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Doctors' Orders - by Nina Ruiz (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 176Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: Women AuthorsFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Page Publishing, Inc.Age Range: AdultAuthor: Nina RuizLanguage: English Book Synopsis I'm writing for all of you.Broken heart only to share the pieces.The pain is presented with love. I give you my all.Why me? Well, why not?Because I'd do it all over again. Without the weight, I'd have no strength. It's never just going to be easy.We are survivors. It feels so much better because we are.-Nina RuizAuthor and poet Nina Ruiz a Bronx native and former actress launches her first poetry and art book "Doctor's Orders". An urban/street style of writing with a modern edge. Giving readers an almost smooth music like rhythm. A collection of poems with a little bit of everything from love, loss, heartbreak, joy and transition. Something everyone can relate to and can easily pass a long to others.
Big Dot of Happiness
Doctors' Orders - by  Nina Ruiz (Paperback)
Memoirs of an Addicted Mind - by John A Graser (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 152Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: Subjects & ThemesFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Raw Earth InkAge Range: AdultBook theme: Death, Grief, LossAuthor: John A GraserLanguage: English Book Synopsis When I attempted writing in 1995, little did I know that I would be writing my untold story... My writing is raw, just like how I see life, but I'm beyond grateful for the life I've been blessed to see and breathe. I look forward to seeing how the pages will fill in as my unpredictable tomorrow's come and go. Light and energy... with blind faith, I blindly believe.
Memoirs of an Addicted Mind - by  John A Graser (Paperback)
Sweetness Is True Love - by Mimoza Hithi (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 106Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: Subjects & ThemesFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Newman Springs Publishing, Inc.Age Range: AdultBook theme: GeneralAuthor: Mimoza HithiLanguage: English Book Synopsis The tears you have shedContinue to flowFrom your eyesThere is another meaningIt is another journal(Mimoza Hithi)Sweetness Is True Love is written by Mimoza Hithi.
A&B Home
Sweetness Is True Love - by  Mimoza Hithi (Paperback)
Das Leben ist schrecklich sch"on - by Raphael Lepenies (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 192Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: GeneralFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Books on DemandAge Range: AdultAuthor: Raphael LepeniesLanguage: German Book Synopsis All das sind nur Worte auf Papier, aber vielleicht führen sie auf direktem Wege zurück zu dir. Entdecke in dieser Sammlung pragmatischer Poesie, was unsere Leben so schrecklich schön und furchtbar lebenswert macht. Alles begann mit einer Idee: Leuchttürme an genau den Stellen errichten, an denen es dunkel in meinem Leben wurde. Stege genau dort aufstellen, wo ich auf Land gelaufen bin. Und Häfen genau dort errichten, wo ich Heimat finden konnte. ----------------------------- Leserstimmen: "Danke Raphael für deine wundervollen Worte. Vor einigen Jahren bin ich in ein sehr tiefes Loch gefallen und hatte extreme Existenzängste. Da bin ich auf deine Texte aufmerksam geworden. Mit deinen Worten habe ich damals Brücken und Leuchttürme gebaut und einen Weg aus dem tiefen Tal gefunden. Heute fühle ich mich, dank Dir, glücklicher und freie als jemals zuvor." - Regine G. / MutHafen Leserin - "Ich danke Dir für diese berührenden, durch Raum und Zeit dringenden Worte. Mega cool. Dankeschön." - Ingrid R. / MutHafen Leserin - "Mega. Mächtig. Magisch." - Uwe Pettenberg / Coach & Autor - "Ich folge genau wie du Abraham Hicks bzw. Esther und Jerry Hicks, Byron Katie und Eckart Tolle und empfinde deine Auf-Den-Punkt-Poesie als perfekte Ergänzung zu ihren Themen." - David H. / MutHafen Leser - About the Author Raphael Lepenies, geboren in Solingen lebt heute in Köln. Er ist Gründer des MutHafens, einer Plattform, auf der seit 2017 seine stetig wachsende Leserschaft täglich über das gute Leben nachdenkt. Viele der in dieser Sammlung vorgestellten Texte wurden dort erstmalig veröffentlicht. Neben umfassenden Essays zu Selbstreflexion und Courage veröffentlichte Lepenies im MutHafen auch lyrische Texte und Illustrationen. Als systemischer Coach ist Lepenies zudem beratend tätig und hat bereits eine Vielzahl an Klienten bei der persönlichen Potenzialentfaltung unterstützen können. Klienten berichten immer wieder von gelösten Blockaden, nachhaltiger Klarheit und neu kultivierter Selbstgnade. Neben dieser Unterstützung beim persönlichen Selbstmanagement unterstützt Lepenies zusätzlich Gründer, Selbstständige und Mittelständler im Bereich der Markenkommunikation. Seit 2011 gestaltet Lepenies zudem ganzheitliche Marketingkonzepte und visuelle Kommunikationsstrategien. Von der klassischen Werbegrafik über Produktkonzepte bis hin zu zielführenden Geschäftsidentitäten hat er nicht nur die Innovation, sondern auch ihre erfolgreiche Umsetzung für eine Vielzahl von Kunden übernehmen dürfen. Nach den ersten Jahren als Creative Director im Bereich Produktdesign für Verkehrstechnik hat Lepenies zudem seinen externen Marketingservice ins Leben gerufen. Hier bietet er ganzheitliche Strategien zur visuellen Kommunikation sowie einen unkomplizierten Grafikservice an. Als Illustrator arbeitete Lepenies zum Beispiel mit Coach und Autor Uwe Pettenberg zusammen und gestaltete mit ihm sein Buch Glücklicherweise wolkig: Eine wundersame Geschichte für Erwachsene und deren Kinderseelen. Neben seinen Dienstleistungen hat Lepenies sich auch stetig Raum für kompromisslosen Ausdruck und künstlerische Weiterentwicklung genommen. So entstanden über die Jahre eine Vielzahl fotografischer Studien, Collagen, Malereien und Mixed Media Werke. Hierbei erkundet Lepenies meist konzeptionelle Fragen, die ihm Weltgeschehen, Zeitgeist und der eigene Lebenswandel stellen.
Big Dot of Happiness
Das Leben ist schrecklich sch"on - by  Raphael Lepenies (Paperback)
Inspired Thoughts of Sally Bet Sam - (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 106Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: Subjects & ThemesFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Covenant BooksAge Range: AdultBook theme: Inspirational & ReligiousAuthor: Sally Bet SamLanguage: English About the Book The words contained in this book are inspired by nature, hearing a single word, and living life, or knowing someone who has, but mostly from beginning a conversation with God, of praise and thanksgiving, or asking questions about life. He always answers, "When I listen for that still small voice." How great is our God! Book Synopsis The words contained in this book are inspired by nature, hearing a single word, and living life, or knowing someone who has, but mostly from beginning a conversation with God, of praise and thanksgiving, or asking questions about life. He always answers, "When I listen for that still small voice." How great is our God!My goal is to draw you into the words and silent graphics, to let your mind go there, to feel it and see it in your soul, and to enjoy it! My hope is, you will be refreshed and renewed after reading the words, and drawn into a closer relationship with our Creator.Love and blessings, Sally Bet Sam
Inspired Thoughts of Sally Bet Sam - (Paperback)
The Old Man's Poet - by Christopher Eng (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 110Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: GeneralFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Dorrance Publishing Co.Age Range: AdultAuthor: Christopher EngLanguage: English Book Synopsis The Old Man's Poet is the culmination of 15 years of observation on the part of poet Christopher Eng. As he travelled throughout the Western USA, he wrote, sharing his poetry with many of the park rangers he encountered, and now, he's sharing it with the world. We all share the same elements as the stars in the universe, after all. We are symbiotic with the trees of the world. We breathe out carbon dioxide, which they need, and they give us oxygen, which we need. Eng's reflections and unique interpretation of the natural world will capture the minds of readers young and old.About the AuthorChristopher Eng has always felt to be a part of nature, "dust to dust," so to speak. He believes that expressing oneself is often difficult, and for a long time, words were floating around in his head with no outlet; then he found poetry, a way to express those words and share his thoughts and observations with others. Inspiration is the stimulus. His favorite poets include Frost, Poe, and Longfellow.
The Lakeside Collection
The Old Man's Poet - by  Christopher Eng (Hardcover)
Facets Of Life - by Sherman L Fowler (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 114Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: AmericanFormat: PaperbackPublisher: FriesenPressAge Range: AdultBook theme: African AmericanAuthor: Sherman L FowlerLanguage: English About the Book An age-old riddle poses the question; which came first, the chicken or the egg? Step into Pookie's poetic world and mysteries will unfold, ignorance explode, and truth will be told.You will realize that the egg is in the chicken and th... Book Synopsis An age-old riddle poses the question; which came first, the chicken or the egg? Step into Pookie's poetic world and mysteries will unfold, ignorance explode, and truth will be told.You will realize that the egg is in the chicken and the chicken is in the egg, and that you cannot have one without the other. It will become self-evident that it doesn't matter which came first.Step into Pookie's poetic world where mysteries unfold, ignorance explodes, truth is told, and you will expand the horizon of your thought.- Babatunde Adewale Faola...
The Lakeside Collection
Facets Of Life - by  Sherman L Fowler (Paperback)
Double Stroller Dreams - by Jesse Curran (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 46Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: GeneralFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Finishing Line PressAge Range: AdultAuthor: Jesse CurranLanguage: English Book Synopsis Double Stroller Dreams by Jesse Curran is a brilliant new chapbook of poems about navigating suburbanite parenthood with sunscreen, snacks, sippy cups, and tantrums surrounded by the burdens of a world in quarantine. Curran's poetry is a witness to new motherhood with its difficulties and delights. -Leah Huete de Maines Review Quotes Double Stroller Dreams by Jesse Curran is a brilliant new chapbook of poems about navigating suburbanite parenthood with sunscreen, snacks, sippy cups, and tantrums surrounded by the burdens of a world in quarantine. Curran's poetry is a witness to new motherhood with its difficulties and delights.-Leah Huete de Maines
Double Stroller Dreams - by  Jesse Curran (Paperback)
Burden - (Oskana Poetry & Poetics) by Douglas Burnet Smith (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 72Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: GeneralSeries Title: Oskana Poetry & PoeticsFormat: PaperbackPublisher: University of Regina PressAge Range: AdultAuthor: Douglas Burnet SmithLanguage: English Book Synopsis Burden is the story of a seventeen-year-old British soldier, Private Herbert Burden, who was shot for desertion during World War I He was one of hundreds so executed. It is now understood that many had committed no crime, but were suffering from PTSD. Burden's story is told in the voice of Lance Corporal Reginald Smith, the author's uncle. The author discovered years later in a box of papers that his uncle, Lance Corporal Smith, had befriended Private Burden but then was ultimately commanded to join in the firing squad that killed his friend. This slim book reaches below standard indictments of war--it shows us that "terrifying," "senseless," "horrific" don't go deep enough. To utter them, the eye must already be closing over. Smith's account is an object lesson in why poetry matters. It takes us to places even the best journalism can't reach. About the Author Douglas Burnet Smith is the GG Award-nominated author, and Burden is his seventeenth book of poetry. He divides his time between Atlantic Canada and Athens, Greece. He is currently Writer-in-Residence for the Antikythera Archeological Dive Project on the island of Antikythera, Greece, and teaches in the English Department at St. Francis Xavier University in Antigonish, Nova Scotia.
Big Dot of Happiness
Burden - (Oskana Poetry & Poetics) by  Douglas Burnet Smith (Paperback)
Consolation; Poems - by Lee Jenkins (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 136Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: AmericanFormat: PaperbackPublisher: IpbooksAge Range: AdultBook theme: African AmericanAuthor: Lee JenkinsLanguage: English About the Book Consolation: Poems is a Ffscinating and rich book of poetry by the noted psychoanalyst Lee Jenkins. Book Synopsis Consolation is a trove of realized feelings in special moments, some personal, some shared with the world of thinking people, all in touch with the here and now of a poet. Each poem bears rereading and some even are worth memorizing- the highest achievement of poetry. -ARLENE KRAMER RICHARDS, EdD, psychoanalyst,
Kensington Hill
Consolation; Poems - by  Lee Jenkins (Paperback)
New York and Other Lovers - by George Guida (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 108Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: AmericanFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Encircle Publications, LLCAge Range: AdultBook theme: GeneralAuthor: George GuidaLanguage: English Book Synopsis "In poems that are in turn part Frank O'Hara, part Woody Allen and part Frank Sinatra, George Guida gives us a book that celebrates love and New York. Unabashed and joyously unapologetic in its romanticism, New York and Other Lovers builds a cityscape of poems where we may all fall head over heels." -Gerry LaFemina, author of The Story of Ash, Vanishing Horizons and Composing Poetry: A Guide to Writing Poetry and Thinking Lyrically"New York and Other Lovers gives us what the title promises and more; it's a love letter to NYC and its residents, past and present, with all their flaws and foibles. It's a book only a New Yorker could write, someone intimate with the subways, streets, and smells. In the tradition of Ginsburg and O'Hara (there's a poem dedicated to each of them in the collection), Guida's universe is vast and varied. From unrequited and lost lovers to the collapsed Twin Towers, Guida's poems work an alchemy like Proust's madeleine to conjure all that haunts us. With empathy, imagination, and wit, he reminds us that we "once had a home." -Jennifer Franklin, author of No Small Gift and Looming"Sometimes they lurch, sometimes they bop. But George Guida's New York poems never stop moving, never give up the restless, relentless pace that is the city. Even when they find a bench, a lover to sing or talk to, the frenetic undertow is ever-present, the heart humming a love song under the bridge, the current taking it uptown and down, and crosstown, where the poet hangs with those whose lives may be lonely, too.Boro by boro, he takes us to places he loved but now is disappointed in. 'Brooklyn has lost its strut, ' he says. But this is still a place for the brokenhearted- 'I don't believe in love/I've tasted it in overnight hot bagels.' Guida makes the city complicit in these betrayals: ' hang from a white stone ledge by fingernails/above the scene we want to call home.' Still, she's the backdrop he details with great affection, that makes heartache bearable, after all."-Mervyn Taylor, author of No Back Door and The Waving Gallery
New York and Other Lovers - by  George Guida (Paperback)
Collected Poems - by James Schuyler (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 448Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: AmericanFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Farrar, Strauss & Giroux-3plAge Range: AdultBook theme: GeneralAuthor: James SchuylerLanguage: English Book Synopsis This collection of poetry showcases the unique talent of James Schuyler and highlights the writing that won him a Pulitzer Prize."Schuyler's subject is his life, and his poems often read like elegant journal entries." - Publishers Weekly About the Author James Schuyler (1923-91) received the Pulitzer Prize for poetry for The Morning of the Poem in 1981.
Collected Poems - by  James Schuyler (Paperback)
Connecting Thoughts - by Soumya Y Shanthimohan (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 62Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: GeneralFormat: PaperbackPublisher: White Falcon PublishingAge Range: AdultAuthor: Soumya Y ShanthimohanLanguage: English Book Synopsis This book is more about articulating the thoughts that came in when I keenly noticed things around me.From conversing to connecting, with anything around was possible only by anxious observation.Each poem unveils a hidden view, which the reader may relate to their everyday life. Review Quotes Imaginative, creative with words and concerned about everything around...One can be a good writer only if they are filled with love care and compassion and that is what I see in Soumya...By a friend: Smitha TVI have been reading Soumya's poems since couple of years. They are always very inspiring and gives a message to move on. The way she connects her life experiences with nature which ultimately gives you solace. Instead of tagging those experience good or bad, it highlights that it exists everywhere around and is just a learning during our journey called life.By a friend: Sandhya Suman
Sunnydaze Decor
Connecting Thoughts - by  Soumya Y Shanthimohan (Paperback)
Save Twilight: Selected Poems - (City Lights Pocket Poets) 2nd Edition by Julio Cort'azar (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 288Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: EuropeanSeries Title: City Lights Pocket PoetsFormat: PaperbackPublisher: City Lights BooksAge Range: AdultBook theme: Spanish & PortugueseAuthor: Julio CortázarLanguage: English About the Book Newly expanded edition of a classic: the first and only collection of Cortázar's poetry to appear in English. Book Synopsis One of Publishers Weekly's Most Anticipated Books for Fall 2016Cortázar's verse is more traditional than his fiction, but his style and themes are in harmony across genres: eccentric, mystical, full of animals but deeply human. Cortázar is a people's poet, accessible from every angle, and his position as a titan of the Latin American boom is indisputable.--Publishers Weekly, starred reviewWorld renowned as one of the masters of modern fiction, Julio Cortázar was also a prolific poet. While living in Paris during the last months of his life, Cortázar assembled his life's work in verse for publication, and Save Twilight selects the best of that volume, making his poems available in English for the very first time.This expanded edition, with nearly one hundred new pages of poems, prose and illustrations, is a book to be savored by both the familiar reader and the newcomer to Cortázar work. Ranging from the intimate to the political, tenderness to anger, heartbreak to awe, in styles both traditionally formal and free, Cortázar the poet and subverter of genres is revealed as a versatile and passionate virtuoso. More than a collection of poems, this book is a playful and revealing self-portrait of a writer in love with language in all its forms.Praise for Save Twilight: With this expanded edition of Save Twilight, Stephen Kessler continues his project, begun in the 1980s, of translating poetry by Julio Cortázar. Widely known for his fiction, especially Hopscotch, a seminal work of the Latin American Boom, Cortázar was also a compelling poet. Kessler has found just the right turns of phrase in English to capture the Argentine's deeply moving writing and exceptionally emotive language. What a gift this collection is for English-speaking readers.--Edith Grossman, winner of the PEN/Ralph Manheim Medal for TranslationSome people run the world, others are the world. Cortázar's poems are the world; they have a special consideration for the unknown.--Enrique Vila-Matas, author of The Illogic of KasselWhat a pleasure, this walk in a well-orchestrated park with shades as complex, as light & as dark, as multifoliate as the actual world! This book--the 'poetic ecology' Cortázar had envisioned--is an open invitation to make yourselves at home twixt sea and loss, wine & sorrow, birth & riptide, tobacco & talk, laughter & death. Nothing human is foreign to the poet-- & he brings it home with great clarity & grace. The writing & the book embody a tradition of hospitality, or as Cortázar puts it: 'Hello little black book for the late hours, cats on the prowl under a paper moon.' The injunction to save twilight stands as title--it is also exactly what the writing accomplishes. Stephen Kessler's elegant, accurate, and sometimes felicitously osé translations do these poems more than justice.--Pierre Joris, author of Barzakh (Poems 2000-2012)For those who have enjoyed Cortázar's fiction, among the most seminal and compelling of our time, here now are his wonderful poems. And for those who don't know Cortázar from a cat, it's a chance to visit his crepuscular world in all its multiple layers. A tender, experimental, humorous, meditative, jazzy, heart-breaking collection to be relished and savored slowly.--Ariel Dorfman, author of Feeding on Dreams: Confessions of an Unrepentant ExileJulio Cortázar was born in Brussels in 1914 of Argentinian parents, raised in Argentina, and spent his most productive years in Paris, where he died in 1984. Review Quotes Argentine writer and translator Cortázar (1914-1984), best known for his inventive fiction, beguiles in this expanded bilingual second edition of his poems. Cortázar, espousing the notion that 'poetry and prose reciprocally empower each other, ' constructs hybrid 'prosems' or 'peoms' that contend with love and loss, nationalistic ambivalence, literary theory, and memory. Something of a lovable crank, he declares listening to headphones 'stupid and alienating' and a 'psychological prison' in a lyrical essay ostensibly in favor of them, and heaps inexplicable scorn on knitters and Notre Dame Cathedral. Cortázar pithily laments his own squareness--'I accept this destiny of ironed shirts'--and the aging process, during which time is 'a truckload of rocks/ dumped on your back, puking/ its insufferable weight.' A political expatriate to Paris, Cortázar footnotes one poem praising Argentina with an ominous implication of state-sanctioned murder, while elsewhere he fondly recalls 'wisps of smoke/ gracefully streaming from the peanut vendors' carts' in the Plaza de Mayo. Cortázar's verse is more traditional than his fiction, but his style and themes are in harmony across genres: eccentric, mystical, full of animals but deeply human. Cortázar is a people's poet, accessible from every angle, and his position as a titan of the Latin American boom is indisputable.--Publishers Weekly, starred reviewWhen City Lights was preparing to publish the first edition of Julio Cortázar's poetry in English in 1997 (it's number fifty-three in the Pocket Poets series), [Lawrence] Ferlinghetti wanted to produce a lean volume. In doing so, he cut the essay 'For Listening Through Headphones, ' which Cortázar begins by mourning the 'pre-echo' on some records that mars 'the brief night of the ears as they get ready for the fresh irruption of sound.' It's funny that an essay that more than once uses the play of light and darkness to illuminate sound would be omitted from a book titled Save Twilight. But this month, City Lights is reissuing the volume, now heftier, thanks in part to the restoration of 'For Listening' (and other poems that were left out from the original). In addition to being mesmerizing and utterly gorgeous ('now the needle / runs through the former silence and focuses it / in a black plush ... a phosphene silence'), the essay links the experience of hearing music through headphones to poetry's innate intimacy: 'How not to think, then, that somehow poetry is a word heard through invisible headphones as soon as the poem begins to work its spell.'--Nicole Rudick, The Paris ReviewCortázar, an Argentine writer who worked mostly across the postwar years, is best known as a novelist. But his mind was, in certain ways, most purely a poet's, and this collection, beautifully translated by Stephen Kessler, shows the range of his talent. The edition--small and irresistible, the kind you want to pocket and read out on the grass somewhere--is bilingual, with Spanish on the left page and English on the right, and Kessler does us the favor of retaining some of Cortázar's weird, wandering little essays, including 'For Listening Through Headphones, ' his oblique study of poetic intimacy. In lyric, Cortázar works best in the second person; some of my favorite pieces are love poems. 'Everything I'd want from you / is finally so little / because finally it's everything, ' he writes. 'Let the pleasure we invent together / be one more sign of freedom.'--Nathan Heller, The New YorkerOriginally published in 1997, this new, plump little volume (which would only fit in the largest pocket of your cargo pants) is an excellent introduction to [Julio Cortázar's] poetry, which is as fascinating and compelling as anything he wrote. . . . Stephen Kessler's expanded edition of Save Twilight is a real gift; his translations are eminently readable and repay repeated readings: the poems will seem different each time. Cortázar is a poet of many styles and voices, and this selection has spurred me to revisit his poetry, and re-read some of his great novels, an experience that is greatly enriching. What more could one ask of poetry, pocket or otherwise?"--Rain Taxi"[A] timely showcase for a less widely appreciated facet of this important writer's work."--Ben Bollig, The Times Literary SupplementThese faithful old (and new) translations bring the poetic playfulness of this vitally important writer into engaging English life, and they promise to keep us looking into the vitrines of his poems so intently that we might well find ourselves looking back out from them, at blank faces, once familiarly our own and now estranged, looking quizzically back at us.--The Massachusetts ReviewMany poems and writings in this collection make it essential for any fans of Cortázar's fiction, and a few, such as 'To Be Read in the Interrogative, ' the most instantly arresting poem here, make it equally accessible to first-time Cortázar readers."--Literal MagazineCity Lights Books keeps current for reasons that could fill a book, including the fact that its editors have always had a special instinct for what needs to stay in print, what needs a hiatus, what should be reissued and when, and what should be acquired because it is irresistible and as good as its elders. Save Twilight: Selected Poems by Julio Cortázar is a collection of old and new translations by Stephen Kessler, and it fits right into the City Lights ethos. Kessler is a distinguished translator, and this bi-lingual edition does justice to the masterful Cortázar ... In praising Save Twilight, qualifiers like 'seem' are unnecessary, because what the book provides is enriching in the way it faces the past and illuminates the human interior."--The Rumpus"For me, a particular essay was the highlight of Julio Cortázar's Save Twilight. It's observant; intelligent; for the receptive reader, educational; and for the receptive poet-reader a guide for how one might live and write as a poet. ... Still, pleasure can be found in the verse.--Galatea Resurrects About the Author Julio Cortázar was born in Brussels in 1914 to Argentinian parents and raised in Argentina, where as a young man he worked as a secondary-school teacher, university professor, and professional translator. In 1951 he moved to Paris, where he earned his primary living as a translator for UNESCO. He is regarded internationally as a modern master of the short story and his novel Hopscotch is considered a seminal work of the Latin American fiction boom of the 1960s. Cortázar's other books in English include Blow-Up and Other Stories, 62: A Model Kit, The Winners, All Fires the Fire, A Manual for Manuel, Cronopios and Famas, A Change of Light, We Love Glenda So Much, A Certain Lucas, Unreasonable Hours, and Around the Day in Eighty Worlds. He died in Paris in 1984. Stephen Kessler is a poet, prose writer, translator, and editor. He is the author of ten books and chapbooks of original poetry, sixteen books of literary translation, and three collections of essays. His most recent books are Where Was I? (prose poems/memoirs), Need I Say More? (essays) and Forbidden Pleasures (new selected poems of Luis Cernuda, translation). He is also the author of a novel, The Mental Traveler, the editor and principal translator of The Sonnets by Jorge Luis Borges, and from 1999 through 2014 was the founder and editor of The Redwood Coast Review, four-time winner of the California Library Association's PR Excellence Award. His other awards include a Lambda Literary Award and the Harold Morton Landon Translation Award from the Academy of American Poets for his previous translations of Luis Cernuda, Written in Water and Desolation of the Chimera.
Save Twilight: Selected Poems - (City Lights Pocket Poets) 2nd Edition by  Julio Cort'azar (Paperback)
Stones of the Sur - by Robinson Jeffers & Morley Baer (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 176Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: AmericanFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Stanford University PressAge Range: AdultBook theme: GeneralAuthor: Robinson Jeffers & Morley BaerLanguage: English About the Book The precipitous cliffs, rolling headlands, and rocky inlets of the Big Sur coast of California prompted Robinson Jeffers to extol their wild beauty throughout his long career as a poet. This extraordinary volume brings together Jeffers's haunting poetry with magnificent photographs of Big Sur by his friend and neighbor, famed photographer Morley Baer. Book Synopsis The precipitous cliffs, rolling headlands, and rocky inlets of the Big Sur coast of California were alive for Robinson Jeffers, and throughout his long career as a poet, he extolled their wild beauty. His vivid descriptions inspired the best work of other artists who lived nearby, including such noted photographers as Edward Weston, Ansel Adams, and their younger contemporary Morley Baer. Before he died in 1995, Baer was planning a volume that would bring together a group of his landscape photographs of the Big Sur area with a selection of poems that expressed Jeffers's mystical experience of stone. Jeffers believed that stone is alive, perhaps even conscious in some way. Baer wanted to create a visual and literary meditation on the life-experience of stone. James Karman was invited by Baer to serve as his collaborator, and has brought the project to completion--more than 50 of Baer's photographs paired with poems by Jeffers (some complete, others excerpted). Stones of the Sur is in five parts, each of which takes its title from a poem. Part I, Tor House, contains photographs and poems about Jeffers's home, ever the locus of his inspiration. Part II, Continent's End, begins with a panoramic view of the coastline and is followed by visual and textual images that become progressively narrower in scope as Baer and Jeffers focus on the mountains, cliffs, beaches, boulders, rocks, and pebbles of the Big Sur. The inward progression continues in Part III, Oh Lovely Rock, where Baer trains his lens on close surfaces--revealing his sensibilities at their most abstract. From the middle of Part III on, the spiral is reversed and the view begins to open. Part IV, Credo, expands outwardly from the pebbles and rocks of the Big Sur back to the beaches, cliffs, and mountains. Part V, The Old Stone-Mason, concludes the book with a return to Tor House. From the Back Cover "An elegant coda to the remarkable series, with more than 50 stunning photographs."--San Francisco Chronicle"A master in his field. . . . [Baer's work] has the aura of excellence and his craft is above reproach."--Ansel Adams on Morley Baer Review Quotes Stones of the Sur is the culmination of Baer's last wish for a book project. Karman, his chosen collaborator, has fulfilled that ambition beautifully.--The Bloomsbury ReviewA master in his field. . . . [Baer's work] has the aura of excellence and his craft is above reproach.-- "Ansel Adams on Morley Baer"An elegant coda to the remarkable series, with more than 50 stunning photographs.--San Francisco ChronicleThis book combines poetry by Jeffers with California landscape photographs by Morley Baer. . . . This is a work of unusual sensitivity that blends two media with personal expressions of two artists of unique stature. Highly recommended. General readers; lower-division undergraduates through professionals.--ChoiceThis extraordinary edition pairs Jeffers's poetry with fifty-two photographs by the poet's friend and neighbor, renowned photographer Morley Baer. . . . The photos stand on their own great merit as does the poetry. Together they create this sensitive, thundering, yet spiritual work.--The Book Club of California About the Author In addition to his own many books, Morley Baer contributed to a publication sponsored by the Sierra Club and guided by Ansel Adams: Not Man Apart, which combined lines from Jeffers's poetry with photographs of the Big Sur coast by Adams, Weston, Eliot Porter, and others. James Karman is Professor of English and Coordinator of the Humanities Program at California State University, Chico. He is the author of Robinson Jeffers: Poet of California and the editor of Critical Essays on Robinson Jeffers and Of Una Jeffers.
Stones of the Sur - by  Robinson Jeffers & Morley Baer (Hardcover)
An Omnibus from My Mind - by Graham Sessions (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 36Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: GeneralFormat: PaperbackPublisher: BlurbAge Range: AdultAuthor: Graham SessionsLanguage: English Book Synopsis A book of poetry which relates to love, humour, people, animals, the environment and the truth.
An Omnibus from My Mind - by  Graham Sessions (Paperback)
Song Dog - by Joann Klusmeyer (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 184Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: GeneralFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Pageturner Press and MediaAge Range: AdultAuthor: Joann KlusmeyerLanguage: English Book Synopsis 'SONG DOGof the prairie'Contains the verse, 'SONG DOG of the Prairie'along withan eclectic selection ofWORD PICTURESin praise of theplants, animals, humans and idealsfound on theAmerican Midwestern Prairieduring the 1900's
Song Dog - by  Joann Klusmeyer (Paperback)
Steady Stream of Consciousness - by T J Swisher (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 180Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: Women AuthorsFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Christian Faith Publishing, IncAge Range: AdultAuthor: T J SwisherLanguage: English Book Synopsis Steady Stream of Consciousness is a collection of poems that encompasses the perspective of the author as she has experienced the world. From sitting in a small town café inspired by the genuine interaction of patrons to horrific life experiences to where she is now in her journey of life.This book was developed over the course of a lifetime. Poems that span the last twenty plus years and are only a hint at the words written in that time. Poetry that has been a means to express what has been experienced, feelings, thoughts, deep-rooted emotions, etc. often sparked by inspired perspective. There is no set format other than what the words and emotions of the poem direct. The poems where the depths of the words lie, there is the soul of the author, the perspective of the world that surrounds her. Allow your mind to take you where it may as you read each poem.
Ohio Flame
Steady Stream of Consciousness - by  T J Swisher (Paperback)
Hillbilly Guilt - by Roy Bentley (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 98Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: AmericanFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Hidden RiverAge Range: AdultBook theme: GeneralAuthor: Roy BentleyLanguage: English Book Synopsis Hillbilly Guilt is populated with those whose lives aren't deemed important: the poor and working poor of Appalachia, who live what it is to be American.This is a book that seeks to show that we are the sum of our mistakes. Not just the little goofs, either; but the huge, world-shattering blunders that go to the core of what it is to be human. The title poem "Hillbilly Guilt"-the frontispiece and forward to the book as a whole-asserts moments of resilience if not Triumph, the chance to heal if not a deliverance from the possibility of further injury: I waved someone down who took us to a hospital.I recall he broke his nose. That it bled and bledand that he wanted me to believe what he saidhappened, had happened that way. He seemed to want not to feel what he felt at having riskedour lives for nothing. Oh, and I have to tell you: the Chevy-to-a-hospital that stopped had a Virgin Mary on its curving, blue dashboard and that plasticfigure said what it said about having a little faith.These poems exist in a kind of Twilight Zone of expectation and hope and knowing that country by a whole bunch of names. As a survivor of the Great American Beating We Give Ourselves for Falling Short, the writer invites us to live, innocent and less so-as in the poem "Lazarus, Later" Don't get me wrong. I was in a hurry to flee the tomb.Quick to step from one imperium of flesh into another.However, I paused a short while to let my eyes adjust.Not to be honored or genuflect but to let it all sink in.
South Shore
Hillbilly Guilt - by  Roy Bentley (Paperback)
Antologia po'etica - by Marllus Lustosa (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 146Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: GeneralFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Marllus LustosaAge Range: AdultAuthor: Marllus LustosaLanguage: Portuguese Book Synopsis O que é aprendizado, criatividade e inteligência? Robôs podem produzir arte? Uma Inteligência Artificial (IA) pode realmente ser criativa, transmitir emoção, utilizando-se, para isso, de uma determinada ferramenta transmitidora de linguagem? Pode a IA chegar a um estágio de Ser-para-si? Essas foram as perguntas iniciais que permitiram ao autor impulsionar a construção deste livro - um tanto quanto ousado. Durante algum tempo, a maior parte do uso da chamada Inteligência Artificial ocorreu nos meios acadêmicos, através de pesquisadores ligados à área da Ciência da Computação. Hoje, de novas receitas gastronômicas à geração de rostos realísticos que não existem, a IA - sem dúvidas - já começa a cair no nicho do que se pode chamar de "uso geral". Este livro parte da busca criativa do artista Marllus Lustosa (@ganartedigital) na integração entre Arte Generativa, conceitos sobre o acaso - formulados por Stéphane Mallarmé -, e a Ciberliteratura. A primeira, mantendo os algoritmos - ou as bases fundadoras do funcionamento de qualquer IA - como mola propulsora para geração de arte; a segunda, na reafirmação de uma estética de possibilidade infinitas, retiradas do acaso; e a última, amplificando o experimentalismo literário e inventivo da Poesia Experimental Portuguesa (PO.EX), para a geração automática de poemas. O resultado dessa combinação permitiu a ele compor uma obra que condensa, em objeto real, a problemática sobre como os processos algorítmicos são explorados enquanto ferramentas de criação de arte, invenção de linguagem e exploração do acaso. Este livro, portanto, apresenta uma amostra de 132 poemas, escolhida de um total de 100 mil, gerados por uma Inteligência Artificial. Os modelos de aprendizado utilizados para compor os estilos de escrita foram treinados a partir de diversos autores brasileiros e estrangeiros, compreendendo os intervalos de tempo poéticos que vão desde o estilo medieval à contemporaneidade. O resultado é um mix de escrita criativa, que tenta unir diversos estilos literários em cada poema, ao mesmo tempo em que dá origem a um estilo único, onde a união - e por que não o acaso? - dos conceitos é justamente a base para esta criação.
Antologia po'etica - by  Marllus Lustosa (Paperback)
Return Ticket from Sydney To Bistrita - by Daniel Ionita (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 278Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: Anthologies (multiple authors)Format: PaperbackPublisher: Australian-Romanian Academy PublishingAge Range: AdultAuthor: Daniel IonitaLanguage: English Book Synopsis The volume is a bilingual English/Romanian collection of poetry uniting the "Judith Beveridge Poetry Class" in Sydney, Australia, and the Palace of Culture Poetry Group, Literary Connections from Bistrita, Romania.Artists will not always agree in what they express through their art. That would be devastatingly tedious. We have two cities, one - a large metropolis on the shores of the Pacific, the other - a smallish capital of a district in Transylvania. The distance between them is almost 17000 kilometers and they have never influenced each-other. Until now. What chance that the work of artists from such distant realms should find itself within the pages of the same volume? Poetry - breathing a universal ethos - carries to the surface, like a miner, the diamond of our collective artistic subconscious. And as Judith Beveridge writes in her Foreword, this volume reflects the light of truth from the multiple facets of this diamond - in so many different, though splendidly complementary, hues. Congratulations to the Australian-Romanian Academy, to the Palace of Culture in Bistrița, and to the "Judith Beveridge Poetry Class"! This is a brilliant initiative! Alex Ștefănescu Literary Critic and Historian
Return Ticket from Sydney To Bistrita - by  Daniel Ionita (Paperback)
Where Words Belong - by Raina Adiaz (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 96Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: GeneralFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Xlibris UsAge Range: AdultAuthor: Raina AdiazLanguage: English Book Synopsis Raina Adiaz intertwines emotion and perspective with the world around her. "A real and raw reality" is how she wanted display life in this book. Where Words Belong is a collection of original poems written through her adolescence and adult hood.
Deny Designs
Where Words Belong - by  Raina Adiaz (Paperback)
The Selected Poems of Emily Dickinson - (Classic Thoughts and Thinkers) (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 240Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: AmericanSeries Title: Classic Thoughts and ThinkersFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Chartwell BooksAge Range: AdultBook theme: GeneralAuthor: Emily DickinsonLanguage: English About the Book This enthralling collection contains more than 400 poems that were published between 1886 (the year of Emily Dickinson's death) and 1900 which express her concepts of life and death, of love and nature. Book Synopsis Emily Elizabeth Dickinson was born in Amherst, Massachusetts on December 10,1830, to a prominent family of academics, lawyers, and statesmen. Following her education at Amherst Academy and Mt. Holyoke Female Seminary, Dickinson embarked on her impassioned journey as a poet. Composing first in a fairly conventional style, the poetess soon began to experiment with her writing; her frequent use of dashes, sporadic capitalization of nouns, broken meter, and idiosyncratic metaphors made her work unparalleled for its time.Dickinson's poetry dealt not only with issues of death, faith, and immortality, but with nature, domesticity, and the power of language to transfer emotions into written text. An obsessively private writer, only ten of her some 1,700 poems were published during her lifetime. Dickinson withdrew from social contact at the age of 23 and devoted herself to writing in secret. It wasn't until her death in 1866 that the scope of Dickinson's work was realized, when her sister Lavinia found her prolific collection in a dresser drawer.Since this time, Emily Dickinson's writing has had significant influences on modern American poetry; her complex use of language and form has contributed to her reputation as one of the most innovative poets of the 19th century. This collection of some of her finest works illustrates not only Dickinson's talent as a writer but her profound love of language, nature, and life. In the series Classic Thoughts and Thinkers, explore some of the most influential texts of our time along with the inner workings of its greatest thinkers. With works from great American figures such as Theodore Roosevelt and Emily Dickinson and seminal documents including the Constitution of the Unites States, this series focuses on the most reflective and thought-provoking writings of the last two centuries. These beautiful hardcovers are the perfect historical perspective for meeting the challenges of the modern world. ​ Other titles in this series include: As a Man Thinketh, Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, Collected Poems of Robert Frost, Common Sense, Constitution of the United States with the Declaration of Independence, Helen Keller, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, and Theodore Roosevelt's Words of Wit and Wisdom. Review Quotes "No one can read these poems...without perceiving that he is not so much reading as being spoken to."--Archibald MacLeish "From the Trade Paperback edition. About the Author Emily Dickinson was an American poet whose writing was heavily influenced by the Metaphysical poets of seventeenth-century England, as well as her reading of the Book of Revelation and her upbringing in a Puritan New England town. In addition to poetry, Dickinson had a passion for baking and botany, and became reclusive later in life. While Dickinson was extremely prolific as a poet and regularly enclosed poems in letters to friends, she was not publicly recognized during her lifetime. The first volume of these works was published in 1890, well after her death in 1886. A full compilation, The Poems of Emily Dickinson, wasn't published until 1955, though previous iterations had been released. Dickinson has since been regarded as one of the most important figures in American poetry.
Leader Paper Products
The Selected Poems of Emily Dickinson - (Classic Thoughts and Thinkers) (Hardcover)
Brand New Ancients - by Kae Tempest (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 64Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: EuropeanFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Bloomsbury USAAge Range: AdultBook theme: English, Irish, Scottish, WelshAuthor: Kae TempestLanguage: English About the Book With this dazzling modern myth in verse, Kae Tempest became the youngest winner of the prestigious Ted Hughes Award for New Work in Poetry. Book Synopsis With this dazzling modern myth in verse, Kae Tempest became the youngest winner of the prestigious Ted Hughes Award for New Work in Poetry. Yes, the gods are on the park bench, the gods are on the bus, / The gods are all here, the gods are in us. / The gods are timeless, fearless, fighting to be bold, / conviction is a heavy hand to hold, / grip it, winged sandals tearing up the pavement -- / you, me, everyone: Brand New Ancients. Kae Tempest's words in Brand New Ancients are written to be read aloud; the book combines poem, rap, and humanist sermon, by turns tender and fierce. Set in Southeast London, Brand New Ancients finds the mythic in the mundane. It is the story of two half-brothers, Thomas and Clive, unknown to each other -- Thomas the result of an affair between his mother and Clive's father. Tempest, with wide-ranging empathy, takes us inside the passionless marriage of Jane and Kevin -- the man who suspects Thomas is not his son, but loves him just the same -- and the neighboring home of Mary and Brian, where betrayal has not been so placidly accepted. The sons of these two households -- quiet, creative Thomas and angry, destructive Clive -- will cross paths in adolescence, their fates converging with mortal fury. These characters' loves, their infidelities, their disappointments and their small comforts -- these, Tempest argues, are timeless. Our lives and our choices are no less important than those of history and myth. Awarded the Ted Hughes Award for New Work in Poetry, Brand New Ancients insists on our importance as individuals -- and asserts Kae Tempest's importance as a talent impossible to ignore. Review Quotes "Thrillingly good . . . Tempest stitches together words with such animate grace that language acquires an almost tactile quality, and the drama [they] unfold . . . soars to operatic dimensions. . . . [An] hypnotically persuasive vision." - Charles Isherwood, New York Times on BNA "Breathe[s] new life into old classic forms; a long poem about us and the gods that's all high-kicking verve and long-range understanding. I loved its vision, powerful and merciful." - Ali Smith, The Observer, Best Books of the Year, on BNA "Feels as if we are . . . gathered around a hearth, hearing the age-old stories that help us make sense of our lives. . . The ordinary is lifted into the extraordinary." - The Guardian on BNA "A torrent of poetry so brilliant that the words often seem to glow and smoke with intensity . . . [Tempest] writes with brilliance, but above all with overwhelming love." - The Scotsman on BNA "The most exciting contribution to poetry this year . . . Tempest has created an ambitious, unforgettable mythology and made us look at the world afresh." - Judges' citation for Ted Hughes Award for BNA About the Author Kae Tempest is a poet. They are also a writer, a lyricist, a performer and a recording artist. They have published plays, poems, a novel, a book length non-fiction essay, released albums and toured extensively, selling out shows from Reykjavik to Rio de Janeiro. They received Mercury Music Prize nominations for both of the albums Everybody Down and Let Them Eat Chaos and two Ivor Novello nominations for their song-writing on The Book of Traps and Lessons. They were named a Next Generation Poet in 2014, a once in a decade accolade. They received the Ted Hughes Award for their longform narrative poem Brand New Ancients and the Leone D'Argento at the Venice Teatro Biennale for their work as a playwright. Their books have been translated into eleven languages and published to critical acclaim around the world. They were born in London in 1985 where they still live. They hope to continue putting words together for a long time.
Brand New Ancients - by  Kae Tempest (Paperback)
Looking Back - by Diane H Schetky (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 108Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: Subjects & ThemesFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Just Write BooksAge Range: AdultBook theme: NatureAuthor: Diane H SchetkyLanguage: English About the Book Schetky's fourth book of poetry, Looking Back: New & Selected Poems, takes us exploring far-off places, including the Arctic and Antarctica. In free verse, Schetky shares concerns about climate change and aging and her enthusiasm for nature and wildlife. Book Synopsis In Schetky's fourth book of poetry, Looking Back: New & Selected Poems, she takes us exploring far-off places, including the Arctic and Antarctica. In free verse, Schetky shares concerns about climate change and aging and her enthusiasm for nature and wildlife. She notes, "nature bestows daily gifts upon those whose eye and ears are ready to receive them." Schetky, who has lived in Maine since 1986, was pleased to be still able to corral a flock of poems into another book with sketches during the pandemic and lockdown of 2020. As an octogenarian with early Alzheimer's, Schetky worries about her losses. She began assembling some of her older poems to save memories of the past and reflect and share them with friends and readers. The selection "Unfolding" reveals her background and a flow of eclectic compositions, old and new follows. The end of the book focuses on finding serendipity in a changing world. Review Quotes Perceptive, poignant, and lyrical, Diane Schetky's wordplay combines the wisdom of aging, wonder at the natural world, and sensitivity to a changing world. Reading her poems is an experiential process, inviting empathic "Looking Back." or recognition of "Right Whales Wrong Climate". Schetky's verse captures the reader with eloquence and insight. -Ellen Rothchild, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry Emerita, Case Western Reserve University School of MedicineI love experiencing the world through Diane Schetky's poetry. Her reverence for Mother Earth, her knowledge and love of music and the natural world are deftly braided throughout this collection. But, Unfolding is more than that. In this collection, perhaps her most personal yet, the poet also includes poems about significant people from her childhood, loss, a failing memory, and aging. Never sentimental, Diane's humor and wit make pop-up appearances, and her illustrations provide the perfect grace note on which to linger after reading her poems. I know Unfolding will call me back many, many times.-Maggie Butler, MSW, Certified Amherst Writers & Artist FacilitatorThere is rich retrospection here as Schetky looks back on a life of challenges and rewards. Her connection to nature once more shines through, whether it is geese golfing or right whales in the wrong climate. Birds are a special love, from the swallow to the great blue heron. There are travel vignettes and tributes to favorite trees and her beloved aged Isabel with her "senior citizen dog treats." Schetky faces personal and world setbacks with compassion and grace-and humor (read "Apology to my Hair"). Take pleasure and solace in her verse. -Carl Little, author of Ocean Drinker: New and Selected Poems
Looking Back - by  Diane H Schetky (Paperback)
WWJD and Other Poems - by Savannah Sipple (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 74Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: GeneralFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Sibling Rivalry Press, LLCAge Range: AdultAuthor: Savannah SippleLanguage: English About the Book Savannah Sipple's voice is stark and crucial. Her debut poetry collection WWJD and Other Poems explores what it is to be a queer woman in Appalachia and is rooted in its culture and in her body. With a beer-drinking Jesus as her wing man, she navigates this difficult terrain of stereotype, conservative Evangelicalism, and, perhaps most, shame. Book Synopsis "Savannah Sipple's debut is proof of a woman rising--up from the strung-out, Christ-haunted carcinogens and violences of a land stripped of its coal; up from nine-hours on her feet followed by the extra work back home of picking gravel out of pinto beans; up from a return visit to the honey-suckle sweetness of good church folks who whisper 'backslider' and 'quare.' Purging shame with every line, these poems love the Kentucky from which they rise as much as they reject the self-hatred that place instilled in a girl neither thin nor straight, and ultimately (and yes, even miraculously), emerge blatant about desire and body-proud. 'I want to be marbled, so that if you were to slice me, you'd know what a good cut I am, ' Sipple writes. Open this book to any poem to get a taste of exactly what she means." - Nickole Brown, author of Sister & Fanny Says Review Quotes "Savannah Sipple is the poet we need right now. WWJD is the book we need, in this moment when it feels like the heart and conscience of our nation is being ripped out by the roots. This collection is full of truth and light and so much fierceness it threatens to take flight from our hands while we're reading it, buoyed by the very power of language. This is powerful, important, and brave writing of the highest order." - Silas House, author of Southernmost and Clay's Quilt---"WWJD and Other Poems is the artful reckoning of a queer woman coming of age in a place and a body she has long 'tried to escape.' Learn to fish, shoot, and box with this speaker. Play a game of 'Evangelism BINGO' and hope to lose. Draft 'A List of Times [You] Thought [You] Were Gay' and compare your notes with hers. Take a drive and crash a frank conversation with Jesus. Finally, fall in love--for the first time or all over again: 'Her hip a hinge./ Her lips a door.' This is a testament to human resilience. This is an arresting and triumphant debut."- Julie Marie Wade, author of When I Was Straight and Same-Sexy Marriage: A Novella in Poems---"In the final poem of Savannah Sipple's debut book, WWJD and Other Poems, Jesus Christ 'rides shotgun' with the speaker along dangerous roads, and it's at this point I feel as if I, too, have been riding shotgun with this speaker as she's searched for love and acceptance, for being queer, for being fat, for being a woman, in a repressive Evangelical environment, yes, but also for just being an honest-to-God human. The mingling of fear, eros, and outright violence in these poems is handled with that rare combination of vulnerability and tough candor--as well as a laugh-out-loud humor infused with Kentucky idiom. In her epistolary love poems people fuck in truck beds, mark wintergreen Skoal hickeys on each other's necks, and leave bonfires with leaves in their hair. These poems stick their necks out, and sometimes they get whacked; that's kinda the point, isn't it? Considering again Sipple's title for this collection: What would Jesus do? He would drink PBR and eat a burger, and counsel the speaker on how to set up her online dating profile: 'You ain't interested/ in any dick pics, so you might as well pick/ the app for lezzies. Find at least one full body/ photo. No point in hiding now.' He would say that, wouldn't he, if we've been listening? Savannah Sipple has been listening. To all of us. Let's stop hiding, y'all. And give a big welcome to one of our most vital new poets.- Justin Bigos, author of Mad River and co-founder and co-editor of Waxwing
WWJD and Other Poems - by  Savannah Sipple (Paperback)
Even the Milky Way is Undocumented - by Amy Shimshon-Santo (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 102Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: Women AuthorsFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Unsolicited PressAge Range: AdultAuthor: Amy Shimshon-SantoLanguage: English About the Book Amy Shimshon-Santo's EVEN THE MILKY WAY IS UNDOCUMENTED is a testament to the lost, the loved, the courageous. Book Synopsis Amy Shimshon-Santo's EVEN THE MILKY WAY IS UNDOCUMENTED is a testament to the lost, the loved, the courageous. Each poem is the past and the future. Each page turns for those built by families that span political borders -- families that see borders as nothing more than lines drawn by an invisible hand that's long forgotten that we belong to the earth and not the other way around. Review Quotes "Amy Shimshon-Santo's poems are the words of a survivor, a warrior, and a creator. Time and again, across borders aess my body / in blessings," a poem called "grace" announces, toward the end of this wonderful collection by Amy Shimshon-Santo. Which does not mean that blessings come easy: these poems know deaths and betrayals, police killings and sexual assaults, and a parent's everyday fears for her children's lives, but on the power of ritual and music they emerge into strength and grace. A couple of the poems - "no (no. 10)" and "a good fuck poem (definition)," maybe others - are already underground anthems being passed from hand to hand. The body and the natural world are one in Amy's work; languages and lives are "borderless," ever crossing and re-crossing; and words from her pen are "strings of indigo light." - Dan Bellm, Author of Deep Well "My imagination/is ambidextrous," writes Amy Shimshon-Santo; so is this stunning collection. These poems are deeply rooted in the body and reach for the stars; they are spacious enough to hold the pain of police brutality and the beauty of an apricot tree, to both interrogate and celebrate, to hold a yes on their lips and a no in their pocket. The poet calls the reader "beloved" in the very first poem, and each page of this collection is suffused with love, with "a grammar/made of kindness"-the kind of love that is unafraid to show you the truth; the kind of love that reminds you to listen, to pay attention, to live. A beautiful and stirring achievement." - Gayle Brandeis, Author of The Art of Misdiagnosis "This is a truly fine piece of writing - an essay, a story or a poem, all or none of these, or it is the form that the wise broken heart finds for words that see, discern, break and unite. I keep thinking that we can't continue to write what must be said only in the old forms because form determines content. Words break out of form as a break out of confinement as well." - Deena Metzger, Author of A Rain of NIght Birds"I urge you to discover the poetic beauty of Los Angeles' very own Amy Shimshon-Santo. Her voz magnífica will leave you breathlessly glowing in the dark. Amy's rhymes are alive and connect with your cuerpo, your body, your mind, and every desire in between. Her voice and verses will satisfy your poetic cravings. Embrace the gift of these poems."- Adrian Ernesto Cepeda, Author of Flashes and Verses"Shimshon-Santo's debut collection rings with music-we need more men like these poems, more women, more human beings with "shark teeth grinning / at the spools of happiness / stored inside." The poetry of Even The Milky Way Is Undocumented devours a whole life lived, leaving bare Shimshon-Santo's vulnerable bones: the work breathes simultaneously political, maternal, erotic and furious. The world hungers for more books like this." - Joshua Roark, Editor of Frontier Poetry"...her writing takes us into sensuous and deeply emotional places, finding beauty and rootedness and meaning in everyday moments and extraordinary landscapes." - Héctor Tobar, Author of Deep Down Dark
Even the Milky Way is Undocumented - by  Amy Shimshon-Santo (Paperback)
Snowflake/Different Streets - by Eileen Myles (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 198Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: AmericanFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Wave BooksAge Range: AdultBook theme: GeneralAuthor: Eileen MylesLanguage: English About the Book New poems that hurtle through time and space from an irrefutable force in American poetry. Book Synopsis One of the savviest and most restless intellects in contemporary literature--honest, jokey, paranoid, sentimental, mean, lyrical, tough, you name it.--Dennis Cooper[Myles' writing] comes across simultaneously as effortless and utterly gorgeous. . . . To be able to write with such gentleness and force all at the same time is such a gift, and Myles is completely generous in how she uses this.--Ron SillimanTwo books meet as one in legendary poet, critic, and novelist Eileen Myles' newest collection. In a world overflowing with technology and its mutant offspring, moments of human ecstasy and connection are as indelible as they are fleeting. Indeed, with every page, the poems of Snowflake and different streets create poet and poem anew.some cars seem to eruptfrom the tar itselfthey seem to pullthemselves upfrom below the surface of the landthough I don't think land. I mean something flat, somethingblackalmost like a water that we're onthough a dark water thatholds us.Eileen Myles has published more than a dozen books of poetry, criticism, and fiction. She was recently awarded the 2010 Shelley Memorial Award for poetry and, for her novel Inferno, the Lambda Literary Award for Lesbian Fiction. She lives in New York. About the Author Eileen Myles was born in Cambridge, Mass. in 1949, was educated in catholic schools, graduated from U. Mass. (Boston) in 1971, and moved to New York City in 1974 to be a poet. She quickly became part of the reading, publishing, and performance scene in the East Village, editing dodgems in the late '70s and becoming part of the community of St. Mark's Poetry Project where she studied and was friends with Ted Berrigan, Alice Notley, Paul Violi, and Bill Zavatsky. In 1979, she was assistant to poet James Schuyler. She was Artistic Director of the Poetry Project, 1984-86. Myles is a vivid interpreter of her own work and travels widely in the US and Canada and internationally giving readings and performances. In 2007, she published Sorry, Tree (Wave Books), the latest of more than a dozen volumes of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction including Chelsea Girls, Not Me, Skies, The New Fuck You/adventures in lesbian reading, Cool for You, and The Importance of Being Iceland: Travel Essays in Art. Her most recent book is Inferno (A Poet's Novel) published by OR books. A new book of poems, Snowflake / different streets, will be published by Wave Books in 2011. She wrote the libretto for Hell, an opera with music composed by Michael Webster, which was performed on both coasts, 2004-2006. In 2007, she received The Warhol/Creative Capital art writers' grant. In 2010, the Poetry Society of America gave her the Shelley Memorial Award. She contributes to a wide number of publications including ArtForum, Bookforum, Parkett, and The Believer. She's a Prof. Emeritus at UC San Diego where she taught for five years. She lives in New York.
Snowflake/Different Streets - by  Eileen Myles (Paperback)
When A Man Loves You - by Alan Annes (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 36Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: GeneralFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Readersmagnet LLCAge Range: AdultAuthor: Alan AnnesLanguage: English Book Synopsis Most men keep things inside and do not express how they feel about relationships. We are not good talkers and find it hard to say how we feel. Like most men I would keep things I was thinking inside and not talk about them to anyone. I found out long ago if I wrote a poem about how I felt it helped me express how I felt in a creative way. The poems felt like stress relief, because I was getting emotions and feelings off my chest. This book is full of heartfelt poetry written from my heart. Inside each poem are feelings, thoughts or fantasy dreams I felt inside. Read the poems and enjoy the feeling of something working inside your heart.
When A Man Loves You - by  Alan Annes (Hardcover)
The Song of Hiawatha - (Mint Editions) by Henry W Longfellow (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 180Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: AmericanSeries Title: Mint EditionsFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Mint EditionsAge Range: AdultBook theme: GeneralAuthor: Henry W LongfellowLanguage: English Book Synopsis The Song of Hiawatha (1855) is an epic poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. A master of poetic tradition and form, Longfellow wrote The Song of Hiawatha in trochaic tetrameter, the meter of such classical epics as the Finnish Kalevala. Inspired by stories from Ojibwe oral tradition, for which he consulted Ojibwe chief Kahge-ga-gah-bowh and other indigenous sources, Longfellow composed his American epic, a story of romance and perseverance steeped in legend and beloved by generations to come. Along the shores of Lake Superior, an Ojibwe leader prophesies the arrival of Hiawatha, a great and noble hero. Before he can be born, however, Mudjekeewis must father the Four Winds by killing the Great Bear. His sons grow to be wild, fearless warriors, defending their land and feuding endlessly with one another. Although Nokomis, a woman who fell from the moon, warns her daughter not to fall for the West Wind, Wenonah is seduced by him, bringing about the birth of Hiawatha. Powerful and adventurous from a young age, Hiawatha grows into a legendary figure responsible for the discovery of corn and the invention of a written language for his people. When he meets the beautiful Minnehaha, a young Dakota woman, he struggles to balance his responsibilities as a leader and protector with a love that overwhelms him. The Song of Hiawatha is a romance of epic proportions that pays tribute to the stories of America's first peoples. With a beautifully designed cover and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's The Song of Hiawatha is a classic of American literature reimagined for modern readers. From the Back Cover Along the shores of Lake Superior, an Ojibwe warrior named Hiawatha is born to a mortal mother and Mudjekeewis, the West Wind. Faced with trials and adventures from a young age, Hiawatha falls in love with the beautiful Minnehaha, a young Dakota woman. The Song of Hiawatha is an epic poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
The Song of Hiawatha - (Mint Editions) by  Henry W Longfellow (Paperback)
Where Words Belong - by Raina Adiaz (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 96Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: GeneralFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Xlibris UsAge Range: AdultAuthor: Raina AdiazLanguage: English Book Synopsis Raina Adiaz intertwines emotion and perspective with the world around her. "A real and raw reality" is how she wanted display life in this book. Where Words Belong is a collection of original poems written through her adolescence and adult hood.
Where Words Belong - by  Raina Adiaz (Hardcover)
The Prophet - (Mint Editions) by Kahlil Gibran (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 42Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: Subjects & ThemesSeries Title: Mint EditionsFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Mint EditionsAge Range: AdultBook theme: Inspirational & ReligiousAuthor: Kahlil GibranLanguage: English Book Synopsis A worldwide best-seller since its date of original publication in 1923, The Prophet has become a token of free thought and intellectual betterment across many generations of readers. This unique and timeless classic is composed of 28 prose poetry fables, each examining a different facet of the human experience. A treasure worth holding close, The Prophet is an unforgettable book of poems worth savoring. The Prophet serves as an intricate examination of the world through the eyes of prophet Almustafa on his way back to his native country after having been in exile for the past twelve years. On the ship carrying him home, Almustafa becomes engulfed in conversation with various passengers on board. Each conversation differs from the last while all providing valuable experiences for Almustafa. Providing insight, clarity, and depth, Almustafa's musings on each subject make way for the ways in which one can better learn to understand the levels of deep human emotion. From the intricacies of human thought, and circumstance, Gibran's words have carried with them a certain meditative and instructive examination of what it feels like to be human. With honorable mentions from celebrity authors and poets, the importance of reading The Prophet cannot be overstated. An absolute must-read for anyone seeking emotional enlightenment, guidance, or human insight. With each poem and line varying in length and explanation, The Prophet is as topical today as it was when it was first published. From the Back Cover A collection of both philosophical and pragmatic musings divided into 28 prose poetry fables, The Prophet, by Kahlil Gibran has become an emblem of spiritual awakening and inspiration for readers everywhere. Speaking to the multi-dimensional facets of everyday life, Gibran has managed to write a manifesto of human existence, tackling issues central to any reader.
The Prophet - (Mint Editions) by  Kahlil Gibran (Paperback)
Paroles - (City Lights Pocket Poets) by Jacques Pr'evert (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 159Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: EuropeanSeries Title: City Lights Pocket PoetsFormat: PaperbackPublisher: City Lights BooksAge Range: AdultBook theme: GeneralAuthor: Jacques PrévertLanguage: French Book Synopsis In the years immediately following World War II, Jacques Prévert spoke directly to and for the French who had come of age during the German Occupation. First published in 1946 by Les Editions de Minuit, a press with its origins in the Underground, Paroles met with enormous success, and there were several hundred thousand copies in print by the time these first translations in English were published by City Lights in 1958.Today Prévert speaks out in a voice still attuned to our times, for the human condition (which is always his focus) has not changed. In fact, man's inhumanity to man would seem to have intensified, making these poems ever more touching, ever more prescient. About the Author Jacques Prévert (1900-1977) was a French poet and screenwriter. His poetry is popular in French education and is films formed a part of the poetic realist movement.
Paroles - (City Lights Pocket Poets) by  Jacques Pr'evert (Paperback)
Alive in This World - by Pamela Haines (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 156Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: Subjects & ThemesFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Produccicones de La HamacaAge Range: AdultBook theme: NatureAuthor: Pamela HainesLanguage: English Book Synopsis Whether on a crowded trolley, in a little neighborhood park with its towering sycamores, at a community garden or around neglected public spaces, there is life abundant-full of hope, delight and awe on the one hand, heartache and loss on the other. Mostly composed in a diverse urban neighborhood of Philadelphia, this collection of poetry, Alive in This World, is organized into three sections. The first, A Home with the Trees, explores a relationship with the trees as the poet gets to know them-in wonder, growing understanding, grief and gratitude. In Commuter Encounters, intimate contact with strangers on a trolley commute and time spent on city bus and regional rail routes invites reflection on humanity, connection and justice. In the final section, A Home with the Earth, the soil is a medium for meditations on nourishment, and how loving small city green spaces can provide big gifts. How do we make meaning of what we see? How can it illuminate our understanding-of ourselves and of the world we inhabit together? How does it change us? These closely-observed and big-hearted poems are all about relationship, providing not only a picture or a story, but a window to new possibilities. The knowledge that there may be a poem awaiting us anywhere is a call to pay closer attention to life, to not let the world go by unnoticed. Bringing a clear eye, an open heart, and a quest for intimacy with a few small city blocks and life on a public commute can call us into engagement with the biggest issues of our times. It may even help with gaining courage and perspective for the road ahead.
Urban Shop
Alive in This World - by  Pamela Haines (Paperback)
Dreams of Montezuma 2 - by James Reich & Diego Gomez (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 116Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: Anthologies (multiple authors)Format: PaperbackPublisher: Stalking Horse PressAge Range: AdultAuthor: James Reich & Diego GomezLanguage: English About the Book This is the second anthology of work from creative writing and literature students at New Mexico School for the Arts. Inside you will find darkness and light, shapeshifter words, makeshift shelters, and promise. All are welcome. Book Synopsis Returning to Montezuma Avenue, Santa Fe, NM, and the dreams of the youth: The poets, weavers of story, witnesses to strange times, constellations and compassion, patient as twilight, clear as dawn. This is the second anthology of work from creative writing and literature students at New Mexico School for the Arts. Inside you will find darkness and light, shapeshifter words, makeshift shelters, and promise. All are welcome. Contributors: Joycelyn Shroulote, Maia Hillock-Katz, Dante Begay, Sarita Gonzalez, Nevaeh Galaviz, Arwen Scarlata, Lucy Wilson, Raven Callaway-Kidd, Sarah Peralta, Skye Bowdon, Gabriel Boston-Friedman, Serenity Castor, Pearl Cook, Jessi Lopez, Neve Naktin, Oz Leshem, Enivid Ruiz, and Alex Shelton.
Toy Time
Dreams of Montezuma 2 - by  James Reich & Diego Gomez (Paperback)
Black Summer - by Wayne F Burke (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 234Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: AmericanFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Spartan PressAge Range: AdultBook theme: GeneralAuthor: Wayne F BurkeLanguage: English Book Synopsis "Black Summer by Wayne F. Burke is more than a book of poetry. It is an experience to be lived and relived. Burke taps into our most shared experiences of humanity. His conversational verse entices the reader to continue following the exploits of this wandering everyman who searches, yearns for definition, only to find definitions lacking. But the road is all-encompassing. This book is for lovers of a good story, a good life, and is a roadmap for all of us who often find ourselves on the shoulder of life'shighway." - James Benger, author of From the Back"Poems as funny and as tragic as could ever be imagined-from a lifetime of REAL experience in the REAL world." -Howard Frank Mosher, author, A Stranger In The Kingdom."Wayne F. Burke is 65 (going on 66) years old. He reminds me a little of Ed Galing, who wrote poems into his 90's. When I used to see Galing in a publication I always read his poems first not because he was old but because I knew he wouldn't bullshit me. I knew there would be no slickness or pretentiousness, no metaphors stretched out so far you forgot where they started, no look-at-me-being-a-poet, pat me on the head, junk. Just a sensitive, sometimes fucked-up, lonely person writing about the moments of his life." -Mather Schneider"Burke jolts his reader into a state of awareness-one of the high aims of all art." -Arthur Hoyle, author, The Unknown Henry Miller.
Black Summer - by  Wayne F Burke (Paperback)
Alisoun Sings - by Caroline Bergvall (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 88Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: Women AuthorsFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Nightboat BooksAge Range: AdultAuthor: Caroline BergvallLanguage: English About the Book A dystopian feminist experiment in invented English by an internationally known, award-winning poet and artist. Book Synopsis Alisoun Sings finds its starting-point with Chaucer's iconic, proto-feminist Wife of Bath. Her forceful voice leads the way across narratives of genders, and addresses the brutality of social conventions with caustic humor. This labyrinthine text navigates love and protest in landscapes impacted by global warming, systemic violence and solar eclipses. Bergvall continues her previous work creating texts that rest on transhistoric forms of English, beyond its dominance as a global lingua franca, and places her quest in the intersections and migrations of stories and languages. Review Quotes There's something echt modernist about Caroline Bergvall's longterm project of turning over, repurposing, and generally fucking around with the western canon...Begvall's Alisoun has the linguistic panache, the historical learning, and the theoretical chops not merely to rehearse a thousand years of oppression and resistance, but to offer in the poem's final passages an infectiously uplifting--even for the cynical--call to arms.--Mark Scroggins, Hyperallergic The language evolves here, making Alisoun solidly in the forgotten and misunderstood past, while invading the present. This is a manifesto, an affirmation of identity, a recognition of a voice finally given shape.--Nick Ripatrazone, The Millions In Alisoun you find it also in the pronouns, with 'het, hem, em, ' which allows us to rethink what is actually being said: Is it a pronoun? Is it a verb? That kind of play on the pronoun is similarly translated. Rather than having a translator go from A to B, it becomes an AB-type thing. Translation doesn't have a resting point neither here nor there. But it spans that stretch. It comes across so many interactions. There's no final mastery in translation because it's taken over by the performative one way or another.--Greg Nissan, BOMB Bergvall turns 'illegibility' on its head: she insists on a poetics that is neither merely read nor impossible to read. Instead, Bergvall attempts to offer another way of being, necessarily multiple. This affords space for unknowing, for the unrecognizable, where political vision and perhaps even political intimacy and solidarity does not require immediate recognition within our normative configurations of the sensible and knowable.--Rebecca Teich, The Poetry Project Newsletter Love binds, love connects. And through Bergvall's ongoing commitments, those bindings and connections are explored thoroughly and beautifully. Closing the trilogy, finding the last poem, contains a bit of heartache, a sighing wish for Bergvall to continue. But, in fact, I won't be surprised if that's indeed what happens, if Bergvall finds yet another extension to this ongoing work. As Alisoun says in the book's final poem, 'The era of ma tellings nat bygone, just bigonne.' As symbol, as voice, as voices, there is much yet to read, many more moments to listen.--Greg Bem, Rain Taxi Resounding. Re-sounding. Resonance is the name of the game Caroline Bergvall presents in all those language games she plays seriously, and serially, more than totally.--Kyoo Lee, Spittoon Collective If we cluster, grow broader, aggregate, say yes to both ourselves and the needs of those outside our own immediacies, Alisoun suggests that we will be in good company for the work of pleasurable, collective living.--Charles Theonia, Jacket2 "Caroline Bergvall brings exceptional linguistic range and sensitivity, active engagement, dynamic experimentation and intellectual passion to her poetic and artistic creations."--Marina Warner "It made me laugh out loud in some sections, nod wisely in others, want to chorus a 'yes!' here, and a 'go-girl' there. I love its generosity, and its collectivity, its command and range of tone and style, its stylishness, and its many voices. A woman from the fourteenth century and a poet from the twenty-first join forces to tell it how it is. Chaucer better watch out."--Clare Lees "Alisoun's been to hell and back as an art and fashion loving, potty mouthed, unaccommodating desiring feminist queer mother-of-us-all disobedient and irrepressible and ever deep and vulnerable language breaker."--Rachel Levitsky "As a reader the work is transportive, I enter a new and unfamiliar space as I read this, it feels almost archaeological in nature. There are worm holes here, carved out through space and language, stories and places, centuries collapse, gaps in time dissipate, the medieval and the modern merge."--Rachel Lichtenstein "Ecofeminist writer and performer Caroline Bergvall follows her earlier brilliant Meddle English by dialoguing with, not quite melding into, Chaucer's vernacular muse, the Wife of Bath. An inspired, tragi-hilarious mixing and meddling of modern and medieval Englishes, a rallying cry for bio- and-linguistic diversity, a ferocious unleashing of sexual and bodily power."--David Wallace About the Author Caroline Bergvall is a writer of French-Norwegian origins based in London. She works across artforms, media and languages; her projects alternate between books, audio pieces, collaborative performances and language installations. Her publications include Drift (recipient of the Cholmondeley Award for Poetry), Meddle English: New and Selected Texts (recently translated into the French: L'Anglais mêlé), and Fig, as well as a DVD of earlier installations, Ghost Pieces: five language-based installations (2010). Recent group shows/festivals: Fundacio Tapiès (Barcelona), Theatre du Grütli (Geneva), The Serpentine Gallery (London), MOMA (NY), DIA Arts Foundation (NY), and Tate Modern (London). Recently completed a performance version of Drift, which toured Europe in 2014-2105. She has been the director of the Performance Writing program at Dartington College of Arts (1995-2000), co-Chair of the MFA in Writing, Bard College (2005-2007), recent guest faculty at Naropa University, and the Judith E. Wilson Fellow in Poetry and Drama at the University of Cambridge (2012-2013). Caroline is currently a Visiting Professor in Medieval Studies at King's College London.
Alisoun Sings - by  Caroline Bergvall (Paperback)
D`uileach - by Marcas Mac an Tuairneir (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 180Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: GeneralFormat: PaperbackPublisher: EvertypeAge Range: AdultAuthor: Marcas Mac an TuairneirLanguage: Scottish Gaelic About the Book A collection of poems in Gaelic by Marcas Mac an Tuairneir, with some translated into English and some translated into Irish. Book Synopsis 'S e Dùileach: Elemental an treas co-chruinneachadh aig a' bhàird chliùiteach Marcas Mac an Tuairneir a tha stèidhichte ann an Dùn Èideann is a tha air iomadh duais a chosnadh. Tha na dàin, air an cruthachadh is cruinneachadh rè greis stainge, an dà chuid pearsanta is cruthachail, aig a' cheann thall is nam measg, tha am bàrd a' dèanamh luaidh air farsaingeachd a chuid dearbh-aithne, a' toirt a-steach cuspairean LGDTC, diaspora, beatha sa bhaile mhòr agus iomadachd nuadh air saoghal na Gàidhlig. Làn den sgrìobhadh aidmheileachd as aithne do luchd-leughaidh aige, bheir an co-chruinneachadh seo crìoch air sreath de thrì leabhraichean, air an tòiseachadh leis na co-chruinneachaidhean, Deò is Lus na Tùise, a chaidh fhoillseachadh mu thràth. Bheir an leabhar a-steach dàin air an sgrìobhadh sa Ghàidhlig Albannaich, le fèin-eadar-theangachaidhean sa Bheurla agus eadar-theangachaidhean eile, sa Ghàidhlig Èireannaich, le caraid is co-obraiche Mhic an Tuairneir, am bàrd Sam Ó Fearraigh, à Dùn nan Gall. ----- Dùileach: Elemental is the third collection from the critically acclaimed and award-winning Edinburgh-based poet Marcas Mac an Tuairneir. The poems, crafted during a period of intense upheaval, both personal and ultimately creative, reflect the poet's myriad identities, including LGBTQ themes, as well as those of diaspora, the urban and Gaeldom's emergent cosmopolitanism. Characterized by Mac an Tuairneir's confessional style, the collection is the culmination of a triad of volumes, begun with previous publications Dèo and Lus na Tùise. The volume includes original Scottish Gaelic poems and songs, with self-translations into English and translations into Irish, by Mac an Tuairneir's friend and collaborator, the Donegal-based poet Sam Ó Fearraigh.
Bright Creations
D`uileach - by  Marcas Mac an Tuairneir (Paperback)
A Book For Pandora - by Kathryn Rossati (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 108Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: AmericanFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Next ChapterAge Range: AdultBook theme: GeneralAuthor: Kathryn RossatiLanguage: English Book Synopsis The poems in this rich and imaginative debut collection speak of people, life, loss and love. They weave threads of myth and fairytale into commentaries of society, explorations of self, nature and humanity. Some surreal and sinister, others playful and light, the poems in A Book For Pandora encompass an array of flavours that will delight any reader.
A Book For Pandora - by  Kathryn Rossati (Hardcover)
Forgiveness Parade - by Jeffrey McDaniel (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 80Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: AmericanFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Manic D PressAge Range: AdultBook theme: GeneralAuthor: Jeffrey McDanielLanguage: English About the Book Jeffrey McDaniel's second book of poetry features dysfunctional family, heartbroken love and above all, humor. Book Synopsis In Jeffrey McDaniel's second book, it is hard to separate the humor from the pain. Both qualities are omnipresent whether he's tackling dysfunctional family memories in 'The Most Awful Lullaby', or broken-hearted romance in poems like 'Another Long Day in the Office of Dreams'. Review Quotes Heartbreaking and hilarious simultaneously... - - James Tate
Forgiveness Parade - by  Jeffrey McDaniel (Paperback)
Good Woman - (American Poets Continuum) by Lucille Clifton (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 276Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: AmericanSeries Title: American Poets ContinuumFormat: PaperbackPublisher: BOA EditionsAge Range: AdultBook theme: GeneralAuthor: Lucille CliftonLanguage: English Book Synopsis Finalist, 1988 Pulitzer Prize for Poetry. Lucille Clifton is one of the four or five most authentic and profound living American poets.--Denise Levertov About the Author Lucille Clifton (1936-2010) was the 2007 recipient of the Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize, as well as the 2010 Frost Medal from the Poetry Society of America. Her final poetry collection, Voices, was published by BOA in September 2008. She was an award-winning poet, fiction writer, and author of children's books. Her poetry book, Blessing the Boats: New and Selected Poems 1988-2000, won the 2000 National Book Award for Poetry. Two of Clifton's BOA poetry collections, Good Woman: Poems and a Memoir 1969-1980, and, Next: New Poems, were chosen as finalists for the Pulitzer Prize in 1988, the only author ever to have done so, while Clifton's, The Terrible Stories, was a finalist for the 1996 National Book Award. Clifton received fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts; an Emmy Award from the American Academy of Television Arts and Sciences; the Shelley Memorial Prize; and the Charity Randall Citation. She served as a Distinguished Professor of Humanities at St. Mary's College in Maryland. She was appointed a Fellow of The American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and elected as Chancellor of The Academy of American Poets in 1999.
Carta Bella
Good Woman - (American Poets Continuum) by  Lucille Clifton (Paperback)
Howl and Other Poems - (City Lights Pocket Poets) by Allen Ginsberg (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 56Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: AmericanSeries Title: City Lights Pocket PoetsFormat: HardcoverPublisher: City Lights BooksAge Range: AdultBook theme: GeneralAuthor: Allen GinsbergLanguage: English About the Book A deluxe hardcover commemorative facsimile edition of this groundbreaking American classic, celebrating the 40th anniversary of its publication, this is the original City Lights Howl, the prophetic masterpiece that revolutionized American poetry and American consciousness. New Preface by Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Book Synopsis The prophetic poem that launched a generation when it was first published in 1965 is here presented in a commemorative 40th Anniversary Edition.Allen Ginsberg's Howl and Other Poems was originally published by City Lights Books in the Fall of 1956. Subsequently seized by U.S. customs and the San Francisco police, it was the subject of a long court trail at which a series of poets and professors persuaded the court that the book was not obscene.Howl & Other Poems is the single most influential poetic work of the post-World War II era, with over 1,000,000 copies now in print.Howl was Allen's metamorphosis from quiet, brilliant, burning bohemian scholar trapped by his flames and repressions to epic vocal bard.--Michael McClureIt is the poet, Allen Ginsberg, who has gone, in his own body, through the horrifying experiences described from life in these pages. --William Carlos WilliamsAt the height of his bardic powers, Allen Ginsberg could terrify the authorities with the mere utterance of the syllable "om" as he led street throngs of citizens protesting the Vietnam War. Ginsberg reigned as the raucous poet of American hippiedom and as a literary pioneer whose freewheeling masterwork "Howl" prevailed against government censorship in a landmark obscenity trial 50 years ago. -- New York TimesFifty years ago, on October 3, Judge Clayton Horn ruled that Allen Ginsberg's great epic Beat-era poem HOWL was not obscene but instead, a work of literary and social merit. This ruling allowed for the publication of HOWL and exonerated the poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti, who faced jail time and a fine 50 years ago for publishing 'HOWL.' -- Pacifica.orgAllen Ginsberg was born June 3, 1926, the son of Naomi Ginsberg, Russian émigré, and Louis Ginsberg, lyric poet and schoolteacher, in Paterson, New Jersey. To these facts Ginsberg adds: High school in Paterson till 17, Columbia College, merchant marine, Texas and Denver copyboy, Times Square, amigos in jail, dishwashing, book reviews, Mexico City, market research, Satori in Harlem, Yucatan and Chiapas 1954, West Coast 3 years. Later Arctic Sea trip, Tangier, Venice, Amsterdam, Paris, read at Oxford Harvard Columbia Chicago, quit, wrote Kaddish 1959, made tape to leave behind & fade in Orient awhile. Carl Solomon to whom Howl is addressed, is a intuitive Bronx dadaist and prose-poet. From the Back Cover The prophetic poem that launched a generation when it was first published in 1956 is here presented in a commemorative 40th Anniversary Edition. When the book arrived from its British printers, it was seized almost immediately by U.S. Customs, and shortly thereafter the San Francisco police arrested its publisher and editor, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, together with the City Lights Bookstore manager, Shigeyoshi Murao. The two of them were charged with disseminating obscene literature, and the case went to trial in the Municipal Court of Judge Clayton Horn. A parade of distinguished literary and academic witnesses persuaded the judge that the title poem was indeed not obscene and that it had "redeeming social significance". Thus was Howl and Other Poems freed to become the single most influential poetic work of the post World War II era, with over 800,000 copies now in print. About the Author Allen Ginsberg is the author of Howl and Other Poems, which was originally published by City Lights Books in the fall of 1956.
Howl and Other Poems - (City Lights Pocket Poets) by  Allen Ginsberg (Hardcover)
Mexican Poetry - (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 224Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: Anthologies (multiple authors)Format: PaperbackPublisher: Grove PressAge Range: AdultLanguage: English About the Book The renowned Mexican poet and critic Octavio Paz assembled this important anthology--the first of its kind in English translation--with a keen sense of what is both representative and universal in Mexican poetry. His informative introduction places the thirty-five selected poets within a literary and historical context that spans four centuries (1521-1910). This accomplished translation is the work of the young Samuel Beckett, just out of Trinity College, who had been awarded a grant by UNESCO to collaborate with Paz on the project. Book Synopsis The renowned Mexican poet and critic Octavio Paz assembled this important anthology--the first of its kind in English translation--with a keen sense of what is both representative and universal in Mexican poetry. His informative introduction places the thirty-five selected poets within a literary and historical context that spans four centuries (1521-1910). This accomplished translation is the work of the young Samuel Beckett, just out of Trinity College, who had been awarded a grant by UNESCO to collaborate with Paz on the project. Notable among the writers who appear in this anthology are Bernardo de Balbuena (1561-1627), a master of the baroque period who celebrated the exuberant atmosphere and wealth of the New World; Juan Ruíz de Alarcón (1581?-1639), who became one of Spain's great playwrights; and Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (1651-1695), the beautiful nun whose passionate lyric poetry, written within her convent's walls, has made her, three hundred years later, a proto-feminist literary heroine. This is a major collection of Mexican poetry from its beginnings until the modern period, compiled and translated by two giants of world literature.
Blue Panda
Mexican Poetry - (Paperback)
Verses to God and Country - by William A Pease (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 52Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: Subjects & ThemesFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Lulu.comAge Range: AdultBook theme: Inspirational & ReligiousAuthor: William A PeaseLanguage: English Book Synopsis Enjoy this collection of inspiring poems by the award-winning poet William A. Pease. These are the most popular patriotic poems by William of 2020. Pease has been writing poetry and songs sporadically since grade school. He began in earnest on the first of January 2020. William made a New Year's resolution to write a poem each day. So far, so good. He deems his current writing as an experiment and an adventure. To William, writing poetry is a great way to express, his moods and feelings, says Pease. Being able to share this with others is a plus.
Verses to God and Country - by  William A Pease (Hardcover)
Quilting - (American Poets Continuum) by Lucille Clifton (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 89Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: AmericanSeries Title: American Poets ContinuumFormat: PaperbackPublisher: BOA EditionsAge Range: AdultBook theme: GeneralAuthor: Lucille CliftonLanguage: English Book Synopsis Brilliantly honed language, sharp rhythms and striking syntax empower Lucille Clifton's personal and artistic odyssey. Hers is poetry of birth, death, children, community, history, sexuality and spirituality, and she addresses these themes with passion, humor, anger and spiritual awe. About the Author Lucille Clifton won the 2007 Ruth Lilly Poetry Award. Her book, Blessing the Boats (BOA Editions), won the 2000 National Book Award for Poetry. Two of Clifton's BOA poetry collections were chosen as finalists for the Pulitzer Prize in 1988. Clifton's awards include fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and an Emmy Award.
Quilting - (American Poets Continuum) by  Lucille Clifton (Paperback)
The Fall of America - (City Lights Pocket Poets) by Allen Ginsberg (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 188Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: AmericanSeries Title: City Lights Pocket PoetsFormat: PaperbackPublisher: City Lights BooksAge Range: AdultBook theme: GeneralAuthor: Allen GinsbergLanguage: English About the Book Date of publication taken from Book Synopsis Winner of the National Book Award for PoetryBeginning with long poem of these States, The Fall of America is the follow up book to Ginsberg's Planet News ... chronicle tape-recorded scribed by hand or sung condensed, the flux of car bus airplane dream consciousness Person during Automated Electronic War years, newspaper headline radio brain auto poesy & silent desk musings, headline flashing on road through these states of consciousness.Includes Ginsberg's condemnation of America's actions in Vietnam, along with commentary about the moon landing, the 1968 Democratic National Convention, the death of Che Guevera, and more personal events such as the passing of Ginsberg's friend and former lover Neal Cassady. Many of the poems were initially composed on an Uher Tape recorder, purchased by Ginsberg with the help of Bob Dylan.Poems in the collection include: Beginning of a Poem of These States; Elegy For Neal Cassady; On Neal's Ashes, Please Master, Hum Bom! and September on Jessore Road.[Ginsberg] is never negligible, and he is often (the only true test) unforgettable.--Helen Vendler, New York Times Book ReviewFollowing in the footsteps of legendary photographer Robert Frank's groundbreaking The Americans and Jack Kerouac's opus On the Road, Allen Ginsberg gives us deep insight into his poems in The Fall of America ... every poem this book refers to is a prismatic hall of mirrors ... --Paul D. Miller aka DJ Spooky About the Author Allen Ginsberg was born June 3, 1926, the son of Naomi Ginsberg, Russian émigré, and Louis Ginsberg, lyric poet and school teacher, in Paterson, N.J. To these facts Ginsberg adds: High school in Paterson till 17, Columbia College, merchant marine, Texas and Denver copyboy, Times Square, amigos in jail, dishwashing, book reviews, Mexico City, market research, Satori in Harlem, Yucatan and Chiapas 1954, West Coast 3 years. Later Arctic Sea trip, Tangier, Venice, Amsterdam, Paris, read at Oxford Harvard Columbia Chicago, quit, wrote Kaddish 1959, made tape to leave behind & fade in Orient awhile. Carl Solomon to whom Howl is addressed, is a intuitive Bronx dadaist and prose-poet.
The Fall of America - (City Lights Pocket Poets) by  Allen Ginsberg (Paperback)
Reality Sandwiches - (City Lights Pocket Poets) by Allen Ginsberg (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 104Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: AmericanSeries Title: City Lights Pocket PoetsFormat: PaperbackPublisher: City Lights BooksAge Range: AdultBook theme: GeneralAuthor: Allen GinsbergLanguage: English Book Synopsis "Scribbled secret notebooks, and wild typewritten pages for yr own joy." Many of Ginsberg's most famous poems.Wake-up nightmares in Lower East Side, musings in public library, across the U.S. in dream auto, drunk in old Havana, brooding in Mayan ruins, sex daydreams on the West Coast, airplane vision of Kansas, lonely in a leafy cottage, lunch hour on Berkeley, beer notations on Skid Row, slinking to Mexico, wrote this last night in Paris, back on Times square dreaming of Times Square, bombed in NY again, loony tunes in the dentist chair, screaming at old poets in South America, aethereal zigzag Poesy in blue hotel room in Peru--a wind-up book of dreams, psalms, journal enigmas & nude minutes from 1953 to 1960 poems scattered in fugitive magazines here collected now book.. . .make no mistake, Reality Sandwiches, 1953-60 . . . is genuine poetry, and Ginsberg's commitment marks his superiority over more graceful and refined but tepid craftsmen. --Robert D. Spector, Poetry QuarterlyFamous Beat poet Allen Ginsberg was born June 3, 1926, the son of Naomi Ginsberg, Russian émigré, and Louis Ginsberg, lyric poet and school teacher, in Paterson, N.J. To these facts Ginsberg adds: High school in Paterson till 17, Columbia College, merchant marine, Texas and Denver copyboy, Times Square, amigos in jail, dishwashing, book reviews, Mexico City, market research, Satori in Harlem, Yucatan and Chiapas 1954, West Coast 3 years. Later Arctic Sea trip, Tangier, Venice, Amsterdam, Paris, read at Oxford Harvard Columbia Chicago, quit, wrote Kaddish 1959, made tape to leave behind & fade in Orient awhile. His other famous poetry collections including The Fall of America, Howl, Mind Breaths, Plutonian Ode, Kaddish, and Reality Sandwiches are also published by City Lights Publishers. About the Author Allen Ginsberg is also the author of Howl and Other Poems, which was originally published by City Lights Books in the fall of 1956.
Reality Sandwiches - (City Lights Pocket Poets) by  Allen Ginsberg (Paperback)
Scripture of the Golden Eternity - (City Lights Pocket Poets) by Jack Kerouac (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 62Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: AmericanSeries Title: City Lights Pocket PoetsFormat: PaperbackPublisher: City Lights BooksAge Range: AdultBook theme: GeneralAuthor: Jack KerouacLanguage: English Book Synopsis These classic Kerouac meditations, zen koans and prose poems express the poet's beatific quest for peace and joy through oneness with the universe.The Scripture of the Golden Eternity is fueled by Kerouac's discerning meditation on the nature of impermanence & consciousness, subtle like the dharma it invokes. We're here to disappear, therefore let's be as vivid & generous as we can. The intelligence & compassion behind this text is still alive.--Anne Waldman, The Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied PoeticsScripture of the Golden Eternity is Jack Kerouac's statement of confidence in his oneness with the universe of energy and form, a confidence to which his whole being swelled. His was not the search for the ecstasy of the mystic or psychedelic or the Artaud-mad. He sought a recognition in philosophy of his early sense that his body participated in the universal forms of energy with a quality of exuberance--that 'serious exuberance' which he so accurately called jazz.--Eric Mottram, IntroductionJack Kerouac (1922-1969) was a principal actor in the Beat Generation, a companion of Allen Ginsberg and Neal Cassady in that great adventure. His books include On the Road, The Dharma Bums, Mexico City Blues, Lonesome Traveler, Visions of Cody, Pomes All Sizes (City Lights), Scattered Poems (City Lights) and The Scripture of the Golden Eternity (City Lights). From the Back Cover These classic Kerouac meditations, Zen koans and prose poems express the poet's beatific quest for peace and joy through oneness with the universe.
Scripture of the Golden Eternity - (City Lights Pocket Poets) by  Jack Kerouac (Paperback)
Lunch Poems - (City Lights Pocket Poets) by Frank O'Hara (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 76Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: AmericanSeries Title: City Lights Pocket PoetsFormat: PaperbackPublisher: City Lights BooksAge Range: AdultBook theme: GeneralAuthor: Frank O'HaraLanguage: English Book Synopsis Essential poems by the late New York poet.Lunch Poems, first published in 1964 by City Lights Books as number nineteen in the Pocket Poets series, is widely considered to be Frank O'Hara's freshest and most accomplished collection of poetry.Edited by the poet in collaboration with Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Donald Allen, who had published O'Hara's poems in his monumental The New American Poetry in 1960, it contains some of the poet's best known works including The Day Lady Died, Ave Maria, and Poem [Lana Turner has collapsed!]. These are the compelling and formally inventive poems--casually composed, for example, in his office at The Museum of Modern Art, in the street at lunchtime or on the Staten Island Ferry en route to a poetry reading--that made O'Hara a dynamic leader of the New York School of poets.O'Hara speaks directly across the decades to our hopes and fears and especially our delights; his lines are as intimate as a telephone call. Few books of his era show less age.--Dwight Garner, New York TimesAs collections go, none brings . . . quality to the fore more than the thirty-seven Lunch Poems, published in 1964 by City Lights.--Nicole Rudick, The Paris ReviewWhat O'Hara is getting at is a sense of the evanescence, and the power, of great art, that inextricable contradiction -- that what makes it moving and transcendent is precisely our knowledge that it will pass away. This is the ethos at the center of Lunch Poems: not the informal or the conversational for their own sake but rather in the service of something more intentional, more connective, more engaged. --David L. Ulin, Los Angeles TImesThe collection broadcasts snark, exuberance, lonely earnestness, and minute-by-minute autobiography to a wide, vague audience--much like today's Twitter and Facebook feeds.--Micah Mattix, The Atlantic Review Quotes O'Hara speaks directly across the decades to our hopes and fears and especially our delights; his lines are as intimate as a telephone call. Few books of his era show less age.--Dwight Garner, New York TimesAs collections go, none brings . . . quality to the fore more than the thirty-seven Lunch Poems, published in 1964 by City Lights.--Nicole Rudick, The Paris ReviewWhat O'Hara is getting at is a sense of the evanescence, and the power, of great art, that inextricable contradiction--that what makes it moving and transcendent is precisely our knowledge that it will pass away. This is the ethos at the center of "Lunch Poems" not the informal or the conversational for their own sake but rather in the service of something more intentional, more connective, more engaged.--David L. Ulin, Los Angeles TImesThe collection broadcasts snark, exuberance, lonely earnestness, and minute-by-minute autobiography to a wide, vague audience--much like today's Twitter and Facebook feeds.--Micah Mattix, The Atlantic About the Author Among the most significant post-war American poets, Frank O'Hara grew up in Grafton, MA, graduating from Harvard in 1950. After earning an MA at Michigan in 1951, O'Hara moved to New York, where he began working for the Museum of Modern Art and writing for Art News. By 1960, he was named Assistant Curator of Painting and Sculpture Exhibitions at MOMA. Along with John Ashbery, Kenneth Koch, James Schuyler and Barbara Guest, he is considered an original member of the New York School. Though he died in a tragic accident in 1966, recent references to O'Hara on TV shows like Mad Men or Thurston Moore's new single evidence our culture's continuing fascination with this innovative poet.
Lunch Poems - (City Lights Pocket Poets) by  Frank O'Hara (Paperback)
Cut to Bloom - by Arhm Choi Wild (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 100Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: Subjects & ThemesFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Write Bloody PublishingAge Range: AdultBook theme: FamilyAuthor: Arhm Choi WildLanguage: English About the Book In Cut to Bloom, Arhm Choi Wild's poetry attempts to forge answers to bold questions by navigating the hyphen, sometimes chasm, between the Asian and American identity, between queerness and the politics of belonging, between survival and the possibility of choice. Book Synopsis What does it take to unlearn the survival instinct of trauma? What does it take to choose our tools instead of wearing down the ones we've been handed? In Cut to Bloom, Arhm Choi Wild' poetry attempts to forge answers to these questions by navigating the hyphen, sometimes chasm, between the Asian and American identity, between queerness and the politics of belonging, between survival and the possibility of choice. While talking back to the colonialism of strict poetic form, this book attempts to disrupt clear definitions and redefine the American identity as one that is constructed more by questions than answers. This book celebrates the self-made, rogue bouquet, the taking of what you were given and transforming it into something you could make a gift of, and examines what needs to be pruned in order to arrive at this transformation. Review Quotes Arhm Choi Wild shows us that when English falls away, what lies behind, underneath, within it are unseen languages and unseen histories--complicated, painful, and beautiful.- Patrick Rosal, author of Brooklyn Antediluvian, Boneshepards Cut to Bloom is neither delicate nor tidy. This immense work both elucidates and complicates ethnic, generational, and gender violence, examining women who fight for their humanity against those who seek to silence--indeed, erase--them.- Jeanann Verlee, author of Prey, Said the Manic to the Muse With keen eye, Wild carefully unpacks personal and political histories that the world would rather bury -- "a story with no mouth," as they beautifully put it.- Phil Kaye, author of Date & Time
Cut to Bloom - by  Arhm Choi Wild (Paperback)
The Frederick Follies - Poetic Treasures Derived from a Junkyard - by Juanita Alexandria Davis (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 98Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: AmericanFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Strategic Book Publishing & Rights Agency, LLCAge Range: AdultBook theme: African AmericanAuthor: Juanita Alexandria DavisLanguage: English Book Synopsis The poetry/prose collection The Frederick Follies: Poetic Treasures Derived from a Junkyard is based on the 1972-1977 TV show "Sanford and Son," set in the Watts section of Los Angeles.A huge fan of the old show, the author says, "I don't usually laugh out loud, as my sense of humor is different from most. 'Sanford and Son' is one of the few exceptions. I know every episode almost word for word, yet Fred's delivery still tickles to this day. He is my favorite comedic bigot."She adds, "Writing this book gives me an opportunity to create scenarios that never happened. As an author, I can place characters together that were not in the same scene or introduce characters who were mentioned but never made it on air. Therefore, if you don't recall certain things happening while reading this, it's because these certain things happened only in the space between my ears."The poem FREDERICK begins: My name is Frederick G Sanford; the G stands for "God only knows."I change what the G represents on each Sanford and Son episode.I'm rude, crude, and insulting to everyone, especially Lamont, my only son.If there's a day I don't call Lamont "dummy," he'd swear I was acting funny.Then there's Esther, the sister-in-law, a hands-down winner on being ugly.About The Author: Juanita Alexandria Davis was raised in the Rehoboth Beach area of Delaware. An admissions coordinator for a hospital, she currently lives in Baltimore, Maryland. This is her fourth solo book. She has also written part of two anthologies.
Big Dot of Happiness
The Frederick Follies - Poetic Treasures Derived from a Junkyard - by  Juanita Alexandria Davis (Paperback)
The Burning Souls - by Leon Degrelle (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 124Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: EuropeanFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Antelope Hill PublishingAge Range: AdultBook theme: FrenchAuthor: Leon DegrelleLanguage: English Book Synopsis Born to a Belgian family in the year 1906, Léon Joseph Marie Ignace Degrelle rose to prominence as a newspaper editor and head of the militant monarchist, Catholic, and anticommunist Parti Rexiste.Following the German occupation of Belgium, Degrelle and his party loyalists enlisted in the Wehrmacht-organized Walloon Legion to aid in the liberation of the peoples of the Soviet Republics. He raised approximately 6,000 volunteers over the course of the war, both for the Wehrmacht and, later, for the Waffen-SS. Barely a third of these volunteers would survive. Degrelle and his men were noted for extreme bravery, brutal ferocity in close quarters fighting, and an indomitable spirit of self-sacrifice, with Degrelle himself earning the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves. After the fall of Berlin, Degrelle made a daring escape from the crumbling Third Reich. He managed to reach Spain, where he was safeguarded by Franco's government. His native Belgium later sentenced him to death in absentia for collaboration with the Germans.Degrelle expressed no regrets for joining the war on the side of the Axis Powers, defending both his own actions and those of his superiors and comrades. He lived in Spain until his death of natural causes in 1994, and remained active in anticommunist and pan-European causes despite several attempts at his extradition, kidnapping, or assassination.The Burning Souls is Degrelle's reflection on his experiences and on the soul - part poetry, part memoir. In it, he traces his journey, from his idyllic childhood to the frozen steppes of Russia, not just as a physical journey but as a great spiritual trial. He instructs us that to give oneself completely, to be willing to weather all hardships in service of a transcendent ideal, is what is required to overcome the spiritual malaise of our day. The Burning Souls is now being made available for the first time in English by Antelope Hill Publishing.
SP Connect
The Burning Souls - by  Leon Degrelle (Paperback)
Where the Wild Blueberries Grow - by William Thornbro (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 132Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: GeneralFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Mayflower Center ResearchAge Range: AdultAuthor: William ThornbroLanguage: English About the Book This is a collection of poems for a purpose, and for all ages, including childhood and youth; to inspire, to encourage, to motivate and even to educate. It aspires to the contemplation of the facts of life from the highest point of view. Book Synopsis This is a collection of poems for a purpose, and for all ages, including childhood and youth; to inspire, to encourage, to motivate and even to educate. Its setting is in the natural world; it is a search for the old poet's wellspring; to be in the woods when it awakens in Spring; to walk the wooded deep as the Sun drifts slowly away to sleep. It is to watch the mist as it slowly rises, and to learn the words to the sparrow's song. It is the contemplation of the facts of life, of what is close to your heart, from the highest point of view.
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Where the Wild Blueberries Grow - by  William Thornbro (Paperback)
Miracle Mile - by Mar'ia Cristina Fern'andez (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 56Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: GeneralFormat: PaperbackPublisher: BlurbAge Range: AdultAuthor: María Cristina FernándezLanguage: Spanish Book Synopsis Miracle Mile es un libro de poemas nacidos al calor de la cocina de uno de los restaurantes más concurridos de un vecindario lujoso de Miami. De ahí el contraste entre esos dos mundos que el cristal separa. Poemas que hablan de esos seres que tocan fondo sólo para destellar en sus breves epifanías, robadas al ritmo galopante del preparar y servir. Una diversidad de tipos humanos desfilan por Miracle Mile, esperando algún tipo de milagro que les suavice la banalidad de sus destinos. Por momentos, el milagro de la poesía los roza y los alumbra.
C&F Home
Miracle Mile - by  Mar'ia Cristina Fern'andez (Paperback)
Perfectly Flawed - by Malak Kalmoni (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 78Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: Subjects & ThemesFormat: HardcoverPublisher: FriesenPressAge Range: AdultBook theme: FamilyAuthor: Malak KalmoniLanguage: English About the Book Beloved Flaw"Perfection, however perfect, can annoy, Rendering you unattainable, remote, coy, When in reality, you are just as humanely what Flawed as all the others who refute their faulty perfection." (p. 55)...
Perfectly Flawed - by  Malak Kalmoni (Hardcover)
Somewhere On The Edge Of I'm Sorry - by Carson Patrick Bowie (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 134Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: CanadianFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Carson BowieAge Range: AdultAuthor: Carson Patrick BowieLanguage: English Book Synopsis Somewhere On The Edge Of I'm Sorry is a brutally honest, healing, and emotional collection of prose by Canadian author Carson Patrick Bowie. The author dares you to judge a book by its cover while setting out with the intention to make you feel an entire range of emotions. At times both romantic and cynical, yet as heartfelt as it is heartbreaking.
Somewhere On The Edge Of I'm Sorry - by  Carson Patrick Bowie (Paperback)
Mind Full and Growing - by Michael Eric Jonas (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 90Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: AmericanFormat: PaperbackPublisher: My Creative Vitality LLCAge Range: AdultBook theme: GeneralAuthor: Michael Eric JonasLanguage: English Book Synopsis 'Mind Full and Growing' is a poetry book about self reflection through the sometimes confusing and anxiety prone journey of childhood to adulthood. Its themes are often dichotomious but at the same time co-exist: fear with hope, sadness with joy, self loathing and self love, pain and healing, self doubt and confidence, anxiety and persistence, reluctance and eagerness. And, pure and utter failure with glorious silver linings, however small, hard to find, or unexpected. Written for all of those who yearn to persist despite not knowing how the past and present will affect the future, this book will help you appreciate that you are not alone. Moreover, that it's possible to use what's in your head to not just tear yourself apart, but to lift yourself up to heights that at one time you concluded were beyond your reach.
Mind Full and Growing - by  Michael Eric Jonas (Paperback)
Lifting Myself By My Own Toes - by Bd Feil (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 84Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: GeneralFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Finishing Line PressAge Range: AdultAuthor: Bd FeilLanguage: English Book Synopsis In this first collection by Midwest writer BD Feil, Lifting Myself By My Own Toes, the poems pull from experiences and observations across the Great Lakes, from the cities of Chicago and Cleveland to the rurality of southeast Michigan and of northwest Ohio. Through memory and trial, familial legend and Nature, Feil examines the comfort of place and the discomfort of misplacement. In the first group of poems, "well-meaning strokes," BD Feil muses on the vitality of words and graspings at meaning. In "A Reading" he bemoans at jumping to a taste, a heavy burden akin to lifting "himself by his own toes." The next group of poems, "savages and monsters," alternates between standing inside and outside Nature, not only in the idealized worlds of "Heaven" and "Night" but in the longer poems of "Monster" and "In Which Mrs. Adams Observes And Passes Judgment On The Cottonwood And The Goldfinch" where observation spins into running narrative. In the poems of "red-knuckled apples," Feil likens himself to fruit "left hanging to the end" andf digs into memory, of his own and of his family. In "Visiting" he remembers eavesdropping on stories peopled with "names like Florence and Rhiney and two Edwins." Finally, the last section, "now is the time for the sighing," deals with the quest for place, either in the larger universe or in the intimacy of the mirror as in "Boy and a Button" where a child lays out his likes and dislikes all the while "his little fingers weaving/ exquisite patterns against/ a bright blue sky no one/ but him has ever noticed." Poems in this collection by BD Feil have been nominated for Pushcart Prizes as well as appearing in journals like Poet Lore, Slice Magazine, The Penn Review, New Plains Review, Margie, and Plainsongs.
Lifting Myself By My Own Toes - by  Bd Feil (Paperback)
Rose Petals - by Beatrice Lawrence (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 40Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: GeneralFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Balboa Press AuAge Range: AdultAuthor: Beatrice LawrenceLanguage: English Book Synopsis This treasure cove is filled with beautifully encouraging and inspirational poems to inspire and motivate the body, mind and soul. This collection of poems is for the avid poetry reader who enjoys beautiful descriptions and vivid images of life in its many intricate forms. I hope to immerse my readers in my thoughts, descriptions and experiences.
Rose Petals - by  Beatrice Lawrence (Paperback)
A Year of the Haiku - by James Maxfield (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 84Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: HaikuFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Go to PublishAge Range: AdultAuthor: James MaxfieldLanguage: English Book Synopsis A Year of the Haiku features 365 new haiku poems by James Maxfield written as a year-long experiment of composing one haiku poem each day during the year 2013 using only the words provided by Haikubes-a set of sixty-three die pieces with five words on each piece. The book includes a detailed preface about the author's process and experience writing this collection as well as a brief but scholarly introduction to haiku poetry suitable for the beginner or the experienced haiku poet.
A Year of the Haiku - by  James Maxfield (Paperback)
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