NEW! NOW WITH A LONGER INTERNAL BT CABLE! Due to popular demand, this new version comes with a 50 cm internal BT cable, vs. the previous version with a 30 cm cable. This extra length allows you to use our BT Antenna kit with newer 802.11 AC / BT 4.0 combo cards which relocate the BT just out of reach of the old cable. This newer version of the kit also works just as well with the original BT radio. Thanks to all for the feedback about the need for extra length! Use this External Bluetooth Antenna Kit to enhance the Bluetooth reception of your 2006-2012 Pro.
Enhances Bluetooth mouse reception for smooth scrolling. This kit is the solution to any jerky mouse or jerky scrolling issues you may have with your Pro. You keep the factory Bluetooth in the machine. It keeps supporting sleep and wake and everything else it's supposed to. The original internal Bluetooth antenna stays in the machine and can be easily reconnected if you wish. The factory Bluetooth card remains, but its antenna is just replaced by a high performance EXTERNAL Bluetooth antenna, which you can locate inches from your mouse for superior reception.
Kit includes all the parts and instructions you need to quickly and easily upgrade your
Bluetooth antenna: internal Bluetooth cable to connect to your Bluetooth card; PCI-E slot cover with screw-in connector for external antenna cable; small, unobtrusive Bluetooth antenna; external Bluetooth cable (allows you to position the Bluetooth antenna in the ideal spot for your mouse); strips of VHB adhesive; installation instructions and technical support if needed. This kit was designed for Pro 2006-2012 models. However, it should provide the same signal enhancement to other desktop computers with similar Bluetooth reception issues.