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Zaira Y Los Delfines - by Mar Pav'on (Hardcover)

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Zaira Y Los Delfines - by  Mar Pav'on (Hardcover)
Zaira Y Los Delfines - by  Mar Pav'on (Hardcover)
Zaira Y Los Delfines - by  Mar Pav'on (Hardcover)
Zaira Y Los Delfines - by  Mar Pav'on (Hardcover)
Zaira Y Los Delfines - by  Mar Pav'on (Hardcover)
Zaira Y Los Delfines - by  Mar Pav'on (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 32
Genre: Juvenile Fiction
Sub-Genre: Animals
Format: Hardcover
Publisher: Cuento de Luz SL
Age Range: 4-8 Years
Book theme: Marine Life
Author: Mar Pavón
Language: Spanish

About the Book

Winner at the 2012 Living Now Book Awards. Imagination flies free in this fun, entertaining, and sleepy time picture book for young, creative kids seeing the world in ways most of us cannot even imagine.

La imaginación vuela libremente en este libro ilustrado divertido, entretenido y soñador para esos niños pequeños y creativos que ven el mundo de formas y colores que la mayoría de nosotros ni siquiera podríamos imaginar.

Book Synopsis

Winner at the 2012 Living Now Book Awards. Imagination flies free in this fun, entertaining, and sleepy time picture book for young, creative kids seeing the world in ways most of us cannot even imagine.

Zaira is a little girl who can't stop imagining. She sees the world with such vivid colors, dreamlike shapes, that everyone fins it difficult to believe her. Her imagination soon leads her to meet some very special friends --in a fountain, right in the middle of the town square, she sees a group of dolphins playing in the water.

Everyday she goes by the fountain to say hi, but one day the dolphins weren't there. To her distress, the fountain was empty. "You are so dreamy, Zaira. Dolphins doesn't exist", said some children who were playing by the fountain. At that very instant, a magic fairy appeared and rescued Zaira, bringing her the hopes and dreams she'd lost.

Illusion takes center stage in this story, which not only stimulates the imagination among the little ones, but also appeals to this wonderful faculty of the human being as the ideal means to give wings to our games during childhood and to our dreams in maturity.

La imaginación vuela libremente en este libro ilustrado divertido, entretenido y soñador para esos niños pequeños y creativos que ven el mundo de formas y colores que la mayoría de nosotros ni siquiera podríamos imaginar.

Zaira es una niña que no puede dejar de imaginar. Ve el mundo con colores tan vivos, con formas de ensueño, que a todo el mundo le cuesta creerla. Su imaginación pronto la lleva a conocer a unos amigos muy especiales: en una fuente, en medio de la plaza del pueblo, ve un grupo de delfines jugando en el agua.

Todos los días pasa junto a la fuente a saludarlos, pero un día los delfines no están allí. Zaira, disgustada, se encontró que la fuente estaba vacía. «Eres tan soñadora, Zaira. Los delfines no existen», dijeron unos niños que jugaban junto a la fuente. En ese mismo instante, un hada mágica apareció y rescató a Zaira, llevándole las esperanzas y los sueños que había perdido.

La ilusión cobra protagonismo en esta historia, que no solo estimula la imaginación de los más pequeños, sino que apela a esta maravillosa facultad del ser humano que da alas a nuestros juegos durante la infancia y a nuestros sueños en la madurez.

Read the first pages of Zaira y los delfines here:

Review Quotes

Illusion takes center stage in this imaginative, inspiring story. It reminds us of the wonders of possessing a wonderful imagination: being able to create the most wonderful games during childhood, and dreaming big and staying creative when adults.

About the Author

Mar Pavón

Mar Pavón (Manresa, Spain, 1968) is a writer mainly dedicated to children's literature. Some of her extensive work is translated into English, French, Portuguese, Italian, German, Dutch, Chinese and Korean, among other languages.

She has been honored with prestigious awards in the US, some of which were presented by the International Latino Book Awards. Her most significant work is Yeray Poeta, published following the birth of her son in 1996. Her most popular character is "Clucky the Hen", created in collaboration with the illustrator Mónica Carretero and published by Cuento de Luz, winner of several awards and recognitions.

Cha Coco

Cha Coco, born and living in China, is an award-winning illustrator and has published several children picture books.

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