Earth's 2nd Biggest & Most Advanced Starter Kit for Arduino. Monster package with everything you need to get serious with programming electronics and exploring the Arduino system. Fully-loaded discovery bundle for building unlimited projects and ideas.
Monster Includes: Arduino-compatible UNO R3, NANO V3, MEGA 2560ESP32HC-05 Bluetooth Module ESP8266 Wifi ModuleW5100 Ethernet Shield2x NRF24L01 Wireless Transceiver ModuleRC522 RFID KitIR Remote KitUNO R3 Protoshield4x4 Keypad 1602 LCD w/ i2C BackpackUltrasonic Range SensorSound Sensor PIR Motion SensorImpact Switch SensorPhoto Interrupter SensorGY68 Barometric Pressure SensorLine Tracking SensorIR Flame SensorHall Effect SensorDHT11 Temperature & Humidity Sensor Vibration SensorIR Obstacle Avoidance SensorMQ3 Alcohol SensorMQ9 Combustible Gas Sensor Soil Moisture SensorRain Level SensorGY521 3-Axis Gyro & Accelerometer ModuleISD1820 Voice Recording ModuleDS3231 Real Time ClockRotary Encoder Laser Diode 1 Digit 7 Segment LED Display4 Digit 7 Segment LED DisplayMAX7219 8x8 LED Matrix Display5V DC Hobby Motor5g Servo5V DC Stepper Motor + ULN2003 Stepper Motor Driver 9V 1A Power Supply5V 1-Channel Relay ModuleUSB Charger Doctor Piezo Buzzer700-Point BreadboardPS2 JoystickShift RegisterL239D Motor DriverNPN TransistorThermistor9V Battery Connector4G USB Flashdrive2x Photoresistor2x Ceramic Disk Capacitor1N4004 Diode30x Resistor (100R, 220R, 1K, 4.7K, 10K, 47K, 100K, 1M) 3x LED White, Red, Yellow, Green, Blue 2x RGB LED6x Breadboard Button2x Potentiometer (10K, 100K) 2x 3-Pin Slider Switch2x 40-Pin Male Header40x Female-Male Jumper Wires40x Male-Male Jumper Wires40x Female-Female Jumper Wires