***** **********Best Quality Guranteed. *****Host OTG cable to HUB & LAN adapter -- Adds additional 2-Port OTG USB extension, orange USB is only for power output; Adds 10/100 Mbps wired internet connectivity*****Driver-less design for Windows 8.1 / 10 (32/64 bit) or up, Mac OS 10.9 or up, and Android 6.0 or up operation system, Chrome OS*****Compatible for Raspberry Pi 2, Fire TV Stick, notebook, Tablets, and computer with one available micro-b port*****Built-in a 5V DC port, DC power cable included; It only powers USB 2.0 HUB and NOT the host; It charges the added USB device*****It has limited Android compatibility.
Android users, before you buy, be sure to look if the device has a (grayed out) "Ethernet" menu in Settings under WIRELESS & NETWORKS. Most probably it will just work then