The Dual Power Bank by Cuddeback will offer an easy solution for those that want to extend their battery life for any and all Cuddelink J-Series, G-Series and new Dual Cell cameras and home units. The Dual Power bank will allow trail camera to run on alkaline batteries and/or solar rechargeable batteries in two separate banks which will increase battery life in virtually any situation up to 9 months or longer. With the Dual power bank, you can run two banks of alkaline D's or you can run one bank of D's and run rechargeable batteries in the other bank and plug a solar panel into that bank. The camera will run on the rechargeable until they get low then switch to the alkaline. Or you can run alkaline in both sides, you will get a notification on your report when one bank is low or dead which then will allow you an additional 120-day window before you need to change anything out. This will allow the consumer to deploy his Dual cell and or Cuddelink system in spring /early summer and run it maintenance/visit free thru the hunting season or longer.