**********5 years Focus on Car Holder always takes user safety as the first principle, and the problems of Vibrates and wobbles, falling off while driving has been reduced by 90%, after researching on 35, 000 product feedbacks, selected the best from 20, 000 materials, and passing 3, 500 tests since 2015. *****Driving Safety First, Car Mount Not Falling OffThe suction cup achieves 20 lbs load limit and can withstand extreme temperature changes from -20 F to 194 F. Reduced the risk of the suction cup deforming, and falling due to engine vibration, bumpy roads, and extreme heat environment.
*****Mobile Security, Tightly Clamped1) To reduce the risk of mobile phone falling from car phone mount, the clamp arm is widened by 30%, and the silicone pad is thickened by 35%, which solves that the cradle is unstable. 2) To make more than 3 years service life, uses the best advanced damping oil and synchronous gear. 3) To reduces the risk of scratching your fingers, phone stand is designed with pat