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The Man Who Made Things Out of Trees - by Robert Penn (Paperback)

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The Man Who Made Things Out of Trees - by  Robert Penn (Paperback)
The Man Who Made Things Out of Trees - by  Robert Penn (Paperback)
The Man Who Made Things Out of Trees - by  Robert Penn (Paperback)
The Man Who Made Things Out of Trees - by  Robert Penn (Paperback)
The Man Who Made Things Out of Trees - by  Robert Penn (Paperback)
The Man Who Made Things Out of Trees - by  Robert Penn (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 256
Genre: Reference
Sub-Genre: General
Format: Paperback
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company
Age Range: Adult
Author: Robert Penn
Language: English

About the Book

The story of how one man cut down a single tree to see how many things could be made from it.

Book Synopsis

Out of all the trees in the world, the ash is most closely bound up with who we are: the tree we have made the greatest and most varied use of over the course of human history. One frigid winter morning, Robert Penn lovingly selected an ash tree and cut it down. He wanted to see how many beautiful, handmade objects could be made from it.

Thus begins an adventure of craftsmanship and discovery. Penn visits the shops of modern-day woodworkers--whose expertise has been handed down through generations--and finds that ancient woodworking techniques are far from dead. He introduces artisans who create a flawless axe handle, a rugged and true wagon wheel, a deadly bow and arrow, an Olympic-grade toboggan, and many other handmade objects using their knowledge of ash's unique properties. Penn connects our daily lives back to the natural woodlands that once dominated our landscapes.

Throughout his travels--from his home in Wales, across Europe, and America--Penn makes a case for the continued and better use of the ash tree as a sustainable resource and reveals some of the dire threats to our ash trees. The emerald ash borer, a voracious and destructive beetle, has killed tens of millions of ash trees across North America since 2002. Unless we are prepared to act now and better value our trees, Penn argues, the ash tree and its many magnificent contributions to mankind will become a thing of the past. This exuberant tale of nature, human ingenuity, and the pleasure of making things by hand chronicles how the urge to understand and appreciate trees still runs through us all like grain through wood.

Review Quotes

[Ranges] freely over intellectual territory--masculinity, nostalgia, identity. . . . Fascinating.--Books of the Year 2015 "The Times (UK)"

A well-crafted tribute to the ash. . . . Penn has made a lovely book: part elegant history, part anxious lament.-- "Guardian"

The appeal of Robert Penn's enchanting narrative extends far beyond tree enthusiasts, woodworkers, and fanatic loggers like me. It is a book-lover's feast. Penn's wonderful prose and compelling research put The Man Who Made Things Out of Trees right up there in the league with such classics as John McPhee's The Survival of the Bark Canoe.--Rinker Buck, New York Times best-selling author of The Oregon Trail

A beautifully figured and multicolored ode to our love affair with the invaluable ash tree. I swooned. Penn's paean to the many uses of the ash is so well-wrought that I am compelled to take up hurling.--Nick Offerman

There is no greater debt than that which mankind owes to trees, and Robert Penn proves this brilliantly--a highly readable account of the multitude of uses one single ash tree can provide.--Lars Mytting, author of Norwegian Wood

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