DESCRIPTION 3. 0 to VGA adapter is used to connect -enabled devices (such as laptops and desktops) to VGA-enabled devices (such as monitors, projectors, and televisions) for multi-display repeat, expansion, and more. HOW TO USE? 1>Connect the VGA adapter to the computer's 3. 0 port and connect it to the monitor with VGA cable. 2>Extract the driver file FL2000 from the attached CD and complete the installation. 3>Now you can get the second monitor and press ""win + p"" to debug more functions. HIGH RESOLUTION If connected to 3. 0 port, resolution is adjustable and the maximum resolution can be up to 1920x1080@60Hz (1080p).
If connected to 2. 0 port, resolution is 800x600@60Hz. DRIVER FILES The driver files FL2000 are stored in CD-ROM.
Or download link:
https: //support. fresco logic /portal/kb/articles/latest-drivers COMPATIBLE LIST Support for Windows systems such as Windows 7/8 / 8. 1 / 10; Support port devices such as desktops, laptops, PCs; Support VGA port devices such as surveillance, projectors, HDTV;