Photographers' Formulary Residual Hypo Test 100 Milliters #03-0150
Residual Hypo Test is a simple chemical test used to determine if a print or film strip has been adequately washed.
Photographers\' Formulary
Photographers' Formulary PMK Formula Film Developer 25 Liter #01-5045
A pyro-metol-kodalk universal developer that works with a wide variety of modern emulsions. This developer is formulated to achieve the best overall results with sharpness, film speed, plus/minus development, stability and convenience of use. Stock solution dilutes to make either 25 or 50 liters.
Photographers\' Formulary
Photographers' Formulary 5lbs Anhydrous Sodium Sulfite #10-1341 5LB
The 5lbs Anhydrous Sodium Sulfite is used as a preservative in developing agents and as an active energizer in Amidol development.
Photographers\' Formulary
Photographers' Formulary 1000ml Plastic Beaker #09-0100
Photographers' Formulary 1000ml Plastic Beaker
Photographers\' Formulary
Photographers' Formulary Strength Toner for B/W Prints #06-0010
FORMULARY COPPER TONER contains copper sulfate, potassium ferricyanide, and potassium citrate which results in an image toned with copper metal. The toner produces a variety of colors ranging from warm brown through coppery hues to chalk red.
Photographers\' Formulary
Photographers' Formulary 100g Gelatin (Hard, 250 Bloom) #10-0590 100G
Photographers' Formulary Gelatin is used in Preparation of emulsions, Sizing paper, Adhesives and Light filters. Note: Swells up and absorbs five to ten times its weight of cold water.
Photographers\' Formulary
Photographers' Formulary 1lbs Potassium Metabisulfite #10-1050 1LB
Photographers' Formulary 1lbs Potassium Metabisulfite
Photographers\' Formulary
Photographers' Formulary Select Contact 11x14" Print Frame #07-2035
Just like the old Kodak Contact Print frames, the Photographers Formulary Print Frames are made in our shop from high quality Ash, with swing arms into slots on the sides of the frame to create pressure. Our new Contact Print frames and are made from solid 2" Ash, with felt mounted to cabinet grade 1/2" plywood on a hinged back board for print inspection and a sheet of museum frame grade pure glass. Swing arms hold your negative secure while printing and assure a life-long quality frame. All frames are made one inch bigger than the print size quoted. (I. e., an 11x14" frame has a glass size of 12x15" so you get a full 11x14" print).
Photographers\' Formulary
Photographers' Formulary Prescysol EF Film Developer, Makes 10Lt Solution
Photographers' Formulary Prescysol EF Film Developer, Makes 10Lt Solution
Photographers\' Formulary
Photographers' Formulary 10lbs Anhydrous Sodium Sulfite #10-1342 10LB
Sodium Sulfite Uses As a preservative of developing agents Constituent of the acid fixing bath Blackener in negative intensification Active energizer in Amidol development To clear Polaroid Type 55 black & white negativesNote:Sodium sulfite is the most widely used preservative in developers. It also plays an important part in the process itself.
Photographers\' Formulary
Photographers' Formulary Sepia Sulfide 221 Toner #06-0035
Formulary's Sepia Sulfide Toner 221 is a classic bleach and redevelopment toner that produces rich permanent sepia-brown tones. Most types of paper tone well with this process, including resin coated paper. The bleach contains potassium ferricyanide that changes the metallic silver to a silver salt. After bleaching, the print is then redeveloped in sodium sulfide.
Photographers\' Formulary
Photographers' Formulary 1pt Liquidol Photo Paper Developer, Makes 5Lt Solution
Liquidol is the new paper developer From Bill Troop and Ron Mowrey. Liquidol is a revolutionary new print developer that features exceptionally long shelf life, tray life and high capacity, along with the convenience of a 1:9 liquid concentrate. Fine printers will also appreciate that this developer has considerably more flexibility in over- and under-development than most print developers. This feature is limited when using the many papers which include incorporated developing agents. But when using papers which do not have incorporated developing agents, demanding printers will appreciate the extra dimension of flexibility and control this developer offers. Liquidol has been carefully designed to replicate the appearance of prints developed in industry-standard Dektol, yet to provide enhanced shadow separation. Other advantages are full development within 60 seconds at 1:9 dilutions. Photographers' Formulary invite users to experiment with different times and dilutions. They think you really will be surprised by the flexibility and dependability Liquidol offers.
Photographers\' Formulary
Photographers' Formulary 1lbs Rochelle Salt #10-1120 1LB
The Photographers' Formulary Rochelle Salt is an ingredient of Fehling's solution . It is used in silvering mirrors. Note Also called Seignette salt after Pierre Seignette, an apothecary of La Rochelle, France, who was the first to make it (c.1675). Chemically, it is potassium sodium tartrate.
Photographers\' Formulary
Photographers' Formulary TD-16 Improved D-76 Film Developer 1-4 Liters #01-0270
TD-16 developer equals D-76 in film speed, grain and contrast TD-16 developer offers improved consistency from batch to batch Controlled pH maintains this consistency over a six-month period. One package makes 4 liters of working solution.
Photographers\' Formulary
Photographers' Formulary TF-4 1Gal Archival Rapid Fixer, Makes 16Lt Solution
Formulary's TF-4 Archival Rapid Fixer is excellent for use with PMK and other Pyro Film Developers. TF-4 is an extraordinary fixer for both paper and some films. TF-4 works well in batch processing, fixing resin coated paper in 30 seconds and fiber based paper in 60 seconds. You can also use TF-4 on T-Max films, fixing for 6 minutes to remove the magenta stain. Photographers' Formulary's recommend 20 rolls of film to 1 liter working solution. TF-4 does not require a stop bath nor a hypo clearing agent and has little odor when mixed with distilled water. TF-4 is a non-hardening fixer which makes it excellent for prints that are to be toned or retouched. Most modern film emulsions have built-in hardener, eliminating the need for hardener in the fix. The stock solution which has a shelf life of 1 year is diluted 1:3 to make the working solution. The working solution has a shelf life of 6 months.
Photographers\' Formulary
Photographers' Formulary TS-4 Stop Bath, Makes 1Lt Solution #03-0189
Formulary's TS-4 Odor-Free Stop Bath for either prints or film has been made for photographers who are tired of the unhealthy and unpleasant fumes put out by conventional stop and fixing baths. It is simple and economical to use.
Photographers\' Formulary
Photographers' Formulary TF-5 1Lt Archival Rapid Fixer, Makes 1Gal Solution
TF-5 is an extraordinary fixer for both paper and film Processing time of only 30 seconds for resin-coated prints, 60 seconds for fiber-based prints, with no hypo clearing agent necessary. Little or no odor if mixed with distilled water. No stop bath necessary. Just use water rinse after developing. Non-hardening. Excellent for use with prints to be toned or re-touched. It is a near neutral fix that changes the pH of the film or paper from alkaline to near neutral, unlike TF4 in which the film or paper stays at an alkaline pH value
Photographers\' Formulary
Photographers' Formulary 1pt Gum Arabic (Liquid) #10-0642 1PT
Photographers' Formulary Gum Arabic (Liquid) is used in Bichromate printing. Note: Gum Arabic is used to slow down the absorption of the ink into the paper, so that the ink dries more on the surface, giving a more intense color. It also imparts a glossiness to the dried ink. Gum Arabic was used for a similar purpose in some photographic formulae and was also the basis of the gum bichromate process popular among pictorialist photographers around 1900. It is also enjoying a revival in recent years among those interested in handmade photographic papers.
Photographers\' Formulary
Photographers' Formulary 5 Pack 1000ml Plastic Bottle with Narrow Mouth, Black
The Photographers' Formulary Plastic Bottle is used to store chemicals.
Photographers\' Formulary
Photographers' Formulary 1lbs Sodium Thiocyanate #10-1345 1LB
The Photographers' Formulary Sodium Thiocyanate is used as a substitute for potassium thiocyanate weight for weight.Note:When sodium thiocyanate is dissolved, the temperature of the water is considerably lowered. Also, because of its deliquescent nature, thiocyanate should be used in percentage solutions.
Photographers\' Formulary
Photographers' Formulary Pyrocat-HD In Glycol Film Developer,Makes 10Lt Solution
Pyrocat-HD in Glycol Film Developer is a high acutance developer formulated by Sandy King as an alternative to other pyrogallol based staining developers. Pyrocat-HD gives negatives of fine grain and full emulsion speed and is suitable for all types of development methods, including rotary, normal agitation, minimal agitation and stand development. Packaging in glycol stabilizes the formula to give a very long shelf life and long term consistency.
Photographers\' Formulary
Photographers' Formulary Spotting Reducer II, Makes 375ml Solution #05-0060
Formulary's Spotting Reducer II For Paper is the classic Farmer's Reducer. The solution acts by conversion of the silver metal in the print to silver bromide. The reducer can be used to eliminate an unwanted dark spot in a print due to a flaw in the negative; to reduce the contrast; white out a portion of the print or reduce the print as a whole. The chemicals in this kit are used to prepare two stock solutions, which can be stored for a considerable amount of time. The working solution is prepared just prior to use and used only once.
Photographers\' Formulary
Photographers' Formulary TF-4 Archival Rapid Fix 1l #03-0141
Formulated to work with both film and paper emulsions. Works well in batch processing, fixing resin based papers in just 30 seconds and fiber based papers in 60 seconds. TF-4 fixer can be used on T-grain films, fixing for six minutes to remove the magenta stain TS-4 is a non-hardening fixer making it ideal for images (film or print) that are to be retouched, toned or hand colored 4 liters of working solution.
Photographers\' Formulary