Style: Worktunes Gel The next generation in WorkTunes hearing protection and entertainment, The WorkTunes connect + gel cushions hearing protector with Bluetooth technology combines a modern, comfortable design with high-fidelity sound quality. This innovative hearing protection lets you conveniently make and take phone calls. Equipped with Bluetooth wireless technology, these hearing protectors allow you to stream The entertainment of your choice from your smartphone or other mobile device, while helping provide protection in noisy environments. Premium gel cushions provide enhanced comfort for your ears. The low profile and lightweight design is crafted with style in mind. Built-in comfort with baseball hat-compatible headband is excellent for extended wear. Whether you're using a circular saw or mowing the day away, reach for WorkTunes connect +gel cushions hearing protector with Bluetooth technology to help make your workday entertaining and-most importantly comfortable. From the ManufacturerThis hearing protection product helps reduce exposure to hazardous noise and other loud sounds. Misuse or failure to wear hearing protectors at all times that you are exposed to noise may result in hearing loss or injury. For proper use, see user instructions.