BUENA VISTA HOME VIDEO SW-EMPIRE STRIKES BACK (BLU-RAY/DIGITAL) REPACKAGE BR155862The evil Empire seeks out the Rebels after Death Star loss.
New Box ArtYear: 1980Theatrical
Release: 1980-05-21Video
2006-09-12Studio: 20th
Century StudiosGenre: Science
FictionMPAA Rating:
124Animated: Live-ActionFull
Synopsis: The sequel to Star Wars chronicles the further adventures of Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia and Han Solo in their battle against the dark side of the Force. The film introduces Yoda, a Jedi master, to the cause and is probably best remembered for the moment when Luke learns the true identity of his father.
Director: Irvin
KershnerCast: Irvin Kershner; Mark Hamill; Harrison Ford; Carrie Fisher; Billy Dee Williams; Anthony Daniels; David Prowse; James Earl Jones (voice); Peter Mayhew; Kenny Baker; Frank Oz (voice)