Type |
Calculators & Accessories |
Brand |
Texas Instruments |
Model |
Features |
Sold as 1 EA. |
Color |
Black |
Sizes/Dimensions |
1.3" x 6.9" |
Specifications |
Power Source: Battery |
Type Specifications |
Profit margins
Complex statistical problems
Loan amortizations
Sales/earnings forecasts
Net future value
Modified internal rate of return
Modified duration
Payback and discount payback
Four Regression Options: Linear, Logarithmic, Exponential and Power
Natural Logarithms
Powers |
BA II Plus Professional Calculator features time-saving calculations to make short work of complex equations, a 10-digit display and 10 user memories. Ideal for finance, accounting, economics, investment, statistics, and other business classes. Standard capabilities are time-value-of-money, accrued interest, amortization, cost-sell-margin, and depreciation. Perform cash-flow analysis for up to 32 uneven cash flows with up to four-digit frequencies. Calculator also offers list-based one-variable and two-variable statistics with four regression options: linear, logarithmic, exponential and power. Math functions include trigonometric calculations, natural logarithms, and powers. Other functions are Net Future Value (NFV), Modified Internal Rate of Return (MIRR), Modified Duration, Payback and Discount Payback. Automatic power-down conserves power. Calculator includes a black protective case and one lithium 2032 battery.