The FC-40 is a microprocessor-controlled antenna impedance matching network designed to provide all-amateur-band transmitting capability with the FT-897/857 Series of transceivers, when used with an end-fed random wire or long whip antenna. The FC-40 makes use of the control circuitry built into the transceiver, which allows the operator to control and monitor automatic operation of the FC-40, which mounts near the antenna feedpoint. The FC-40 uses specially-selected, thermallystable components, and is housed in a waterproof case to withstand severe environmental conditions with high reliability. A carefully-chosen combination of solid-state switching components and high-speed relays allows the FC-40 to match a wide variety of antennas to within a 2:1 SWR on any amateur band frequency (160 through 5 meters), typically in less than ten seconds. Transmitter power required for matching may be as little as 4 - 60 Watts, and matching settings are automatically stored in memory for instant recall when the same frequency range is selected later. Rugged, low-loss components are employed throughout the FC-40, to ensure reliable operation for many years in a wide range of environmental situations. The high-Q matching network ensures the efficient transfer of power to the antenna radiating element, with the convenience of instant band change thanks to the microprocessor control circuitry.