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Manten Encendido Tu Amor! - 2nd Edition by Danny Silk (Paperback)

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Harper Collins
2026-01-18 USD 15.83

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Manten Encendido Tu Amor! - 2nd Edition by  Danny Silk (Paperback)
Manten Encendido Tu Amor! - 2nd Edition by  Danny Silk (Paperback)
Manten Encendido Tu Amor! - 2nd Edition by  Danny Silk (Paperback)
Manten Encendido Tu Amor! - 2nd Edition by  Danny Silk (Paperback)
Manten Encendido Tu Amor! - 2nd Edition by  Danny Silk (Paperback)
Manten Encendido Tu Amor! - 2nd Edition by  Danny Silk (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 161
Genre: Religion + Beliefs
Sub-Genre: Christian Life
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Loving on Purpose
Age Range: Adult
Book theme: Family & Relationships
Author: Danny Silk
Language: Spanish

About the Book

Keep Your Love On reveals the higher, Jesus-focused standard defined by mature love--love that stays 'on' no matter what. Danny Silk's practical examples and poignant stories will leave you with the power to draw healthy boundaries, communicate in love, and ultimately protect your connections so you can love against all odds. As a result, your relationships will be radically transformed for eternity. When you learn to keep your love on, you become like Jesus.

Book Synopsis

Manten Encendido Tu Amor.

Es algo difi´cil de hacer. A veces es la cosa ma´s difi´cil de hacer. Pero si quieres construir relaciones sanas con Dios y con los dema´s, aprender a mantener tu amor encendido no es negociable.

Los adultos al igual que los nin os florecen en relaciones sanas cuando es seguro amar y ser amado, conocer y ser conocido. Sin embargo, para muchos, las relaciones son cualquier cosa menos seguras, amorosas o i´ntimas. Se definen por la ansiedad, la manipulacio´n, el control y el conflicto. La razo´n es que la mayori´a de las personas nunca ha sido educada para ser lo suficientemente poderosas como para mantener su amor encendido en medio de los errores, el dolor y el temor.

Manten Encendido Tu Amor revela el mayor esta´ndar centrado en Jesu´s definido por un amor maduro, amor que se mantiene encendido sin importar que´ ocurre. Los ejemplos pra´cticos de Danny Silk y sus pertinentes historias te capacitara´n para poder disen ar li´mites saludables, comunicar amor y asi´ proteger tus conexiones para poder amar contra todo prono´stico. Como resultado de esto, tu relacio´n se vera´ radicalmente transformada para la eternidad. Cuando aprendes a mantener tu amor encendido, te haces como Jesu´s.

About the Author

Danny Silk serves on the Senior Leadership Team of both Bethel Church in Redding, CA and Jesus Culture in Sacramento, CA. He is the President and Co- Founder of Loving on Purpose, a ministry to families and communities worldwide. Danny is also the author of five books covering the subjects of building successful relationships, a culture of honor and strong families. Danny and Sheri married in 1984 and have three children and three grandchildren.

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