the film's light grabbing ISO 400 speed. The most significant technology shift is in shadow rendition: thin areas of the negative are slightly denser and hold detail much better.Kentmere 400 has wide exposure latitude and a tonal range that matches easily on both graded and variable contrast printing papers. Kentmere 400 is the ideal choice for applications that demand high quality, but where extra film speed is an advantage. It is suitable for pictorial, fine art as well as fashion photography and for many areas that were formerly the preserve of slower films.For the creative photographer, the combination of speed and precision is a liberation: hand held portraits in available light have smooth skin tones and tack-sharp detail; reportage photography no longer suffers from gritty, conspicuous grain.For studio photographers, the film's high speed spells smaller apertures, shorter exposures and lower lighting requirements - without any quality sacrifices. Kentmere 400 excels in the darkroom too: it pushes well and delivers its superb performance in the widest range of developers.
Ilford Harman Reusable Camera with Flash + 2x Rolls of Kentmere Pan 400 Film
Ilford Delta 400 Professional - Black & white print film 120 (6 cm) ISO #1780668
A ISO 400 high speed film giving images with extraordinary depth and dimension, DELTA 400 PROFESSIONAL provides an almost unrivalled combination of speed and sharpness with a width of tonal range that retains subtlety and detail. The liberating speed of DELTA 400 PROFESSIONAL allows fast action to be frozen, great depth of field, excellent results in low lighting conditions, the freedom of a handheld camera and yet still provides the fine grain and level of detail normally associated with ISO 100 films.
Ilford Delta 400 Professional - Black & white print film 120 (6 cm) ISO #1780668
Ilford SFX 200 Infrared 135-36 Black & White Print Film (35mm 36-exp ISO-200)
Film, SFX200, 35MM, 36 Exp UPC: 019498994425 SKU: ADIB00005YWB2
Ilford SFX 200 Infrared 135-36 Black & White Print Film (35mm 36-exp ISO-200)
Ilford 35mm Film Cassette Opener #1470297
This 35mm Film Cassette Opener is a simple and indispensable tool designed for opening 35mm film cartridges easier. Its dedicated design opens the top of the 35mm film cassette and makes it faster and easier to remove the film prior to loading it onto a reel just before development.
Ilford 35mm Film Cassette Opener #1470297
four pack of ilford fp4 plus 35mm black & white negative film 36 exp
FP4 Plus from Ilford is a traditional medium-speed black and white negative film characterized by a fine grain structure with high acutance and sharpness, making it well-suited to enlarging and scanning. It has a nominal sensitivity of ISO 125/22 in standard chemistry, and its very wide exposure latitude enables exposing up to two stops under or six stops over while retaining usable results. In addition to general photographic applications, FP4 Plus is also an ideal choice for copy and internegative work, as well as scientific, technical, and industrial photography. UPC NO: 7426943657607 SKU: ADIB015ZLPBU2
four pack of ilford fp4 plus 35mm black & white negative film 36 exp
Ilford Multigrade FB Warmtone VC Enlarging Paper, Glossy, 11x14", 10 Sheets,
ILFORD MULTIGRADE FB WARMTONE is a premium quality, variable contrast black & white photographic paper on a heavyweight, baryta coated, fibre base. It has been designed for ultimate image quality, with warm image tones and a high response to toning techniques and has long been regarded as the discerning printers first choice. The advanced emulsion design means that MULTIGRADE FB WARMTONE delivers luxuriously rich prints with warm deep blacks and creamy whites. It is also highly responsive to toning, chemical reduction and retouching techniques. MULTIGRADE FB is also available in [Neutral] and [Cooltone] variants and is compatible with the ILFORD optimum permanence wash sequence. MULTIGRADE FB WARMTONE is part of the ILFORD MULTIGRADE system and seven full grades of contrast can be achieved when used with ILFORD MULTIGRADE filters. It can be used with most common safelights for black & white darkroom paper.
Ilford Multigrade FB Warmtone VC Enlarging Paper, Glossy, 11x14", 10 Sheets,
Ilford Rapid Fixer 5 Liters #1984565
ILFORD RAPID FIXER is a non-hardening rapid fixer supplied as a liquid concentrate that is diluted with water for use. It is easy and convenient to use in the temperature range of 18-40 & #176;C (66-104 & #176;F) for fixing black and white film and paper in all manual and machine processing applications.ILFORD RAPID FIXER must not be used with fix hardeners. The fixing agent in ILFORD RAPID FIXER is ammonium thiosulphate, it contains no sodium thiosulphate (hypo).
Ilford Rapid Fixer 5 Liters #1984565
Ilford HP-5 Plus 400 Fast B/W Film, 8 x 10in, 25 Sheets #1629228
Ilford HP-5 Plus 400 Fast Black and White Professional Film, ISO 400, 8x10"-25 Sheets
Ilford HP-5 Plus 400 Fast B/W Film, 8 x 10in, 25 Sheets #1629228
Ilford Multigrade IV RC Deluxe B & W Enlarging Paper, 20x24"-50 Sheets, Glossy
Ilford Multigrade IV RC Deluxe Black & White Enlarging Paper - 20x24"-50 Sheets - Glossy Surface
Ilford Multigrade IV RC Deluxe B & W Enlarging Paper, 20x24"-50 Sheets, Glossy
Ilford Multigrade Fiber Base Classic Photo Paper, 12x16", 50 Sheets, Glossy
This new product replaces Multigrade IV FB Fiber. Ilford Multigrade FB Classic has been designed for the creative printer wanting neutral image color, great clarity and a good response to toners. This is a premium quality, variable contrast, black and white photographic paper, coated onto a 255gm2 fibre base. Multigrade FB Classic has a white base tint and prints made on the paper have rich blacks, deliver excellent tonal rendition and overall print appearance. In addition to producing the superb quality you have come to expect from Ilford photographic papers, you will find that this product is versatile, easy to work with in the darkroom and well suited to toning applications, particularly on the glossy surface. Multigrade FB Classic is a fast exposure darkroom paper. The product has a short induction time of around 20 seconds for image appearance during processing; there is a closer speed relationship between grades; more uniform grade separation; sharp images; an extended low contrast at soft filtrations (00 end); a 50% reduction in wash times to save on water; whilst retaining all the handling and filtration during processing that you have come to expect from traditional Multigrade FB papers. It is also suitable for use in all types of darkroom enlargers. It is compatible with most safelights designed for black and white papers with a cut off no lower than 580nm. It is also fully compatible with the Ilford chemistry range as well as the Ilford optimum permanence wash sequence. Multigrade FB Classic will deliver seven full grades of contrast from grade 00 to grade 5 in half grade steps when used with Ilford Multigrade Filters. After washing and drying, it can be mounted using the standard methods for fibre-based papers.
Ilford Multigrade Fiber Base Classic Photo Paper, 12x16", 50 Sheets, Glossy
Ilford HP-5 Plus B&W Film, ISO 400, 35mm, 36 Exposures - 10 Pack #1574577 10
Ilford HP-5 Plus Black and White Film, ISO 400, 35mm, 36 Exposures - 10 Pack
Ilford HP-5 Plus B&W Film, ISO 400, 35mm, 36 Exposures - 10 Pack #1574577 10
Ilford Multigrade Paper Developer 500 Milliliter
MULTIGRADE developer is an economical developer primarily recommended for use with MULTIGRADE papers. Use this versatile developer to process both resin coated and fiber base enlarging papers. MULTIGRADE developer is supplied as a liquid concentrate and is economical to use. The recommended dilution is 1 part developer mixed with 9 parts water. Mix only as much developer as is needed for that particular printing session. For MULTIGRADE IV RC DELUXE and MULTIGRADE III RC RAPID papers, the image appears after 10 seconds and development, at 68 & #176; F (20 & #176; C), is complete in 1 minute. This development time produces prints identical in contrast and maximum density to prints processed for two minutes in a conventional tray developer. For MULTIGRADE FB papers, the image appears after 35 seconds with a development range of 1 - 2 - 3 minutes at 68 & #176; F (20 & #176; C). Development may be extended to 6 minutes without any noticeable change in contrast or fog. For greater development control and added economy, MULTIGRADE developer can also be diluted at 1+14. Diluted MULTIGRADE developer will stay in good condition in an open tray for two working days, at dilution 1+9 and for one working day, at dilution 1+14. Unopened bottles of MULTIGRADE developer will keep approximately 24 months. Tightly capped half-full bottles will keep for up to 6 months. One liter of working strength developer will process up to 50 8x10 inch fiber base prints and 100 resin coated prints.
Ilford Multigrade Paper Developer 500 Milliliter
JBL 305P MkII 5" Dual 41W Two-Way Studio Monitor - Mackie Big Knob - 6' Cable
Powered 5" Two-Way Studio Monitor The next-generation JBL 305P MkII compact powered studio monitor makes legendary JBL performance available to every studio. With the revolutionary JBL Image Control Waveguide and refined transducers, JBL 305P MkII offers stunning detail, precise imaging, a wide sweet spot and impressive dynamic range that enhances the critical listening capabilities of any modern workspace. Featuring patented technologies derived from the JBL 7 Series and M2 Master Reference Monitors and sporting a sleek, modern design, JBL 305P MkII delivers outstanding performance and an enjoyable mix experience at an accessible price. Why MkII? Since their release, word has spread on the quality and value found in the original JBL 3 Series, resulting in wide adoption from hobbyists to high-end professionals working in music, film, post and broadcast production worldwide. With such an obvious hit, you might ask, "Why update now?" On every project at JBL, there's always a handful of features or improvements that the engineering team can't squeeze in before going to production. 3 Series was no different. When the opportunity presented itself, we decided to make those final improvements to the transducers, add a frequently-requested feature and apply the latest manufacturing learnings. The result-a new edition of this popular studio monitor that retains the best qualities of the original, but now looks better, sounds better and provides transparent sound in even more production environments. Patented Image Control Waveguide Reveal impressive detail, ambience and depth in your mixes thanks to the groundbreaking JBL Image Control Waveguide. Originally developed for JBL's flagship M2 Master Reference Monitor, this patented innovation ensures an acoustically seamless transition between the low- and high-frequency transducers and provides an immersive soundstage with precise imaging. Offering a broad sweet spot and neutral frequency response, JBL 305P MkII delivers a crystal-clear representation of your mix-revealing subtle details, even when listening off-axis. Your Mix is Only as Good as Your Monitors To help you make the best mix decisions, JBL equipped the 305P MkII with acclaimed 3 Series transducers that now perform even better. Hear deep, accurate and tightly controlled bass thanks to a long-throw 5" woofer and the patented JBL Slip Stream low-frequency port. Enjoy soaring, immaculately detailed highs via the woven-composite 1" Neodymium tweeter. JBL engineers took things to the next level with faster HF transient response through fine-tuned Ferro fluid damping and greater low frequency linearity and lower harmonic distortion courtesy of an enhanced woofer design. The result is a studio monitor you can trust-with unmatched peak handling, stunning dynamics and neutral frequency response that's unbeatable in its class. Big Sound Out of the Box JBL 305P MkII is ready for the most demanding production styles right out of the box. Dual integrated Class D power amplifiers, custom designed by JBL for each transducer, give you generous dynamic range for any project. From music production and podcasting to cinematic sound design or daily vlogging, enjoy the output and power you need to hear exceptional detail at any volume-even at peak SPLs. Simply plug in, power on and start creating. Tailored Sound to Fit Your Studio The dimensions and acoustics of a room can have a major effect on sonic accuracy and that's why JBL 305P MkII lets you adjust the response to fit your studio. The new Boundary EQ attenuates the low-end boost that can occur when you place monitors directly on the desktop or near walls. The 3-position HF Trim switch allows you to adjust the high-frequency response of the 305P MkII to tailor it to room acoustics or personal tastes. Flexible Connectivity
JBL 305P MkII 5" Dual 41W Two-Way Studio Monitor - Mackie Big Knob - 6' Cable
Ilford 5 Pack of Ilford 1780624 Delta 100 Professional Black-and-White Film, ISO 100, 35mm 36-Exposure
This Ritz Camera Kit Features the Ilford 1780624 Delta 100 Professional Black-and-White Film, ISO 100, 35mm 36-Exposure
Ilford 5 Pack of Ilford 1780624 Delta 100 Professional Black-and-White Film, ISO 100, 35mm 36-Exposure
ILFORD FP4 PLUS 125 BLACK AND WHITE FILM 35MM 36EXP (Pack of 10) condition: New Brand: Ilford Type: Not Available Film Format: Not Available MPN: BHBUSWA1035 Item Length: 3 Color: Black Model: Not Available
Ilford FP4 Plus Black and White Film, ISO 125, 35mm, 100' #1649734
ILFORD FP4 PLUS is a medium speed, all-purpose black & white film with very fine grain and outstanding sharpness. It has superb exposure latitude above and below its ISO 125, (meaning it can be both push or pull-processed). This makes FP4 PLUS a highly capable film for most photographic subjects, scenarios and lighting conditions. It particularly excels at highly detailed subjects in good indoor and outdoor lighting conditions and is therefore an ideal film for portraits, fashion, street, product photography, landscapes and architecture. FP4 PLUS can be processed in a wide range of different developers using spiral tanks, deep tanks and automatic processors. Getting started in photography and wondering which film to choose? Read this guide.
Ilford FP4 Plus Black and White Film, ISO 125, 35mm, 100' #1649734
10 Rolls Ilford HP5 400 120 Film
10 Rolls Ilford HP5 400 120 Film UPC: 610696429384 SKU: ADIB005ESSVV8
10 Rolls Ilford HP5 400 120 Film
Ilford HP-5 Plus Black and White Film, ISO 400, 35mm, 36 Exposures - 5 Pack
Ilford HP-5 Plus Black and White Film, ISO 400, 35mm, 36 Exposures - 5 Pack
Ilford HP-5 Plus Black and White Film, ISO 400, 35mm, 36 Exposures - 5 Pack
Ilford XP2 Super Black & White Negative Film ISO 400, 35mm Roll Film, 100' Roll
XP2 SUPER is a sharp, fast, fine grain black and white film. It can be used for any photographic subject, but ensures excellent results when there is a wide subject brightness range. XP2 SUPER is easy to expose, has and extremely wide exposure latitude and gives exceptionally sharp, crisp prints. The excellent highlight and shadows of XP2 SUPER give enhanced negative contrast for optimum black and white print quality. XP2 SUPER is easy to process. It is a black and white film which is processed in C41 type processing chemicals alongside color negative films.XP2 SUPER is very easy to print. Negatives are printed on black and white paper in the same way as conventional black and white negatives.Why XP2 SUPER is DifferentSXP2 SUPER is a chromogenic film. This means that the dyes which make up the image are formed during development rather than being present in the film or added later.The extremely wide exposure latitude of XP2 SUPER is the result of the unique relationship between exposure and grain in chromogenic films.The best balance of sharpness and grain is obtained when XP2 SUPER is exposed at EI 400/27.However, down-rated or overexposed XP2 SUPER negatives have finer grain, the opposite of that expected and obtained with conventional films. Up-rated or underexposed XP2 SUPER negatives have only a slight loss in quality. Furthermore, standard C41 processing is recommended for the whole of the exposure range.XP2 SUPER 35mm film is coated on 0.125mm/5-mil acetate base and is available in 24 or 36 exposure cassettes, or in bulk lengths of 30.5 meters (100ft). XP2 SUPER 35mm film is supplied in DX coded cassettes, suitable for all 35mm cameras.XP2 SUPER roll film is coated on 0.110mm/4-mil clear acetate base with an anti-halation backing which clears during development. It is available in 120 lengths and is edge numbered 1 to 19.Exposure RatingXP2 SUPER film has a speed rating of ISO 400/27 Degree (400ASA, 27DIN, EI 400/27) to daylight. The ISO speed rating was measured using standard C41 processing. Although rated at ISO 400/27 Degree , XP2 SUPER can be exposed over the range EI 50/18-800/30. When higher speed is needed, XP2 SUPER can be rated at up to EI 800/30. For finer grain, when speed is less important, rate the film at EI 200/24, although for finest grain it can be rated as low as EI 50/18 if required.The practical implications of this wide exposure range are very important. XP2 SUPER can be exposed at a setting to suit the job. The benefit of variable speed also provides security against inadvertent over- or underexposure.It should be noted that the exposure index (EI) recommended for XP2 SUPER is based on a practical evaluation of film speed and is not based on foot speed, as is the ISO standard.
Ilford XP2 Super Black & White Negative Film ISO 400, 35mm Roll Film, 100' Roll
Ilford Hypam, Non-Hardening Rapid Fixer for Film/Paper #1177879
ILFORD HYPAM is a non-hardening rapid fixer supplied as a liquid concentrate that is diluted with water for use. It is easy and convenient to use. Without the addition of a hardener it is suitable for all black and white film and paper, manual and machine processing applications in the temperature range of 18-40 & #176;C (66-104 & #176;F). It can also be used for fixing other specialist, X-ray, scientific products and graphic arts materials. The fixing agent in HYPAM is ammonium thiosulphate, it contains no sodium thiosulphate (hypo). ILFORD HYPAM HARDENER is a concentrated liquid hardener that is used to turn working strength solutions of ILFORD HYPAM into a hardening fixer for Black & White films. For most applications modern camera films are sufficiently hardened when manufactured for most processing circumstances so the general use of a fix hardening agent is no longer recommended
Ilford Hypam, Non-Hardening Rapid Fixer for Film/Paper #1177879
Ilford SIMPLICITY Starter Pack #1178858
The ILFORD SIMPLICITY Starter Pack contains all the photo chemicals you need to start processing your own black & white films. Each Starter Pack box contains: 1 x film developer, 1 x film stop bath, 1 x film fixer and 1 x film wetting agent in simple, single-use sachets.Each sachet contains the correct amount of photo chemicals to develop 2 rolls of 35mm (135) film or 1 roll of 120 film when using a 2-reel, 600ml developing tank.ILFORD SIMPLICITY sachets contain ILFORD ILFOSOL 3 film developer, ILFORD ILFOSTOP stop bath, ILFORD RAPID FIXER and ILFORD ILFOTOL film wetting agent.SIMPLICITY Film Developer, Film Stop Bath and Film Fixer are also available as single sachets and multi-packs of 5. SIMPLICITY Film Wetting Agent is available as single sachets.
Ilford SIMPLICITY Starter Pack #1178858
Ilford Ortho Plus 35mm Black and White Negative Film Roll, 36 Exposures #1180958
35mm, ISO 80 orthochromatic black & white film with fine grain and sharpness - perfect for stunning landscapes. Ilford Ortho Plus is an Orthochromatic black and white film. Designed as a high-resolution copy film for negatives, Ortho Plus offers superb photographic potential thanks to its fine grain and sharpness. Ideally suited for landscape photography, the blue and green sensitivity of this emulsion enables the film to be handled in deep red safelight conditions making processing and inspection easier.Its lack of red sensitivity also means that reds and oranges in your frame are rendered darker with stronger contrast than standard panchromatic films (all other Ilford and Kentmere films are panchromatic). Ilford Ortho PLUS is DX coded for ISO 80 for daylight / natural light shooting. For tungsten work a manual ISO setting of 40 should be used. Alternatively, a 1 stop exposure correction can be made. Whether shooting at ISO 80 or 40, it can be processed as standard. Development times can be found in the technical data sheet or on the inside of the film cartons.
Ilford Ortho Plus 35mm Black and White Negative Film Roll, 36 Exposures #1180958
Ilford Multigrade FB Classic, Enlarging Paper 11x14", 50 Sheets, Glossy #1172049
ILFORD MULTIGRADE FB CLASSIC has been designed for the creative printer wanting neutral image colour, great clarity and a good response to toners. This is a premium quality, variable contrast, black and white photographic paper, coated onto a 255g/m2 fibre base. MULTIGRADE FB CLASSIC has a white base tint and prints made on the paper have rich blacks, deliver excellent tonal rendition and overall print appearance. In addition to producing the superb quality you have come to expect from ILFORD photographic papers, you will find that this product is versatile, easy to work with in the darkroom and well suited to toning applications, particularly on theglossy surface. MULTIGRADE FB CLASSIC is a fast exposure darkroom paper. The product has a shortinduction time of around 20 seconds for image appearance during processing; there is a closer speed relationship between grades; more uniform grade separation; sharp images; an extended low contrast at soft filtrations (00 end);a 50% reduction in wash times to save on water; whilst retaining all the handling and filtration during processing that you have come to expect from traditional MULTIGRADE FB papers. It is also suitable for use in all types of darkroom enlargers. It is compatible with most safelights designed for black and white papers with a cut off no lower than 580nm. It is also fully compatible with the ILFORD chemistry range as well as the ILFORD optimum permanence wash sequence. MULTIGRADE FB CLASSIC will deliver seven full grades of contrast from grade 00 to grade 5 in half grade steps when used with ILFORD MULTIGRADE FILTERS. After washing and drying, it can be mounted using the standard methods for fibre-basedpapers
Ilford Multigrade FB Classic, Enlarging Paper 11x14", 50 Sheets, Glossy #1172049
Ilford Multigrade FB Classic, Enlarging Paper 16x20", 50 Sheets, Glossy #1172104
ILFORD MULTIGRADE FB CLASSIC has been designed for the creative printer wanting neutral image colour, great clarity and a good response to toners. This is a premium quality, variable contrast, black and white photographic paper, coated onto a 255g/m2 fibre base. MULTIGRADE FB CLASSIC has a white base tint and prints made on the paper have rich blacks, deliver excellent tonal rendition and overall print appearance. In addition to producing the superb quality you have come to expect from ILFORD photographic papers, you will find that this product is versatile, easy to work with in the darkroom and well suited to toning applications, particularly on theglossy surface. MULTIGRADE FB CLASSIC is a fast exposure darkroom paper. The product has a shortinduction time of around 20 seconds for image appearance during processing; there is a closer speed relationship between grades; more uniform grade separation; sharp images; an extended low contrast at soft filtrations (00 end);a 50% reduction in wash times to save on water; whilst retaining all the handling and filtration during processing that you have come to expect from traditional MULTIGRADE FB papers. It is also suitable for use in all types of darkroom enlargers. It is compatible with most safelights designed for black and white papers with a cut off no lower than 580nm. It is also fully compatible with the ILFORD chemistry range as well as the ILFORD optimum permanence wash sequence. MULTIGRADE FB CLASSIC will deliver seven full grades of contrast from grade 00 to grade 5 in half grade steps when used with ILFORD MULTIGRADE FILTERS. After washing and drying, it can be mounted using the standard methods for fibre-basedpapers
Ilford Multigrade FB Classic, Enlarging Paper 16x20", 50 Sheets, Glossy #1172104
Ilford Multigrade FB Classic VC 255g/m2 DW Enlarging Paper 8x10" 25 - Matte
Ilford Multigrade FB Classic Fiber Based Variable Contrast, Doubleweight Black & White Enlarging Paper 8x10", 25 Sheets, Matte - for Printing from Conventional Negatives.
Ilford Multigrade FB Classic VC 255g/m2 DW Enlarging Paper 8x10" 25 - Matte
Ilford Multigrade FB Classic, Enlarging Paper 11x14", 10 Sheets, Glossy #1172038
ILFORD MULTIGRADE FB CLASSIC has been designed for the creative printer wanting neutral image colour, great clarity and a good response to toners. This is a premium quality, variable contrast, black and white photographic paper, coated onto a 255g/m2 fibre base. MULTIGRADE FB CLASSIC has a white base tint and prints made on the paper have rich blacks, deliver excellent tonal rendition and overall print appearance. In addition to producing the superb quality you have come to expect from ILFORD photographic papers, you will find that this product is versatile, easy to work with in the darkroom and well suited to toning applications, particularly on theglossy surface. MULTIGRADE FB CLASSIC is a fast exposure darkroom paper. The product has a shortinduction time of around 20 seconds for image appearance during processing; there is a closer speed relationship between grades; more uniform grade separation; sharp images; an extended low contrast at soft filtrations (00 end);a 50% reduction in wash times to save on water; whilst retaining all the handling and filtration during processing that you have come to expect from traditional MULTIGRADE FB papers. It is also suitable for use in all types of darkroom enlargers. It is compatible with most safelights designed for black and white papers with a cut off no lower than 580nm. It is also fully compatible with the ILFORD chemistry range as well as the ILFORD optimum permanence wash sequence. MULTIGRADE FB CLASSIC will deliver seven full grades of contrast from grade 00 to grade 5 in half grade steps when used with ILFORD MULTIGRADE FILTERS. After washing and drying, it can be mounted using the standard methods for fibre-basedpapers
Ilford Multigrade FB Classic, Enlarging Paper 11x14", 10 Sheets, Glossy #1172038
Ilford Perceptol Fine Grain Developer for B/W Film, 1Lt #1960529
PERCEPTOL is an extra fine grain film developer which gives excellent image quality. It is designed for use when very fine grain negatives are required and a decrease in film speed is not important. It has been specially formulated to get optimum results from high resolution lenses. It exploits the superb grain structure of ILFORD medium and slow speed films, 100 DELTA PROFESSIONAL, FP4 Plus and PAN F Plus, and produces significantly finer grain in ILFORD fast films, DELTA 400 PROFESSIONAL, HP5 Plus and DELTA 3200 PROFESSIONAL, compared with a standard fine grain developer.PERCEPTOL produces excellent results with any lens/film combination and is therefore ideal when texture and definition are critical - negatives developed in PERCEPTOL are capable of producing sharper and better quality enlargements that those produced using a standard fine grain developer.
Ilford Perceptol Fine Grain Developer for B/W Film, 1Lt #1960529
Ilford Multigrade V RC Deluxe Pearl Black & White Photo Paper, 11x14", 50 Sheets
The 5th generation of our Multigrade, Resin Coated, variable contrast black & white photo paper. Ideal for beginners and advanced users. Ilford Multigrade RC Deluxe is the 5th generation of the world's most popular range of black & white photo papers and utilizes the latest emulsion technology. This paper is the perfect choice for beginners, students and darkroom pro's delivering a full tonal range and exceptional image quality throughout its wide contrast range of grades 00-5. It is now easier than ever to get stunning darkroom prints whether you are new to the darkroom and creating straight prints from your negatives or are a more experienced printer looking for full creative control. Additionally, these papers offer excellent toning properties giving those who want to experiment or learn toning an alternative starting option to our fiber based papers. Compared to Ilford Multigrade IV RC Deluxe - what you need to know Since the launch of the world's first variable contrast Multigrade paper back in 1940, Ilford has maintained a long and proud tradition of quality. Launched 25 years after generation 4, this 5th generation paper continues to build on the defining features of its predecessors. Key differences: Generation 5 has a slightly warmer base tint, better blacks for greater depth, improved mid-grade spacing and a smoother sensometric curve providing more uniform contrast throughout the tonal range.
Ilford Multigrade V RC Deluxe Pearl Black & White Photo Paper, 11x14", 50 Sheets
Ilford Microphen Fine Grain Developer for B/W Film #1173875
ILFORD MICROPHEN is a fine grain film developer which gives an effective increase in film speed. A speed increase of up to half a stop can be achieved with most films but with faster films such as HP5 Plus, Delta 400 Professional and Delta 3200 Professional it is more. Many developers that give an increase in film speed usually produce a corresponding increase in grain size, MICROPHEN is formulated to overcome this disadvantage, the low alkalinity of the developer reduces grain size and grain clumping. Therefore MICROPHEN is said to have a high speed/grain ratio, i.e. it gives a speed increase while retaining much of the grain characteristics associated with fine grain developers. MICROPHEN is particularly useful when using extended development times to push process fast films such as HP5 Plus, Delta 400 Professional, Delta 3200 Professional and SFX200
Ilford Microphen Fine Grain Developer for B/W Film #1173875
Ilford Multigrade V RC Deluxe Pearl Black & White Photo Paper, 11x14", 10 Sheets
The 5th generation of our Multigrade, Resin Coated, variable contrast black & white photo paper. Ideal for beginners and advanced users. Ilford Multigrade RC Deluxe is the 5th generation of the world's most popular range of black & white photo papers and utilizes the latest emulsion technology. This paper is the perfect choice for beginners, students and darkroom pro's delivering a full tonal range and exceptional image quality throughout its wide contrast range of grades 00-5. It is now easier than ever to get stunning darkroom prints whether you are new to the darkroom and creating straight prints from your negatives or are a more experienced printer looking for full creative control. Additionally, these papers offer excellent toning properties giving those who want to experiment or learn toning an alternative starting option to our fiber based papers. Compared to Ilford Multigrade IV RC Deluxe - what you need to know Since the launch of the world's first variable contrast Multigrade paper back in 1940, Ilford has maintained a long and proud tradition of quality. Launched 25 years after generation 4, this 5th generation paper continues to build on the defining features of its predecessors. Key differences: Generation 5 has a slightly warmer base tint, better blacks for greater depth, improved mid-grade spacing and a smoother sensometric curve providing more uniform contrast throughout the tonal range.
Ilford Multigrade V RC Deluxe Pearl Black & White Photo Paper, 11x14", 10 Sheets
Ilford Multigrade V RC Deluxe Glossy Black/White Photo Paper, 11x14", 50 Sheets
The 5th generation of our Multigrade, Resin Coated, variable contrast black & white photo paper. Ideal for beginners and advanced users. Ilford Multigrade RC Deluxe is the 5th generation of the world's most popular range of black & white photo papers and utilizes the latest emulsion technology. This paper is the perfect choice for beginners, students and darkroom pro's delivering a full tonal range and exceptional image quality throughout its wide contrast range of grades 00-5. It is now easier than ever to get stunning darkroom prints whether you are new to the darkroom and creating straight prints from your negatives or are a more experienced printer looking for full creative control. Additionally, these papers offer excellent toning properties giving those who want to experiment or learn toning an alternative starting option to our fiber based papers. Compared to Ilford Multigrade IV RC Deluxe - what you need to know Since the launch of the world's first variable contrast Multigrade paper back in 1940, Ilford has maintained a long and proud tradition of quality. Launched 25 years after generation 4, this 5th generation paper continues to build on the defining features of its predecessors. Key differences: Generation 5 has a slightly warmer base tint, better blacks for greater depth, improved mid-grade spacing and a smoother sensometric curve providing more uniform contrast throughout the tonal range.
Ilford Multigrade V RC Deluxe Glossy Black/White Photo Paper, 11x14", 50 Sheets
Ilford Rapid Fixer 500 Milliliter Bottle. #1984253
ILFORD RAPID FIXER is a non-hardening rapid fixer supplied as a liquid concentrate that is diluted with water for use. It is easy and convenient to use in the temperature range of 18-40 & #176;C (66-104 & #176;F) for fixing black and white film and paper in all manual and machine processing applications.ILFORD RAPID FIXER must not be used with fix hardeners. The fixing agent in ILFORD RAPID FIXER is ammonium thiosulphate, it contains no sodium thiosulphate (hypo).
Ilford Rapid Fixer 500 Milliliter Bottle. #1984253
Ilford Ilfosol-3 General Purpose Developer for B/W Film #1176108
ILFORD ILFOSOL - S is a general purpose, black and white film developer based on several modern developing agents. It is particularly suited to developing medium and slow speed films, such as FP4 Plus and PAN F Plus. ILFOSOL - S gives fine grain and excellent sharpness with full film speed. It is supplied as a liquid concentrate in 16 ounce (473ml) containers for easy and economical one - shot processing. The recommended dilution is 1+9. For greater economy, and to enable practical development times to be used when processing at higher temperatures, ILFOSOL - S can be used at 1+14.
Ilford Ilfosol-3 General Purpose Developer for B/W Film #1176108
Ilford Rapid Fixer 1 Liters #1984262
ILFORD RAPID FIXER is a non-hardening rapid fixer supplied as a liquid concentrate that is diluted with water for use. It is easy and convenient to use in the temperature range of 18-40 & #176;C (66-104 & #176;F) for fixing black and white film and paper in all manual and machine processing applications.ILFORD RAPID FIXER must not be used with fix hardeners. The fixing agent in ILFORD RAPID FIXER is ammonium thiosulphate, it contains no sodium thiosulphate (hypo).
Ilford Rapid Fixer 1 Liters #1984262
Ilford Warmtone Developer for B/W RC/Fiber Paper, 1 Ltr #1140279
WARMTONE DEVELOPER is a liquid concentrate hydroquinone developer suitable for the dish & tray developing of all black and white photographic papers both resin coated (RC) and traditional fibre based (FB). It is used at a dilution of 1+9. WARMTONE developer is clean working, has excellent keeping properties and gives a warmer image tone to most papers. WARMTONE developer is designed for use at ambient room temperatures, nominally 20 & #189;C / 68 & #189;F. We do not recommend its use for high temperature or machine processing applications. It is not suitable for developing films.
Ilford Warmtone Developer for B/W RC/Fiber Paper, 1 Ltr #1140279
ILFORD 2001736 GALERIE Prestige Smooth Gloss - 11 x 17 Inches, 25 Sheets
Professional Glossy Surface Superb Photographic Image Quality Heavyweight look and feel of real Photograph Compatible with both Pigment and Dye based inks
ILFORD 2001736 GALERIE Prestige Smooth Gloss - 11 x 17 Inches, 25 Sheets
Ilford Multigrade V RC Deluxe Pearl Black/White Photo Paper, 9.5x12", 50 Sheets
The 5th generation of our Multigrade, Resin Coated, variable contrast black & white photo paper. Ideal for beginners and advanced users. Ilford Multigrade RC Deluxe is the 5th generation of the world's most popular range of black & white photo papers and utilizes the latest emulsion technology. This paper is the perfect choice for beginners, students and darkroom pro's delivering a full tonal range and exceptional image quality throughout its wide contrast range of grades 00-5. It is now easier than ever to get stunning darkroom prints whether you are new to the darkroom and creating straight prints from your negatives or are a more experienced printer looking for full creative control. Additionally, these papers offer excellent toning properties giving those who want to experiment or learn toning an alternative starting option to our fiber based papers. Compared to Ilford Multigrade IV RC Deluxe - what you need to know Since the launch of the world's first variable contrast Multigrade paper back in 1940, Ilford has maintained a long and proud tradition of quality. Launched 25 years after generation 4, this 5th generation paper continues to build on the defining features of its predecessors. Key differences: Generation 5 has a slightly warmer base tint, better blacks for greater depth, improved mid-grade spacing and a smoother sensometric curve providing more uniform contrast throughout the tonal range.
Ilford Multigrade V RC Deluxe Pearl Black/White Photo Paper, 9.5x12", 50 Sheets
Ilford SFX 200 Medium Speed B/W Camera Film, 120 Size #1901029
Ilford SFX 200 Black and White Negative Film (120 Roll Film) 1901029
Ilford SFX 200 Medium Speed B/W Camera Film, 120 Size #1901029
Ilford Multigrade FB Warmtone VC Enlarging Paper, Glossy, 16x20", 10 Sheets
ILFORD MULTIGRADE FB WARMTONE is a premium quality, variable contrast black & white photographic paper on a heavyweight, baryta coated, fibre base. It has been designed for ultimate image quality, with warm image tones and a high response to toning techniques and has long been regarded as the discerning printers first choice. The advanced emulsion design means that MULTIGRADE FB WARMTONE delivers luxuriously rich prints with warm deep blacks and creamy whites. It is also highly responsive to toning, chemical reduction and retouching techniques. MULTIGRADE FB is also available in [Neutral] and [Cooltone] variants and is compatible with the ILFORD optimum permanence wash sequence. MULTIGRADE FB WARMTONE is part of the ILFORD MULTIGRADE system and seven full grades of contrast can be achieved when used with ILFORD MULTIGRADE filters. It can be used with most common safelights for black & white darkroom paper.
Ilford Multigrade FB Warmtone VC Enlarging Paper, Glossy, 16x20", 10 Sheets
Ilford Multigrade FB Warmtone VC Enlarging Paper, Semi Matte, 8x10", 250 Sheets,
ILFORD MULTIGRADE FB WARMTONE is a premium quality, variable contrast black & white photographic paper on a heavyweight, baryta coated, fibre base. It has been designed for ultimate image quality, with warm image tones and a high response to toning techniques and has long been regarded as the discerning printers first choice. The advanced emulsion design means that MULTIGRADE FB WARMTONE delivers luxuriously rich prints with warm deep blacks and creamy whites. It is also highly responsive to toning, chemical reduction and retouching techniques. MULTIGRADE FB is also available in [Neutral] and [Cooltone] variants and is compatible with the ILFORD optimum permanence wash sequence. MULTIGRADE FB WARMTONE is part of the ILFORD MULTIGRADE system and seven full grades of contrast can be achieved when used with ILFORD MULTIGRADE filters. It can be used with most common safelights for black & white darkroom paper.
Ilford Multigrade FB Warmtone VC Enlarging Paper, Semi Matte, 8x10", 250 Sheets,
Ilford 1887710 DELTA 3200 Professional, Black and White Print Film, 135 (35 mm), ISO 3200, 36 Exposures
Delta 3200 B & W Negative Film, 35mm 36 Exposures, Single Roll
Ilford 1887710 DELTA 3200 Professional, Black and White Print Film, 135 (35 mm), ISO 3200, 36 Exposures
Ilford Multigrade RC Warmtone VC B & W Enlarging Paper, 11x14"-50 Sheets, Glossy
ILFORD MULTIGRADE RC WARMTONE is a premium quality, variable contrast black and white paper which has a warm black image tone on a warm white base. It is especially suitable for toning. MULTIGRADE RC WARMTONE has a 190g/m 2 resin coated base.MULTIGRADE RC WARMTONE is part of the ILFORD MULTIGRADE system and is fully compatible with all existing MULTIGRADE filters and equipment. It is equally suitable for printing from conventional black and white and XP2 SUPER negatives. MULTIGRADE RC WARMTONE is available in two surfaces: 1M glossy and 44M pearl.
Ilford Multigrade RC Warmtone VC B & W Enlarging Paper, 11x14"-50 Sheets, Glossy
Ilford Multigrade FB Classic, Enlarging Paper 8x10", 250 Sheets, Glossy #1171994
ILFORD MULTIGRADE FB CLASSIC has been designed for the creative printer wanting neutral image colour, great clarity and a good response to toners. This is a premium quality, variable contrast, black and white photographic paper, coated onto a 255g/m2 fibre base. MULTIGRADE FB CLASSIC has a white base tint and prints made on the paper have rich blacks, deliver excellent tonal rendition and overall print appearance. In addition to producing the superb quality you have come to expect from ILFORD photographic papers, you will find that this product is versatile, easy to work with in the darkroom and well suited to toning applications, particularly on theglossy surface. MULTIGRADE FB CLASSIC is a fast exposure darkroom paper. The product has a shortinduction time of around 20 seconds for image appearance during processing; there is a closer speed relationship between grades; more uniform grade separation; sharp images; an extended low contrast at soft filtrations (00 end);a 50% reduction in wash times to save on water; whilst retaining all the handling and filtration during processing that you have come to expect from traditional MULTIGRADE FB papers. It is also suitable for use in all types of darkroom enlargers. It is compatible with most safelights designed for black and white papers with a cut off no lower than 580nm. It is also fully compatible with the ILFORD chemistry range as well as the ILFORD optimum permanence wash sequence. MULTIGRADE FB CLASSIC will deliver seven full grades of contrast from grade 00 to grade 5 in half grade steps when used with ILFORD MULTIGRADE FILTERS. After washing and drying, it can be mounted using the standard methods for fibre-basedpapers
Ilford Multigrade FB Classic, Enlarging Paper 8x10", 250 Sheets, Glossy #1171994
Ilford Delta Pro 100 Fine Grain B/W Film, 24 Exposures #1780602
Ilford Delta Pro 100 Fine Grain Medium Speed, Black and White Film, ISO 100, 35mm, 24 Exposures
Ilford Delta Pro 100 Fine Grain B/W Film, 24 Exposures #1780602
Ilford Multigrade FB Cooltone B & W Enlarging Paper 11x14", 10 Sheets, Glossy
ILFORD MULTIGRADE FB COOLTONE has been developed for the creative printer wanting cool image tones and clean whites. This is a premium quality, variable contrast, black and white photographic paper, coated onto a 255g/m2 fibre base. MULTIGRADE FB COOLTONE has a cool white base tint and prints made on the paper display cool rich blacks, with well separated mid tones to deliver a unique lookto the final print. In addition to producing the superb quality you have come to expect from ILFORD photographic papers, you will find this new product is versatile and easy to work with in the darkroom. It responds in the same way as other fibre based papers to the usual techniques of toning, chemical reduction and retouching techniques. MULTIGRADE FB COOLTONE is a fast exposure darkroom paper. The product has a short induction time of around 25 seconds for image appearance during processingbut retains all the handling and filtration during processing you would expect from traditional MULTIGRADE FB papers. It is suitable for use in all types of darkroom enlargers. It is compatible with most safelights designed for black and white papers with a cut off no lower than 580nm. It is also fully compatible with the ILFORD chemistry range as well as the ILFORD optimum permanence wash sequence. MULTIGRADE FB COOLTONE will deliver seven full grades of contrast from grade 00 to grade 5 in half grade steps when used with ILFORD MULTIGRADE FILTERS. After washing and drying, it can be mounted using the standard methods for fibre-based papers
Ilford Multigrade FB Cooltone B & W Enlarging Paper 11x14", 10 Sheets, Glossy
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