Suggested Age: 5-7 Years
Type of Game: Action Games
CPSC Choking Hazard Warnings: Choking_hazard_small_parts
Number of Players: 3-4 Players
Package type: Full Game
Educational Focus: Sensory Development
Battery: No Battery Used
• Hearmees City is much too small and needs to expand. Therefore, the building supervisor is sending instructions via clawky-talky, so you know what you need to build new houses and jelly factories.
• So, perk up your mega-ears when the bosss claw scruuuums, scraaawls, screetches, squaaawks on his clawky-talky. Looking at the venture cards, try to decipher what the supervisor has clawed. Was it a hammer or was it actually a broom?
• Whenever a Hearmees has heard the correct object, he has the chance to add one new building to his neighborhood. The first Hearmees to finish expanding his neighborhood becomes the new mayor of Hearmees City!
• Contents: 50 task cards (25 easy = yellow, 25 advanced = blue), 25 house tiles, 5 break tiles, 4 screens, 3 venture cards, 5 Hearmees tiles, 5 adhesive dots, 1 clawky-talky (board), 1 claw-it, 1 set of instructions.
• Recommended for 3-4 players, ages 5 and up. Offers two levels of difficulty and a speed variation for quicker game play.
Hark! Hark! Hearmees builders! Put your jelly toast aside and hear me! Hearmees City is much too small and needs to expand. Therefore, the building supervisor is sending instructions via clawky-talky, so you know what you need to build new houses and jelly factories. So, perk up your mega-ears when the bosss claw scruuuums, scraaawls, screetches, squaaawks on his clawky-talky. Looking at the venture cards, try to decipher what the supervisor has clawed. Was it a hammer or was it actually a broom? Whenever a Hearmees has heard the correct object, he has the chance to add one new building to his neighborhood. The first Hearmees to finish expanding his neighborhood becomes the new mayor of Hearmees City!