BREAKING GLASS PICTURES ART OF DECEPTION (DVD) D801DA top scientist must make a decision to save the world.
Year: 2019Video
2019-10-08Studio: Breaking
Glass PicturesGenre: ActionMPAA
Rating: Not
102Animated: Live-ActionFull
Synopsis: After uncovering the CIA's ruthless master plan for world domination through complete mind control over the entire population, top scientist Joseph Markham is ultimately left with the choice to save the lives of billions or his wife. Joseph is forced to make a split-second decision that results in CIA henchmen violently pursuing him, and a nationwide manhunt orchestrated by the Deputy Director, Roland Smith. Valentina Markham, Joseph's wife, is kidnapped then interrogated and brutally tortured while struggling viciously for her life. Art Of Deception is about a fight for life, love, and world dominance, and the decision of one man will determine the fate of the world.
Director: Richard
RyanCast: Richard Ryan; Richard Ryan; Jackie Nova; Anzu Lawson