Bogen Communications M600 POWER AMP STEREO 600W/CH MONO 1200W MOD INPUTS
Power Amp * 1200W mono power level for 70V speaker systems * 600W per channel * Mod Inputs * Low noise low distortion and high slew rate * Flexible modular input capability * Professional dual-channel high-impedance input module included * 3 selectable low-frequency roll-off choices* Insert connections for outboard equipment (in mono mode) * Post- and Pre-EQ Output Feeds (summed mono out in stereo mode) * DC overload short circuit and thermal protection circuits * Clip limiting circuits for speaker protection * Power-saving Sleep Mode for intermittent use applications * Status Signal and Clip/Limit indicators * Back-slope AC voltage stabilization for dependable performance over varying AC line voltages * Heavy-gauge steel chassis with cast aluminum front panel * Recessed volume control knobs with snap-on protective cover * Mounts in 2 rack spaces directly stackable without need for extra space above or below * 2 independant continuously variable cooling fans for dependable and quiet operation * Easy removable front fan grilles with filters * Stable into 2-ohm loads