The 11" Ultra-Slim Silicone Covered USB Keyboard with PS/2 Interface
and 86-Key Layout features a smooth silicone cover that is easy to
clean with most standard medical cleansers and disinfectant wipes,
while providing an exceptional tactile feel. KEY_TAB Traditional
keyboards, and even some sealed, anti-microbial keyboards, are
vulnerable to germs and bacteria, especially in hard to clean areas.
KEY_TAB With this keyboard, however, all you need to do is type and
wipe. KEY_TAB Applications include mobile medical carts, patient
rooms, nurse stations, triage stations, and labs and high traffic areas
with multiple users. It also features a standard USB 2.0 interface with
a PS/2 adapter for backward compatibility as well as an ultra-slim form
factor which combines maximal space efficiency with comfortable
alphanumeric data entry.