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Mastering Fear - by Brandon Webb & John David Mann (Hardcover)

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Mastering Fear - by  Brandon Webb & John David Mann (Hardcover)
Mastering Fear - by  Brandon Webb & John David Mann (Hardcover)
Mastering Fear - by  Brandon Webb & John David Mann (Hardcover)
Mastering Fear - by  Brandon Webb & John David Mann (Hardcover)
Mastering Fear - by  Brandon Webb & John David Mann (Hardcover)
Mastering Fear - by  Brandon Webb & John David Mann (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 224
Genre: Business + Money Management
Sub-Genre: Leadership
Format: Hardcover
Publisher: Portfolio
Age Range: Adult
Author: Brandon Webb & John David Mann
Language: English

Book Synopsis

From New York Times bestselling author and former Navy SEAL Brandon Webb comes a simple yet powerful five-step guide to transforming your life by making your fears work for you instead of against you.

Brandon Webb has run life-threatening missions in the world's worst trouble spots, whether that meant jumping out of airplanes, taking down hostile ships on the open sea, or rolling prisoners in the dead of night in the mountains of Afghanistan. As a Navy SEAL, he learned how to manage the natural impulse to panic in the face of terrifying situations. As media CEO and national television commentator, he has learned how to apply those same skills in civilian life.

Drawing on his experiences in combat and business, along with colorful anecdotes from his vast network of super-achiever friends from astronauts to billionaires, Webb shows how people from all walks of life can stretch and transcend their boundaries and learn to use their fears as fuel to achieve more than they ever thought possible. Fear can be a set of manacles, holding you prisoner, writes Webb. Or it can be a slingshot, catapulting you on to greatness.

The key, says Webb, is not to fight fear or try to beat it back, but to embrace and harness it. In the process, rather than being your adversary, your fear becomes a secret weapon that allows you to triumph in even the most adverse situations. In Mastering Fear, Webb and his bestselling coauthor John David Mann break this transformation down into five practical steps, creating a must-read manual for anyone looking for greater courage and mastery in their lives.

Review Quotes

"A useful weapon for those fighting creative battles in the 'War of Art.'"
--Steven Pressfield, author of The War of Art

"The big wins and most incredible experiences come when we feel afraid but do it anyway. Read Mastering Fear, get out of your comfort zone, and dance with your fear, knowing it will lead you to new levels of performance!"
--Siri Lindley, former triathlon world champion, coach, and author of Surfacing

"My favorite part of this book is that Brandon doesn't teach you to conquer fear as if it will go away completely and forever. No, as a Navy Seal, he knows there's always an element of fear in the things we do. Instead, we master it, fully aware that it is coming and ready when it does. I wish someone gave me this book when I graduated from college."
--Jon Acuff, author of Finish

"When you've got a hockey puck flying at you at 105 miles per hour, you don't have time for theory. It's the same when life is flying at you. You need to know what to do with the gut-ripping terror that grabs at you--and you need to know it from a guy who's been there. Brandon is that dude: he's the real deal. Read, learn, and excel."
--Brent Burns, all-star ice hockey defenseman for the San Jose Sharks

"Brandon's book will help you conquer anything holding you back from being your best and most unafraid self. A life-changer!"
--Betsy Morgan, former CEO, Huffington Post; former president, TheBlaze

"Understanding fear is a crucial part of success, and I cannot imagine a more qualified person to tackle it. Brandon's inspirational style of writing leaps me into action chapter by chapter. Thank you for such a practical breakdown of this important human condition."
--Sally Lyndley, editor, Love magazine

Not only will this book provide you with a brilliantly simple plan for conquering your deepest fears, but it will also leave you with a burning desire to do it. What previously seemed impossible will suddenly appear entirely tangible.
--Marina Khoroch, writer for

About the Author

Brandon Webb is a former US Navy SEAL, New York Times bestselling author, and founder and CEO of Hurricane Group, a media and ecommerce business focused on military entertainment, news, and monthly clubs. His titles include The Red Circle, Benghazi: The Definitive Report, The Killing School, and Total Focus.

John David Mann is Webb's co-author of The Red Circle, Among Heroes, The Killing School, Total Focus and the international bestseller The Go-Giver.

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