Size: Cam Plus 1
Pack | Color: WhiteKeep an eye on those who matter most. For decades, home security systems were all about keeping people out. But what about the people you love keeping in? Finally, you can look after your familys safety, security, comfort and wellbeing with Camyour clever little helper! This powerful video surveillance device ensures you never a miss a moment. With powerful 1080p HD imaging and super-clear audio, the wireless camera promptly alerts you to intruders and other suspicious activity. But most importantly, keeps you connected to your loved ones, enhancing communication and restoring harmony to your household routine. Family remains top priority with live views from your smart phone; convenient 2-way audio; handy text-to-speech; and a variety of options for setting reminders, scheduling alerts, and other everyday tasks. Make no mistakes 350 panoramic recording is just as powerful as todays popular smart security systems. But now, you can monitor your home without getting constant alerts every time your pet walks by. If youre ready to switch from artificial intelligence to family intelligencewelcome home the Cam!