⚡PRO USB 3.0 Card Reader works for Samsung SM-A307FN SmartPhone adapter directly read at 5Gbps your MicroSDHC MicroSDXC Cards
●Verified, guaranteed work, this card reader (no memory card included) provides the latest technology, the safest, most secure
●The Fastest Speeds transfer your Captured pictures and Full HD 4K 8K video and photos
●Rated at U3 and Class 10 speeds, this means up 5Gbps and supports cards up 200MB/s of transfer files, data, video, streaming.
●Full A1 U3 Rating, this is unique as it guarantees a more consistent and solid performance and adds in at least 1,500 input/output operations per second (IOPS)
●Guaranteed operate under high pressure situations of -13°F 185°F (-25C 85C) with improved battery performance
●Sounds great right, is it true? SanFlash™ has tested and guaranteed this based on hundreds thousands of uses and we guarantee it actually meets, and in most cases, exceeds all expectations above in real life!No customer reviews