Wake Me Up - by Claire Gissara (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 74Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: Autism Spectrum DisordersFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Publicious Pty LtdAge Range: AdultAuthor: Claire GissaraLanguage: English About the Book A heartfelt story of one mother's battle with postnatal depression and her daughter's autism spectrum disorder. Book Synopsis Being a woman and becoming a wife and mother is the most beautiful journey we can go on!Or is it?This is a true and raw account of one mother's battle with her postnatal depression and her daughter's autism spectrum diagnosis which left a sleep deprived mother at a loss to accept.When your spirituality and health are challenged how do you survive being awake for nineteen hours out of twenty-four? How do you cope?How do you support your other children and how do you continue to support your marriage?Find out how humour, good friends and family along with a big dose of love helped save a mother from not wanting to live.
Healthy Relationships - by Sara White (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 112Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: AbuseFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Sara WhiteAge Range: AdultBook theme: Domestic Partner AbuseAuthor: Sara WhiteLanguage: English Book Synopsis ★55% OFF FOR BOOKSTORES!★★ DISCOUNTED RETAIL PRICE NOW AT $ 29.99 INSTEAD OF $ 35.99! ★ LAST DAYS REMAINING!★The Ultimate and Complete Guide to Get Over Your Couple Conflicts Without Therapy. Learn How to Overcome Anxiety, Insecurity, and Depression for a New Happy Relationship.Interpersonal relationships aren't easy, but sometimes they're simpler than you think. Relationships make the world go around. For better or for worse. However, the exciting thing is that we can do much to increase our chances of having relationships that are fulfilling and exciting, rich with meaning, joy, and love. Any type of relationship (whether social, family, or sentimental) plays an important role in the quality of your existence; they provide you with the signals of recognition essential to life.After one or two bad relationships, you may be left wondering if you even know what a healthy relationship is supposed to look like.You may be wondering if you even have the skills to be in a functional, respectful relationship.In Healthy Relationships, you'll learn what makes a relationship healthy as well as the steps you can take to build one of your own.From expressing affection to understanding the warning signs of mistrust and dysfunction, you'll discover not only how to take care of your relationship, but take care of yourself as well.In addition, Healthy Relationships will help you to: ✓ Calm and even eliminate the concerns, fears, and uncertainties of others✓ Overcome depression, anxiety, and insecurity in your relationships✓ Increase feelings of love, respect, and appreciation in your relationships✓ Quickly resolve and even prevent arguments✓ Help others become open to your point of view✓ Listen with greater empathy and understanding to what the other person is saying and feeling✓ Engage in empathic dialogue to achieve mutual understanding✓ Experience the power of showing gratitude and appreciationAnd so much more!Whether you're looking to improve your relationship with your spouse, manage difficult conversations at work, or connect on a deeper level with friends and family, this book delivers simple, practical, proven techniques for improving any relationship in your life.Would You Like To Let your customers Know More?★BUY A CARTON OF THIS BOOK NOW AND LET YOUR CUSTOMERS GET ADDICTED TO IT!★
Empath and Codependency - by Norma Deloney (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 168Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: AbuseFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Norma DeloneyAge Range: AdultBook theme: GeneralAuthor: Norma DeloneyLanguage: English About the Book 55% OFF FOR BOOKSTORES NOW!!Do you want to learn how to be no more codependent? Book Synopsis 55% OFF FOR BOOKSTORES NOW!!Do you really want to learn how to improve your empath skills? Your costumers are looking for this book! An Empath is said to be a person who has a paranormal ability to actually "step into" the state of another individual. Empaths are highly sensitive beings who can literally sense and feel the emotions and feelings of other individuals.If an individual is an Empath, they can sense deep emotions beyond what someone else is actively expressing.This means that even if an individual is highly gifted at hiding their emotions or masking them with other emotions, an Empath can sense, feel, and intricately understand the true emotions of that individual.Not only can the Empath sense and feel these emotions, but they can also understand them on a deep level. Empaths have the capacity to experience complete empathy toward virtually anyone and everyone else. They can sense it towards family, friends, associates, kids, strangers, animals, plants, and even inanimate objects. Some people are known to be more empathetic toward certain things over others.This is often how we end up with things like "animal whisperers" or "plant whisperers." When this happens, that particular person is known to be more empathetic toward that which they can supposedly "whisper" to. What is really happening is not a whisper, but instead a deep inner knowing of what the other's needs are. This book covers the following topics: - Who is an empath?- What are empaths sensitive to?- How to embrace being an empath- Empath and energy vampires- How to block other people's energy- Ways to identify your gifts- Types of empaths- Spiritual purpose of empath- Healing the empath in you- Maintaining your new flowIf a person is an Empath, they are not restricted by time and space. In fact, they are not really restricted at all. An Empath can sense the emotions and mental state of people who are incredibly far away. Some can even sense the emotions and mental state of individuals who have long since passed.For example, if they were to visit a museum and see the belongings of someone who existed many years ago but whom has since passed away, some Empaths can step directly into the feelings and energies of that person. This enables Empaths to be deeply understanding and to have a highly unique perspective of the world around them. Where does empathic power come from? Whatever you believe, one thing is clear. Empathic ability must be understood, trained, and balanced to be part of a healthy, happy lifestyle. Buy NOW and your costumers will have all they needs.
How to Use Positive Parenting - by Marla Callory (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 142Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: Life StagesFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Marla CalloryAge Range: AdultBook theme: Infants & ToddlersAuthor: Marla CalloryLanguage: English Book Synopsis ★55% OFF FOR BOOKSTORES!★★ DISCOUNTED RETAIL PRICE NOW AT $ 29.99 INSTEAD OF $ 35.99! ★ LAST DAYS REMAINING!★ We cannot raise a happy child if we are constantly screaming threats at them. No parent sets out to hurt their child, but this type of parenting does just that. Millions of children have already benefited from the counsel in this wise and warmhearted book, which features dozens of true stories of positive discipline in action. Give your child the tools he or she needs for a well-adjusted life with this proven treasure trove of practical advice.This book shows parents exactly how to focus on solutions while being kind and firm. If you want to enrich your relationship with your children, this is the book for you.While learning how to be a positive parent, you will not only heal the relationship with your children but heal yourself along the way.Would You Like to Let your customers Know More?★BUY A CARTON OF THIS BOOK NOW AND LET YOUR CUSTOMERS GET ADDICTED TO IT!★
The Trouble with Snack Time - by Jennifer Patico (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 240Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: ParentingFormat: PaperbackPublisher: New York University PressAge Range: AdultBook theme: GeneralAuthor: Jennifer PaticoLanguage: English Book Synopsis Uncovers the class and race dimensions of the cupcake wars In the wake of school-lunch reform debates, heated classroom cupcake wars, and concerns over childhood obesity, the diet of American children has become a "crisis" and the cause of much anxiety among parents. Many food-conscious parents are well educated, progressive and white, and while they may explicitly value race and class diversity, they also worry about less educated or less well-off parents offering their children food that is unhealthy. Jennifer Patico embedded herself in an urban Atlanta charter school community, spending time at school events, after-school meetings, school lunchrooms, and private homes. Drawing on interviews and ethnographic observation, she details the dilemma for parents stuck between a commitment to social inclusion and a desire for control of their children's eating. Ultimately, Patico argues that the attitudes of middle-class parents toward food reflect an underlying neoliberal capitalist ethic, in which their need to cultivate proper food consumption for their children can actually work to reinforce class privilege and exclusion. Listening closely to adults' and children's food concerns, The Trouble with Snack Time explores those unintended effects and suggests how the crisis of children's food might be reimagined toward different ends. Review Quotes A beautifully written account of the double bind faced by many contemporary parents: how to be 'engaged' and 'concerned' about their children's eating, without being overly 'neurotic' or 'anxious.' Thick with detailed ethnographic observation, the book illuminates the politics of parenting from the ground up, forcing the reader to reflect on why children's eating has become both individualized and moralized in recent years, as well as pushing us to consider other, more collaborative possibilities. In addition to parents themselves, this highly readable book will be of interest to those across the social sciences, particularly scholars of parenting, gender, food, and health.--Charlotte Faircloth, University College LondonAn important study of the ways in which feeding children reflects larger social anxieties, from issues of class and racial identities to morally loaded ideas about nutrition and childrearing. While recognizing the centrality of parental engagement to children's lives, Patico compellingly asserts the need for governmental interventions to bring about structural changes that don't rely on moralized notions of individual parental care. Everyone interested in how America feeds its children--or fails to--should read this book.--Darra Goldstein, Founding Editor of Gastronomica: The Journal of Food and CultureThis book is rife with interesting details, describing a life that will be familiar to many academics.-- "CHOICE"
Sizzle - Large Print by Slava Korin (Paperback)
Edition: Large PrintNumber of Pages: 204Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: GeneralFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Slava KorinAge Range: AdultAuthor: Slava KorinLanguage: English Book Synopsis Stefan, was an up and coming young fashion designer. After his first eponymous runway show he attempted suicide. This desperate act was followed by consequences; at one point he found himself in jail wondering what went wrong. Mental illness, it destroyed his chances at the top, and all the while he has been trying to find his sexuality before being damned to solitude. "It began with what was a vacation and business trip to my homeland, Moldova. It was months and no business, I closed my fashion design office after my first show and decided to travel back to see if maybe I could find work in Moldova. Maybe with another designer or a factory. There I met with some people and I was also introduced to a KGB director, a friend of my stepfather's and owner of the bed and breakfast where I was staying. I didn't know what I was feeling at first, it wasn't dread but a light anxiety. It was not until I left and was in the airport traveling back, specifically at a transfer in Frankfurt that the sensation began throbbing in me. I thought I was being followed or watched. By the time I was out of the plane in JFK I was panicked, frantic and sizzling with paranoia.The next day, in the morning, I went to a nearby grocery store to get some juice. I was standing with the juice in one hand at one end of the store; a big tall man walked in, looked directly at me, then walked over to the shop keeper and said something. I don't know what he said but I became flush and the paranoia started up again. At this point, my mind was off rails and I began thinking that someone was after me, that the conservative people in Moldova and possibly my parents were trying to harm me. I thought it was because I was living a gay life. I thought they wanted to change me, convert me, that they intended to hurt me. I was unwell, but it all made sense. Back at the apartment, I tried to calm myself but something snapped and I felt betrayed and full of despair. I decided I was going to kill myself. Then and there. I couldn't contain the paranoia and I couldnt stand the feeling of betrayal. I thought it was betrayal. I wanted to die and wake up somewhere better. I didn't want to live with this illness. I drank a bottle of wine and took about forty pills and fell asleep. I woke up at The Medical Center, then I was transferred to the mental ward for two weeks of observation. It was also the week of my 30th birthday; and one of the nurses gave me what looked like a Twinkie on my birthday. I didn't know then, that sixteen years later I'd still be sick. That after multiple hospitalizations and even a few arrests I'd still be sick with mental illness and alone with my sexuality. "
Effective Communication Skills for Beginnners - by Angelina Zork (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 216Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: GeneralFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Dallas Exclusive PressAge Range: AdultAuthor: Angelina ZorkLanguage: English Book Synopsis Do you want to explore how to unlock the secrets to efficient communication skills? As people travel on their journey through life, most of us pick up poor communication practices. Still, we could those habits be holding you back from enjoying all the freedom, happiness, health, and love you truly deserve. Inside this book, you will learn the proper ways to communicate and learn how simple it is to get rid of bad communication habits, conquer your limitations, and establish better relationships in your life.The best part here is that you can accomplish all that in just a few weeks. You can enjoy instant improvements to the way you communicate right from day one. This book is loaded with quick, effective ways of building better communication skills. This extremely efficient, step-by-step manual is intended to help you begin generating the results you need instantly.Here's a quick peek of what you'll find inside this book: - Types of communication- Conversation through the phone- Conversation with non-native people in different cultures- Conversation at work and bonding with colleagues- Facing problem with the right communication- Skill to communicate one emotion to others and oneself (self-awareness)- Body language tips- Practice active listening- Public speaking and speech delivery - Improving conversation skills being charismatic- The art of making questions- Assertive and no violent communication - Importance of silence - Cognitive-behavioral approachAnd many more!Accelerate your success today and begin accomplishing your primary goals with just a few basic methods. Enhancing your communication skills is about more than getting better with people around you. "You cannot not communicate. Every behavior is a kind of communication. Because behavior does not have a counterpart (there is no anti-behavior), it is not possible not to communicate." Paul Watzlawick (American psychologist - Palo Alto) Grab your copy of this book today.BUY IT NOW !
Empath and Codependency - by Norma Deloney (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 168Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: AbuseFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Norma DeloneyAge Range: AdultBook theme: GeneralAuthor: Norma DeloneyLanguage: English Book Synopsis 55% OFF FOR BOOKSTORES NOW!!Do you really want to learn how to improve your empath skills? Your costumers are looking for this book! An Empath is said to be a person who has a paranormal ability to actually "step into" the state of another individual. Empaths are highly sensitive beings who can literally sense and feel the emotions and feelings of other individuals.If an individual is an Empath, they can sense deep emotions beyond what someone else is actively expressing.This means that even if an individual is highly gifted at hiding their emotions or masking them with other emotions, an Empath can sense, feel, and intricately understand the true emotions of that individual.Not only can the Empath sense and feel these emotions, but they can also understand them on a deep level. Empaths have the capacity to experience complete empathy toward virtually anyone and everyone else. They can sense it towards family, friends, associates, kids, strangers, animals, plants, and even inanimate objects. Some people are known to be more empathetic toward certain things over others.This is often how we end up with things like "animal whisperers" or "plant whisperers." When this happens, that particular person is known to be more empathetic toward that which they can supposedly "whisper" to. What is really happening is not a whisper, but instead a deep inner knowing of what the other's needs are. This book covers the following topics: - Who is an empath?- What are empaths sensitive to?- How to embrace being an empath- Empath and energy vampires- How to block other people's energy- Ways to identify your gifts- Types of empaths- Spiritual purpose of empath- Healing the empath in you- Maintaining your new flowIf a person is an Empath, they are not restricted by time and space. In fact, they are not really restricted at all. An Empath can sense the emotions and mental state of people who are incredibly far away. Some can even sense the emotions and mental state of individuals who have long since passed.For example, if they were to visit a museum and see the belongings of someone who existed many years ago but whom has since passed away, some Empaths can step directly into the feelings and energies of that person. This enables Empaths to be deeply understanding and to have a highly unique perspective of the world around them. Where does empathic power come from? Whatever you believe, one thing is clear. Empathic ability must be understood, trained, and balanced to be part of a healthy, happy lifestyle. Buy NOW and your costumers will have all they needs.
Narcissism and Codependency - by Roman Bolduc (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 192Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: AbuseFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Roman BolducAge Range: AdultBook theme: GeneralAuthor: Roman BolducLanguage: English About the Book 55% OFF FOR BOOKSTORES NOW!!Do you want to be armed sufficiently to deal with narcissistic abuses all around you? Book Synopsis 55% OFF FOR BOOKSTORES NOW!!Do you want to be armed sufficiently to deal with narcissistic abuses all around you? Your costumers are looking for this book! Narcissistic Abuse is a complete manual and toolbox that offers all details and weaponry that prepares you most effectively to face any incident of narcissistic behavior or abuses. In this book, the author fully equips the reader with useful information on the following areas of significance: A general overview of narcissism: meaning, the origin of the term, brief history, and causes of narcissism.The different forms of narcissismUnderstanding narcissism as a personality disorderHow to distinguish a narcissist from the rest: unique characteristics of a narcissistImpact of narcissistic behavior on relationshipsNarcissistic abuseTriggers of narcissistic abuseHow to cope with narcissistsEffects of narcissistic abuseDiagnosis and treatment of narcissismDealing with, and recovery from narcissistic abuses/traumaIt is for everyone's good to have a deep understanding of narcissism, its manifestations, and the impact it has on people's lives.Most importantly, is imperative for people to be able to know how to deal with it since it is a condition that puts everyone at risk-directly or indirectly. Luckily, this book is a full package for information in respect to narcissism, its different ways of manifestation, and signs that a person has the disorder.In this book, the reader gets to understand that narcissistic behavior is not a voluntary act of misconduct.This is especially invaluable, enabling an individual to embrace and accommodate persons who exhibit narcissistic members of society. Reading this book certainly changes anybody's attitude towards a narcissist. Instead of condemning them, the reader gets to understand that people with a narcissistic personality only need special attention and a conducive environment to live with others in peace and harmony. Though there is no sure way of curing the condition, it is possible to mitigate the condition, and this book surely offers the requisite tips to make this a reality.Particularly, the book's crucial features that make it a must-read are as follows: Understanding signs of narcissistic behaviorDifferent forms of narcissistic abuseIssues in relationships that arise due to narcissistic behavior/abuseHow to cope with narcissistic behavior and recovery from narcissistic traumaThe author is clearly attentive to the reality that narcissistic behavior is widespread, and narcissistic abuse is real. In the face of this painful truth, it is of paramount importance to be able to identify signs of narcissistic behavior/abuse and how to cope during such challenging moments.This book deeply uncovers the true face of narcissistic abuse and comprehensively carves an escape route from the nightmare that narcissistic behavior bears.Do you want to be armed sufficiently to deal with narcissistic abuses all around you?Buy NOW and your costumers will have all they needs.
Diana Love Story (PT. 3) - by Tina Scott (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 132Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: Love & RomanceFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Tina ScottAge Range: AdultAuthor: Tina ScottLanguage: English Book Synopsis DIANA The reality is dawning on them, and now they have to graduate from high school; after graduation, they have to be separated. Diana was working in a sleepaway camp. She does every summer, which means the two love birds would not often see as before; their meeting has been narrowed down to once a week, during her day off. Now Jon is worried if she would be faithful to him, even though he trusts her and she trusts him in return; he admonished her to stay strong; once they get through the summer, they would have more than enough time to bond and spend together. Jon was so madly in love he did not know when he started suggesting marriage to Diana. They had to depart and move on. Jon was not willing to lose his woman to anybody or any circumstances. But she just had to go!
Recovery From Narcissistic Mothers Abuse - by Virginia Fix (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 94Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: AbuseFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Fix with LoveAge Range: AdultBook theme: Child AbuseAuthor: Virginia FixLanguage: English Book Synopsis ★ 55% Discount for Bookstores! Now at 23.97$ Instead of 33.97$! ★Do you feel that your mother Lack of Appropriate Emotion? Your Customers Will Never Stop Using This Helpful Book! Narcissism is a kind of belief a person has about themselves, that they are unique and more important than others around them. With this belief, they often act in particular ways and will do things to boost their image in the eyes of others. The belief in their superiority over others is so deeply ingrained in narcissists that they experience many difficulties when dealing with other people as they will often treat everyone else as less important. It is sometimes hard to know when we are dealing with a narcissist or not. They are going to be found amongst us, but figuring out the difference between someone who is maybe just a bit of a jerk, someone with a good sense of confidence, and someone who is a narcissist can be difficult. No one is going to assess your worth by going through your Facebook or Twitter profile. Keep your emotions intact. Do not drift off into a stage where you don't care about anyone but yourself. Indulging in luxuries may be a necessary addition to certain lifestyles. Make sure that you always value people and relationships above all things material. This Book covers: Narcissism BasicsTypes of NarcissismInside the Mind of a NarcissistThe Narcissist MotherDealing With a Narcissist MotherHow to Heal from AbuseSelf - Healing TipsHow to Rediscover YourselfSeparation and HealingBuy it NOW and let your customers become addicted to this incredible and useful book!
Empath and Narcissism - by Carl Jones (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 196Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: AbuseFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Carl JonesAge Range: AdultBook theme: GeneralAuthor: Carl JonesLanguage: English About the Book 55% OFF FOR BOOKSTORES NOW!!Do you want to be armed sufficiently to deal with narcissistic abuses all around you? Book Synopsis 55% OFF FOR BOOKSTORES NOW!!Do you want to be armed sufficiently to deal with narcissistic abuses all around you? Your costumers are looking for this book! Narcissistic Abuse is a complete manual and toolbox that offers all details and weaponry that prepares you most effectively to face any incident of narcissistic behavior or abuses. In this book, the author fully equips the reader with useful information on the following areas of significance: A general overview of narcissism: meaning, the origin of the term, brief history, and causes of narcissism.The different forms of narcissismUnderstanding narcissism as a personality disorderHow to distinguish a narcissist from the rest: unique characteristics of a narcissistImpact of narcissistic behavior on relationshipsNarcissistic abuseTriggers of narcissistic abuseHow to cope with narcissistsEffects of narcissistic abuseDiagnosis and treatment of narcissismDealing with, and recovery from narcissistic abuses/traumaIt is for everyone's good to have a deep understanding of narcissism, its manifestations, and the impact it has on people's lives.Most importantly, is imperative for people to be able to know how to deal with it since it is a condition that puts everyone at risk-directly or indirectly. Luckily, this book is a full package for information in respect to narcissism, its different ways of manifestation, and signs that a person has the disorder.In this book, the reader gets to understand that narcissistic behavior is not a voluntary act of misconduct.This is especially invaluable, enabling an individual to embrace and accommodate persons who exhibit narcissistic members of society. Reading this book certainly changes anybody's attitude towards a narcissist. Instead of condemning them, the reader gets to understand that people with a narcissistic personality only need special attention and a conducive environment to live with others in peace and harmony. Though there is no sure way of curing the condition, it is possible to mitigate the condition, and this book surely offers the requisite tips to make this a reality.Particularly, the book's crucial features that make it a must-read are as follows: Understanding signs of narcissistic behaviorDifferent forms of narcissistic abuseIssues in relationships that arise due to narcissistic behavior/abuseHow to cope with narcissistic behavior and recovery from narcissistic traumaThe author is clearly attentive to the reality that narcissistic behavior is widespread, and narcissistic abuse is real. In the face of this painful truth, it is of paramount importance to be able to identify signs of narcissistic behavior/abuse and how to cope during such challenging moments.This book deeply uncovers the true face of narcissistic abuse and comprehensively carves an escape route from the nightmare that narcissistic behavior bears.Do you want to be armed sufficiently to deal with narcissistic abuses all around you?Buy NOW and your costumers will have all they needs.
Storytelling for Kids - by Jenni Jeffson (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 68Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: Learning DisabilitiesFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Jenni JeffsonAge Range: AdultAuthor: Jenni JeffsonLanguage: English Book Synopsis 55% OFF for Bookstores! LAST DAYSKINDERGARTEN - SHORT STORYTELLING FOR KIDSTODDLER ACTIVITY BOOKCreative workbook for kids HARDCOVERA short story that reinforces children's reading comprehension and get them to be kinder and more respectful of their environment.For ages 4 and 9 olderLarge 8,5x11" glossy cardboard format.Includes several worksheets developed by teachers with several years of experience in elementary schools and kindergartens.Large, bold words are easy to readDevelops speed, accuracy and confidencePortable and perfect for learning on the go!EXCELLENT - These educational cards that kids are sure to enjoy at home or at school! This book is suitable for children ages 4 and up.WORK BOOKS FOR CHILDREN - Children and parents who practice with OUR LEARNING BOOKS are using one of the most effective learning techniques around. Decades of research show that practice is highly likely to increase a child's sociability, perceptual ability to cope with everyday life.RESULTS - Our learning materials have helped educate multiple generations of children and provide lifelong learning.PREPARATION - Let us help you prepare your children for the next grade level with our children's worksheets.Buy it NOW and let your customers get addicted to this amazing Book
Potty Training for Parents - by Neela Patel (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 298Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: Life StagesFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Boston Exclusive PressAge Range: AdultBook theme: Infants & ToddlersAuthor: Neela PatelLanguage: English Book Synopsis 55% OFF for Bookstores! Find out the final price!Do you want an effective step-by-step guide to potty train your little toddler?If yes, then keep reading! Like figuring out how to sit up, creep, and walk, potty training is an ability that your child must learn. When and how to help your son learn to use the potty depends mostly on how ready your son is, which also should be in line with your values and beliefs as far as potty training is concerned. Even though there is no standard age for your son to be ready to start using the potty, most children gain the needed skills to start training when they are between 18 months and three years old.Since every child's timing is different, girls tend to be ready a few months earlier than boys. As a parent, you do not have to wait until your son achieved everything before you start potty training. It is about seeing a general trend towards independence and trying to understand as a kid what it means to go to the toilet like adults. This audiobook covers the following topics: - The Importance of Potty Training- Understanding your child and how he/she thinks- Know when they are ready- Parent and Child Preparation- The Difference between Potty-Training Girls and BoysAnd much more!One of your significant jobs as a parent is to settle on choices for your child until He is prepared to make them all alone. Regarding toilet training, he needs you to watch him for readiness prompts and afterward for you to acquaint this novel idea with him when you feel He's ready to grasp it. You are also very qualified to settle on this choice, since you most likely realize your child better than He knows himself. Ready to get started? Buy Now right now!Your Customers Will Never Stop to Use this Awesome Book!
Emotional Intelligence For Kids Made Easy - by Samantha Lovely (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 106Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: ParentingFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Samantha LovelyAge Range: AdultBook theme: FatherhoodAuthor: Samantha LovelyLanguage: English About the Book 55% OFF for Bookstores! Discounted Retail Price NOW at $ 33,95 instead of $ 44,95!If you are interested in raising an emotionally intelligent child then this special book is your answer! Book Synopsis 55% OFF for Bookstores! Discounted Retail Price NOW at $ 33,95 instead of $ 44,95!If you are interested in raising an emotionally intelligent child then this special guide is your answer!Your customers will never stop buying this amazing Parenting special book!Emotional intelligence pertains to the emotional, personal, and social dimensions of intelligence. It comprises abilities related to understanding oneself and others, relating to people, adapting to changing environmental demands, and managing emotions.The good news is you can teach your child to develop Emotional Intelligence...Highlighted below is a breakdown of what to expect: understand Emotional Intelligencekid's giftedness and great mindraising thinkershelp your child to build emotional and social skillsand so much more...Inside this easy guide, you will learn how to help your children become aware of their emotions and increase their EQ.Buy it NOW and let your customers be grateful for this amazing book!
Luna, Yes!/!Luna, Si! - by Jessica Gonzalez (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 34Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: Children with Special NeedsFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Kaleidoscope Vibrations, LLCAge Range: AdultAuthor: Jessica GonzalezLanguage: English About the Book Luna, Yes!/Luna, Sí! is a bilingual story about Cassie and Luna's loving, and sometimes challenging, sibling relationship. Cassie's narration and Luna's responses highlight some behaviors that can be typical for people with high needs on the autism spectrum. Book Synopsis While the world may not understand Luna, her sister Cassie knows her better than anyone. She knows Luna's favorite food, her favorite song, and her favorite dance move. Luna knows how to make Cassie laugh and her favorite ice cream. They may not be able to share secrets like some siblings, but they share something far more important-- a sister bond. Luna, Yes!/Luna, Sí! is a bilingual story about Cassie and Luna's loving, and sometimes challenging, sibling relationship. Cassie's narration and Luna's responses highlight some behaviors that can be typical for people with high needs on the autism spectrum.El mundo no entiende a Luna, pero su hermana, Cassie la conoce mejor que nadie. Cassie sabe cuál es la comida favorita, la canción favorita, y el baile favorito de Luna. Luna sabe cómo hacer reír a Cassie y cuál es su sabor de helado favorito. Aunque no puedan compartir secretos como otros hermanas, comparten algo mucho más importante: un vínculo único de hermandad. Luna, Yes!/Luna, Sí! es un cuento bilingüe sobre la relación cariñosa, y a veces difícil, de Cassie y Luna. Las narraciones de Cassie y las respuestas de Luna relatan comportamientos típicos de personas con trastorno del espectro autista que necesitan mucha ayuda.
Life Lessons - by Dominic Jones (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 42Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: Life StagesFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Lulu.comAge Range: AdultBook theme: TeenagersAuthor: Dominic JonesLanguage: English Book Synopsis "A compelling self help book from the heart filled with jewels that was inspired to help any teenager transition into adulthood."
Totenhochzeit - by Otto Schrader (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 56Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: GeneralFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Wentworth PressAge Range: AdultAuthor: Otto SchraderLanguage: German Book Synopsis This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
Anger Management for Parents - by Louie Patton Patton (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 124Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: AngerFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Louie PattonAge Range: AdultAuthor: Louie Patton PattonLanguage: English Book Synopsis Finding Calm in the Midst of Chaos: Here's How to Keep Anger at Bay When Your Children Are Being Too Much to Handle - A Proven Guide to Keeping Your Cool Anger is a normal human emotion. It's our natural instinct to react to stressful situations with anger. However, considering that kids can be a handful sometimes, your anger might often escalate to unhealthy levels when you're dealing with children. Not only do you feel like you're about to have a nervous breakdown, but you're scaring your kids and risking your bond with them when you let your anger get out of control. Unfortunately, given all that you have on your plate as it is, one litle tantrum your kids throw, and you give in to your frustration almost immediately. It's about time you worked on your anger! Would you like to: Forget about getting irritated all too soon and stop yelling at your children over little things? Pull your act together, harness your temper for good, and never again let anger sit in the driving seat? Let all negative emotions go and focus on positivity which in turn will guarantee some quality family time? Set a positive example for your kids and help them understand their emotions and manage stress better? Yes, with the help of just one book, you can achieve all this and much more! This miraculous book won't try to convince you that it's all in your head. No, kids can really push your buttons. What this guide to calmer life will help you do is find a healthier way to express anger, ultimately helping you form a stronger bond with your little ones! Here are just some of the important topics this life-changing book covers: How to manage your emotions and raise a happy child; How to support your youngster's confidence instead of killing their self-esteem with constant yelling; Build a strong growth mindset in your kids + 7 proven ways to cultivate this mindset and set them up for future success; How anger affects your children and how to become a patient parent that your kids would feel confident talking to; Positive parenting and so much more! Inside this incredible blueprint, you will discover invaluable advice to managing your anger, lesser-known strategies to help your kid cope with anger, and the most effective methods to embrace positive parenting. Keep calm and be the best parent! Scroll up, click on "Buy Now with 1-Click", and Get Your Copy Now!
My Mother's the Best - by Juanita Millikan (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 122Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: ParentingFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Century BooksAge Range: AdultBook theme: MotherhoodAuthor: Juanita MillikanLanguage: English Book Synopsis A premium stylish, lightweight, take-with-you journal for mom to help keep your daily life better organized.Suitable for both young and senior people, this is a great gift idea for any woman or men out there that knows a mothers day notebook may be a great gift for your beloved mother.Has premium quality lined white paper pages and was designed as a: A Mothers Day Journal to Write In;One of the Finest Logbooks for Your Daily Goals;Perfect Size Mom Journal;Stylish Cover Design in Elegant Matte Finish;A Mother Day tracker for Every Day.Get Yours Today and Make your Mother Happy!
Survival Log - by Cucu Suru (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 102Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: GeneralFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Cucu SuruAge Range: AdultAuthor: Cucu SuruLanguage: English Book Synopsis One of a kind simple, yet effective "6X9" 100 page Survival Log Book. This book consists of 100 template pages with an area for the date, weather, terrain, food inventory, rations, water, hunting, fishing, foraging, shelter, shelter constructed, types of shelter, clothing, covering, waterproof, animal proof, sun proof, fire started, journey, distance covered, trail marked used, landmarks sited, animal prints, map sketch, latitude, longitude, party member, status, injuries & treatment. Great gift for dooms day preppers & mountaineers.
The Montessori Method for Positive Parenting - by Marla Callory (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 144Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: Life StagesFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Marla CalloryAge Range: AdultBook theme: Infants & ToddlersAuthor: Marla CalloryLanguage: English Book Synopsis ★55% OFF FOR BOOKSTORES!★★ DISCOUNTED RETAIL PRICE NOW AT $ 29.99 INSTEAD OF $ 35.99! ★ LAST DAYS REMAINING!★ Turn your home into a Montessori home-and become a more mindful, attentive, and easygoing parent. It's time to change the way we see toddlers. Using the principles developed by the educator Dr. Maria Montessori, Simone Davies shows how to turn life with a "terrible two" into a mutually rich and rewarding time of curiosity, learning, respect, and discovery. With hundreds of practical ideas for every aspect of living with a toddler, here are five principles for feeding your child's natural curiosity, from "Trust in the child" to "Fostering a sense of wonder." Step-by-step ways to cultivate daily routines with ease, like brushing teeth, toilet-training, dealing with siblings, losing the pacifier.Would You Like To Let your customers Know More?★BUY A CARTON OF THIS BOOK NOW AND LET YOUR CUSTOMERS GET ADDICTED TO IT!★
Gratitude Journal - by G Pearce (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 102Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: GeneralFormat: PaperbackPublisher: G PearceAge Range: AdultAuthor: G PearceLanguage: English Book Synopsis Perfect Guide To Cultivate An Attitude Of Gratitude. It is a self-exploration journal specifically designed around recognizing what we have, both the great things in life and the small simple pleasures. By investing just a few minutes in a day, you will be taking small steps to integrate gratitude, focus and happiness towards a fantastic life.Each page contains a motivational quote that will inspire a positive attitude.This tool will help you focus in few minutes each day reflecting on: Today, I am grateful for ...How will I make today great? etc;Discover the psychological and emotional benefits of gratitude, like how it can help you feel happier and more optimistic.
The Ultimate Toddler Activity Book - by Jenni Jeffson (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 64Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: Learning DisabilitiesFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Jenni JeffsonAge Range: AdultAuthor: Jenni JeffsonLanguage: English Book Synopsis 55% OFF for Bookstores! LAST DAYSKINDERGARTENTODDLER ACTIVITY BOOKLearning worksheets of writing, math processed in a simple way to make studying more fun...Our worksheets include exercises in; English, Symmetry, Simple Math, Sudoku, Find the Difference and much more....For ages 4 and 9 olderLarge 8x10" glossy cardboard format.Includes several worksheets developed by teachers with several years of experience in elementary schools and kindergartens.The worksheets help teach English words and connect them to corresponding objects, months, days of the week, etc.They are specifically designed for the basic words often found in beginning books and include rhyming words, numbers, colors, shapes, and directional words. Ideal for ESL students of all ages and immersion levels.Large, bold words are easy to readDevelops speed, accuracy and confidencePortable and perfect for learning on the go!EXCELLENT - These educational cards that kids are sure to enjoy at home or at school! This book is suitable for children ages 4 and up.WORK BOOKS FOR CHILDREN - Children and parents who practice with OUR LEARNING BOOKS are using one of the most effective learning techniques around. Decades of research show that practice is highly likely to increase a child's sociability, perceptual ability to cope with everyday life.RESULTS - Our learning materials have helped educate multiple generations of children and provide lifelong learning.PREPARATION - Let us help you prepare your children for the next grade level with our children's worksheets.Buy it NOW and let your customers get addicted to this amazing Book
All about me and DAD from day 1 - (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 90Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: ParentingFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Katy Kate EnglandAge Range: AdultBook theme: FatherhoodLanguage: English Book Synopsis Are you a father or are you looking for a unique gift for a parent? ♥This is the book you are looking for. What does the book contain?- unique design, - guided pages on each age and growth stage of your little ones, so you will never forget any important event in their life (from the first bath at home, to the first step, the first day at school or the first sports competition you went to together...), - space to add representative pictures, - height charts, teeth appearance charts, and more.★Color interior, which allows a better paper quality than other books on the market.Such a unique book is a treasure no parent should miss!
Father's Day Journal - by Tony Montanez (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 112Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: ParentingFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Century BooksAge Range: AdultBook theme: FatherhoodAuthor: Tony MontanezLanguage: English Book Synopsis A premium stylish, lightweight, take-with-you log book for father's day from daughter and son.Take a great gift for father's day and let your father tell his story.Has premium quality lined white paper pages and was designed as a: A Perfect Journal for My Husband;One of the Finest Logbooks for Your Daily Goals;Perfect Size Fathers Day Gift for Older Dad;Stylish Cover Design in Elegant Matte Finish.Get Yours Today and Make your Father's Day a Priority.
Face Life Lessons - by Phyllis Sherrod (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 68Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: Life StagesFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Lulu.comAge Range: AdultBook theme: GeneralAuthor: Phyllis SherrodLanguage: English Book Synopsis My name is Phyllis Sherrod I started writing poetry about 3 years ago. I was somehow given the gift to be able to write poems. It all started a few days after I coded in the ambulance one night, I was legally dead for 2-1/2 minutes. Within 2 days after I was told what had happened (I couldn't remember at that point). As I started to remember I was writing it down and it turned into a poem that started my poetry journey. The poem I wrote about the incident is titled "I Knew" which you will find in my book.
Rey de la carretera - by Fetid Derek (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 72Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: GeneralFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Fetid DerekAge Range: AdultAuthor: Fetid DerekLanguage: Spanish Book Synopsis ★★★ Libro de colorear de camiones para niños ★★★¡Camiones volquete, camiones monstruo, camionetas, camiones de basura, camiones tractores, camiones de bomberos y más!¡Divertido libro para colorear para niños que aman los camiones! ¡Repleto de páginas y páginas de camiones de todo tipo, incluidos camiones monstruo, camiones de volteo, camiones de bomberos, camiones de basura, autobuses, camiones de cemento, camiones tractores, camionetas, camiones del ejército, tanques y muchos más! Perfecto para tu pequeño camionero. Este libro para colorear para niños proporcionará horas de diversión para niños y niñas.Características de este libro de colorear de camiones: Páginas grandes de 8 1/2 x 11 pulgadasPáginas de una cara para que no se desangre, páginas fáciles de quitarGran variedad de diferentes tipos de camiones.Impresión de alta resoluciónDiseños únicos, sin repeticionesImpreso en blanco brillante, papel de 60 lbCubierta duraderaLibro de alta calidad¡Es un gran regalo con temática de camión para niños!¿Está buscando un libro de colorear impresionante, adorable, creativo y súper genial para su hijo? ¡Camiones volquete, camiones monstruo, camionetas, camiones de basura, camiones tractores, camiones de bomberos y más! ¡Divertido libro para colorear para niños que aman los camiones! ¡Repleto de páginas y páginas de camiones de todo tipo, incluidos camiones monstruo, camiones de volteo, camiones de bomberos, camiones de basura, autobuses, camiones de cemento, camiones tractores, camionetas, camiones del ejército, tanques y muchos más!Este libro para colorear para niños proporcionará horas de diversión para niños y niñas.
Narcissistic Relationship Recovery - by Claire Kaufman (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 200Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: AngerFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Claire KaufmanAge Range: AdultAuthor: Claire KaufmanLanguage: English About the Book Free yourself once and for all from the narcissistic relationships in your life - whether they are with a partner, parent, friend, or colleague - from the pain that comes with it, and start living a happier life. Book Synopsis Free yourself once and for all from the narcissistic relationships in your life - whether they are with a partner, parent, friend, or colleague - from the pain that comes with it, and start living a happier life.Your customers will go crazy over this awesome bookI know what it's like to live with a narcissistic person...It's like being in HELL 24/7.And it doesn't matter if it's a partner, a parent, a friend, or a colleague. The resulting suffering is always acute, almost unbearable.We wake up in the morning wondering what the narcissist's first "sting" will be (as if it were a poisonous insect). And then here it happens, we think about it all day and our day is ruined. And so day, after day, after day.If you find yourself in this situation, you have the right to know that...EVERYONE can get out of it.It doesn't matter how many years they have been in a narcissistic relationship. It doesn't matter if the narcissist is the partner or a parent. It doesn't matter if you feel addicted to this person. And it doesn't even matter if you think you're a "hopeless" case.You are not, and you can get out of it. Yes, just YOU.This proven guide tells you exactly HOW. What are the steps to take.Just a glimpse of what you'll find in it: The definitive answer to why people stay with a narcissist EVEN if he/she hurts them tremendously (it'll help you break free once and for all)What are the common feelings of narcissistic victims (they make you understand that you are NOT alone and get away from the "loneliness feeling")The PROVEN STEPS to heal from a narcissistic partner, parent, friend, or colleague (and get back to love and trust people again)How to build yourself a "shield" to avoid being manipulated again (it's like having an "immune system" just for narcissistic people)And SO much more!Immediately break the relationship with the narcissist and turn off the "suffering button".Order NOW Your Copy and let your customers get addicted to this fantastic book.
DAD I love you so - (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 44Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: ParentingFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Catherine Tag ArtaAge Range: AdultBook theme: FatherhoodLanguage: English About the Book "My love for Dad cannot be expressed in words. For his birthday, I want to give him a heartfelt card created with my own hands". If that's how you feel, this will always be the book you're looking for. Book Synopsis Looking for a unique gift for your father? This is more than just a mandala book. Once you color the pages, you'll get lots of cute cards for your Daddy. ♥What the book contains: - cute messages for dad, - each sheet is decorated with cute mandalas, waiting for you to color them, - pages lined for cutting, in case you want to take out the 20 cards and give them individually in an envelope.- high quality paper, full colour card interior, - large format, 8.5x11. ★Such a unique book is a treasure no kid should miss! "My dad is the most special. My love for him cannot be expressed in words. For his birthday, I want to give him a heartfelt card created with my own hands". If that's how you feel, this will always be the book you're looking for.
A Dog Named Preacher - by Maria McShea (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 252Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: Life StagesFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Lulu.comAge Range: AdultBook theme: AdolescenceAuthor: Maria McSheaLanguage: English Book Synopsis Our hero's name is Preacher. The story takes place in "Pennsylvania Dutch" country in Lancaster county. The year was 1964. Preacher and his friends go on electrifying adventures together, resulting in a life-changing event. Hew, a shy country boy, and Jeffery, a city boy with a disability, are Preacher's friends. Through Preacher, they find ways to mesh their lives and find success.
Figli - by Emanuele Romano (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 196Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: EducationFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Emanuele RomanoAge Range: AdultAuthor: Emanuele RomanoLanguage: Italian Book Synopsis La meta è ben precisa: crescere figli felici ed autonomi, affiancandoli e sostenendoli nella costruzione "mattone dopo mattone" della loro identità.In questo libro ci sono tanti esempi concreti che potranno aiutarti a gestire al meglio tutte queste (e molte altre) complesse situazioni che ti troverai ad affrontare, ripercorrendo dettagliatamente le principali fasi dello sviluppo fisico e intellettivo dei bambini dalla nascita fino ai cinque anni.Si tratterà concretamente di: ● Concepimento ● Gravidanza ● Parto ● I primi giorni ● L'allattamento ● Il peso del bambino ● Il pediatra ● Le ninne ● Il bambino in braccio ● Lo svezzamento ● Il ciuccio ● Il pannolino ● I primi passi ● Le prime parole ● La scuola ● I capricci ● I premi ● Le paure ● Le bugie ● La gelosia nei confronti dei figli minori ● L'importanza di imparare ad aspettare ● Utilizzo degli Smartphone e dei dispositivi elettronici ● Discussioni tra genitori ● Sport ed altre attività pomeridiane ● Rispettare i loro tempi ed il loro entusiasmo ● Esempi PraticiE ricorda: "I genitori devono essere affidabili, non perfetti. I figli devono essere felici, non farci felici".Cosa aspetti? Acquista subito la tua copia e inizia il tuo percorso straordinario di crescita genitore-figlio.
Our Baby Boy Memory Book - by Maggie C Love (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 62Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: Baby NamesFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Maggie C.LoveAge Range: AdultAuthor: Maggie C LoveLanguage: English Book Synopsis The effortless baby memory book for the busiest parents is here! Capture every miracle and milestone of baby's first year with this elegant and modern keepsake book. With original color illustrations and sweet design on every page, this book will help you to create an incredible memories journal of these special days. Our "Baby Boy Memory Book" include: - who this book belongs to, first ultrasound, all about mommy, all about daddy, mommy and daddy's pictures, family tree, mommy's pregnancy journey, your baby shower & pictures, gift and guests, the day you were born, you at home, journal pages from 1 week to 1-year-old, letter from mom and dad, your first birthday party, your "firsts" and many more- 60-guided journal pages - 8 X 10 inchesThis is a delightful book celebrating the arrival of a new baby, and makes the perfect gift for baby showers and newborn presents!
Lifespan - by Holly L Zimmermann (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 362Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: GeneralFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Holly ZimmermannAge Range: AdultAuthor: Holly L ZimmermannLanguage: English Book Synopsis If you could learn with precision the exact day of your death, even if it were years into the future, would you want to know? At first glance, the untimely death of renowned Brazilian mathematician Eduardo Rodriguez appears to be of natural causes-he died of a heart attack in his sleep, with his wife by his side-but when it's discovered that he had liquidated his assets, organized his estate and even arranged his own funeral, questions start to arise. Halfway around the world in Rhode Island, 32-year-old Caroline Stanley hadn't been feeling well for weeks. She and her husband, Ron, were hoping the fatigue was due to a second pregnancy, but when that dream was dashed by a negative test, she headed to her doctor who diagnosed her true ailment: a rare form of leukemia. What ties these dynamic people and events together is revealed through a series of karmic events involving a kidnapping, a race through downtown Sao Paulo, a quirky priest, a look at the alluring city of Brasilia, a blossoming romance, and small-town life in Rhode Island. And what is discovered in the end could change the course of not only those involved, but that of the entire human race.
A Brand New Song to Sing - by Geraldine Cynthia Fort'e (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 146Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: GeneralFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Newman Springs Publishing, Inc.Age Range: AdultAuthor: Geraldine Cynthia FortéLanguage: English Book Synopsis The story of Viola, Ralph, and Cliffonda Janine is, ultimately, the story of love: love discovered, love that floundered and was lost, love that was developed, and true love that was realized. Their story weaves a delicate pattern from the different social strata of Atlanta, Georgia, to the Silicon Valley in Northern California. Any obstacle to happiness can be overcome with understanding, forgiveness, and love if you do not wait until it is too late.
Father's Sayings - by Eugene Peterson (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 46Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: GeneralFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Dorrance Publishing Co.Age Range: AdultAuthor: Eugene PetersonLanguage: English Book Synopsis Father's SayingsBy: Eugene PetersonFather's Sayings is a book from parents to children. It captures special moments and old sayings, and brings peace and harmony to families who abide by these tidbits of wisdom. Through his collection of short sayings, Eugene Peterson hopes to bring understanding to families. About the AuthorEugene Peterson is thankful to God for his beautiful life. He made Peterson strong enough to endure any problem, and granted him peace as he watched his children grow. Father's Sayings is a gift from Peterson to his children, a way of remembering the wisdom he's forgotten.
All about me and MOM from day 1 - (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 90Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: ParentingFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Katy Kate EnglandAge Range: AdultBook theme: FatherhoodLanguage: English Book Synopsis Are you a mother or are you looking for a unique gift for a parent? ♥This is the book you are looking for. What does the book contain?- unique design, - guided pages on each age and growth stage of your little ones, so you will never forget any important event in their life (from the first bath at home, to the first step, the first day at school or the first sports competition you went to together...), - space to add representative pictures, - height charts, teeth appearance charts, and more.★Color interior, which allows a better paper quality than other books on the market.Such a unique book is a treasure no parent should miss!
Starting New Relationship After Break-Up - (Getting Over a Breakup) by Jennifer Whiteley (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 108Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: Conflict ResolutionSeries Title: Getting Over a BreakupFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Jennifer WhiteleyAge Range: AdultAuthor: Jennifer WhiteleyLanguage: English Book Synopsis 55% OFF for Bookstores! Discounted Retail Price NOW at 13.49$ instead of 29.97$!Your Customers Will Never Stop to Use this Awesome Book!Hurting from a recent break-up or divorce? Unsure how to process the pain? Struggling to forgive and let go? It's hard. It's a process. And it takes plenty of patience, but you will get through this.Breakups are an unfortunate but inevitable part of every person's life, and there's no denying that the heartache experienced after the ending of a serious relationship can be excruciating. But it doesn't have to feel insurmountable, and there is always hope to be found. With this enlightening book, here's what you'll learn: Lessons You Can Learn From Failed RelationshipPractice Of Squealing To Overcome 'Exes'Reasons Of Not Going Back To Your 'Ex'Start Regaining Control of Life After BreakupHow To Be Open For New RelationshipWhen is Better to Start a New Relationship After BreakupSigns Showing Willingness To Start RelationshipTips To Prepare For Relationship After BreakupHow to Improve New RelationshipMistakes To Avoid In New RelationshipSecrets of Happy Relationship... And Much much more! "Starting New Relationship After Break-Up" proves that it is possible to not only survive a breakup, but to emerge from one as an even stronger, empowered person.You can choose to read this book and do nothing at all, or you can choose to try new things in the hope for change - the choice is yours! So, what are you waiting for? Scroll up, buy it NOW and let your customers get addicted to this amazing book!
Detecting Lies - by Liam King (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 122Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: AbuseFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Liam KingAge Range: AdultBook theme: GeneralAuthor: Liam KingLanguage: English About the Book Are you interested in learning about detecting lies but don't know how to start? Are you curious about this topic and many more? Then look no further! 55% OFF FOR BOOKSTORES ONLY! Book Synopsis 55% OFF FOR BOOKSTORES ONLY! Get This Book for Less Than Half Its Real Price!Are you interested in learning about detecting lies but don't know how to start? Are you curious about this topic and many more? Then look no further!!! This is the book you need, read on....If you say you never lie, well, you're a liar.Those little lies slip out more often than you think. According to one study, Americans tell about 11 lies per week; other research shows a more conservative number.Research published in the Journal of Basic and Applied Social Psychology found that 60 percent of people can't go 10 minutes without lying at least once. It gets worse: those who lied actually told an average of three lies during that short conversation.In this book you will discover: Detecting Lies Lie Detection's Foundational Assumptions Beyond Good or Bad Science Introducing Technology to Literature and Science The Science of Lying in a Laboratory William Marston's Deceptive Consciousness, 1913-22 Thought in Translation Reading the Mind in Science and Science Fiction, 1930-50 And much more!!!This book is all you need to learn about detecting lies, so don't think twice, and buy this book now!!!!
Narcissistic Mother Guidebook - by Virginia Fix (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 94Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: Conflict ResolutionFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Fix with LoveAge Range: AdultAuthor: Virginia FixLanguage: English Book Synopsis ★ 55% Discount for Bookstores! Now at 23.97$ Instead of 33.97$! ★Does your mother help you build the life you want and deserve?Your Customers Will Never Stop Using This Helpful Book! Normal parents always take it easy when raising children. They make an effort to get their children the best and bring up healthy confident adults. A narcissist mother is the one who portrays the above symptoms on their children. Narcissists are very good at cartnearing people who can be made to feel a certain way. They don't mess with people who are self-differentiated and can't deal with this. Growing into self-differentiation is the process of beginning to realize that no one can make you feel anything you don't want to feel. You feel these things by choice, and the narcissist is a trigger or catalyst for this choice. There are some situations where I would be interacting with someone and would immediately feel an intense negative emotion. And the only way you can do that is learning to have that relationship with yourself, giving yourself those things you wished she had given you, to allow you grow up and not be co-dependent and have this emotional wound. It might be a very long journey, but you need not be alone. Ask for help and you will get it. This book will give insights to understand that if your mother manipulated and controlled you, she did not always do it intentionally but was suffering from a narcissistic personality disorder. When you know the root cause of the behavior, together, you can seek treatment as a family and forgive one another. This book covers: Effects of Being Raised by NarcissistsProtection TipsComparison Between Healthy Habits and NPD TraitsPrepare yourself for the ExperienceCan Your Narcissistic Mother Change?The Narcissist Family SettingThe Broken PartsNarcissism in Family and RelationshipsThe Cycle of Narcissistic AbuseCommon Narcissistic Situations You May EncounterBuy it NOW and let your customers become addicted to this incredible and useful book!
Our Baby Girl Memory Book - by Maggie C Love (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 62Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: Babysitting, Day Care & Child CareFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Maggie C.LoveAge Range: AdultAuthor: Maggie C LoveLanguage: English Book Synopsis The effortless baby memory book for the busiest parents is here! Capture every miracle and milestone of baby's first year with this elegant and modern keepsake book. With original color illustrations and sweet design on every page, this book will help you to create an incredible memories journal of these special days. Our "Baby Girl Memory Book" include: - who this book belongs to, first ultrasound, all about mommy, all about daddy, mommy and daddy's pictures, family tree, mommy's pregnancy journey, your baby shower & pictures, gift and guests, the day you were born, you at home, journal pages from 1 week to 1-year-old, letter from mom and dad, your first birthday party, your "firsts" and many more- 60-guided journal pages - 8 X 10 inchesThis is a delightful book celebrating the arrival of a new baby, and makes the perfect gift for baby showers and newborn presents!
Anxiety in Relationships - (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 198Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: Conflict ResolutionFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Miranda WhiteAge Range: AdultLanguage: English Book Synopsis 55% OFF for Bookstores! NOW at $ 34,99 instead of $ 54,23 Are searching for ways to let go of anxiety and develop a loving relationship? Do you want to know if your partner really loves you? What happens if you cannot find the perfect partner?It is high time that you get rid of your negative thoughts and focus on building a meaningful life with your partner. Do not let anxiety rule your life. If you are exhausted from living with the constant pain of panic, overwhelmed with unnecessary relationship worries, or feel anxious now and then, you can take the help of this Book.Your Customers will never stop using this book. In this book you can find: How can you communicate without allowing anxiety to speak upHow to focus on your love life and let go of your insecuritiesVarious strategies for managing conflictsHow anxiety can affect your life and relationshipsHow to get rid of anxietyHow to make your existing relationship strongerLearn to love yourself for loving your partner in a better way Are you ready to fight against anxiety and develop healthy relationships? Buy it NOW and let your customers get addicted to this amazing book.
The Gift of Grandchildren - by Gene Koester (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 92Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: GeneralFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Christian Faith Publishing, IncAge Range: AdultAuthor: Gene KoesterLanguage: English Book Synopsis The Gift of Grandchildren gives a personal account of the author's current state of life and reflects on the awareness of one's own existence through the experience of becoming a grandparent. The book gives individual accounts of the author's grandchildren as they grow from infant to teenager and the relationship created to bond two distinct generations. The unique storyline of each grandchild is peppered with comment and observation from the author, which can easily be identified by today's grandparent, those about to embark on the blessing of becoming a grandparent, or those curious about the effects grandparents have on grandchildren and the special memories grandchildren give to the grandparent.The Gift of Grandchildren gives the reader a plethora of examples in respect to family traditions, mores, conversations, and endeavors, which are enhanced by the formation of the grandparent's knowledge and the grandchild's curiosity. These aspects of life are presented in a manner designed to bring laughter, contemplation, and spiritual reflection to the reader through recognition of events pertinent to the human experience.The Gift of Grandchildren was written with the idea of God's gift of life being very special for those parents who have entered the realm of becoming a grandparent. It is not only part of God's plan but a glorious aspect of the cycle of life.
Unbullyable - by Sue Anderson (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 274Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: BullyingFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Good2gr8 CoachingAge Range: AdultAuthor: Sue AndersonLanguage: English Book Synopsis Is your child being bullied? Are you not sure how to help? Sue Anderson works with children affected by bullying, both cartnears and bullies. She facilitates workshops for parents and teachers showing them how they can empower children to interrupt the bullying pattern. This book provides a simple hands-on, step-by-step guide for you to support your child - from preschooler through high school. It shows you how to encourage and guide your child to move from bullied to Unbullyable. Your Unbullyable child: - can choose how they respond to other people's attempts to bully them - believes no one has the power to diminish their self-esteem - understands how the bullying interaction works and how to interrupt it - stubbornly refuses to be bullied. Sounds too good to be true? Hundreds of Unbullyable success stories can't be wrong.
Calm Parents, Healthy Kids - by Danielle Olson (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 148Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: ParentingFormat: PaperbackPublisher: New Globe PublishingAge Range: AdultBook theme: Parent & Adult ChildAuthor: Danielle OlsonLanguage: English About the Book Tired of nagging and yelling? It can take some practice, but this guide will teach you how to communicate your frustration in ways that maintain and, in some cases, improve your relationship with your children. Book Synopsis Tired of nagging and yelling? Every parent gets angry at their children sometimes. Don't worry, that's absolutely normal! Everyone has moments where they completely lose it. You will, however, reduce the frequency at which it happens by understanding better how anger works and how to deal with it. It can take some practice, but "Calm Parents, Healthy Kids" will teach you how to communicate your frustration in ways that maintain and, in some cases, improve your relationship with your children.By reading this book, you will learn to: - Understand what your anger means and how to control it;- Create deeper connections with your children;- Communicate better and minimize fighting in the family;- Teach your kids to recognize and manage their emotions.And much more!It's natural to be at your wit's end, even though it's disturbing and sometimes shocking. Anger can build up when you are a parent 24 hours a day, seven days a week, year after year. Nobody cares more for your children than you do, which means the stakes are high, as are the emotions.It is possible to parent peacefully, giving your children what they really need to grow up healthy! Start today to find out how.
Sudoku Big - by Cucu Suru (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 488Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: ActivitiesFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Cucu SuruAge Range: AdultAuthor: Cucu SuruLanguage: English Book Synopsis Big Sudoku Book with 1500 PuzzlesSolving Sudoku is a lot of fun and very easy to learn. Have fun with this Sudoku book! You will find 1500 Puzzles to solve.Book features: - 1500 Sudoku- Difficult and Extreme - Including all Solutions- Many hours of fun!- Great gift for all new and "old" Sudoku fans!Click on "Buy Now" above and dive into the famous world of word search puzzles!
Babyschlaf und T"opfchentraining [2 in 1] - by Kiara Agape (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 290Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: ParentingFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Babyschlaf Und TopfchentrainingAge Range: AdultBook theme: MotherhoodAuthor: Kiara AgapeLanguage: German Book Synopsis
An Exceptional Life - by Jada Babcock (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 206Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: Children with Special NeedsFormat: HardcoverPublisher: New Harbor PressAge Range: AdultAuthor: Jada BabcockLanguage: English Book Synopsis An Exceptional Life: A Story of Faith, Missing Chromosomes, & Unconditional Love shares the heartfelt story of how a little boy with special needs changed his mother's life forever. Through raw honesty and a faith-based perspective, Jada Babcock brings you along on her journey of discovering how rewarding life can be, even when it doesn't go as planned.
How to Potty-Train a Toddler - by Marla Callory (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 110Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: Toilet TrainingFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Marla CalloryAge Range: AdultAuthor: Marla CalloryLanguage: English Book Synopsis ★55% OFF FOR BOOKSTORES!★★ DISCOUNTED RETAIL PRICE NOW AT $ 29.99 INSTEAD OF $ 35.99! ★ LAST DAYS REMAINING!★ If you have the time and patience and want to avoid diapers as much as possible, you can start watching your child for patterns and cues that allow potty training to begin when your child is just a baby.Here's how to get started with potty training.Inside this book you will find: -Why potty-training is necessary and how to get your child to become interested in using a potty-The best time to start potty-training and how to know if your child is ready for it-Step by step guide and various methods you can use to motivate your child to use the potty-How to prepare yourself and your toddler and how to use planning and scheduling in your advantage-How is potty-training closely connected to your child psyche and how can bad training leave some consequences-How to cope with the worst potty-training problems, understanding the differences between day-time accidents and wetting the bed, nighttime training, and finally ditching the dippersWould You Like To Let your customers Know More?★BUY A CARTON OF THIS BOOK NOW AND LET YOUR CUSTOMERS GET ADDICTED TO IT!★
Baby Sleep Training for New Parents - by Helen Xander (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 216Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: Life StagesFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Motherhood MoodsAge Range: AdultBook theme: Infants & ToddlersAuthor: Helen XanderLanguage: English Book Synopsis Does your baby struggle to find sleep on his/ her own? Do you want to teach your baby the art of sleeping so that you can both get the sleep you need and be the great parent you wish to be? If so, keep reading...Many parents are not aware that sleeping, and especially sleeping through the night, is not an innate but a learned behavior. That is why it is essential to teach your infant how to sleep on his/ her own at nap time and during the night. The result? You are not only better able to be the great parent you wish to be, but you will have time and energy to heal your mind and body from the stresses of pregnancy and childbirth.Baby Sleep Training for New Parents, from Motherhood Moods, is a practical guide for new parents to learn: How to schedule your daily routines for nighttime sleep needsInfants nutritional needs and how they affect sleep cyclesMelatonin-rich foods, which contain this natural hormone to promote sleepHow solid foods affect a baby's sleep schedule and how they should be introducedThe different sleep cycles of babies, which are different from adultsMisconceptions of sleep training and how you can tell what works and what doesn'tThe different approaches of sleep training to customize and suit proven techniques to your own family's lifestyleHow to manage colic, teething, and food allergies for a restful and happy babyProven skills to use which reassure your baby of safety and promote a restful nights sleepYou will also find positive affirmations for a happy family at the end of the book. These mindful affirmations will guide your baby and toddler to a peaceful sleep, and will boost the spirits of mothers and fathers so that they can remain consistent and resilient through this process.A home which has wellbeing for everyone at its core is a loving and cozy place.It all begins with happy, relaxed parents, and that begins with a restful night's sleep for you and your baby!
Recovery From Narcissistic Mothers Abuse - by Virginia Fix (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 94Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: AbuseFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Fix with LoveAge Range: AdultBook theme: Child AbuseAuthor: Virginia FixLanguage: English Book Synopsis ★ 55% Discount for Bookstores! Now at 33.97$ Instead of 43.97$! ★Do you feel that your mother Lack of Appropriate Emotion? Your Customers Will Never Stop Using This Helpful Book! Narcissism is a kind of belief a person has about themselves, that they are unique and more important than others around them. With this belief, they often act in particular ways and will do things to boost their image in the eyes of others. The belief in their superiority over others is so deeply ingrained in narcissists that they experience many difficulties when dealing with other people as they will often treat everyone else as less important. It is sometimes hard to know when we are dealing with a narcissist or not. They are going to be found amongst us, but figuring out the difference between someone who is maybe just a bit of a jerk, someone with a good sense of confidence, and someone who is a narcissist can be difficult.No one is going to assess your worth by going through your Facebook or Twitter profile. Keep your emotions intact. Do not drift off into a stage where you don't care about anyone but yourself. Indulging in luxuries may be a necessary addition to certain lifestyles. Make sure that you always value people and relationships above all things material.This Book covers: Narcissism BasicsTypes of NarcissismInside the Mind of a NarcissistThe Narcissist MotherDealing With a Narcissist MotherHow to Heal from AbuseSelf - Healing TipsHow to Rediscover YourselfSeparation and HealingBuy it NOW and let your customers become addicted to this incredible and useful book!
Children Story Collections - (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 128Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: Children with Special NeedsFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Quinto RuxAge Range: AdultLanguage: English Book Synopsis **55% OFF for Bookstores!! LAST DAYS***It was a simple incident in the life of James Clavell-a talk with his young daughter just home from school-that inspired this chilling tale of what could happen in twenty-five quietly devastating minutes. He writes, "The Children's Story came into being that day. It was then that I really realized how vulnerable my child's mind was -any mind, for that matter-under controlled circumstances. Normally I write and rewrite and re-rewrite, but this story came quickly-almost by itself. Barely three words were changed. It pleases me greatly because I kept asking the questions...Questions like, What's the use of 'I pledge allegiance' without understanding? Like Why is it so easy to divert thoughts? Like What is freedom? and Why is so hard to explain?The Children's Story keeps asking me all sorts of questions I cannot answer. Perhaps you can-then your child will...."
Children Story Collections - (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 128Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: Children with Special NeedsFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Quinto RuxAge Range: AdultLanguage: English Book Synopsis **55% OFF for Bookstores!! LAST DAYS***It was a simple incident in the life of James Clavell-a talk with his young daughter just home from school-that inspired this chilling tale of what could happen in twenty-five quietly devastating minutes. He writes, "The Children's Story came into being that day. It was then that I really realized how vulnerable my child's mind was -any mind, for that matter-under controlled circumstances. Normally I write and rewrite and re-rewrite, but this story came quickly-almost by itself. Barely three words were changed. It pleases me greatly because I kept asking the questions...Questions like, What's the use of 'I pledge allegiance' without understanding? Like Why is it so easy to divert thoughts? Like What is freedom? and Why is so hard to explain?The Children's Story keeps asking me all sorts of questions I cannot answer. Perhaps you can-then your child will...."
Childhood Emotional Neglect - by Susan Garcia (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 154Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: Life StagesFormat: PaperbackPublisher: A.L.P PublishingAge Range: AdultBook theme: School AgeAuthor: Susan GarciaLanguage: English Book Synopsis Do you ever worry that your child feels neglected?Maybe you and your partner both work jobs that require you to spend a lot of hours out of the house, and you fear that leaving your children with babysitters is leading to them feeling neglected?Perhaps you have already started to see signs of your child's behaviour changing and you have begun to wonder whether it is a reaction to feeling neglected?Or maybe you haven't seen any signs yet, but you know it is becoming more common for children to feel neglected and you want to make sure your child does not feel that way? Rest assured, Childhood Emotional Neglect is the book that you have been searching for! You will have everything you need to understand the causes, effects, and impact of childhood neglect, as well as how you can deal with this problem quickly and effectively before there are any lasting impacts.Childhood neglect can happen under the radar so easily, but it can have a major impact in that person's life. From reading this book, you will have a better understanding of the key stages of development that you need to tackle as a parent and how to spot when your child is feeling neglected.If you don't educate yourself properly on this important topic, you risk missing out on key signs that your child is feeling neglected, and by the time you realize it, it may be too late!Inside Childhood Emotional Neglect, discover: How to bond with your baby, even while it is in the wombThe 7 key development stages in child's early yearsHow to show your child unconditional loveThe dire consequences of childhood emotional neglectWays to set healthy boundaries with your child5 powerful ways to strengthen your parent-child relationshipHow to confront any potential feelings you have about childhood neglect4 tips to help your child identify and express their feelingsHow to create a safe space for your childSteps to discipline your child without hurting themWhy it is important to let go of your feelingsAnd much, much more!Give your child the best possible start in life by investing in this book.Get your copy NOW and start educating yourself further on this important topic!
Narcissistic Mothers - by Virginia Fix (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 100Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: AbuseFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Fix with LoveAge Range: AdultBook theme: Child AbuseAuthor: Virginia FixLanguage: English Book Synopsis ★ 55% Discount for Bookstores! Now at 23.97$ Instead of 33.97$! ★Do the decisions you make gratify you? Your Customers Will Never Stop Using This Helpful Book! Narcissists can be extremely charming and are master manipulators. So be ready and vigilant for any scam they might try to pull over you. It is easy to lapse into a narcissistic personality nowadays. Taking a few selfies or making a few self-appraising comments on social media need not necessarily turn you into a modern-day Narcissus. However, it would be best for your interests if you kept such interactions to a bare minimum. As a result of not feeling good enough, children of narcissistic mothers find it hard to love and accept themselves for what they are. Normally, we all find things we don't like about ourselves that we would like to change. However, people with stable parents grow up with the ability to find positive aspects of themselves. This book helps mothers check on their behaviors to control how they behave. It is possible that you have been displaying narcissistic tendencies toward your children but never realized it. Through the knowledge in this book, you can easily identify and work on any narcissistic behavior before it escalates and damages your child. This book covers: What are the signs of a narcissistic mother?Narcissistic husband and wife relationshipThe unconscious narcissism in the relationship between parent and childCan a narcissist be a good parent?How narcissistic mothers affect their daughtersExercises to tryTypes of threadsHow to deal with a narcissistic motherCan a narcissistic mother change?Various abuses that a mother does to her childHow to heal the marks / wounds of a narcissistic mother?Healing for the motherHealing for the sonWays to defend / protect yourself (so you can be happy)Daughters and mothersBuy it NOW and let your customers become addicted to this incredible and useful book!
Cracking the Boy Code - by Adam Cox (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 160Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: ParentingFormat: PaperbackPublisher: New Society PublishersAge Range: AdultBook theme: GeneralAuthor: Adam CoxLanguage: English About the Book Drawing on thousands of hours of one-on-one counseling, Cracking the Boy Code explains boys' psychological needs and how to use specific, clearly explained techniques for effective communication. Includes the crucial role of non-verbal cues, motivating boys to become their authentic selves and developing esteem and confidence. Book Synopsis Learn the secret language of boys and how to reconnectAll too quickly, talkative, affectionate young boys seem to slip away. Adolescents may be transformed overnight into reclusive, seemingly impenetrable young people who open up only to their friends and spend more time on devices than with family. How do you penetrate this shell before they are lost to you?Drawing on decades of experience garnered through thousands of hours of therapy with boys, Cracking the Boy Code explains how the key to communicating with boys is understanding their universal psychological needs and using specific, straightforward communication techniques. Coverage includes: Why it's important to understand the psychological needs of boysHow to talk to be heard, and listen to understandThe crucial role of non-verbal cuesLearning the universal tone that helps boys listenMotivating boys to become their authentic selvesUsing purposeful work to teach boys self-respect and confidenceReducing stress and creating greater closeness between boys and caregivers.Essential reading for parents, caregivers, teachers, youth workers, coaches, and others who want to make a real connection with the boys in their lives. From the Back Cover Learn the secret language of boys and how to reconnectDr. Cox's latest work is both inspiring and instructive. - Dr. John M. Botti, Head of School, The Browning School, New YorkProvides an exceptional tool to understand what makes boys tick. Original and exceptional research to help parents and teachers. - David Anderson, IBSC Jarvis-Hawley Award winner 2017Will become a go-to resource for parents, caregivers, teachers, and professionals. - Mary Gauthier, Executive Director, Greenwood Centre for Teaching and Learning, Greenwood College School, TorontoALL TOO QUICKLY, talkative, affectionate young boys seem to slip away.Adolescents may be transformed overnight into reclusive, seemingly impenetrable young people who open up only to their friends and spend more time on devices than with family. How do you penetrate this shell before they are lost to you?Drawing on decades of experience garnered through thousands of hours of therapy with boys, Cracking the Boy Code explains how the key to communicating with boys is understanding their universal psychological needs and using specific, straightforward communication techniques. Coverage includes: How to talk to be heard, and listen to understandThe crucial role of non-verbal cuesLearning the universal tone that helps boys listenMotivating boys to become their authentic selvesUsing purposeful work to teach boys self-respect and confidence.Essential reading for parents, caregivers, teachers, youth workers, coaches, and others who want to make a real connection with the boys in their lives.ADAM J. COX Ph.D, is a clinical psychologist whose work encompasses two decades of psychotherapy with children and adolescents, and hundreds of consultations with schools. A sought-after therapist and frequent speaker on the psychology of boys, he is author of the acclaimed books On Purpose Before Twenty, Boys of Few Words, and No Mind Left Behind. Cox lives in Rhode Island and shares his wisdom at DrAdamCox.com. About the Author Adam J. Cox, Ph.D is a clinical psychologist whose work includes thousands of hours interviewing children. His research includes a multi-year global research project, Locating Significance in the Lives of Boys, for the International Boys' Schools Coalition, during which he interviewed students and teachers in the US, Canada, UK, Singapore, South Africa, New Zealand, and Australia, from a wide variety of social and educational backgrounds. A sought-after therapist and frequent speaker on the psychology of boys, he is author of the acclaimed books On Purpose Before Twenty, Boys of Few Words and No Mind Left Behind. Cox lives in Rhode Island and shares his wisdom in his newsletter Family Matters at DrAdamCox.com.
Unicorn Activity Books For Girls - by Hopeless Hasna (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 126Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: EducationFormat: PaperbackPublisher: AlexeiAge Range: AdultAuthor: Hopeless HasnaLanguage: English Book Synopsis The magical unicorn activity for kids ages 4-12. Learning, Coloring, Dot To Dot, Mazes And more! unicorn activity book for girls age 4-12. (My little unicorn activity book for girls 4-12)UNICORN GIFTS / THE BEST GIFT IDEA FOR GIRLS AND BOYS: Unicorn Activity Book for Kids is designed for fun and skill focus activities which will boost your child's confidence and give a sense of achievement. The book will appeal not only to unicorn fans but also to both girls and boys aged 4 to 12 years. It is a perfect gift and a great way to keep kids busy. The book is party favour for unicorn-themed parties. It captures the magical world of unicorns with some great activities and games.New for Unicorn Coloring Activity Book Expanded Edition It is Also Great Gift for Kids, Toddlers, Boys, and GirlsEnjoy Your Time With Unicorn Activity BookDot To Dot, Mazes, Puzzle, and Coloring Book for Kids Ages 4-12.This Unicorn Activity Book is a very well-designed, high-quality coloring book, with original artworks, even line-widths, and a lovely and playful design style that is as attractive as it is fun to color. Excellent!You will Love Unicorn Coloring Activity Book. It offers: Dot To DotHigh-Resolution PrintingSuitable for All Skill LevelsMazes Puzzle GameStress Relieving Designs that are Great for Relaxationbeautiful illustrationsBeautiful Designs and Artwork.Each image is printed on a separate page to prevent bleed-through.Coloring Page We have created a beautiful Activity Book with a Design collection for your Kids.Enjoy coloring a different design to forgetting your troubles, escape the stress of daily life and relax, this book is special for your kids.
Kate & Laurel All Things Decor
Toddler Discipline for Parents - by Neela Patel (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 298Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: Life StagesFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Boston Exclusive PressAge Range: AdultBook theme: Infants & ToddlersAuthor: Neela PatelLanguage: English Book Synopsis Do you want a definitive guide to educate the demanding toddler? Do you want to learn how to overcome tantrums, prevent conflicts, and get over behavior challenges with effective child-friendly strategies?The development of toddlers is divided into bodily improvement, intelligence development, language improvement, emotional development, and social improvement. All of the improvements will be very important, that's why we have to monitor each development. Toddler's development is also tormented by the environment. A toddler must be furnished with the best environment. How an infant is treated will form them to be the best sort of man or woman.For instance, if we located the children in supportive surroundings wherein they get sufficient affection and care from their surroundings for high-quality, they may be advanced to be someone with the correct traits. But if the infants live inside the horrible surroundings in which they don't get enough care and love from their surroundings, they may have trouble with their developments, and it's going to affect the way they speak with the alternative humans.This book covers the following topics: - Inside the toddler mind- Learning how to communicate with toddlers- The power of discipline- Setting limits and boundaries- Potty Training And much more! Exclusive environment factors will have brilliant stimulation tiers, which have a right away effect on how children play - big areas inspire movement and use of the vicinity, and closed areas with extra tender functions lend themselves to analyzing or discovering sports. With this in mind, it's clear that diverse surroundings create a diffusion of news and possibilities for a younger learner.Ready to get started? Buy right now!!!
How to Manage Your Anger 2021 Edition - by Michael James (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 176Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: AngerFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Michael JamesAge Range: AdultAuthor: Michael JamesLanguage: English Book Synopsis **55% OFF for Bookstores!! LAST DAYS***How to Manage Your Anger 2021 EditionYour Customers Never Stop to Use this Awesome Book!It's easy to identify rage in people who lose their temper at traffic jams, unruly children, unresponsive coworkers, and unrealistic bosses. But we may not recognize more subtle manifestations of anger, such as being uncomfortable with loose ends, acting impatiently, or being overly critical. That is anger, too. And, as is so often the case, angry folks don't seem to realize that the behavior causing them problems at home or at work actually stems from unrecognized and unresolved pain and emotional injuries from the past. Is all this negative emotion inevitable, or are there choices about how to respond, choices that can improve personal relationships as well as emotional health?How to Manage Your Anger is a landmark book that strips away the myths and misconceptions about anger and reveals how you can learn to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy anger so that you may choose or help someone else to choose a better, more spiritually enlightened path. How to Manage Your Anger examines the root causes of anger and can help you realize your patterns and break the destructive cycles of criticism, frustration, and irritation that hurt you and others around you.In this book you will discover: What is anger?How do we express anger?Expressions for angerThe physiology of angerWhen anger turns into a diseaseAnger and your mental healthLoud and Noisy AngerWhat kind of anger is good?What are anger managementproblems?Signs and symptoms of anger managementproblems.Anger Management. Strategies to keep anger under controlMeditationBuy it Now and let your customers get addicted to this amazing book!
Attending the Dying - by Megory Anderson (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 109Genre: Family + RelationshipsSub-Genre: Death, Grief, BereavementFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Morehouse PublishingAge Range: AdultAuthor: Megory AndersonLanguage: English About the Book A brief handbook for clergy, hospice workers, and others caring for those who are dying. Book Synopsis Megory Anderson was called to a vigil at the bedside of a friend who was dying one night. That experience was so powerful that she began working with others who needed help attending to those who were dying. Today Anderson is the executive director of the Sacred Dying Foundation in San Francisco, and trains others in the art of vigiling, a way of attending to the needs of the dying. This practical and concise handbook provides a brief overview of what to expect and how to respond to the needs of someone who is dying. Attending the Dying can be used by and for people of any faith perspective, as well as no particular faith. Chaplains, social workers, hospital-care workers, and friends or family of the dying will all find this a helpful companion for preparing themselves to be present to one of life's most sacred transitions.