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Healing Childhood Trauma - by Robin Marvel (Hardcover)

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Healing Childhood Trauma - by  Robin Marvel (Hardcover)
Healing Childhood Trauma - by  Robin Marvel (Hardcover)
Healing Childhood Trauma - by  Robin Marvel (Hardcover)
Healing Childhood Trauma - by  Robin Marvel (Hardcover)
Healing Childhood Trauma - by  Robin Marvel (Hardcover)
Healing Childhood Trauma - by  Robin Marvel (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 104
Genre: Psychology
Sub-Genre: Psychopathology
Format: Hardcover
Publisher: Loving Healing Press
Age Range: Adult
Author: Robin Marvel
Language: English

About the Book

Post-traumatic stress, anxiety, low self-esteem, substance abuse, depression, a lack of confidence and many other mental and physical ailments may be a result of childhood trauma you have endured.Uncovering, accepting and healing this childhood trauma will allow you to let go of the pain, releasing yourself from the guilt, shame, self-destruction

Book Synopsis

Post-traumatic stress, anxiety, low self-esteem, substance abuse, depression, a lack of confidence and many other mental and physical ailments may be a result of childhood trauma you have endured. Uncovering, accepting and healing this childhood trauma will allow you to let go of the pain, releasing yourself from the guilt, shame and self-destruction you have been living with. This book will provide you with tools and strategies to heal your childhood trauma allowing you to live fully.

  • Pinpoint the areas of struggle in your life now that are a reflection of the childhood trauma you endured
  • Tackle limitations by learning how childhood trauma can be healed and forgiven
  • Strategize an effective plan that will take you from struggle to success
  • Discover hands-on strategies and plans to heal, recover and let go of the limits imposed on your daily living due to childhood trauma

"Robin Marvel's Healing Childhood Trauma shares the wisdom of what her experience with the pain and trauma of life taught her. When we ask ourselves what the pain of our experience feels like, the words we use tell us what needs to be eliminated from life that will allow us to heal."
-- Bernie Siegel, MD, author of 365 Prescriptions For the Soul and The Art of Healing

"Robin Marvel hits a homerun with Healing Childhood Trauma. It's not just a book for reading--it's also a workbook that helps the adult survivor of childhood trauma find a new focus and develop new understanding of themselves while embarking on a healing journey."
-- John Patrick McCarron, Louisiana ambassador, National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse

"Healing Childhood Trauma provides insights and personal growth tips that will give the reader the permission to approach trauma in a positive way. The hands-on approach with self-reflection exercises throughout this book will help move PTSD victims to champions of life. This is the go-to book on recovering from childhood trauma. Bravo!"
-- Michael Levitt, CEO of Breakfast Leadership, author of 369 Days: How To Survive A Year of Worst-Case Scenarios

"Robin's basic message is that each of us has the power of choice: to change our self-perception, to forgive others, to be grateful, to heal and to take action. More importantly, readers will understand that there is no set timeline for healing. Each of us is unique and responds to trauma and adversity in our own per­sonal way. Robin herself is a pillar of strength, wisdom and guidance that inspires all of us to take control of our lives and make the difference our world needs."
-- Anita Casalina, writer and director of Imaginary Walls: A Film About Healing Racism

"In a personal yet poignant voice, Healing Childhood Trauma by Robin Marvel helps us understand why some people remain defined by their childhood trauma while others define new empowered paths of healing and growth. Marvel weaves together a compassionate blend of trauma exploration and anecdotal evidence supported with self-help exercises, mapping out a process for readers to transform their pain into purpose. This little book is not light. It just may change your perspective on how you live the rest of your life"
-- Holli Kenley, MA, MFT, author of Daughters Betrayed By Their Mothers: Moving From Brokenness To Wholeness

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From Loving Healing Press

Review Quotes

In Healing Childhood Trauma, Robin Marvel uses personal, heartbreaking stories of childhood trauma to encourage those struggling with post-traumatic stress. Her focus on post-traumatic growth brings a message of hope. Robin advocates the uses of adversity and the importance of choice in bringing about empow-erment. The exercises assist readers in changing their perspective on the trauma and moving them toward greater self-esteem. This guide is useful for those seeking to rediscover their self-worth and calls them to be honest with themselves and to take responsibility for their future. The author puts the power of choosing one's path squarely on the PTSD sufferer to change his/her life from victim to empowered survivor and shows him/her ways to accomplish that. This book brings an uplifting message of the ability to succeed and have joy in life, despite experiencing trauma.
-- Diane Wing, M.A., author of The Happiness Perspective: Seeing Your Life Differently

Healing Childhood Trauma by Robin Marvel is a memoir of terror that evolves into a book of instruction and guidance toward self-awareness and healing. Marvel has written an easy, readable book in the field of PTSD by creating space for the reader to reflect on, respond to and learn about personal childhood trauma that creeps into adulthood in a silent stream of actions and reactions. As Marvel explains, "Trauma creates changes you do not choose; healing is about creating change you do choose." The spaces provided for inner healing journaling bring the reader into many of the needed steps to recovery. I especially liked the exercise, "Forgiveness Release" using rocks! Marvel's newest book is for anyone who experienced childhood trauma of any kind and needs to begin the journey of healing and recovery.
-- Barbara Sinor, Ph.D., author of Gifts From the Child Within and Inspirational Musing: Insights Through Healing

Nowadays, it is almost impossible to move through life unscathed and unscarred. Luckily, the techniques offered within these pages provide simple yet effective strategies that will enable you to become empowered, as opposed to hampered, by your past. In this gem of a book, Robin Marvel shows us how to revise our internal scripts so that we can learn to love ourselves. Healing Childhood Trauma is a must-read for anyone who has ever experienced trauma (which is nearly everyone). Read it, digest it, engage with it and create a life of true and lasting freedom!
-- Daralyse Lyons, award-winning author and journalist

Robin Marvel does an excellent job of guiding those who have experienced childhood trauma into a place of healing and empow-erment. She helps the reader re-identify their traumas from a victim mindset to viewing their experiences as something that they have survived from and therefore have gained strength from. With this new found power and empathy, Robin en-cour-ages her readers to continue their healing by helping others who struggle with similar traumas. Ultimately through this book, Robin serves as a beacon to help others discover their light and shine it into the darkness of their deepest wounds so they may heal and re-gain better control of their life again.
-- Erica L Spencer, Licensed Acupuncturist

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