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Interpreting Jesus - (Collected Essays of N. T. Wright) by N T Wright (Hardcover)

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Interpreting Jesus - (Collected Essays of N. T. Wright) by  N T Wright (Hardcover)
Interpreting Jesus - (Collected Essays of N. T. Wright) by  N T Wright (Hardcover)
Interpreting Jesus - (Collected Essays of N. T. Wright) by  N T Wright (Hardcover)
Interpreting Jesus - (Collected Essays of N. T. Wright) by  N T Wright (Hardcover)
Interpreting Jesus - (Collected Essays of N. T. Wright) by  N T Wright (Hardcover)
Interpreting Jesus - (Collected Essays of N. T. Wright) by  N T Wright (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 368
Genre: Religion + Beliefs
Sub-Genre: Biblical Criticism & Interpretation
Series Title: Collected Essays of N. T. Wright
Format: Hardcover
Publisher: Zondervan Academic
Age Range: Adult
Book theme: New Testament
Author: N T Wright
Language: English

About the Book

In-depth studies on the Bible, Jesus, and Paul by the most influential New Testament interpreter of our time.

Book Synopsis

Interpreting Jesus brings together N. T. Wright's most important articles on Jesus and the Gospels over the last three decades. Many of the included studies have never been published or only available in hard-to-find larger volumes and journals.

Here is a rich feast for all serious students of the Bible. Each essay will amply reward those looking for detailed, incisive, and exquisitely nuanced exegesis, resulting in a clearer, deeper, and more informed appreciation of the recent advances in Jesus studies, and their significance for theology today.

Review Quotes

'A trilogy of N. T. Wright's seminal essays on Scripture and hermeneutics, Jesus and the Gospels, and Paul and his Letters with a number of brand-new contributions thrown in for good measure? Count me in! For roughly three decades now, Wright's voice has been among the most valuable and valued by both the church and the academy. Rightly so! This three-volume collection--which will prove to be a treasure trove for serious students as well as for scholars of Bible, history, and theology--reveals why time and again.'-- Todd D. Still, Charles J. and Eleanor McLerran DeLancey Dean & William M. Hinson Professor of Christian Scriptures, Baylor University, Truett Seminary

'Few, if any, modern biblical scholars have written with the depth and breadth of N. T. Wright. These essays, from a wide variety of settings and publications, are full of treasures, old and new--even some modifications of earlier positions. They will delight Wright enthusiasts, challenge his critics, and educate all readers. No biblical scholar, theologian, or theological student should be ignorant of the most recent Wright perspectives on so many aspects of Scripture, Jesus, and Paul.'-- Michael J. Gorman, Raymond E. Brown Chair in Biblical Studies and Theology, St. Mary's Seminary & University, Baltimore

'Just when I wondered what N. T. Wright might write next we get a 3 volume circus of revolving themes and perspectives and worldviews that illustrate why Wright is the most influential biblical scholar in the English-speaking world: Wright is one of the few who shapes conversations in both Gospels studies and Pauline studies. These essays bring to the front Wright's engaging prose, his undeniable courage to go where few have gone, and his joy to bridge the work of the academy and the church. Another treasure trove of studies.'-- Rev. Canon Dr. Scot McKnight, Professor of New Testament, Northern Seminary

'N. T. Wright's collection of essays on Jesus, Paul, and Scripture are a brilliant trilogy of Wright's miscellaneous works. It is not only convenient to have them all together in one literary deposit, but they deserve reading as Wright waxes eloquently and with wisdom about who is Jesus, why is Paul so controversial, the atonement, the church, and how the Bible is authoritative today. An important part of the Wrightonian corpus for present and future generations or for anyone who wrestles with Jesus, Paul, God, and Scripture.'-- Rev. Dr. Michael F. Bird, Academic Dean and Lecturer in Theology, Ridley College, Melbourne, Australia

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