Are you tired of super-complicated technology? Are you planning a long hike, or a camping trip, and are concerned about losing your expensive gadgets? Did you ever get stuck with no electricity, couldnt charge your smartphone, and felt totally disconnected from the world? Well, if that's the case, this AM/FM radio is just the solution. Yes, you're constantly connected to your smartphone and your laptop/tablet are an indispensable part of your life, but sometimes you want total isolation from this world Imagine youre taking HER to a cabin in the woods no TV, no smartphone just the two of you and the radio playing your song Maybe a transistor radio seems like an object that belongs to the Stone Age, but it has gained increasing popularity in the past months.
Acknowledging that advanced technology has its limits and often enough has its backlash, you need an alternative. Operating only on two AA batteries, found in every household, and any store, this pocket radio will play for weeks. Standing on a stable base, it can fill up a room with a clear sound, as it has a built-in speaker. Having a sleek and chick look, it is small enough to fit in your hand, pocket shirt or pants pocket. It has fewer buttons than any other modern device, yet
includes everything you need: on/off volume button, mono earphone jack, telescoping antenna and a carrying strap for convenience. Surprise your loved one and purchase your classic transistor today. This gadget cuts through generations, pleasing a technologically obsessed youngster as well as a nostalgic old-school dude. Order Now We are committed to providing you excellence and satisfaction. If you are not happy with our product, we will refund 100% of your money.