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The Me, Me, Me Epidemic - by Amy McCready (Paperback)

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The Me, Me, Me Epidemic - by  Amy McCready (Paperback)
The Me, Me, Me Epidemic - by  Amy McCready (Paperback)
The Me, Me, Me Epidemic - by  Amy McCready (Paperback)
The Me, Me, Me Epidemic - by  Amy McCready (Paperback)
The Me, Me, Me Epidemic - by  Amy McCready (Paperback)
The Me, Me, Me Epidemic - by  Amy McCready (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 336
Genre: Family + Relationships
Sub-Genre: Parenting
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Tarcherperigee
Age Range: Adult
Book theme: General
Author: Amy McCready
Language: English

About the Book

"Parenting expert Amy McCready shows parents how to cure their kids of the entitlement epidemic so they develop happier, more productive attitudes. Whether parents are starting from scratch with a young toddler or navigating the teen years, they will find in this book proven strategies to effectively quell entitled attitudes in their children"--

Book Synopsis

Cure your kids of the entitlement epidemic so they develop happier, more productive attitudes that will carry them into a successful adulthood.

Whenever Amy McCready mentions the entitlement epidemic to a group of parents, she is inevitably met with eye rolls, nodding heads, and loaded comments about affected children. It seems everywhere one looks, there are preschoolers who only behave in the grocery store for a treat, narcissistic teenagers posting selfies across all forms of social media, and adult children living off their parents.

Parenting expert McCready reveals in this book that the solution is to help kids develop healthy attitudes in life. By setting up limits with consequences and training them in responsible behavior and decision making, parents can rid their homes of the entitlement epidemic and raise confident, resilient, and successful children. Whether parents are starting from scratch with a young toddler or navigating the teen years, they will find in this book proven strategies to effectively quell entitled attitudes in their children.

Review Quotes

If there's one thing parents need to teach their kids--well beyond getting into college or finding a job--it's how to be humble, contributing citizens of the world. If you're a weary parent trying to do just that, you'll find encouragement and practical know-how in the clear and enjoyable pages of this book."
--Daniel H. Pink, New York Times-bestselling author of Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us

"What a wonderful resource for every parent raising children in today's self-absorbed world! A pivotal book for all parents who struggle with how to teach their children to be compassionate, empathic, and socially intelligent."
--Dr. Shefali Tsabary, New York Times bestselling author of The Conscious Parent

"Insightful. Timely. Helpful. The 'Me, Me, Me' Epidemic is an important (and game-changing) read for anyone raising kids in our 24/7, give-them-whatever-they-want and never let them experience disappointment, culture. Ready to empower your kids without making them entitled? For the sake of the children, read this book."
--Dr. Jane Nelsen, author and coauthor of the Positive Discipline series

"Do you cave in to your kids' demands even when you know it's a bad idea? Do you rescue your kids when they forget things? Do you find yourself 'over-contributing' to your child's school project so he can meet the deadline? Most parents do these things because they can't figure out what else to do in the heat of the moment. Amy McCready shows parents why this kind of parenting raises kids who don't learn from experience, don't take responsibility, and are no fun to live with! She describes exactly what parents can do and say to set appropriate limits and help kids develop resilience."
--Dr. Laura Markham, author of Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids

"Every time Amy McCready has been a guest on Today I have found myself agreeing with absolutely everything she says. She's a no-nonsense, commonsense communicator, and The "Me, Me, Me" Epidemic offers parents great wisdom and practical advice."
--Kathie Lee Gifford

"I'm all for practical life hacks that make parenting easier, less stressful, and a whole lot more fun--and the strategies Amy McCready shares in The 'Me, Me, Me' Epidemic are both easy AND powerful for anyone juggling life and parenthood in today's hyper-connected, instant gratification world. This is a must-read book, no matter the age of your kids. There are as many great tips in here for teens as there are for toddlers!
--Christine Carter, Ph.D., author of Raising Happiness: 10 Simple Steps for More Joyful Kids and Happier Parents and The Sweet Spot: How to Find Your Groove at Home and Work

"The 'Me, Me, Me' Epidemic is probably the most important parenting book of the decade. Ms. McCready brilliantly helps us turn from unhealthy parenting to great parenting in a simple, fun and workable manner."
--Meg Meeker, M.D., bestselling author of Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters and cohost of James Dobson's Family Talk radio show

"Amy McCready never fails to share the strategies parents need to empower their kids, empower themselves, and know that they are giving their children the very best start in a complicated world. The 'Me, Me, Me' Epidemic is a must-read for every parent who wants to raise great kids without raising their voice."
--Michele Borba, Ed.D., educational psychologist and author of The Big Book of Parenting Solutions

"This book immediately motivated me to stop doing things for my children that they can do for themselves. My eyes were opened to the many ways my children could contribute to the family and become prepared to thrive in the real world."
--Rachel Macy Stafford, New York Times bestselling author of Hands Free Mama

"Thank you, Amy McCready, for writing a comprehensive, entertaining, on-point parenting guide that will become the dog-eared go-to manual for every parent who wants their child to become a happy, successful adult. Amy addresses the timeliest of childrearing challenges head-on, and then gives parents the tools to navigate through almost any situation with their child. If you want to strengthen your relationship with your child, and enhance your child's true self-confidence and maturity, read this book."
--Loni Coombs, author of "You're Perfect" and Other Lies Parents Tell: The Ugly Truth about Spoiling Your Kids

"Amy McCready has long been one of my parenting heroines. Her keen sense of what it takes to establish healthy parent-child relationships and a family that flourishes made her my 'go-to gal' when I needed guidance, a different perspective, or a gentle kick in the fanny to get me parenting at my best again. Amy offers parents a clear path for raising kids who see themselves as part of the larger human landscape--not the center of the universe. She makes it possible for any parent to restore balance and order to their parenting."
--Vicki Hoefle, author of The Straight Talk on Parenting: A No-Nonsense Approach on How to Grow a Grown-Up and Duct Tape Parenting

With this book, you'll be raising a child who will put down his iPhone and fold the laundry. Amy McCready understands what kids crave: family belonging. Find out just how capable your kids can be."
--Heather Shumaker, author of It's OK Not to Share and It's OK to Go Up the Slide

"Whether we like it or not, we live in a world of entitled kids of all ages and economic levels. In this book, Amy McCready offers a wonderful step-by-step guide on how to un-entitle your kids."
--Richard and Linda Eyre, New York Times bestselling authors of The Entitlement Trap

"A smart, wise, and practical book for 21st century parents, The 'Me, Me, Me' Epidemic offers concrete tips and strategies to develop compassionate, engaged children. Her recommendations are based on solid psychological principles and a clear understanding of what children need to thrive."
--Marilyn Price-Mitchell, PhD, developmental psychologist

"With Amy McCready's powerful insights and real-world answers, she shares how to keep entitlement at bay and raise terrific kids who are happier, healthier, better grounded, and more resilient than their over-indulged counterparts. This book is a small investment that will pay great dividends."
--Farnoosh Torabi, financial strategist and author of Be Money Smart and When She Makes More: 10 Rules for Breadwinning Women

"McCready provides step by step strategies for dialing down the stress and amping up the fun part of parenting. If you want to raise children that you will enjoy for the rest of your life, buy this book."
--Lisa Earle McLeod, leadership expert and author of Leading with Noble Purpose: How to Create a Tribe of True Believers

"In a very child-centered world, it can be a challenge to raise kids with realistic expectations of what life will bestow, but this book proved to me that it's possible, and that there's a way of raising my daughter in a far more loving way that sets her on the path to a happier childhood and a more successful life. Thank you, Amy."
--Faye de Muyshondt, author of Socialsklz: -) for Success: How to Give Children the Skills They Need to Thrive in the Modern World

"Entitlement is an epidemic. Amy McCready's book is the perfect antidote to the problem. She provides clear suggestions and guidance as to how to combat it, while promoting positivity and empowering your children. This book is a must-read for all of us struggling with the 'me' generation."
--Jennifer L. Hartstein, PsyD, author of Princess Recovery: A How-to Guide to Raising Strong, Empowered Girls Who Can Create Their Own Happily Ever Afters

The 'Me, Me, Me' Epidemic is a must read for every parent. As a parenting professional and a parent, Amy McCready knows, firsthand, the negative effects of entitlement on a family. Interspersed among realistic anecdotes (you may wonder if she is listening at the door of your house) Ms. McCready presents a thoughtful, developmentally based, respectful approach to detangling yourself and your family from the insidious entitlement web.
--Dale V. Atkins, Ph.D., psychologist, relationship expert, and author of Sanity Savers

McCready covers a wealth of suggestions for helping kids become un-entitled, along with scripts parents can use and ideas for various ages from pre-school to teen. This user-friendly guide is overflowing with practical, creative, and thoughtful strategies.
--Publishers Weekly

A guide to stopping the helicoptering, lawn-mowing, and overindulging that can lead to entitled, self-centered thinking in children. McCready sorts out the sensible from the nonsense. Given the competing noise about parenting, this book should be required reading for parents.
--Kirkus Reviews

About the Author

Amy McCready is the founder of Positive Parenting Solutions, author of If I Have to Tell You One More Time . . . The Revolutionary Program That Gets Your Kids to Listen Without Nagging, Reminding, or Yelling, and a regular parenting contributor for Today. She lives with her husband and two sons in Raleigh, North Carolina.

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