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Love Loss and Survival A tribute to my girl, Samantha - by Jimmy Trine (Paperback)

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2026-01-21 USD 15.67

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Love Loss and Survival A tribute to my girl, Samantha - by  Jimmy Trine (Paperback)
Love Loss and Survival A tribute to my girl, Samantha - by  Jimmy Trine (Paperback)
Love Loss and Survival A tribute to my girl, Samantha - by  Jimmy Trine (Paperback)
Love Loss and Survival A tribute to my girl, Samantha - by  Jimmy Trine (Paperback)
Love Loss and Survival A tribute to my girl, Samantha - by  Jimmy Trine (Paperback)
Love Loss and Survival A tribute to my girl, Samantha - by  Jimmy Trine (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 160
Genre: Pets
Sub-Genre: Dogs
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Mill City Press, Inc.
Age Range: Adult
Book theme: General
Author: Jimmy Trine
Language: English

Book Synopsis

A very young boy, not happy with the color of his two poodles, and willing to do something about it. Soon after, he was shown that even the smallest of rodents, and the largest of dogs can live in perfect harmony.

His idyllic childhood was shattered when, at the age of eleven, he found his mother's body, murdered in their home just days before Christmas. Life changed drastically, but animals remained a big part of it. He relied on animals, especially dogs, to be loyal and trustworthy in a motherless world.

When it comes to animals, we have all loved, we have all lost, and we all have survived. This book tells many amazing stories; ones that will cause you to feel as if you are right there, taking every breath, and feeling every emotion as each story unfolds. With each paragraph, you will be moved to keep reading to discover what happens next.

The final story is for whom this book is a tribute; my sweetheart, Samantha. The absolute best friend I could've ever had. I saved this puppy from a lifetime of pain and suffering, after she was thrown from a moving car into a severe snow storm late one evening.

If just showing the love and appreciation through her eyes was not enough to say, "Thank you", she learned the signs on her own, and what to do if the one she loved experienced a nightmare or night terror that accompanied PTSD, brought on by his childhood trauma.

Samantha returned the favor of saving her life, by saving his, and two other lives, during a raging house fire early one morning. Unfortunately, there was only so much she could do; when the smoke cleared, one life, was lost.

In the end, Samantha's life was cut short. After battling cancer, the decision was made to lay her to rest; fulfilling the promise made to her when she was first rescued.

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