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Living with Integrity - by Dennis R Borg (Paperback)

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Living with Integrity - by  Dennis R Borg (Paperback)
Living with Integrity - by  Dennis R Borg (Paperback)
Living with Integrity - by  Dennis R Borg (Paperback)
Living with Integrity - by  Dennis R Borg (Paperback)
Living with Integrity - by  Dennis R Borg (Paperback)
Living with Integrity - by  Dennis R Borg (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 360
Genre: Business + Money Management
Sub-Genre: Motivational
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Bookbaby
Age Range: Adult
Author: Dennis R Borg
Language: English

About the Book

Being in the world, but not of the world, (to use Jesus' words), is probably the greatest challenge any Christian man faces as he goes about his daily life. For the business or professional man, who is both looked up and responsible for others, this is particularly demanding - especially in a society that is increasingly less sympathetic toward his Christian values and convictions.

Living with Integrity is addressed to this group of men, examining the key areas in their life and providing both insights and practical suggestions for applying Christian principles each day. Areas covered include: Shared family leadership with one's wife; functioning as an effective husband and father; maintaining a healthy and moral sex life; bringing balance, proper motives, good character, and people skills to work; and much more...

Designed as a handbook, each chapter stands on its own and is divided into sections, with questions for personal reflection and/or group discussion after each section.

Book Synopsis

Christian business and professional men face extra challenges as they attempt to live out their values and convictions in a world that is less-than-sympathetic to their views. Businessmen not only carry the responsibility to provide financially for their own families, but also to supply income and a work-friendly environment for those they employ. In addition to the above, professional men feel an extra burden for the well-being of the clients, patients or parishioners they serve. And the extra demands on their time and energy, combined with mental stress of their work, leaves these men with special, and often unrecognized, needs.

Living with Integrity was written to address this need by an author who has been a mentor to these men for 26 years. He uses his training and experience, both as a pastor and a family counselor, to focus on the key areas of the business and professional man's life with insights and practical suggestions for application, all from a Christian perspective.

For instance, this book contains a chapter on maintaining one's spiritual life on a busy schedule. Another chapter discusses using common business practices for more effective family leadership. Two chapters address the art of fathering and being a husband that his wife can both love and respect. All men (including Christians) have to deal with their sex lives and so the author has included a separate chapter on this subject, looking at it from several different angles. Four chapters deal directly with the Christian man's professional life; balancing work and leisure, having proper motives, using good people skills, and showing exemplary character in the way he conducts his affairs. Additional chapters speak to issues like attitudes and emotions, handling times of adversity, and preparing for retirement.

Written in handbook form, each chapter stands on its own so the reader can pick and choose areas of personal interest to peruse. The chapters are also divided into sections, with questions for personal reflection and/or group discussion at the end of each section. Thus, the book is useful for both an individual or a group.

About the Author

Dennis R. Borg is co-founder and director of Integrity Ministries, an organization with the goal of assisting business and professional men to integrate their faith into every area of their lives. He is a former pastor and seminary professor, and a licensed marriage and family therapist. He is married to his wife, Charlotte, and together they are the proud parents of four children, fifteen grandchildren and one great-grandson.

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