***** **********Best Quality Guranteed. *****UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE SUPPORT75 national languages can be translated to serve 95% of the world's major countries-regions*****POWERFUL ENGINEArtificial intelligent 4 cores processor and algorithm inside achieves 0.2 s fastest in world, over 97.5 % accuracy, stable real-time translation*****GLOBAL ONLINEGlobal translation through network of WiFI / Phone Hotspot / GSM / WCDMA SIM card wireless connection*****REMOTE CONFERENCETalk together with synchronous translation in different regions and countries for multi-party remote international conference*****ADDITIONAL USEFUL FUNCTION Image recognition and translation to aimed 10 languages. Recorder pen for recording Mandarin, English and Cantonese voice and translating to text of other 75 languages with real-time translation