MUSIC VIDEO DIST BLUE DESERT (DVD/2013) DIP6172DA man goes off in search of the meaning of life.
Year: 2018Video
2018-07-10Studio: Music
Video DistributorsGenre: Science
FictionMPAA Rating: Not
ColorAnimated: Live-ActionFull
Synopsis: In an age devoid of memory and truth, a man, guided by intuitions and dreams, goes off in search of the meaning of life and existence. Revelations and symbols arise on his path, through which he comes to encounter his soulmate in the BLUE DESERT. With plot points based on Yoko One's first art book, GRAPEFRUIT, also featuring quotes from Brazilian author Machado de Assis, and set against the bold architecture of futurist Oscar Niemeyer's Brasilia, this modernist sci-fi offers a dreamy take on new age spirituality and the physical realm.
Cast:; Odilon Esteves; Angelo Antonio; Chico Diaz; Maria Luisa Mendonca; Michelle Castro