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1set ARDX - Basic Experimentation Kit for Arduino

CTNR1089256 CTNR1089256

Seeed Studio

Seeed Studio
2026-03-12 USD 85.91

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1set ARDX - Basic Experimentation Kit for Arduino
1set ARDX - Basic Experimentation Kit for Arduino
1set ARDX - Basic Experimentation Kit for Arduino
1set ARDX - Basic Experimentation Kit for Arduino
1set ARDX - Basic Experimentation Kit for Arduino
1set ARDX - Basic Experimentation Kit for Arduino
Type Engineering Development Tools
Description NOTE: This kit DOES NOT include the Arduino board, please visit ARDX - The starter kit for Arduino if you need an extra Arduino in the kit. People gets bored easily these days, while we believe engineering can always simulate the mind. That is actually how most of literate parents enlighten their kids, inspiring them with engineering. They firstly start with SIMPLE, FUN and BASIC experiments – using a range of electronic components to build easy circuits, let the kids feel the fun in it, and meanwhile learn how it works. TheARDX - Basic Experimentation Kit for Arduino is such a kit that helps beginners perceive the knowledge of electronics. Not only the kit includes a wide range of electronic components, but also it provides a detailed Experimenter’s Guide that illustrates up to 13 different circuit diagrams constructed with easy-to-use breadboard. After bread-boarding your own circuit as instructed, you will be familiar with basic elements of LEDs, resistors, photo sensors and temperature sensors etc. Then you can go even further with some more advanced components like piezo elements, relay, DC motor and servo.

Some of you might prefer reading the guide online, there is also an electronic version of the Experimenter’s Guide, which can be downloaded here. Also if you encounter any problems, want to ask some questions, or would you like to know more about any parts, extra help is only an e-mail away at help@oomlout. com. Features Designed for beginners Simple, easy bread-boarding circuit learning Help you grasp the use of basic elements, and also get to know some advanced electronic components 13 circuits at different level for you to learn progressively A color printed Experimenter's Guide included, providing step-by-step instructions Part List 75x Premium jumper wires 1x Type B USB cable 1x 9V battery clip 1x 5mm diffused RGB LED 1x Piezo Sensor - Minisensor 100 10x 5mm red LEDs 10x 5mm green LEDs 1x 10mm blue LED 1x Toy DC motor 1x 9g High Sensitive Mini sensor 1x 74HC595 1x Buzzer 1x 1M resistor 2x Pushbuttons 1x Potentiometer (10K) 1x Light sensor (5528) 1x TMP36 1x Relay (5v, 3A/120VAC) 2x P2N2222A 25x 560 Ohm resistors 3x 2.2 k Ohm resistors 3x 10k Ohm resistors 1x 220uf capacitor 2x 1N4001 1x Breadboard 1x Male pin header 4x Plastic rivet 1x Acrylic holder 4x Rubber bumpers 13x Color breadboard layout sheets 1x Full color printed Experimenter’s Guide Documents For technical discussion, please come to our Forum.

For projects that you would like to share with the community, please visit Recipe. Technical Details Dimensions 190mm x 120mm x 45mm Weight G. W 414g Battery Exclude Part List Premium jumper wires 75 Type B USB cable 1 9V battery clip 1 5mm diffused RGB LED 1 Piezo Sensor - Minisensor 100 1 5mm red LEDs 10 5mm green LEDs 10 10mm blue LED 1 Toy DC motor 1 9g High Sensitive Mini sensor 1 74HC595 1 Buzzer 1 1M resistor 1 Pushbuttons 2 Potentiometer (10K) 1 Light sensor (5528) 1 TMP36 1 Relay (5v, 3A/120VAC) 1 P2N2222A 2 560 Ohm resistors 25 2.2 k Ohm resistors 3 10k Ohm resistors 3 220uf capacitor 1 1N4001 2 Breadboard 1 Male pin header 1 Plastic rivet 4 Acrylic holder 1 Rubber bumpers 4 Color breadboard layout sheet

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