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Buy MFJ-1026 Noise canceller, 1.5-30MHz in United States -

MFJ-1026 Noise canceller, 1.5-30MHz

CTNR1514713 0650619002072 CTNR1514713

MFJ Enterprises

MFJ Enterprises
2026-03-13 USD 389.99

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MFJ-1026 Noise canceller, 1.5-30MHz
MFJ-1026 Noise canceller, 1.5-30MHz
MFJ-1026 Noise canceller, 1.5-30MHz
MFJ-1026 Noise canceller, 1.5-30MHz
MFJ-1026 Noise canceller, 1.5-30MHz
MFJ-1026 Noise canceller, 1.5-30MHz

The MFJ-1026 is designed to reduce noise or interference, or improve desired signals, before the noise affects sensitive receiver circuits. Unlike conventional noise blankers, the MFJ-1026 can be effective on all types of noise, including interference (QRM) from unwanted signals. The MFJ-1026 allows the user to adjust both phase and amplitude while combining two antenna inputs. The antenna inputs can be from two external antennas, or an external antenna and the MFJ-1026 internal whip antenna. The signal output for the receiver is the vector addition or subtraction of signals from two separate antennas. This allows unwanted noise to be removed or desired signals to be enhanced. The MFJ-1026 is optimized over the range of 1.8 to 30 MHz.

The MFJ-1026 turns your antenna into a directional receiving phased array! 60 dB null wipes out interference and noise . . . Works on all modes including . . . SSB, AM, CW, and FM . . . Eliminate unwanted signals . . . Expose hidden stations!

Plug your station antenna into the MFJ-1026 and your antenna system turns into a directional receiving array!

You can place a null up to 60 dB deep on any type of noise and interference arriving from any single direction and wave angle. Wipe out interference and noise before it gets into your receiver!

It works on all modes -- SSB, AM, CW, FM -- and frequencies from 1.5 to 30 MHz. You can instantly change from nulling to peaking a signal at a push of a button and improve weak signal reception!

Wipe Out all types of Noise

Wipe out . . . lightning crashes from distant thunderstorms, severe power line noise from arcing transformers and insulators, lamp dimmers, touch controlled lamps, electric drills, motors, industry process, TV birdies . .

Eliminate unwanted signals

Strong local ham overloading your sensitive receiver? Can't copy your QSO? Cast a deep null on him and literally take him out -- you won't even know he's there.

Expose hidden stations

You can dig out a weak station hidden under a powerful one on the same frequency! Null out your local AM broadcast station. Underneath, you might find an exotic, distant station you've never heard of.

Works on all modes 1.5 to 30 MHz

Works on SSB, AM, CW, FM, RTTY, SSTV, Packet, and Pactor -- all modes. It works on all frequencies from 1.5 to 30 MHz, including all MF and HF amateur bands and shortwave broadcast.

More Effective then a Noise Blanker

Interference much stronger than the desired signal can be completely removed without affecting the desired signal.

Prevent overload by canceling noise before it gets into your sensitive receiver.

The MFJ-1026 is effective with all types of interference and on all modes. Signals can be peaked or nulled.

Better than Phased Antennas

The MFJ-1026 and your antenna can . . . electrically "rotate the array" while the antennas remain physically stationary . . . adjust both direction and wave angle of null or peak . . . change from nulling to peaking with the push of a button . . . ignore mutual coupling effects as phase and level are adjusted.

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