Bob, The Apple - by Angela Bewick (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 32Genre: Juvenile FictionSub-Genre: FamilyFormat: HardcoverPublisher: FriesenPressBook theme: General (see also headings under Social Themes)Author: Angela BewickLanguage: English About the Book Bob the apple is afraid of the changes that are coming with the autumn season. Watching his brothers and sisters fall from the tree is scary, but with the help of his wise father, his spunky friend, Robin and Mother Nature, he is able to see the p... Book Synopsis Bob the apple is afraid of the changes that are coming with the autumn season. Watching his brothers and sisters fall from the tree is scary, but with the help of his wise father, his spunky friend, Robin and Mother Nature, he is able to see the possibilities that can come with trusting transition and being true to yourself.
Animales del oc'eano Libro para colorear para ni~nos - by Angella Nicoleta (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 70Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: Activity BooksFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Angella NicoletaAge Range: 9-12 YearsAuthor: Angella NicoletaLanguage: Spanish About the Book ¿Busca el libro para colorear de animales oceánicos para niños perfecto? Book Synopsis ¿Busca el libro para colorear de animales oceánicos para niños perfecto?Nuestro libro para colorear de animales del océano es perfecto para los más pequeños de la casa. Las hermosas imágenes de este Libro para colorear les proporcionarán horas de relajación y creatividad. Este libro crea una amplia gama de Libros para Colorear que ayudan a tu hijo a relajarse, desconectar y expresar su creatividad mientras presta atención a los detalles.Consigue este regalo perfecto para los más pequeños de la casa.Nuestro libro para colorear de animales del océano incluye: Formato 8,5 x 11, diseños de calidad profesional70 páginasLos libros para colorear de animales del océano son un regalo maravilloso para los más pequeños. Nuestros libros para colorear suelen ser uno de los artículos más regalados.
Flugzeug Malbuch fur Kinder - by Old Sas (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 94Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: TransportationFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Old SASAge Range: 9-12 YearsBook theme: AviationAuthor: Old SasLanguage: German Book Synopsis Eine einzigartige Sammlung von Flugzeugen Färbung Seiten für Kinder mit viel Spaß Bilder. Dieses Buch enthält Bilder von: Flugzeugen, Hubschraubern, Stuntflugzeugen, Flugzeugen, Armeeflugzeugen und vielem mehr. Sie sind perfekt für Jungen und Mädchen, die entdecken wollen, was mit hoher Geschwindigkeit über unseren Köpfen fliegt. Lassen Sie der kreativen Seite Ihres Kindes freien Lauf mit diesen lustigen und einzigartigen Ausmal-Seiten. Einige Eigenschaften, die Sie beim Kauf dieses Buches erhalten: Hochauflösende Bilder Gedruckt auf rein weißen Seiten Große 8,5 x 11 Seiten Einseitig bedruckte Seiten, damit die Bilder nicht durchscheinen und leicht zu zerreißen sind Hochwertiger Einband. Glänzend Anzahl der Seiten: 94 Ein Malbuch von 'Ol Sas Pages ist immer eine tolle Idee für ein Geschenk. Jeder ist fasziniert von dem, was am Himmel zu sehen ist, vor allem junge Leute.
My First BIG Tracing Book - by Mihail Rauf (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 134Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: Activity BooksFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Mihail RaufAge Range: 9-12 YearsAuthor: Mihail RaufLanguage: English About the Book My First Big Tracing Book is a workbook for children designed to teach the writing of letters and numbers. Book Synopsis My First Big Tracing Book is a workbook for children from 2 years old. It is designed to teach the writing of letters and numbers. At the basis of this workbook is the principle of repetition, because we have noticed that children learn more easily by repeating a certain thing. The interior is very well structured, simple, especially for young ages. This workbook is recommended both in the classroom with teachers and at home for additional work with parents. By going through this workbook your child will easily get to know letters and numbers, so he will be prepared for writing words and reading.We are convinced that we will win over the little ones! We recommend you to follow us as we will launch a wide range of educational workbooks for children!
4th Grade Math Review Packet Daily Workbook - by Nadine Alison Torrance (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 124Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: MathematicsFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Nadine Alison TorranceAge Range: 9-12 YearsBook theme: GeneralAuthor: Nadine Alison TorranceLanguage: English Book Synopsis Do you want to create a quality activity time for your child? Does he enjoy math?Well ... Consistent practice is the best way for students to develop math skills and confidence, at any grade level. This Math activity workbook grade 4 contains a variety of pages and lots of exercises to solve that will delight your kids and improve their knowledge.Providing quality working time our book will improve their knowledge. It's an excellent resource for parents and teachers looking to help their students master math facts in 4th grade.WORKBOOK FEATURES: Ages 9-10, Grade 45 packs, 122 pages, 8.5 inches x 11 inchesTopics covered: Additions and subtractions, Multiplications and Divisions, Fractions and Decimals, Measurement conversions, classifying Geometric Figures (degrees and angles, polygons, symmetry), and algebra preparation.Printed in color to be more attractive for child's eyes;Beautiful cover design with a glossy finish.♥Make a surprise for your little one and buy it today!♥
Dinosaur Dot to Dot Coloring Book for Kids Ages 4-8 - Large Print by Hector England (Paperback)
Edition: Large PrintNumber of Pages: 84Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: Activity BooksFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Hector EnglandAge Range: 9-12 YearsAuthor: Hector EnglandLanguage: English Book Synopsis Dinosaur Dot-To-Dot Coloring Book help kids a lot to practice and learn numbers quickly!With this book, kids will never get bored and discover the beauty of these ancient animals. Children's activity books are ideal for providing kids with more than just the early reading experience that is essential to their later academic strength. Benefits: Less Screen Time More Reading Improved Comprehension Skills Fun Together Activity Increase Knowledge And Develop Their Interest Let your child's imagination run and buy this amazing book ! You will find: 40 unique dot to dot dinosaurs coloring pages Large print 8.5 x 11 inches Glossy premium cover 83 pagesEasy to follow instructions!
Cuentos infantiles para la hora de dormir - by Mariana Sequera (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 98Genre: Juvenile FictionSub-Genre: Bedtime & DreamsFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Mariana SequeraAuthor: Mariana SequeraLanguage: Spanish About the Book Siempre hemos visto en las películas, series o historias, esa típica escena en la que los padres de un niño lo llevan a la cama? Book Synopsis Siempre hemos visto en las películas, series o historias, esa típica escena en la que los padres de un niño lo llevan a la cama, y el pequeño les pide un cuento antes de dormir. Una escena aunque suene a cliché, es muy real y de seguro algunos padres lo hemos vivido en algún momento. Sin duda alguna, la hora de dormir es un lindo momento para compartir con nuestros hijos, pero a veces ¿No le ha pasado que sus hijos se aburren de oír las mismas historias siempre? O tal vez ¿Usted no conoce ninguna historia para contar o no tiene la creatividad de un niño para improvisar un cuento entretenido al momento? Si es así, este libro es el ideal para usted, con una extensa cantidad de relatos muy creativos y originales, que siempre dejan una moraleja, una afirmación de vida, donde usted tendrá un gran repertorio de cuentos para entretener a sus hijos, con historias lo suficientemente llamativas e interesantes para captar la atención de los más pequeños, pero evitando que se energicen y pierdan las ganas de dormir. Al arropar a su hijo y leerle uno de estos cuentos, le ayudará a calmarse, a relajarse imaginando positivamente y dormirse mucho más fácilmente. Abra la puerta de su Imaginación y ¡Dulces sueños, ZZZZzzzz!
Extreme Mazes For Kids Vol 5 - by Lucy Wright J (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 142Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: Games & ActivitiesFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Mazes for Kids AmericaAge Range: 9-12 YearsBook theme: PuzzlesAuthor: Lucy Wright JLanguage: English Book Synopsis Extreme Mazes For Kids Vol 5: 100+ Fun and Challenging MazesGet this book with 55% Off !!Fun and Challenging Maze Activity Book Learn and Have Fun with Mazes! Here is what you will find in this book: Extreme Mazes 0401 to 0500;In the other hard mazes volumes: Vol.1: maze 0001 to 0100Vol.2: maze 0101 to 0200Vol.3: maze 0201 to 0300Vol.4: maze 0301 to 0400Vol.5: maze 0401 to 0500Vol.6: maze 0501 to 0600Vol.7: maze 0601 to 0700Vol.8: maze 0701 to 0800Vol.9: maze 0801 to 0900Vol.10: maze 0901 to 1000 This book is designed to help kids gain confidence, by starting out easy and then getting trickier as children progress through the puzzles.This puzzles encourage your child's attention and concentration span through the simple and fun activity! So, Grab this book now!
Ocean Animals Coloring Book for Kids - by Angella Nicoleta (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 70Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: Activity BooksFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Angella NicoletaAge Range: 9-12 YearsAuthor: Angella NicoletaLanguage: English About the Book Looking for the perfect children's Ocean Animals Coloring Book? Book Synopsis Looking for the perfect children's Ocean Animals Coloring Book?Our Ocean Animals Coloring Book is perfect for the little ones in your life! The beautiful images in this Coloring Book will provide hours of relaxation and creativity. This book creates a wide range of Coloring Books that help your kid relax, unwind, and express his creativity while paying attention to details.Get this Perfect Gift for the little ones in your life!Our Ocean Animals Coloring Book features: 8.5 x 11 format, professional quality designs70 pagesOcean Animals Coloring Books make a wonderful gift for your little ones. Our Coloring Books are frequently one of the most gifted items.
Pillow - by Debora de Santanna (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 34Genre: Juvenile FictionSub-Genre: AnimalsFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Debora de SantannaAge Range: 9-12 YearsBook theme: DogsAuthor: Debora de SantannaLanguage: English Book Synopsis From stray dog to furry sidekick: follow Pillow the Dog on special adventures!When 8-year old Mick crosses the street, he forgets to look both ways and doesn't see the car rushing towards him.....SCREECH...Suddenly, a stray dog jumped in front of Mick and saved him from a car accident. In a blink of an eye, their lives are changed forever. Mick's family is extremely thankful and adopts the dog and names him Pillow. Pillow and Mick soon become best friends, and together they solve everyday problems. Pillow The Dog is a tale of unconditional love, kindness, and friendship between a boy and his furry friend.
Alphabet Workbook for Kids ages 3-5 - by Abby Burke (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 34Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: Language ArtsFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Abby BurkeAge Range: 9-12 YearsBook theme: HandwritingAuthor: Abby BurkeLanguage: English Book Synopsis ★ Fun ways to discover the joy of learning the alphabet for kids ages 3+ ★Give your child a head start with our workbook that teaches the alphabet in multiple fun ways like coloring letters, trace the letter, find the letter in a square full of letters, and much more.♥ Make your kid be excited about learning with this amazing book! ♥◆ Our Alphabet Workbook features: Premium matte cover designPerfect large size 8.5 x 1133 Pages♥ Get this Perfect Gift for the little ones in your life! Grab your book today! ♥
Sir`ene Livre de Coloriage Pour les Enfants de 4 `a 8 Ans - by Abby Burke (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 86Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: Activity BooksFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Abby BurkeAge Range: 9-12 YearsAuthor: Abby BurkeLanguage: French Book Synopsis ♥ Déclenchez la créativité de votre enfant et son attention aux détails avec ces 40 dessins uniques ! Cette activité simple et amusante peut grandement contribuer au développement de vos enfants. Le livre est parfait pour les filles ou les garçons de 4 ans et plus. Les belles images de mignonnes sirènes avec leurs amis de la mer offriront une heure de détente et de créativité. ★ Obtenez ce cadeau parfait pour votre petit amoureux des sirènes !◆ Notre livre de coloriage de sirènes comprend: - 40 jolis dessins de sirènes. - Tous les dessins sont imprimés sur une seule page pour éviter le débordement. - Convient aux marqueurs, aux stylos gel, aux crayons de couleur, aux traits fins, à l'aquarelle. - Grand format 8,5 x 11 - Dessins de qualité professionnelle - 85 Pages ★ Les livres de coloriage font un merveilleux cadeau pour les enfants. Procurez-vous votre exemplaire dès aujourd'hui !
Vintage coloring book for kids - by Liviu Paraschiv C (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 66Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: Activity BooksFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Liviu Paraschiv C.Author: Liviu Paraschiv CLanguage: English Book Synopsis Vintage Coloring Book for Kids, Surprise Cute 1950's, in this book you kid will discover how playing Children, Cowboy, and spring Animals in more that 60 Pages.The vintage paper dolls, clip art and colouring books available in this wonderful coloring book, the image are amazing!
Livre de coloriage d'animaux pour les enfants - by Vanessa Smith (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 44Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: Activity BooksFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Vanessa SmithAge Range: 9-12 YearsAuthor: Vanessa SmithLanguage: French Book Synopsis Libérez la créativité de vos enfants avec des pages de coloriage d'animaux complètement uniques pour les enfants ! Ce livre de coloriage est le moyen idéal de garder vos enfants loin de leurs appareils pendant qu'ils s'adonnent à leur créativité. Des pages de coloriage en taille réelle avec des dinosaures, des tigres, des cerfs, des tortues, des singes, des girafes, des huîtres, des lions, des éléphants, etc. 1 animal = 1 page Ce fabuleux et innovant livre de coloriage d'animaux pour les tout-petits et les enfants est rempli d'illustrations de 2021. Tous les dessins sont imprimés sur une seule face, avec une page vide spéciale derrière, pour faciliter le retrait pour l'encadrement ou l'affichage et minimiser les débordements. Si vous êtes à la recherche d'un livre de coloriage très amusant et totalement cool, rempli d'animaux étonnants pour un enfant qui aime colorier, alors Big Animals Coloring Book for Kids est le choix parfait pour vous.
My Dog Is My Best Friend - by Jennifer L Trace & Qwiggle Club (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 30Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: AnimalsFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Kids Castle PressAge Range: Baby - 3 YearsBook theme: DogsAuthor: Jennifer L Trace & Qwiggle ClubLanguage: English Book Synopsis An Amazon Bestseller Presents...A story about Friendship..Learn about the true meaning of friendship through the heartwarming adventures of a little girl and her loving dog. Discover their unconditional love and how friends help each other through their difficult times. Having a good friend is truly a blessing!
S"ot sj"ojungfru F"argbok - Large Print by Danny Lewis (Paperback)
Edition: Large PrintNumber of Pages: 80Genre: Juvenile FictionSub-Genre: Activity BooksFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Paradise K PublishAge Range: 9-12 YearsAuthor: Danny LewisLanguage: Swedish Book Synopsis Färgböcker för barn.Aktivitetsbok för barn, målarböcker för barn.Timmar av underhållning i sjöjungfrus värld!Trevlig gåva för flickor eller pojkar.
Kolorowanka Śliczna Syrenka - Large Print by Danny Lewis (Paperback)
Edition: Large PrintNumber of Pages: 80Genre: Juvenile FictionSub-Genre: Activity BooksFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Paradise K PublishAge Range: 9-12 YearsAuthor: Danny LewisLanguage: Polish Book Synopsis Kolorowanki dla dzieci.Książka aktywnościowa dla dzieci, kolorowanki dla dzieci.Godziny rozrywki w świecie syren!Ladny prezent dla dziewczynek lub chlopców.
Extreme Mazes For Kids Vol 4 - by Lucy Wright J (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 142Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: Games & ActivitiesFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Mazes for Kids AmericaAge Range: 9-12 YearsBook theme: PuzzlesAuthor: Lucy Wright JLanguage: English Book Synopsis Extreme Mazes For Kids Vol 4: 100+ Fun and Challenging MazesGet this book with 55% Off !!Fun and Challenging Maze Activity Book Learn and Have Fun with Mazes! Here is what you will find in this book: Extreme Mazes 0301 to 0400;In the other hard mazes volumes: Vol.1: maze 0001 to 0100Vol.2: maze 0101 to 0200Vol.3: maze 0201 to 0300Vol.4: maze 0301 to 0400Vol.5: maze 0401 to 0500Vol.6: maze 0501 to 0600Vol.7: maze 0601 to 0700Vol.8: maze 0701 to 0800Vol.9: maze 0801 to 0900Vol.10: maze 0901 to 1000 This book is designed to help kids gain confidence, by starting out easy and then getting trickier as children progress through the puzzles.This puzzles encourage your child's attention and concentration span through the simple and fun activity! So, Grab this book now!
Extreme Mazes For Kids Vol 8 - by Lucy Wright J (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 142Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: Games & ActivitiesFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Mazes for Kids AmericaAge Range: 9-12 YearsBook theme: PuzzlesAuthor: Lucy Wright JLanguage: English Book Synopsis Extreme Mazes For Kids Vol 8: 100+ Fun and Challenging MazesGet this book with 55% Off !!Fun and Challenging Maze Activity Book Learn and Have Fun with Mazes! Here is what you will find in this book: Extreme Mazes 0701 to 0800;In the other hard mazes volumes: Vol.1: maze 0001 to 0100Vol.2: maze 0101 to 0200Vol.3: maze 0201 to 0300Vol.4: maze 0301 to 0400Vol.5: maze 0401 to 0500Vol.6: maze 0501 to 0600Vol.7: maze 0601 to 0700Vol.8: maze 0701 to 0800Vol.9: maze 0801 to 0900Vol.10: maze 0901 to 1000 This book is designed to help kids gain confidence, by starting out easy and then getting trickier as children progress through the puzzles.This puzzles encourage your child's attention and concentration span through the simple and fun activity! So, Grab this book now!
Libro de Actividades Para Ni~nos - by Publishing Asteri (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 110Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: Activity BooksFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Nistor MonicaAge Range: 9-12 YearsAuthor: Publishing AsteriLanguage: Spanish Book Synopsis ¡GRAN LIBRO DE ACTIVIDADES PARA NIÑOS! ¡Deja volar la creatividad de tus hijos! Laberintos, colorear, sopa de letras, sudoku y mucho más. ¡Divertido libro de actividades para niños! Un montón de actividades diferentes, incluyendo laberintos, colorear y mucho más. Mantén a tus hijos ocupados, entretenidos y divirtiéndose mientras aprenden. Lleno de muchos tipos de actividades, estimulará el cerebro, inspirará la creatividad y desarrollará la motricidad fina. Este libro es un cuaderno de trabajo perfecto para niños de 4 a 8 años que quieran colorear, resolver rompecabezas, trazar, contar y ser creativos. Adecuado para niños y niñas, este libro de actividades es un gran libro de viaje o de vacaciones. También se puede llevar en los viajes largos en coche para pasar el tiempo. Es un gran regalo para los niños. Este libro de actividades para niños cuenta con: - Una gran variedad de actividades - Sopa de letras, laberintos, sudoku, colorear - Páginas grandes de 8 1/2 x 11 pulgadas - Las páginas de una sola cara facilitan el arranque - Impresión de alta resolución - Impreso en blanco brillante - Cubierta duradera - Libro de alta calidad El regalo perfecto para sus hijos o seres queridos ¡Nuestros libros son uno de los artículos más regalados! ¡Consigue tu ejemplar hoy mismo!
The Brave Fawn - by Wafaa El-Tawil (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 36Genre: Juvenile FictionSub-Genre: Social ThemesFormat: PaperbackPublisher: FriesenPressBook theme: BullyingAuthor: Wafaa El-TawilLanguage: English About the Book Little Fawn is excited to go out and play without his parents around, as he is a big boy now. But when he does, Little Fox teases him and calls him names. Little Fawn doesn't want to tell his parents, believing if he did, they would laugh at him... Book Synopsis Little Fawn is excited to go out and play without his parents around, as he is a big boy now. But when he does, Little Fox teases him and calls him names. Little Fawn doesn't want to tell his parents, believing if he did, they would laugh at him and think he is too young to play outside. However, as time goes by, Little Fox doesn't relent, and Daddy Deer can tell something is wrong with his son. Finally, after some encouragement, Little Fawn tells Daddy Deer that Little Fox is bullying him, and Daddy Deer helps Little Fawn come up with a solution by understanding why Little Fox is acting this way.The Brave Fawn helps children learn how to deal with bullying and reiterates the golden rule-treat others as you want to be treated. Children who are or have been bullied will learn the importance of talking to someone they trust and asking for help.The Brave Fawn highlights themes of bullying, self-confidence, bravery, empathy, and self-reliance for children ages 4 to 8.
To the Island - by Patricia Forde (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 32Genre: Juvenile FictionSub-Genre: Fantasy & MagicFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Little Island BooksAge Range: 4-8 YearsAuthor: Patricia FordeLanguage: English Book Synopsis Fia looks out her window and across the bay. She longs to see the mythical island of Hy Brasil, which appears and disappears in the water. She slips out of bed, walks across a moonbeam and arrives at the island. She walks with magical creatures, dances with a host of girls and boys, and visits the bottom of the sea and the stars in space. Finally, Fia returns to the town, and follows the small compass of her heart - all the way home. About the Author Patricia Forde is a children's author from Galway in the West of Ireland. Her books have won two White Raven Awards and twice been shortlisted for the Children's Books Ireland Book of the Year. Bumpfizzle the Best on Planet Earth was the Dublin UNESCO Citywide Read 2019. She is also the author of the picture book Fidget the Wonder Dog.
Extreme Mazes For Kids Vol 10 - by Lucy Wright J (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 142Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: Games & ActivitiesFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Mazes for Kids AmericaAge Range: 9-12 YearsBook theme: PuzzlesAuthor: Lucy Wright JLanguage: English Book Synopsis Extreme Mazes For Kids Vol 10: 100+ Fun and Challenging MazesGet this book with 55% Off !!Fun and Challenging Maze Activity Book Learn and Have Fun with Mazes! Here is what you will find in this book: Extreme Mazes 0901 to 1000;In the other hard mazes volumes: Vol.1: maze 0001 to 0100Vol.2: maze 0101 to 0200Vol.3: maze 0201 to 0300Vol.4: maze 0301 to 0400Vol.5: maze 0401 to 0500Vol.6: maze 0501 to 0600Vol.7: maze 0601 to 0700Vol.8: maze 0701 to 0800Vol.9: maze 0801 to 0900Vol.10: maze 0901 to 1000 This book is designed to help kids gain confidence, by starting out easy and then getting trickier as children progress through the puzzles.This puzzles encourage your child's attention and concentration span through the simple and fun activity! So, Grab this book now!
フクロウ 子供のための塗り絵 - by Bmillerjp (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 46Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: AnimalsFormat: PaperbackPublisher: BmillerAge Range: 9-12 YearsBook theme: BirdsAuthor: BmillerjpLanguage: Japanese Book Synopsis あなたのお子さんは、夜の生活が好きで、フクロウが好きですか?もしそうなら、この塗り絵はあなたの子供にぴったりです。 あなたの小さな自然愛好家は、この楽しさに満ちたフクロウの塗り絵に興奮します。この塗り絵は、愛らしいフクロウでいっぱいの完璧な自然の世界を作りたいと思っている幼児、子供、すべての年齢の子供に最適です 塗り絵のような楽しい活動は、お子さんの鉛筆の握り方を向上させるだけでなく、気分をリラックスさせ、創造性を高め、想像力を発達させるのに役立ちます。 お子さんは、塗り絵のページを明るい色でいっぱいにして、自分の部屋に最高の塗り絵を飾ることができるでしょう。 この本には、楽しいフクロウのシーンが満載のユニークなページがあり、重複したものはありません。次のページを開くと、新たな冒険が待っています。また、このフクロウの本は丈夫な紙を使用しており、本の中ですぐに絵を描くことができるので、お子さんは何も心配する必要がありません。 この本を好きになる理由リラックスできるぬりえページ。どのページも、お子さんがリラックスして楽しめるようになっているので、責任感が薄れていきます。美しいイラスト。お子さまが創造性を発揮して傑作を作れるよう、23枚以上の画像を収録しています。片面ページ。にじみを防ぐために片面ページを採用していますので、ページを取り外して飾っても、裏面の画像が失われることはありません。すべての年齢の子供たちに最適です。お子さんが好きなようにすべてのページに色を塗ることができ、間違った色の塗り方はありません。大型の塗り絵ブック。8.5x11の大きなサイズなので、スペースに縛られることなく、お子さんが創造性を発揮できるようになっています。プレゼントにも最適です。フクロウが好きな人はいませんか?この本を誕生日プレゼントとして贈って、その人を喜ばせてあげてください。一緒に塗り絵をするのもいいですね。ぜひ、私たちの塗り絵を楽しんでみてください。
Opposites Coloring Book for Kids - by Bmiller (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 84Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: ConceptsFormat: PaperbackPublisher: BmillerAge Range: 9-12 YearsBook theme: OppositesAuthor: BmillerLanguage: English Book Synopsis Does your child love opposites? If yes, then this coloring book is perfect for your kid. Your little enthusiast kid will be thrilled with this fun-packed Opposites Coloring Book. This coloring book is perfect for toddlers, kids and teens of all ages who want to explore the opposites! Fun filled activities such as coloring will improve your child's pencil grip as well as help them to relax their mood, increase their creativity and develop their imagination. Your child would like to fill the coloring pages with bright colors and then they can pin up the best coloring pages in their rooms. This book has unique pages filled with fun opposites and no duplicates. Open next page and get surprised with a new adventure. This book also has strong paper that makes it easy to draw right in the book so your child doesn't have to worry about anything! Why you will love this book: Relaxing coloring pages: Every page will help your child to relax and enjoy so that all his responsibilities will fade away.Beautiful illustrations: We've included 40+ images for your children to express their creativity and make masterpieces.Single-sided pages: The pages are single-sided to prevent bleed-through so that pages can be removed and displayed without losing an image on the back.Great for kids of all ages: Your child can color every page however he wants and there is no wrong way to color.Large coloring book: This book has large 8.5x11 size so that your child can fully be creative without getting bound in less space.Makes a wonderful gift: Know someone who loves opposites? Make them smile by getting them this book as a wonderful birthday gift or just simply to make them happy. You could even color together!We hope you will enjoy our coloring book!
El Libro de Serpientes para Ni~nos - by Natalie Fleming (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 76Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: Foreign Language StudyFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Natalie FlemingAge Range: 9-12 YearsBook theme: SpanishAuthor: Natalie FlemingLanguage: Spanish Book Synopsis ★Bienvenido al misterioso mundo de las "Serpientes".★¿Te apasionan las "Serpientes"?¡Veamos cuánto sabes sobre ellas!# ¡Las serpientes pueden SABOREAR el aire!# ¡Las serpientes pueden cambiar su piel como nosotros cambiamos nuestra ropa vieja!# ¡Hay un templo donde viven y se adoran las pitones!# ¡Hay serpientes voladoras!# ¡Existe una serpiente monstruosa en la prehistoria que puede tragarse un enorme cocodrilo entero!# Las serpientes se mueven de más de cuatro maneras (¡incluso de lado!)# ¡Hay serpientes con más de una cabeza!# Hay lugares (países e incluso un continente) en la tierra sin serpientes (¿sabes cuál?)# Las serpientes no tienen párpados# Las serpientes se alimentan de energía solar# Serpientes y Escaleras es un juego antiguo y ha cambiado completamente su forma en los últimos 100 años (¿Puedes adivinar el país de su origen?)# Hay una isla sin humanos y llena de serpientes muy venenosas ( ¡Si vas allí, encontrarás esas serpientes cada 3 pasos que camines!)Además de Datos y Trivia, disfrutarás de: # Colorear tu serpiente favorita# Laberinto# Juegos de serpientes¡Adquiere este libro ahora y disfruta de un gran viaje al mundo de las serpientes con el pequeño del hogar!
Easter Coloring Book for Kids Ages 5 - 9 - by Minerva Frost (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 80Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: Activity BooksFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Minerva FrostAge Range: 9-12 YearsAuthor: Minerva FrostLanguage: English About the Book Easter Coloring Book for Kids / Enjoy Coloring Funny DesignsThe children might spend some nice time coloring funny designs. It is perfect for boys and girls, for kids who love to celebrate the Easter Holiday. Book Synopsis Easter Coloring Book for Kids / Enjoy Coloring Funny DesignsThe children might spend some nice time coloring funny designs. It is perfect for boys and girls, for kids who love to celebrate the Easter Holiday.♥ Be present, enjoy every moment, be happy!This Easter Coloring Book for children features: *Every single coloring page is printed on a separate page to avoid bleed-through.*It is suitable for markers, gel pens, coloring pencils, fine liners, and watercolors.*Designs are nice, funny, and simple.*Large 8.5 x 11" format, professional-quality designs.*78 pages.Make an Easter Gift to Bring Joy! ♥
Olden Days' Stories - by Liza Moonlight (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 98Genre: Juvenile FictionSub-Genre: Fairy Tales & FolkloreFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Harmony EnterprisesBook theme: AnthologiesAuthor: Liza MoonlightLanguage: English About the Book This Bundle Includes the following BOOKS: Shaggy The Lost Furry Tiffany The Fearless PonyMilo The SheepFey The Magical Fairy Book Synopsis Do you remember a Fairy Tale that you still think of fondly? If you want your kids to have the same fuzzy feeling, then keep reading... The Fairy Tales that our children read and hear are the very stories that lay the foundation for their CREATIVITY and SUCCESS.These are the stories that they reference their experiences back to. These are also the stories that they TEACH Your GRANDCHILDREN. This is why it is IMPORTANT for the stories to be not only entertaining but also Educational, moreover, teach the right mindset to ACHIEVE SUCCESS in Life. They say a picture is worth a thousand words and a thousand words can build an experience worth remembering. All inclusive. Liza Moonlight's mission in writing is to empower the youth by giving them Universal Secrets so that every book is dedicated to understanding one side of Life. Within this Book, your kids will discover: The #1 skill that is crucial to DREAMING big. The magic words to being Kind and Compassionate to others. A Fantastic world of stimulating Stories to keep them hooked for days. Pictures and Characters they will accompany them well into adulthood. The 3 Secrets to start getting what they wish for in Life. Hone their ability to tell captivating stories - from a young age! The building blocks to form a Strong FAMILY LEGACY. Have you been looking for a book that will ensure that your child knows how to achieve success? "This Books" will teach your children to go about modern-day life successfully even if they have forgotten about every other book since now. If you want your child to learn the most important parts of becoming successful, then scroll up and click the ADD TO CART button. Copyright (c) 2021 Creative Arts Management Company
Create Your Home - by Jack Newman (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 38Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: Activity BooksFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Jack NewmanAge Range: 9-12 YearsAuthor: Jack NewmanLanguage: English Book Synopsis Create Colorful Houses as You Wish!Great book for kids to color architecture buildings. 35 drawings and sketches of variety of houses styles and designs.If you want your kid to become an artist order this book now!
ANIMALES Libro de colorear para ni~nos de 4 a 8 a~nos - by Arual Priest (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 68Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: Activity BooksFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Arual PriestAge Range: 9-12 YearsAuthor: Arual PriestLanguage: Spanish About the Book ¿Su hijo empieza a explorar este mundo? Inspira su creatividad con estas increíbles páginas para colorear de Animales que le ayudarán a comprender mejor el hermoso mundo de los animales de la granja y del bosque. Book Synopsis ⭐⭐⭐¿Su hijo empieza a explorar este mundo? Inspira su creatividad con estas increíbles páginas para colorear de Animales que le ayudarán a comprender mejor el hermoso mundo de los animales de la granja y del bosque. ⭐⭐⭐���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� Este libro para colorear de ANIMALES es un gran regalo para tu hijo o sus amigos Contiene 30 imágenes con animales de la granja o del bosque en su hábitat natural. Este libro para colorear con animales te mostrará la hermosa palabra de los animales más conocidos que viven cerca de tu casa (gatos, perros o caballos) o los que inspiran miedo y viven en la naturaleza (leones, tigres o lobos). ⭐⭐⭐Pulsa el botón "Comprar" y haz un viaje a la tierra de tus animales favoritos. Sé creativo, inspírate, diviértete y relájate. ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Especificaciones del libro: - Cada página para colorear se imprime a una sola cara con una página blanca completa en el reverso para evitar el sangrado- Papel blanco adecuado para todo tipo de lápices de colores, pasteles para colorear, bolígrafos de gel, bolígrafos de pincel, trazadores de líneas finas, acuarelas- 30 imágenes de gran tamaño perfectas para la creatividad y la relajación de los niños- Adecuado para todos los niveles de habilidad- Formato grande de 8,5 x 11", diseños de calidad profesional para todos
Exciting Children's Fairy Tales About Fairies - by Wild Fairy (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 122Genre: Juvenile FictionSub-Genre: Bedtime & DreamsFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Book Fairy PublishingAuthor: Wild FairyLanguage: English Book Synopsis Do you remember a Fairy Tale that you still think of fondly? If you want your kids to have the same fuzzy feeling, then keep reading... The Fairy Tales that our children read and hear are the very stories that lay the foundation for their CREATIVITY and SUCCESS.These are the stories that they reference their experiences back to. These are also the stories that they TEACH Your GRANDCHILDREN. This is why it is IMPORTANT for the stories to be not only entertaining but also Educational, moreover, teach the right mindset to ACHIEVE SUCCESS in Life. They say a picture is worth a thousand words and a thousand words can build an experience worth remembering. All inclusive. Wild Fairy's mission in writing is to empower the youth by giving them Universal Secrets so that every book is dedicated to understanding one side of Life. "Wild Fairy not only writes to entertain, but his message is filled with life and the truths that even most adults don't understand. His books are written in a wonderfully simple way. They move children and, in the long run, help them to move mountains!" - Anna-Maria Rebane primary school educator & pedagogist Within this Book, your kids will discover: The #1 skill that is crucial to DREAMING big. Will ENSURE a Relaxing night's sleep. The magic words to being Kind and Compassionate to others. A Fantastic world of stimulating Stories to keep them hooked for days. Pictures and Characters they will accompany them well into adulthood. The 3 Secrets to start getting what they wish for in Life. Hone their ability to tell captivating stories - from a young age! The building blocks to form a Strong FAMILY LEGACY. Have you been looking for a book that will ensure that your child knows how to achieve success? "This book" will teach your children to go about modern-day life successfully even if they have forgotten about every other book since now. If you want your child to learn the most important parts of becoming successful, then scroll up and click the ADD TO CART button. Copyright (c) 2021 Book Fairy Publishing
Orso Libro da Colorare per Bambini Et`a 4-8 - by Amelia Yardley (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 44Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: AnimalsFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Amelia YardleyAge Range: 4-8 YearsBook theme: BearsAuthor: Amelia YardleyLanguage: Italian Book Synopsis Il tuo piccolo appassionato della natura sarà entusiasta di questo divertente libro da colorare con gli orsi. Questo libro da colorare è perfetto per i bambini, i bambini in età prescolare e i bambini di tutte le età che vogliono creare il mondo perfetto della natura pieno di adorabili orsi! Le attività piene di divertimento come la colorazione miglioreranno la presa della matita del tuo bambino, oltre ad aiutarlo a rilassare il suo umore, aumentare la sua creatività e sviluppare la sua immaginazione. Il tuo bambino vorrà riempire le pagine da colorare con colori brillanti e poi potrà appuntare le migliori pagine da colorare nelle sue stanze. Questo libro ha pagine uniche piene di scene divertenti di orsi e nessun duplicato. Apri la pagina successiva e vieni sorpreso con una nuova avventura. Questo libro di orsi ha anche una carta resistente che rende facile disegnare direttamente nel libro, così il tuo bambino non deve preoccuparsi di nulla! Perché amerai questo libro: Pagine da colorare rilassanti Ogni pagina aiuterà il tuo bambino a rilassarsi e divertirsi in modo che tutte le sue responsabilità svaniscano.Bellissime illustrazioni Abbiamo incluso immagini per permettere ai tuoi bambini di esprimere la loro creatività e fare dei capolavori.Pagine su un solo lato Le pagine sono su un solo lato per evitare il bleed-through, in modo che le pagine possano essere rimosse ed esposte Ottimo per bambini di tutte le età Il tuo bambino può colorare ogni pagina come vuole e non c'è un modo sbagliato di colorare.Grande libro da colorare Questo libro ha grandi dimensioni 8.5x11 in modo che il tuo bambino possa essere completamente creativo senza essere legato in meno spazio.È un regalo meraviglioso Conosci qualcuno che ama gli orsi? Falli sorridere ricevendo questo libro come un meraviglioso regalo di compleanno o semplicemente per renderli felici. Dimensioni del libro: 8.5x11Numero di pagine: 44
Three Week SAT Crash Course - Grammar - by Chelsey M Snyder (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 296Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: Study AidsFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Roland Media DistributionAge Range: TeenBook theme: Test PreparationAuthor: Chelsey M SnyderLanguage: English Book Synopsis Most SAT prep books are so densely written that even adults would have trouble forcing themselves to study. This book is not that. I wrote this prep book for students, not for post-collegiate dual PhD's who want a dense read on an unpleasant weekend morning. This book is easy to read. It's conversational. And it contains the rules, tricks, and tips I've used to get my students a 120+ point increase in under three weeks. You want a perfect SAT score, and you don't have a lot of time to get it. Follow these rules and tricks and you'll improve your SAT Reading score beyond what you might think possible, and fast.
Rad Girl Revolution - by Sharita Manickam (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 38Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: Girls & WomenFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Rad Girl Revolution LLCAge Range: 4-8 YearsAuthor: Sharita ManickamLanguage: English About the Book While many girl empowerment children's books celebrate the achievements of the inspiring women of the past, RAD Girl Revolution helps young girls picture themselves becoming the inspiring women of the future! The pages of RAD Girl Revolution are full of diversity. The book features girls representing over 30 ethnic backgrounds, and also includes girls with special needs such as Down syndrome, hearing impairment, and Type 1 Diabetes. Photos of real, diverse girls help further drive home the reality of the inspirational message of the book, because seeing really is believing! Plus, as anyone with kids knows, children LOVE looking at photographs of other kids! It is a fun and powerful way to show young girls some of the endless possibilities for their future! Book Synopsis RAD Girl Revolution features inspiring photographs of real, diverse little girls posing in 30 careers where women are often underrepresented. Each photo is accompanied by a rhyming verse describing that job. While many girl empowerment children's books celebrate the achievements of the inspiring women of the past, RAD Girl Revolution helps young girls picture themselves becoming the inspiring women of the future! The pages of RAD Girl Revolution are full of diversity. The book features girls representing over 30 ethnic backgrounds, and also includes girls with special needs such as Down syndrome, hearing impairment, and Type 1 Diabetes. Photos of real, diverse girls help further drive home the reality of the inspirational message of the book, because seeing really is believing! Plus, as anyone with kids knows, children LOVE looking at photographs of other kids! It is a fun and powerful way to show young girls some of the endless possibilities for their future!
The Wonderful Adventures of Lemur Blue - by Kipling Luke Sanders (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 44Genre: Juvenile FictionSub-Genre: AnimalsFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Union Square Publishing, Inc.Book theme: MammalsAuthor: Kipling Luke SandersLanguage: English Book Synopsis This Lemur Blue children's book is a fun, educational, and engaging story centered on tennis, personal growth, and self-confidence. Blue is a ring-tailed lemur and lives in New York City with his mom and dad. They enjoy watching professional tennis on TV. Blue decides that he would like to learn to play tennis too. Blue's mom and dad provide lessons with Coach Eagleton, a colossal American Bald Eagle tennis pro.The Wonderful Adventure begins. Coach takes Blue through the basics of tennis and then they tackle some of the strategies and skills of competitive tennis. Blue conquers many obstacles: a size disadvantage, having to compete against an octopus with multiple tennis rackets, and a fierce lion.Blue overcomes self-doubt and fear of failure through these matches. He takes to heart the motivational pep talks from coach, mom, and dad. Blue, with the help of the supporting characters, learns to replace his fears and doubts with faith and trust in himself. He achieves his goals and then in turn, reaches out to help others learn the game of tennis while providing tips for a healthy life. These life lessons provide the young reader inspiration and exposure to the concept of both inclusion and respect of one's teachers, colleagues, and competitors in life.The real-life collaboration with sports education giant, SportEdTV, a global provider of free, unlimited, online sports instruction from world-class coaches and experts has the unique offering of embedded links in both the printed and eBook to streaming tennis lessons for the skills mentioned in the book.So, join Blue as Coach's advice and Blue's perseverance help him become Champion Tennis Player of the Universe.
美丽的公主 - by J D Parkerson (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 78Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: Activity BooksFormat: PaperbackPublisher: J. D. ParkersonAge Range: 9-12 YearsAuthor: J D ParkersonLanguage: Chinese Book Synopsis 让你的孩子沉浸在我们的涂色书的童话世界里。包含独特和高质量的设计,每幅画后都有空白页,以避免渗漏。适用于任何种类的着色工具......从中性笔到马克笔等。是给你的小朋友的完美礼物!8.5x11英寸。
Bummer and the Nanny Goat - by Jylene Morgan (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 32Genre: Juvenile FictionSub-Genre: AnimalsFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Brown Books KidsAge Range: 4-8 YearsBook theme: Farm AnimalsAuthor: Jylene MorganLanguage: English About the Book We bought a goat and named her Nanny! Our bighorn sheep Bummer needed goat's milk, so we went a long way to bring Nanny home, just for Bummer. But Nanny is proving to be very difficult to milk! What are we going to do? Book Synopsis When Bummer the bighorn sheep isn't doing well, Sheri's parents call the vet for help. They find out they need to feed Bummer goat's milk from now on, and they eventually decide to buy their very own goat! Everything goes fine when Dad milks Nanny Goat, but the day comes that he's gone and Mom has to take charge. See to what lengths the family goes to finally get that ornery old goat milked.
Birds Coloring Book For Kids - by Old Sas (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 108Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: AnimalsFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Old SASAge Range: 9-12 YearsBook theme: BirdsAuthor: Old SasLanguage: English Book Synopsis An Unique Collection of Birds Coloring Pages for Kids with Lots of Fun Images. This book contains pictures of almost every species of birds (hummingbirds, parrots, eagles, owls) . They are perfect for boys and girls that want to discover the world we live in while having fun for hours. Let your kid's creative side loose with these fun and unique coloring pages. Some features that you will get for buying this book: Made in USA. High-Resolution images Printed on Pure White Pages Large 8.5 x 11 pages Single-sided pages for no bleed-through and easy tear up High quality cover. Glossy Number of Pages: 106 A coloring book made by Old Sas is always an awesome idea for a gift. Everybody;s fascinated of nature, mainly youngsters.
Livre de Coloriage P^aques pour Enfants - by Abby Burke (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 106Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: Activity BooksFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Abby BurkeAge Range: 9-12 YearsAuthor: Abby BurkeLanguage: French Book Synopsis ★ Développez la créativité de votre enfant et son attention aux détails avec ces 50 dessins uniques!Cette activité simple et amusante peut grandement contribuer au développement de vos enfants. Les magnifiques images de ce livre de coloriage lui procureront des heures de détente et de créativité.♥ Préparez-vous, c'est Pâques ! Achetez ce cadeau parfait pour les petits de votre vie !◆ Notre livre de coloriage de Pâques comprend: - Une variété de motifs de Pâques ( lapins, oeufs de Pâques, paniers de l'Est). - Tous les motifs sont imprimés sur un seul côté pour éviter les débordements. - Convient aux marqueurs, aux stylos gel, aux crayons de couleur, aux lignes fines, à l'aquarelle. - Grand format 8,5 x 11 - Dessins de qualité professionnelle - 105 pages - 50 modèles uniques★ Pâques va être amusant cette année ! Les livres de coloriage font un merveilleux cadeau pour les enfants ! Obtenez votre copie aujourd'hui !
J'arművek sz'inező k"onyv kisgyermekek sz'am'ara - by Jessica James (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 80Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: Activity BooksFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Jessica JamesAge Range: 9-12 YearsAuthor: Jessica JamesLanguage: Hungarian Book Synopsis ✔ Engedje szabadjára gyermeke boldogságát és kreativitását a kisgyermek autós könyvünkkel! ✔Az építőjárművünk tökéletes a kisgyermeked számára! Szerezd meg most ezt a tökéletes ajándékot! Miért? ★Mert ez a színezőkönyv segít a gyermekednek fejleszteni a kreativitását és fejleszteni a fizikai, kognitív és érzelmi készségeit. ★Könyvünk kiszínezése fizikailag és mentálisan is vonzó. Fokozott koncentrációt igényel, és ezekből a szempontokból a pihenést és a figyelmet fenntartja egy feladat. ★Másrészt ez a tevékenység fejleszti a gyermek szellemi kapacitását, segít neki a gyorsabb és hatékonyabb tanulásban. Gyermeke a formákon és színeken keresztül fejezi ki érzelmeit, és így jobban megérti azokat. Ezenkívül remek módja a stressz levezetésének és a boldogságnak! ✔Járműves színezőkönyvünk jellemzői: ★A könyv 2, 3, 4 és 5 éves korosztály számára alkalmas képeket tartalmaz, illetve képeket teherautókkal, autókkal, kotrógéppel, vonattal, repülővel, építőiparral, hajóval, kerékpárral, rakétával, hőlégballonnal. ★Markerekhez, zselés tollakhoz, színezőceruzákhoz, finom vonalzóhoz és vízfestékekhez alkalmas. ★Nagyméretű 8,5" x 11 " formátum. ★ Professzionális minőségű minták.✔Hogy csodálatos ajándékot készítsen szeretteinek! ✔ A kisgyermekeknek szóló járműkönyvünk gyakran a legtöbbet ajándékozott termék.
Handwriting Practice Book - by Roberta Sootie (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 96Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: Activity BooksFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Roberta SootieAge Range: 9-12 YearsAuthor: Roberta SootieLanguage: English Book Synopsis Handwriting Practice Book is a fantastic way to learn the letters, improve handwriting skills, pen control and boost kids' self-confidence! Learning the basics for school like the alphabets can be hard work for toddlers and preschoolers. This excellent workbook is perfect for your child to learn the alphabet.It is a great step-by-step guide that strengthens key skills like pen control, handwriting and creative skills, ideal for homeschooling and kindergarten activities. - Step-by-step guide.- Simple representation of the alphabet from Aa - Zz.- Pages to practice.- Illustrations to create a better image of the letter learned- Image to coloring - Train concentration - Building confidence to write with a penPerfect gift for any occasions!
My Very Own Gratitude Journal - by Jennifer Farley (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 116Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: Health & Daily LivingFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Ooh LovelyAge Range: 9-12 YearsBook theme: Mindfulness & MeditationAuthor: Jennifer FarleyLanguage: English About the Book My Very Own Gratitude Journal is a fun, illustrated journal for kids. Each page has space to write 3 things they are thankful for. There are also 100 different prompts to write or draw about to help focus on gratitude. Book Synopsis My Very Own Gratitude Journal is a fun illustrated journal for kids. Each page contains space to write three things you are thankful for and one additional prompt to write or draw about something specific to be grateful for. There are 100 different prompts in the journal to help the child focus on the many different things we can be thankful for. Studies have shown that cultivating an attitude of gratitude and mindfulness can improve our mental well-being. By writing or drawing in this journal, kids can develop a habit of thankfulness and a focus on the positive aspects of their lives.The journal is beautifully designed and includes original illustrated quotes with space for your child to write or draw their own positive quotes that they like. Why not join in with your child and enjoy time together thinking, writing or drawing about the good things in your lives.
Prinzessin Malbuch f"ur M"adchen - by Angella Nicoleta (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 40Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: Activity BooksFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Angella NicoletaAge Range: 9-12 YearsAuthor: Angella NicoletaLanguage: German About the Book Sie suchen nach dem perfekten Prinzessin-Malbuch für Kinder? Book Synopsis Sie suchen nach dem perfekten Prinzessin-Malbuch für Kinder?Unser Prinzessin-Malbuch ist perfekt für die Kleinen in Ihrem Leben! Die schönen Bilder in diesem Färbebuch werden für stundenlange Entspannung und Kreativität sorgen. Dieses Buch schafft eine breite Palette von Coloring Books, die Ihr Kind entspannen, entspannen und seine Kreativität auszudrücken, während die Aufmerksamkeit auf Details.Holen Sie sich dieses perfekte Geschenk für die Kleinen in Ihrem Leben!Unser Prinzessin-Malbuch bietet: Format 8,5 x 11, Designs in professioneller Qualität40 SeitenPrinzessin Färbung Bücher machen ein wunderbares Geschenk für Ihre Kleinen. Unsere Malbücher sind häufig eines der meist verschenkten Artikel.
Simple Things To Color For Toddlers - by Isaiah Dinwiddie (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 96Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: Activity BooksFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Pear PublishingAge Range: Baby - 3 YearsAuthor: Isaiah DinwiddieLanguage: English Book Synopsis Simple Thing To Color For Preschoolers Dive into the depths of the awesome book to color these unique huge illustrations. It is worth encouraging toddlers to color these simple and large designs.The book contains a wide variety of themes to promote excitement and learning, includes fruits, vegetables, flowers, laboratory things, home things, and much more! Suitable for boys and girls.What you will find inside the book: 45 unique coloring pages;Single-sided printed to avoid bleed;A nice large format (8.5 by 11 inch) for kids to enjoy;High-Quality Illustrations, printed on bright white paper;Made in the USA So if you want to celebrate the first coloring book for your child grab a copy today.
Bug Scissor Skills - by Tommy Harold Bond (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 124Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: Activity BooksFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Tommy Harold BondAge Range: 9-12 YearsAuthor: Tommy Harold BondLanguage: English About the Book This activity is essential in developing your child's practical skills and Bug Scissor Skills is what you need! Book Synopsis If you want to teach your little one to cut paper, then this is the perfect book for you! This activity is essential in developing your child's practical skills and Bug Scissor Skills is what you need! This Activity Book is a paper-cutting workbook with 60 printed activity pages and a good start for your little one to be prepared for school and learn how to hold and control a pair of scissors. Kids will be captivated by the beauty of these illustrations ready to be brought to life by the scissors and some crayons! The Book Contains: 60 pages with exercises that will help kids to learn how to use scissors in a safe way;Premium glossy cover design;Perfectly sized at 8.5" x 11";A wide range of little creatures that children will love: dragonflies, caterpillars, butterflies, ants, snails, and so on;
Bedtime Can Be Fun - by Liza Moonlight (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 98Genre: Juvenile FictionSub-Genre: Fairy Tales & FolkloreFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Harmony EnterprisesBook theme: AnthologiesAuthor: Liza MoonlightLanguage: English About the Book This Bundle Includes the following BOOKS: Shaggy The Lost Furry Tiffany The Fearless PonyMilo The SheepFey The Magical Fairy Book Synopsis Do you remember a Fairy Tale that you still think of fondly? If you want your kids to have the same fuzzy feeling, then keep reading... The Fairy Tales that our children read and hear are the very stories that lay the foundation for their CREATIVITY and SUCCESS.These are the stories that they reference their experiences back to. These are also the stories that they TEACH Your GRANDCHILDREN. This is why it is IMPORTANT for the stories to be not only entertaining but also Educational, moreover, teach the right mindset to ACHIEVE SUCCESS in Life. They say a picture is worth a thousand words and a thousand words can build an experience worth remembering. All inclusive. Liza Moonlight's mission in writing is to empower the youth by giving them Universal Secrets so that every book is dedicated to understanding one side of Life. Within this Book, your kids will discover: The #1 skill that is crucial to DREAMING big. The magic words to being Kind and Compassionate to others. A Fantastic world of stimulating Stories to keep them hooked for days. Pictures and Characters they will accompany them well into adulthood. The 3 Secrets to start getting what they wish for in Life. Hone their ability to tell captivating stories - from a young age! The building blocks to form a Strong FAMILY LEGACY. Have you been looking for a book that will ensure that your child knows how to achieve success? "This Books" will teach your children to go about modern-day life successfully even if they have forgotten about every other book since now. If you want your child to learn the most important parts of becoming successful, then scroll up and click the ADD TO CART button. Copyright (c) 2021 Creative Arts Management Company
B'uho Libro de Colorear para Ni~nos - by Bmilleres (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 46Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: AnimalsFormat: PaperbackPublisher: BmillerAge Range: 9-12 YearsBook theme: BirdsAuthor: BmilleresLanguage: Spanish Book Synopsis ¿A su hijo le encanta la vida nocturna y le gustan los búhos? Si es así, este libro para colorear es perfecto para su hijo. Su pequeño entusiasta de la naturaleza estará encantado con este divertido libro para colorear de búhos. Este libro para colorear es perfecto para los niños pequeños, los niños y los niños de todas las edades que quieran crear un mundo natural perfecto lleno de adorables búhos. Las actividades llenas de diversión como colorear mejorarán el agarre del lápiz de su hijo, además de ayudarle a relajar su estado de ánimo, aumentar su creatividad y desarrollar su imaginación. A tu hijo le gustará llenar las páginas para colorear con colores brillantes y luego podrá colgar las mejores páginas para colorear en su habitación. Este libro tiene páginas únicas llenas de divertidas escenas de búhos y sin duplicados. Abre la siguiente página y sorpréndete con una nueva aventura. Además, este libro de búhos tiene un papel resistente que hace que sea fácil dibujar directamente en el libro, ¡para que tu hijo no tenga que preocuparse por nada! Por qué le encantará este libro: Páginas relajantes para colorear: Cada página ayudará a tu hijo a relajarse y disfrutar para que todas sus responsabilidades se desvanezcan.Hermosas ilustraciones: Hemos incluido más de 23 imágenes para que tus hijos expresen su creatividad y hagan obras maestras.Páginas a una cara: Las páginas son de una sola cara para evitar el sangrado, de modo que las páginas se pueden quitar y mostrar sin perder una imagen en el reverso.Ideal para niños de todas las edades: Tu hijo puede colorear cada página como quiera y no hay una forma incorrecta de colorear.Libro para colorear de gran tamaño: Este libro tiene un gran tamaño de 8,5x11 para que su hijo pueda ser totalmente creativo sin quedar atado en menos espacio.Es un regalo maravilloso: ¿Conoces a alguien a quien le gusten los búhos? Hazle sonreír regalándole este libro como un magnífico regalo de cumpleaños o simplemente para hacerle feliz. Incluso podéis colorear juntos.Esperamos que disfrutes de nuestro libro para colorear.
Animali Libro da Colorare per Bambini - by Vanessa Smith (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 44Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: Activity BooksFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Vanessa SmithAge Range: 9-12 YearsAuthor: Vanessa SmithLanguage: Italian Book Synopsis Scatena la creatività di tuo figlio con pagine da colorare di animali completamente uniche per bambini! Questo libro da colorare è il modo perfetto per tenere i vostri bambini lontano dai loro dispositivi mentre si danno alla creatività. Pagine da colorare a grandezza naturale con dinosauri, tigri, cervi, tartarughe, scimmie, giraffe, ostriche, leoni, elefanti, ecc. 1 animale = 1 pagina Questo favoloso e innovativo libro di animali da colorare per bambini e ragazzi è pieno di illustrazioni del 2021. Tutti i disegni sono stampati su un solo lato, con una speciale pagina vuota dietro, per facilitare la rimozione per l'incorniciatura o l'esposizione e ridurre al minimo le sbavature. Se siete alla ricerca di un libro da colorare seriamente divertente e totalmente cool, pieno di animali incredibili per un bambino che ama colorare, allora Big Animals Coloring Book for Kids è la scelta perfetta per voi.
Ozean-Tiere Malbuch f"ur Kinder - by Angella Nicoleta (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 70Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: Activity BooksFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Angella NicoletaAge Range: 9-12 YearsAuthor: Angella NicoletaLanguage: German About the Book Auf der Suche nach dem perfekten Meerestier-Malbuch für Kinder? Book Synopsis Auf der Suche nach dem perfekten Meerestier-Malbuch für Kinder?Unser Meerestiere-Malbuch ist perfekt für die Kleinen in Ihrem Leben! Die schönen Bilder in diesem Färbebuch werden für stundenlange Entspannung und Kreativität sorgen. Dieses Buch schafft eine breite Palette von Malbüchern, die Ihrem Kind helfen, sich zu entspannen, zu entspannen und seine Kreativität auszudrücken, während es auf Details achtet.Holen Sie sich dieses perfekte Geschenk für die Kleinen in Ihrem Leben!Unser Meerestiere-Malbuch enthält: Format 8,5 x 11, Entwürfe in professioneller Qualität70 SeitenMeerestiere Färbung Bücher machen ein wunderbares Geschenk für Ihre Kleinen. Unsere Malbücher sind häufig eines der meist verschenkten Artikel.
Animaux de l'oc'ean Livre de coloriage pour enfants - by Angella Nicoleta (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 70Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: Activity BooksFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Angella NicoletaAge Range: 9-12 YearsAuthor: Angella NicoletaLanguage: French About the Book Vous cherchez le parfait livre de coloriage pour enfants sur les animaux de l'océan ? Book Synopsis Vous cherchez le parfait livre de coloriage pour enfants sur les animaux de l'océan ?Notre livre de coloriage sur les animaux de l'océan est parfait pour les petits dans votre vie ! Les magnifiques images de ce livre de coloriage leur procureront des heures de détente et de créativité. Ce livre crée une large gamme de livres de coloriage qui aident votre enfant à se détendre, à se relaxer et à exprimer sa créativité tout en faisant attention aux détails.Obtenez ce cadeau parfait pour les petits de votre vie !Notre livre de coloriage sur les animaux de l'océan comprend: Format 8,5 x 11, dessins de qualité professionnelle70 pagesLes livres de coloriage sur les animaux de l'océan constituent un merveilleux cadeau pour vos enfants. Nos livres de coloriage sont fréquemment l'un des articles les plus offerts.
The Hunter's Betrayal - (Guardians of Sanctuary) by Tl Shively (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 176Genre: Juvenile FictionSub-Genre: Action & AdventureSeries Title: Guardians of SanctuaryFormat: PaperbackPublisher: T.L. ShivelyAge Range: TeenBook theme: GeneralAuthor: Tl ShivelyLanguage: English Book Synopsis The Guardians visited a cursed town, walked under the water of Prince William Sound, and battled Shadows wanting to wake the Sleeping Lady. What they want now is to relax and enjoy the Crystal-Con. Unfortunately, their fated callings have other plans. A Hunter has gone rogue and Arion warriors have ventured from the Alaskan frontier to help hunt him down. But they can't do it alone. Venturing to the underground realm of the Hunters, the Guardians join the search. Distracted by high-tech gadgets and hover bikes, the team unknowingly falls into a trap. But it will take more than a blinding headache to stop them. Capturing the rogue comes easy... too easy. To their surprise, he has connections to the Sanctuary that challenge everything they thought they knew. Shadows. Secrets. Hidden agendas. How much more can the Guardians take before they go rouge themselves?
Winnie's Crossing - (A Four Australians Adventure) by Robin Labron (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 94Genre: Juvenile FictionSub-Genre: Action & AdventureSeries Title: A Four Australians AdventureFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Robin LabronBook theme: Survival StoriesAuthor: Robin LabronLanguage: English Book Synopsis Nights and adventures in abandoned houses and strange events up at Hawks Pass.The four friends, Chris, Anika, Tippy and Rohan - who accidentally ate some wild berries and nearly disappeared - go on a camping trip and stay in a deserted old gold mining settlement. They become involved in an illicit wildlife exporting business, meet with the legendary Yowie [Big Foot] and end up meeting two new friends.
はじめての幼児用ぬりえ - by Rox Bdr (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 104Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: Activity BooksFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Rox BdrAge Range: 9-12 YearsAuthor: Rox BdrLanguage: Japanese Book Synopsis この素晴らしい本で、お子さんに塗り絵の楽しさを教えてあげてください。 この本は2歳以上のお子さん向けに作られています。この本は2歳以上のお子さんを対象としていますが、絵はできるだけシンプルに、でもとても魅力的に描かれています。色の名前、食べ物の名前、おもちゃの種類、レジャーの種類など、たくさんのことを学ぶことができます。 この本を避けて通ることなく、お子さんが美しく建設的な時間を過ごす機会を与えてあげてください。
孩子们的点对点活动书精装 - by Ionop Books (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 106Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: ArtFormat: HardcoverPublisher: IonopAge Range: 9-12 YearsBook theme: DrawingAuthor: Ionop BooksLanguage: Chinese Book Synopsis 为你的孩子获得数小时有趣的点对点活动。100页,有快乐的图画。 这本神奇的点对点书包括。各种各样的图画,从动物到植物和物体。旨在提高运动技能和创造力适用于4-8岁,8-12岁印刷在漂亮的8.5英寸×11英寸的纸上有光泽的封面点状物连接后可上色精装 让你的小家伙在最有趣的时间里画画做点!给你的孩子最好的礼物之一
Roxy in the City - by Monica Lowe (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 24Genre: Juvenile FictionSub-Genre: Imagination & PlayFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Sassy RaspberryAge Range: 9-12 YearsAuthor: Monica LoweLanguage: English Book Synopsis Roxy yearns to be an adult. She feels she is being deprived of the fast pace life that is waiting for her in the adult world. After raiding her mother's closet, Roxy prepares to head out to the city for a day of errands. Her Westie dog Cupcake accompanies her on her endeavors. Roxy leaves the house with a face full of makeup, big jewelry, and oversized clothing. The city is overwhelming. She runs into one mishap after another. After returning home, Roxy realizes that she would rather be a kid.
Livre de Coloriage Animaux - by Robert Paers (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 100Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: Activity BooksFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Robert PaersAge Range: 9-12 YearsAuthor: Robert PaersLanguage: French Book Synopsis Aimez-vous colorer? Êtes-vous passionné par les animaux?Ce livre est parfait pour vous, il contient des dessins uniques, de beaux animaux et ce sera une grande joie de commencer à colorier.Caractéristiques: -Dimensions: 8,5 x 11-Contient 99 pages avec 1 motif sur une page pour éviter l'impression couleur-Contient 47 animaux Ce livre peut être le cadeau parfait pour votre enfant et tous ceux qui aiment les animaux.
120 Mandalas大人の塗り絵 - by Lance Malcom (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 248Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: ArtFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Lance MalcomAge Range: TeenBook theme: DrawingAuthor: Lance MalcomLanguage: Japanese Book Synopsis 世界の名画を集めた究極の大人のぬりえブック 大人のリラクゼーションのためのストレス解消曼荼羅デザインは、120種類のストレス解消曼荼羅デザインがあり、創造的な表現によって、楽しく、穏やかに、リラックスして、ストレスを解消することができます。初心者から上級者まで、さまざまなレベルのデザインが用意されています。塗り絵は、科学的に証明された落ち着きと静けさの感情を促進する方法です。一日のストレスから解放されたい方、芸術的な才能を磨きたい方、瞑想的なマインドフルネスの効果を感じたい方に、この塗り絵は最適です。このコレクションには、以下のような特徴があります。塗り絵のページはそれぞれ独立したページに印刷され、裏にはにじみを防ぐための黒のページがあります。マーカー、ジェルペン、色鉛筆、ファインライナー、水彩絵の具に適しています。120種類のユニークな画像、創造性とリラクゼーションへようこそ。8.5×8.5インチの大きなサイズで、プロ仕様のデザインです。塗り絵の楽しさと瞑想的なリラックス感を何時間も味わうことができます。この大人の塗り絵は、リラックスしたい人、シニア、初心者、女性への幻想的で美しい贈り物のアイデアになります。塗り絵が好きな人を知っていますか?塗り絵は最高の贈り物です。今すぐ購入して、特別な日のプレゼントを事前に準備しましょう。
Hello, Pounce - by Donna L Pasternak & Hope Longwell-Grice (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 38Genre: Juvenile NonfictionSub-Genre: School & EducationFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Mascot BooksAuthor: Donna L Pasternak & Hope Longwell-GriceLanguage: English About the Book In this playful jaunt, the mascot of the University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee takes you on a tour of the campus and shares all of the best activities to partake in at this great school. For alums and new students, this will be the ultimate keepsake for your time at this great institution in the state of Wisconsin!
The King's Craft - (Petralist) by Frank Morin (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 604Genre: Juvenile FictionSub-Genre: FantasySeries Title: PetralistFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Whipsaw PressAge Range: TeenBook theme: EpicAuthor: Frank MorinLanguage: English Book Synopsis The spring thaw has come . . .And murder is in the air.Connor doesn't even know he and Ivor are walking rage-murder time bombs, with implanted directives from the evil queen.Good thing the only other thing they have to worry about is how to survive the looming war against the indestructible Queen Dreokt. Despite a winter of frantic research, development, and training, fueled by bucketloads of thinking food, they're no closer to figuring out a winning strategy.Even if they can overcome the kill directive without all dying, they're out of time.Skirmishes, battles, and unprecedented destruction sweep the continent as Connor and his team lead an international coalition against the queen, united against tyranny and bound by ties of food diplomacy.But deeper truths lead to unexpected discoveries that shake the foundation of their understanding of magic and the final threshold.Their greatest hope might prove their worst nightmare.
Different is Me!!! - by Sandra Grace Walker (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 28Genre: Juvenile FictionSub-Genre: Boys & MenFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Butterfly Language PublishingAge Range: 4-8 YearsAuthor: Sandra Grace WalkerLanguage: English Book Synopsis Different is Me is a colorful and rhythmic picture book for our precious brown boys. It shows them that they are handsome in the skin they are in and being different is beautiful just the way you are. It provides positive self affirmations. It celebrates our unique features and complexion with the comparison to nature and our surroundings. The goal is to give boys of color hope and reassurance that they are enough.