***** **********Best Quality Guranteed. *****The best price for 80 mil automotive butyl and foil sound deadening on! Black 80 mil is just $ 1.77 per 1 sqft! You are not just buying an excellent quality product but also saving more than 20 % comparing to Gtmat, Boom Mat and Extreme! It turns out to be more cost-effective solution than such brands as Dynamat Xtreme, Hushmat and Stinger RoadKill as well! *****Don't miss a chance to get an extra 50 % of the quality and efficiency for just 25 % of the price.
Now the material is 1, 5 times thicker that will get you 1, 5 times more effective insulation. Black 80 mil is 1, 5 times better in comparison to sound deadening material of 50 mil and just 25 % more expensive. The thicker the material the more performance you get! *****Automotive self-adhesive insulation consists of butyl. sound deadening has a total weight of 0.7 lbs/1sqft. This weight ensures maximum efficiency and sound insulation that could be possibly gained from 80 mil thickness ma