MUSIC VIDEO DIST DICK CAVETT SHOW-BASEBALLS GREATEST DD3729028Dick Cavett interviews some baseball great pitchers.
Year: 2019Video
2019-06-25Studio: Music
Video DistributorsGenre: TV
SeriesMPAA Rating: Not
390Animated: Live-ActionFull
Synopsis: In this six-episode, 3 DVD collection, Dick Cavett talks with legendary major league baseball pitchers from the Golden Age of baseball, including Satchel Paige, Dizzy Dean, Bob Feller, Whitey Ford, Denny McLain, Vida Blue and Tommy John with special guests including Whitey Ford teammate Mickey Mantle, Paul Simon, Marcel Marceau, Salvador Dali, Robert Altman and others.
Director: Thomas
PrestonCast: Thomas Preston; Dick Cavett; Satchel Paige; Dizzy Dean; Bob Feller; Whitey Ford; Denny McLain; Vida Blue; Tommy John; Mickey Mantle; Paul Simon