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Flicker Bible Study - by Noel Enete & Denise Enete (Paperback)

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Flicker Bible Study - by  Noel Enete & Denise Enete (Paperback)
Flicker Bible Study - by  Noel Enete & Denise Enete (Paperback)
Flicker Bible Study - by  Noel Enete & Denise Enete (Paperback)
Flicker Bible Study - by  Noel Enete & Denise Enete (Paperback)
Flicker Bible Study - by  Noel Enete & Denise Enete (Paperback)
Flicker Bible Study - by  Noel Enete & Denise Enete (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 276
Genre: Religion + Beliefs
Sub-Genre: Christian Life
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Wave Study Bible, Inc.
Age Range: Adult
Book theme: Devotional
Author: Noel Enete & Denise Enete
Language: English

About the Book

This book re-invents the path to a meaningful Bible reading time. Half of the study focuses on motivation and helps uncover your "First Love" to power your study. The other half adapts Inductive Bible skills to the needs of devotional Bible readers. Connecting with "First Love" motivation and learning the skills launches a time with God that lasts.

Book Synopsis

At the two extremes, you either sit down to study the Bible because you want to (Desire-led Bible Study) or because you should (Discipline-led Bible Study). Effective Bible study involves both Desire and Discipline but it is important which one you lead with. Bible reading is not like doing a homework assignment in school. Discipline is sufficient motivation to acquire facts, but not for changing a heart. Desire-led motivation is described in the Bible as your "First Love" (Rev 2:2-5) and is God-given. Uncovering it, nurturing it, and learning how to keep from suppressing it is the subject of half of this book.

The other half demonstrates Bible study is not just for smart people or for people that were good in school. Bible study uses skills that everyone learns as part of their daily life. Once the connection is made, the skills are organized into a few simple steps with examples. The first letter of each step spells FLCR (Facts, Lessons, Challenges, Response) and is pronounced "Flicker." The practice passages start out where you are at and gradually develop your skill while strengthening your confidence. Enough structure is provided to know where you are going, but not too much to kill your Desire to get to know God better.

God has given us a supernatural Desire for Him--the Ferrari within. But some of us settle for the tricycle of Discipline only. If you uncover your "First Love" and lead with that Desire while strengthening your Bible study skills you will build an enjoyable time with God. If you like your time with God, you will do it again; And if you keep showing up, God will change you.

Review Quotes

"Their approach opened the Bible to me in ways I never thought possible. They will never know what this means to me. I can't wait to learn how to teach this." --Michael Rembis

"Their approach is so simple and systematic; I wish I would have discovered it years ago." --John Migeot

"It is hard to find curriculum that will minister to both the young Christian and the seasoned follower, but they have accomplished just that." -- Veronica Wright

"I loved Flicker Bible Study because it wasn't a set of rules or systems, rather it led me through a journey of getting to know the Lord more. It helped to fan that flame of Desire!" --Erica Norton

"My small group did Flicker Bible Study. It was a huge period of growth for us all. I whole heartedly recommend the study." --Lisa McPartland

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