Prepare for exams and classes with this TI-30Xa scientific calculator. Find accurate solutions to complex problems with this TI-30Xa scientific calculator. A one-line 10-digit display makes answers easy to see, while the color-coded keypad lets you find numbers and functions for effortless operation. The shift key provides access to advanced functions, letting you tackle pre-algebra, algebra, general science and trigonometry problems. Fraction conversion and decimal functions are perfect for solving basic math problems. This calculator comes with an impact-resistant cover, so it stands up to the rigors of everyday school use.
Accepted for use in SAT, ACT and AP exams, this TI-30Xa scientific calculator is an ideal option for junior high and high school students. Scientific calculator with 10-digit one-line LCD display. Perfect choice for general math, algebra 1 and 2, pre-algebra, general science. Calculator works from one LR44 battery. Has built-in memory for three variables.
Also calculator has AOS: (algebraic operating system), negation key, change improper fractions to mixed numbers, automatic simplification of fractions.
Calculator provides: fraction calculations, fraction/decimal conversions, hyperbolic functions, trigonometry, log and antilog functions. Calculator has hard plastic body, color-coded keys, and snap-on protective hard case. 1-year manufacturer limited warranty.