Stars and Planets - (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 32Genre: ScienceSub-Genre: AstronomyFormat: HardcoverPublisher: HarperCollins UKAge Range: TeenLanguage: English Book Synopsis A comprehensive guide to all the stars and celestial objects visible with the use of binoculars or an average-sized telescope, this fully revised edition features updated and extended text, improved sky charts, and new diagrams and photographs.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Mythic Adventures - by Jason Bulmahn (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 256Genre: GamesSub-Genre: Role Playing & FantasyFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Paizo Inc.Age Range: TeenAuthor: Jason BulmahnLanguage: English About the Book "Based on the original roleplaying game rules designed by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and inspired by the third edition of the game designed by Monte Cook, Jonathan Tweet, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison"--Title page verso. Book Synopsis From humble beginnings to the lofty heights of world-spanning power, Mythic Adventures serves as the gateway to an entirely new style of high adventure, with innovative rules that fit seamlessly with all levels of standard Pathfinder RPG play. Whether you're creating an entire mythic campaign charting the journey of legendary heroes, or just a single session to give your characters a taste of greater power, Mythic Adventures has all the tools you need to craft an unforgettable game! Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Mythic Adventures introduces six powerful mythic paths for characters to explore (archmage, champion, guardian, hierophant, marshall, and trickster), as well as new mythic feats, spells, magic items, artifacts, and legendary items, over 40 mythic monsters to challenge your characters, and an extensive guide to help Game Masters craft mythic stories.
Nos Llamaron Enemigo (They Called Us Enemy Spanish Edition) - by George Takei & Justin Eisinger & Steven Scott (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 208Genre: Comics + Graphic NovelsSub-Genre: NonfictionFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Top Shelf ProductionsAge Range: TeenBook theme: Biography & MemoirAuthor: George Takei & Justin Eisinger & Steven ScottLanguage: Spanish About the Book "George Takei ha capturado corazones y mentes en todo el mundo con su cautivadora presencia en el escena y su compromiso incondicional con la igualdad de derechos. Pero, mucho antes de alcanzar nuevas fronteras en Star Trek, se despertâo de niäno, a los cuatro aänos, para encontrar a su paâis natal en guerra con el de su padre... y a su familia entera forzada a abandonar su hogar, rumbo a un futuro incierto. En 1942, bajo âordenes del presidente Franklin D. Roosevelt, cada persona de ascendencia japonesa en la costa oeste fue capturada y enviada a uno de diez 'centros de reubicaciâon, ' a cientos o miles de millas de sus hogares, donde permanecerâian durante aänos bajo vigilancia armada. Nos llamaron enemigo es la historia en primera persona de Takei sobre esos aänos detrâas de una alambrada de pâuas, las alegrâias y terrores de crecer bajo un racismo legalizado, las difâiciles elecciones de su madre, la fe inquebrantable de su padre en la democracia y câomo estas experiencias sembraron las semillas de su asombroso futuro"--Publisher. Book Synopsis The award-winning New York Times Bestseller, now in Spanish! En estas impactantes memorias en formato de novela gráfica, el actor/autor/activista George Takei rememora sucesos imborrables de su infancia en los campos de concentración en América, como uno de los 120,000 japoneses americanos encarcelados por el Gobierno de EE. UU. durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Experimenta las fuerzas que moldearon a un icono americano -- y a América misma -- en esta historia apasionante de coraje, arraigo, lealtad y amor. George Takei ha capturado corazones y mentes por todo el mundo con su cautivadora presencia en escena y su compromiso incondicional con la igualdad de derechos. Pero, mucho antes de alcanzar nuevas fronteras en Star Trek, se despertó de niño, a los cuatro años, para encontrar a su país natal en guerra contra el de su padre... y a su familia entera forzada a abandonar su hogar, rumbo a un futuro incierto. En 1942, bajo órdenes del presidente Franklin D. Roosevelt, cada persona de ascendencia japonesa en la costa oeste fue capturada y enviada a uno de diez "centros de reubicación", a cientos o miles de millas de sus hogares, donde permanecerían durante años bajo vigilancia armada. Nos llamaron Enemigo es la historia en primera persona de Takei sobre esos años detrás de una alambrada de púas, las alegrías y terrores de crecer bajo un racismo legalizado, las difíciles elecciones de su madre, la fe inquebrantable de su padre en la democracia y cómo estas experiencias sembraron las semillas de su asombroso futuro. ¿Qué significa ser americano? ¿Quién puede determinarlo? Cuando el mundo está en tu contra ¿qué puede hacer un solo individuo? Para contestar a estas preguntas, George Takei se une a los escritores Justin Eisinger y Steven Scott y a la artista Harmony Becker en el recorrido de toda una vida. English Edition: They Called Us Enemy/Takei, Eisinger, Scott, Becker/9781603094504/7-16-19 Review Quotes "Esta historia de George Takei nos revela importantes lecciones sobre el encarcelamiento de japoneses americanos durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial que aún hay que aprender hoy en día. Nos llamaron Enemigo es una obra indispensable para lectores de todas las edades." - Karen Korematsu, fundadora y directora ejecutiva del Instituto Fred T. Korematsu About the Author Con una carrera como actor que abarca seis décadas, George Takei es conocido en todo el mundo por su papel fundacional en la aclamada serie de televisión Star Trek, donde interpretó a Hikaru Sulu, timonel de la nave Enterprise. Pero la historia de Takei llega hasta donde pocas historias han llegado antes. Desde una infancia con su familia encarcelada indebidamente en campos de internamiento para japoneses americanos durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, hasta convertirse en una de las figuras principales en la lucha por la justicia social, derechos LGTBQ e igualdad de matrimonio, Takei sigue siendo una voz poderosa en asuntos que van desde la política hasta la cultura pop. nombró a Takei la persona más influyente en Facebook, con 10.4 millones de likes y 2.8 millones de seguidores en Twitter. Takei ha sido un promotor apasionado de la justicia social, voz defensora de los derechos humanos y activista comunitario. Ha servido como portavoz para el Proyecto Nacional para Salir del Clóset de Human Rights Campaign y fue el presidente de Asuntos Culturales de la Liga de Ciudadanos Japoneses Americanos. Es también presidente emérito y patrón del Museo Nacional Japonés Americano en Los Ángeles. Formó parte de la Comisión de Amistad Japón-EE. UU., nombrado por el presidente Clinton, y el Gobierno de Japón le concedió la Orden del Sol Naciente con Rayos Dorados y Roseta por sus contribuciones a las relaciones entre EE. UU. y Japón. Este honor le fue entregado por Su Majestad el Emperador Akihito, en el Palacio Imperial en Tokio. Justin Eisinger es el director editorial de novela gráfica y antologías de IDW Publishing, donde ha pasado más de una docena de años sumergido en el mundo de la narración visual. Después de un encuentro decisivo con el pionero de los derechos civiles y autor de March, el diputado John Lewis, Eisinger dedicó su experiencia a adaptar películas y episodios de televisión de títulos como My Little Pony, Transformers y Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles para ahora llevar historias cautivadoras de no-ficción a los lectores. Nacido en Akron, Ohio, vive en San Diego, California, con su mujer y dos perros, y en su tiempo libre edita la única revista norteamericana sobre patinaje en línea. Desde la publicación de su cómic debut en 2010, Steven Scott ha trabajado habitualmente en el mundo del cómic, más notablemente como publicista. Sus escrituras han aparecido en publicaciones de Archie Comics, Arcana Studios y la revista Heavy Metal. Como blogger/columnista, ha escrito para páginas web de cultura pop como Forces of Geek, Great Scott Comics y PopMatters. Harmony Becker es artista e ilustradora. Es la creadora de los cómics Humawari Share, Love Potion y Anemone y Catharus. Pertenece a una familia multicultural y ha vivido en Corea del Sur y en Japón. Su obra a menudo se centra en el tema de las barreras lingüísticas y cómo afectan a la gente y a sus relaciones. Vive en Columbus, Ohio.
Chinese Myths and Legends - (All about Myths) by Anita Ganeri (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 48Genre: Social ScienceSub-Genre: Folklore & MythologySeries Title: All about MythsFormat: PaperbackPublisher: RaintreeAge Range: TeenAuthor: Anita GaneriLanguage: English About the Book The Ancient Chinese lived thousands of years ago, but their myths are filled with characters, creatures, and stories that have fascinated people ever since. This book mixes dramatic retellings and non-fiction information to give a full picture of Chinese myths, exploring the gods, goddesses, heroes, villains, tricksters, and quests that make Chinese myths and legends so compelling. Book Synopsis The Ancient Chinese lived thousands of years ago, but their myths are filled with characters, creatures, and stories that have fascinated people ever since. This book mixes dramatic retellings and nonfiction information to give a full picture of Chinese myths, exploring the gods, goddesses, heroes, villains, tricksters, and quests that make Chinese myths and legends so compelling.
Invincible Volume 14: The Viltrumite War - by Robert Kirkman (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 196Genre: Comics + Graphic NovelsSub-Genre: SuperheroesSeries Title: InvincibleFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Image ComicsAge Range: TeenAuthor: Robert KirkmanLanguage: English About the Book "Created by Robert Kirkman & Cory Walker." Book Synopsis Collecting Invincible #71-78, chronicling the Viltrumite War in its entirety, with Invincible and his strongest allies pitted against the entire Viltrumite race. Spanning across the universe, no planet, species, or hero is safe from this epic battle!
Kate & Laurel All Things Decor
The Raven - by Edgar Allan Poe (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 14Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: AmericanFormat: HardcoverPublisher: ABRAMSAge Range: TeenBook theme: GeneralAuthor: Edgar Allan PoeLanguage: English Book Synopsis Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven" is one of the most widely recognized poems in the English language. When it first appeared in the New York Evening Mirror in 1845, the poem made Poe an overnight sensation. Master paper engineer David Pelham amazes us once again with his pop-up design interpreting this haunting love story. About the Author Edgar Allan Poe, the 19th-century writer, is known for his gothic and macabre work. David Pelham, a designer and paper engineer, has created numerous bestselling children's books. Christopher Wormell, an outstanding artist and printmaker, has written and illustrated a variety of children's books. Pelham and Wormell reside in London.
Josephine Baker - by Jose-Luis Bocquet (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 496Genre: Biography + AutobiographySub-Genre: Entertainment & Performing ArtsFormat: PaperbackPublisher: SelfmadeheroAge Range: TeenAuthor: Jose-Luis BocquetLanguage: English About the Book Josephine Baker was nineteen years old when she found herself in Paris for the first time in 1925. Overnight, the young American dancer became the idol of the Roaring Twenties, captivating Picasso, Cocteau, Le Corbusier, and Simenon. In the liberating atmosphere of the 1930s, Baker rose to fame as the first black star on the world stage, from London to Vienna, Alexandria to Buenos Aires. This graphic novel biography tells her story. Book Synopsis Josephine Baker (1906-1975) was nineteen years old when she found herself in Paris for the first time in 1925. Overnight, the young American dancer became the idol of the Roaring Twenties, captivating Picasso, Cocteau, Le Corbusier, and Simenon. In the liberating atmosphere of the 1930s, Baker rose to fame as the first black star on the world stage, from London to Vienna, Alexandria to Buenos Aires. After World War II, and her time in the French Resistance, Baker devoted herself to the struggle against racial segregation, publicly battling the humiliations she had for so long suffered personally. She led by example, and over the course of the 1950s adopted twelve orphans of different ethnic backgrounds: a veritable Rainbow Tribe. A victim of racism throughout her life, Josephine Baker would sing of love and liberty until the day she died. About the Author Catel Muller is an award-winning comics artist. She lives in Paris José-Luis Bocquet is a novelist and comics writer. He lives in Paris.
The Urantia Book - by Urantia Foundation (Leather Bound)
Number of Pages: 2097Genre: Religion + BeliefsSub-Genre: SpiritualityFormat: Leather BoundPublisher: Urantia FoundationAge Range: TeenAuthor: Urantia FoundationLanguage: English About the Book You have just discovered the literary masterpiece that answers your questions about God, life in the inhabited universe, the history and future of this world, and the life of Jesus. The Urantia Book harmonizes history, science, and religion into a philosophy of living that brings new meaning and hope into your life. If you are searching for answers, read The Urantia Book! The world needs new spiritual truth that provides modern men and women with an intellectual pathway into a personal relationship with God. Building on the world's religious heritage, The Urantia Book describes an endless destiny for humankind, teaching that living faith is the key to personal spiritual progress and eternal survival. These teachings provide new truths powerful enough to uplift and advance human thinking and believing for the next 1000 years. A third of The Urantia Book is the inspiring story of Jesus' entire life and a revelation of his original teachings. This panoramic narrative includes his birth, childhood, teenage years, adult travels and adventures, public ministry, crucifixion, and 19 resurrection appearances. This inspiring story recasts Jesus from the leading figure of Christianity into the guide for seekers of all faiths and all walks of life. Book Synopsis You have just discovered the literary masterpiece that answers your questions about God, life in the inhabited universe, the history and future of this world, and the life of Jesus. The Urantia Book harmonizes history, science, and religion into a philosophy of living that brings new meaning and hope into your life. If you are searching for answers, read The Urantia Book! The world needs new spiritual truth that provides modern men and women with an intellectual pathway into a personal relationship with God. Building on the world's religious heritage, The Urantia Book describes an endless destiny for humankind, teaching that living faith is the key to personal spiritual progress and eternal survival. These teachings provide new truths powerful enough to uplift and advance human thinking and believing for the next 1000 years. A third of The Urantia Book is the inspiring story of Jesus' entire life and a revelation of his original teachings. This panoramic narrative includes his birth, childhood, teenage years, adult travels and adventures, public ministry, crucifixion, and 19 resurrection appearances. This inspiring story recasts Jesus from the leading figure of Christianity into the guide for seekers of all faiths and all walks of life. About the Author The text of The Urantia Book was provided by one or more anonymous contributors working with a small staff which provided editorial and administrative support during the book's creation. The book bears no particular credentials (from a human viewpoint), relying instead on the power and beauty of the writing itself to persuade the reader of its authenticity. The Urantia Foundation is based in Chicago, IL.
Star Wars: Darth Vader - Dark Lord of the Sith Vol. 2 - (Star Wars: Darth Vader - Dark Lord of the Sith (2017)) (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 136Genre: Comics + Graphic NovelsSub-Genre: Science FictionSeries Title: Star Wars: Darth Vader - Dark Lord of the Sith (2017)Format: PaperbackPublisher: MarvelAge Range: TeenLanguage: English About the Book Jocasta Nu, the Jedi Temple librarian, makes a desperate effort to gather and preserve whatever she can of the Jedi legacy after the purge. Vader and the Grand Inquisitor are sent after her. Her knowledge makes her almost a one-woman Jedi Order that must be stopped. Collects #7-12. Book Synopsis Vader's story continues! Jocasta Nu, the Jedi Temple librarian, puts forth a desperate eff ort to gather and preserve whatever he can of the Jedi legacy after the purge. Vader and the Grand Inquisitor cannot let Jocasta succeed and are sent after her, as alpatine views her as a particular threat. Her knowledge makes her almost a one-woman Jedi Order that must be stopped. COLLECTING: DARTH VADER 7-12
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Shattered Grid Deluxe Edition - by Kyle Higgins & Ryan Parrott (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 480Genre: Comics + Graphic NovelsSub-Genre: Media Tie-InSeries Title: Mighty Morphin Power RangersFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Boom! StudiosAge Range: TeenAuthor: Kyle Higgins & Ryan ParrottLanguage: English About the Book Collected together for the first time this deluxe edition includes Go Go Power Rangers: Shattered Grid, following Lord Drakkon's loyal Ranger Slayer--a brainwashed Kimberly Hart from an alternate future--as she travels back in time to defeat the Rangers at their most vulnerable.ulnerable. Book Synopsis Lord Drakkon, the evil alternate-universe Tommy Oliver with both the Green and White Ranger powers, attacks Rangers from across all eras to reshape reality. THE BIGGEST COMIC BOOK EVENT IN POWER RANGERS HISTORY! Lord Drakkon--a twisted alternate-reality version of Tommy Oliver (AKA the Mighty Morphin Green Ranger)--and his newly reformed army are crossing dimensions in order to execute an all-out attack that threatens the very existence of every Power Ranger ever. For the first time in comic book history, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers will join forces with some of the most popular Power Rangers teams in the franchise from across time and space to face the ultimate that will mean the death of a Ranger! Collected together for the first time this deluxe edition includes Go Go Power Rangers: Shattered Grid, following Lord Drakkon's loyal Ranger Slayer--a brainwashed Kimberly Hart from an alternate future--as she travels back in time to defeat the Rangers at their most vulnerable. Before Tommy Oliver, before the Green Ranger, the Power Rangers must find a way to defeat Drakkon's most fearsome soldier yet. Join New York Times best-selling writers Kyle Higgins (Nightwing) and Ryan Parrott (Star Trek) and critically acclaimed artists Daniele Di Nicuolo (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Pink), Dan Mora (Klaus) and Diego Galindo (Red Sonja) for the Power Rangers epic that redefined the comic book series. Collects Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #25-30, Go Go Power Rangers #9-12, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Free Comic Book Day Special, and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Shattered Grid #1. Features an all new short story set during Shattered Grid! About the Author Dan Mora is an artist whose work includes Buffyverse comics from Boom! Studios.
Floating Notes - by Babak Lakghomi (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 120Genre: Fiction + Literature GenresSub-Genre: LiteraryFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Tyrant BooksAge Range: TeenAuthor: Babak LakghomiLanguage: English About the Book "Floating Notes is a novella of mystery, murder, intrigue, and love. In the space of a hundred pages, Lakghomi wroughts a unique narrator, a god in a rented room, where things appear and disappear from his life. And people are watching―or maybe they're not. There are no clear answers, there are no solutions, and everything is anything in Floating Notes."-- Book Synopsis Floating Notes is a novella of mystery, murder, intrigue, and love. In the space of a hundred pages, Lakghomi wroughts a unique narrator, a god in a rented room, where things appear and disappear from his life. And people are watching―or maybe they're not. There are no clear answers, there are no solutions, and everything is anything in Floating Notes Review Quotes Floating Notes is a lonely and provocative book. Lakghomi gives us a riddle unraveled but never solved. His people cling to artifacts they cannot decipher in a landscape stripped of beauty, lawless and volatile, a place of symbols that will not cohere. - Noy Holland, author of I Was Trying to Describe What It Feels Like "Wholly original, raw, scary, almost too close to life, almost too honest. A dangerous voice, a real artist. And yet, full of compassion for the lonely, heartbreaking project of trying to be a decent human being in a world of accelerating alienation." -Clancy Martin, author of "How to Sell" and "Bad Sex"
Broken - (Girl in the Box) by Robert J Crane (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 154Genre: Fiction + Literature GenresSub-Genre: FantasySeries Title: Girl in the BoxFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Reikonos PressAge Range: TeenBook theme: ContemporaryAuthor: Robert J CraneLanguage: English About the Book "Sienna Nealon is a broken human being. Her lover is dead, her closest friends have deserted her, and her employers have betrayed her. From the ashes of her desperation, she must master the metahuman powers at her command and finally tame the souls that share her body for one ultimate purpose: revenge against the ones who destroyed her life"--Page 4 of cover. Book Synopsis Sienna Nealon is a broken human being. Her lover is dead, her closest friends have deserted her, and her employers have betrayed her. From the ashes of her desperation, she must master the metahuman powers at her command and finally tame the souls that share her body for one ultimate purpose - revenge against the ones who destroyed her life.Note: This is book six of the series and may not make sense to new readers. Book one is titled Alone, and is presently available for free in ebook formats.
The Best of Ray Bradbury - by Ray D Bradbury (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 162Genre: Comics + Graphic NovelsSub-Genre: Science FictionFormat: PaperbackPublisher: IBooksAge Range: TeenAuthor: Ray D BradburyLanguage: English About the Book Over a period of four years, from 1992-1996, the world's best comic book artists adapted Grand Master Ray Bradbury's best stories in a series of different graphic novel formats. Now, for the first time, the best of these stories by the illustrators comics fans crave are collected in a single affordable volume. Book Synopsis Gr. 6-up. Here's a collection that will have graphic novel fans and die-hard Bradbury readers scrambling for the shelves. Some of the best artists in the business have adapted the author's short stories for the comics page. Each adaptation is accompanied by a preface by Bradbury, offering insight into the inspiration for the story, and each artist is paired with a story that suits his artwork perfectly. Among the best are "Come into My Cellar," from Dave Gibbons (of Watchmen fame), a Tales from the Crypt -like story of invaders from outer space, complete with a cliff-hanger ending and retro artwork, and "The Golden Apples of the Sun," adapted by P. Craig Russell (Sandman), an interstellar exploration of the uninhabitable star. A wonderful showcase of graphic novel artists and a great introduction for readers new to Bradbury's dark fantasy world. -Carlos Orellana
Harry Potter Poster Collection - (Insights Poster Collections) by Warner Bros Consumer Products Inc (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 40Genre: Performing ArtsSub-Genre: FilmSeries Title: Insights Poster CollectionsFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Insight EditionsAge Range: TeenBook theme: GeneralAuthor: Warner Bros Consumer Products IncLanguage: English About the Book This collection features the most dramatic national and international movie posters created during the entire eight-film run. This elegant, large-scale format captures the magic of the films with 40 artfully selected, display-worthy posters. Full color. Consumable. Book Synopsis Demonstrating Harry Potter's global reach and unparalleled visual impact, Harry Potter: The Definitive Movie Posters features the most dramatic national and international movie posters created during the entire eight-film run. This elegant, large-scale fo Demonstrating Harry Potter's global reach and unparalleled visual impact, Harry Potter: The Definitive Movie Posters features the most dramatic national and international movie posters created during the entire eight-film run. This elegant, large-scale format captures the magic of the films with forty artfully selected, display-worthy posters. Fans will get a sense of the mounting excitement that surrounded the screenings worldwide. Beloved characters, powerful emotions, and thrilling moments leap from the page. The posters are printed on glossy cardstock inside a protective cover. Easily removable as full sheets, they're crease-free and perfect for displaying. Featured images include the iconic depiction of Hagrid and young Harry looking up at Hogwarts castle; the all-knowing gazes of Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall; the romantic Yule Ball costumes; the chilling face of Voldemort; and many others. You'll want to display each and every image! About the Author Warner Bros. Entertainmentis a fully integrated, broad-based entertainment company a global leader in the creation, production, distribution, licensing and marketing of creative content and its related businesses across multiple current and emerging media and platforms."
The Short Victorious War, 3 - (Honor Harrington) by David Weber (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 416Genre: Fiction + Literature GenresSub-Genre: Science FictionSeries Title: Honor HarringtonFormat: PaperbackPublisher: BaenAge Range: TeenBook theme: MilitaryAuthor: David WeberLanguage: English Book Synopsis The Peeps Have Bitten Off More Than They Can Chew. . . .The rulers of the People's Republic of Haven are in trouble and revolt is brewing, so it's high time for a short victorious war. But Honor Harrington is going to give them a war that's neither short nor victorious. About the Author With more than eight million copies of his books in print and 33 titles on the New York Times bestseller list, David Weber is a science fiction powerhouse. In the vastly popular Honor Harrington series, the spirit of C.S. Forester's Horatio Hornblower and Patrick O'Brian's Master and Commander lives on--into the galactic future. Books in the Honor Harrington and Honorverse series have appeared on 21 bestseller lists, including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and USA Today. Additional Honorverse collaborations include the spin-off miniseries Manticore Ascendant with New York Times best-selling author, Timothy Zahn; and with Eric Flint, Crown of Slaves and Cauldron of Ghosts contribute to his illustrious list of New York Times and international bestseller lists. Best known for his spirited, modern-minded space operas, Weber is also the creator of the Oath of Swords fantasy series and the Dahak saga, a science fiction and fantasy hybrid. Weber has also engaged in a steady stream of best-selling collaborations: the Starfire Series with Steve White; The Empire of Man Series with John Ringo; the Multiverse Series with Linda Evans and Joelle Presby; and the Ring of Fire Series with Eric Flint. David Weber makes his home in South Carolina with his wife and children.
The Barbary Pirates - by C S Forester (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 70Genre: Literary CollectionsSub-Genre: GeneralFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Must Have BooksAge Range: TeenAuthor: C S ForesterLanguage: English Book Synopsis C.S. Forester, creator of the beloved Horatio Hornblower series, takes readers on an exciting adventure to the shores of Tripoli in North Africa. That's where, more than 200 years ago, the United States was threatened by pirates who snatched American merchant ships and imprisoned sailors - and the country's young, untested navy took on the task of fighting the pirates in their home waters. This true tale features thrilling ocean battles, hand-to-hand combat, and the first landing on foreign soil by the US Marines, and it's as fresh and relevant today as when it was first published.
Pupil Book 2 - (Collins Primary Literacy) by Karina Law (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 96Genre: Language + Art + DisciplinesSub-Genre: GeneralSeries Title: Collins Primary LiteracyFormat: PaperbackPublisher: HarperCollins UKAge Range: TeenAuthor: Karina LawLanguage: English Book Synopsis Written by teachers for teachers to perfectly support the renewed framework, Collins Primary Literacy is a whole school language program that builds key reading, writing, speaking and listening skills through structured creative work. It provides practical teaching ideas and clear assessment for every unit, so that you can focus on teaching. With fiction, non-fiction and poetry by best children's authors for your class to read and explore, Collins Primary Literacy provides engaging activities matched to the Renewed Framework that will save you time and give you lots of ideas. Each unit is built around three distinct phases - Engage, Explore and Create - during which children move through a learning pathway that develops key literacy skills. Active learning is at the heart of Collins Primary Literacy, with an emphasis on speaking, listening and drama work. Children are encouraged to work reflectively, with built-in opportunities for paired work and critical thinking. Opportunities for assessment are threaded throughout the teaching sequence, with further support given in the form of progress sheets for assessing writing.
Book of Black Heroes - by Gil L Robertson (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 82Genre: Biography + AutobiographySub-Genre: Cultural, Ethnic & RegionalFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Just Us Books, Inc.Age Range: TeenBook theme: GeneralAuthor: Gil L RobertsonLanguage: English About the Book The highly anticipated fourth installment of the Book of Black Heroes series, Political Leaders Past and Present, spotlights African American who have made valuable contributions in U.S. government leadership. Book Synopsis The highly anticipated fourth installment of the Book of Black Heroes series, Political Leaders Past and Present, spotlights African American who have made valuable contributions in U.S. government leadership. Included are Hiram Revels, P.B.S. Pinchback and Robert Smalls, among the first African Americans to hold political offices, Oscar De Priest and Adam Clayton Powell, Jr, who served during the Jim Crow period as well as Edward M. Brooke, Shirley Chisholm, Barbara Jordan, John Lewis, John Conyers, Carl Stokes, and others who emerged during the 1960s on the heels of major civil rights legislation that gave millions of African American the right to vote. New political leaders are also featured, including Keith Ellison, Kamala Harris, Mia Love and Tim Scott.Book of Black Heroes: Political Leaders Past and Present celebrates 150 years of African-American political leadership, profiling more than four dozen Black U.S. local and state representatives, mayors, members of Congress, and the nation;s first Black president - all of whom helped make and shape history.
Ath for the Ib Diploma: The Move to Global War S&r Guide - by Russell Quinlan (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 128Genre: EducationSub-Genre: GeneralFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Hodder EducationAge Range: TeenAuthor: Russell QuinlanLanguage: English Book Synopsis Reinforce knowledge and develop exam skills with revision of key historical content, exam-focussed activities and guidance from experts as part of the Access to History Series. - Take control of revision with helpful revision tools and techniques, and content broken into easy-to-revise chunks. - Revise key historical content and practise exam technique in context with related exam-focussed activities. - Build exam skills with Exam Focus at the end of each chapter, containing exam questions with sample answers and examiner commentary, to show you what is required in the exam.
Bullettime - by Nick Mamatas (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 218Genre: Fiction + Literature GenresSub-Genre: FantasyFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Open Road MediaAge Range: TeenBook theme: ContemporaryAuthor: Nick MamatasLanguage: English Book Synopsis "Think Run Lola Run by way of the Columbine massacre. . . . A noir steeped in teenage misery and revenge" by the author of Sensation and Sabbath (Backlisted). Every day, Dave Holbrook runs the gauntlet of high school in northern New Jersey, complete with racial tensions, bullying, and outright violence. His home life isn't so great either. His mother's an alcoholic and his father can't be bothered. So Dave subsists on over-the-counter cough syrup and his love for her . . . She's a transfer student, a waitress, a goddess of discord named Eris. And she offers Dave a way out of his miserable existence--and into an infinite number of tragically short lives. In one, he dies of bronchitis as a baby. In another, he has a job installing lottery machines until a fatal car wreck. And in the darkest one of all, he arms himself with an Uzi and walks into his school. No matter what happens, it seems, Dave is trapped on a never-ending ride of infinite possibilities--with Eris at the wheel. "Nick Mamatas's work is often so relevant and timely as to border on the prophetic, and his fourth solo novel is no exception. It may also be his most accessible book to date, which is all the more impressive when you consider its non-linear, unique structure, and the Gus Van Sant-sized elephant in the classroom--Bullettime centers around a miserable teenager shooting up his high school." --Strange Horizons "Complex, ambitious . . . Readers willing to venture off the beaten path will be intrigued by Dave's sometimes pathetic and sometimes oddly endearing life stories." --Publishers Weekly "Mamatas's strong voice shines." --SF Signal About the Author Nick Mamatas is the author of several novels, including Move Under Ground, I Am Providence, and The Second Shooter. His short fiction has appeared in The Best American Mystery Stories and The Year's Best Science Fiction & Fantasy, and on, among other venues. Mamatas is also an editor and anthologist, coediting Bram Stoker Award winner Haunted Legends with Ellen Datlow and Locus Award nominees The Future Is Japanese and Hanzai Japan with Masumi Washington. His contemporary anthology Wonder & Glory Forever collects mostly recent fiction in the Lovecraftian mode. Mamatas's fiction and editorial work has variously been nominated for Hugo, World Fantasy, and International Horror Guild Awards.
Raised in Ruins - by Tara Neilson (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 272Genre: Biography + AutobiographySub-Genre: Personal MemoirsFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Alaska Northwest BooksAge Range: TeenAuthor: Tara NeilsonLanguage: English About the Book "A personal memoir of Tara Neilson's unconventional childhood growing up in the burnt remains of an old cannery in remote Southeast Alaska"-- Book Synopsis An extraordinary memoir of a woman's unconventional childhood growing up in the Alaskan wilderness, on the grounds where the burned remains of a cannery once stood. In the 1980s the Neilson family moved out on a floathouse to the remote site of a former cannery in Southeast Alaska that had burned to the ground before statehood. They were miles away from any neighbors, surrounded on all sides by wolves, bears and other wildlife, entering the world of subsistence living in an uninviting land of dangerous weather and storms; yet the Neilsons were able to make themselves a home where few others would have found possible. Led by a jack-of-all-trades handyman for a father and a mother who was afraid of everything in the wilderness, Tara and her four siblings cleared the rough terrain to build atop the blackened, rusty ruins a new way of life that was completely their own. From a young age, Tara learned that anything was possible, so long as one can imagine it and then make it happen. When given her mother's impractical design of a six-bedroom house, her father picked up his tools and crafted it into a reality. To reach the closest community, they built a wooden boat sixteen feet long for the perilous journey on the water. The Alaska wilds required independence and self-sufficiency from the family, and in return it provided a natural landscape that inspired romantic passion and unlimited dreams. With endless forest on one side and the wide ocean on the other, Tara embraced the lonesomeness of the burned cannery ruins that she called home, and often wondered what it once was with its people inside, their stories, where they went, and what happened to them. Beautifully poignant and completely original, Raised in Ruins escapes into the wilderness to discover a piece of Alaskan history wrapped in an incredible family adventure fueled by love, strength, hard work, endurance, and boundless imagination.
Raised in Ruins - by Tara Neilson (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 272Genre: Biography + AutobiographySub-Genre: Personal MemoirsFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Alaska Northwest BooksAge Range: TeenAuthor: Tara NeilsonLanguage: English About the Book "A personal memoir of Tara Neilson's unconventional childhood growing up in the burnt remains of an old cannery in remote Southeast Alaska"-- Book Synopsis Featured on LitHub. An extraordinary memoir of a woman's unconventional childhood growing up in the Alaskan wilderness, on the grounds where the burned remains of a cannery once stood. In the 1980s the Neilson family moved out on a floathouse to the remote site of a former cannery in Southeast Alaska that had burned to the ground before statehood. They were miles away from any neighbors, surrounded on all sides by wolves, bears and other wildlife, entering the world of subsistence living in an uninviting land of dangerous weather and storms; yet the Neilsons were able to make themselves a home where few others would have found possible. Led by a jack-of-all-trades handyman for a father and a mother who was afraid of everything in the wilderness, Tara and her four siblings cleared the rough terrain to build atop the blackened, rusty ruins a new way of life that was completely their own.From a young age, Tara learned that anything was possible, so long as one can imagine it and then make it happen. When given her mother's impractical design of a six-bedroom house, her father picked up his tools and crafted it into a reality. To reach the closest community, they built a wooden boat sixteen feet long for the perilous journey on the water. The Alaska wilds required independence and self-sufficiency from the family, and in return it provided a natural landscape that inspired romantic passion and unlimited dreams. With endless forest on one side and the wide ocean on the other, Tara embraced the lonesomeness of the burned cannery ruins that she called home, and often wondered what it once was with its people inside, their stories, where they went, and what happened to them.Beautifully poignant and completely original, Raised in Ruins escapes into the wilderness to discover a piece of Alaskan history wrapped in an incredible family adventure fueled by love, strength, hard work, endurance, and boundless imagination. Review Quotes Describes an upbringing in which the realities and challenges of subsistence living coincided with memorable adventures and natural wonder.-- "Library Journal"If anyone doubts that children are resilient, capable of handling a harsh environment and sometimes fragile family circumstances with their love for the outdoors and family intact, this book proves that they are -- or at least can be. . . While Raised in Ruins is her first book, we can hope for much more from this attentive, compassionate, imaginative, resourceful and very skillful writer. -- "Anchorage Daily News"Tara Neilson reflects on a childhood spent in the wilderness, preparing for the apocalypse.-- "Literary Hub"Unique Childhood: A Memoir of Escape and Home. As a kid living the frontier life in the ruins of an old cannery in southeast Alaska with her family, Tara Neilson discovered the joys of roaming free, the hard work of homeschooling, and the challenges of existing outside of society's lines. Raised in Ruins takes readers on a journey only Neilson can tell, through adventures with siblings, her parents' relationships to work and wilderness, surviving bear encounters, and how the author formed her unique perception of time. Sprinkled throughout with bits of regional and cannery history, this memoir paints a picture of a time and place forever.-- "Alaska Magazine"When 9 year-old Tara Neilson, parents, and 4 young siblings moved out to an abandoned cannery near Wrangell in 1980, they were resettling a piece of Alaska history. Canneries were the engines that drove the coastal economy for a good century, and when refrigeration allowed canneries to move into town, many, essentially whole little villages in the wilderness, were abandoned overnight. Tara's dad worked at a distant logging camp, boated home for weekends, Mom did what she could. But as Tara puts it, the kids turned feral. Lucky for us, young Tara kept a journal: of adventures, of new skills learned, some small: how to make Walkman batteries last longer. But some critical: how to safely drive a small boat full of siblings through rough waters, how to deal with bears on the trail home. But her book is also a reflection on place: the aura of the cannery that surrounded them, the children wondering about the immigrants from many countries who spent so much of their lives there. Neilson completes the circle by finding and sharing accounts of the lives of some of those workers. All in all Raised in Ruins is a rich look at unique Alaskan lives with a fascinating bit of history thrown in as well!-- "Joe Upton, author Alaska Blues"
The Gift of the Magi and Other Short Stories - (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 72Genre: Fiction + Literature GenresSub-Genre: ClassicsFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Digireads.comAge Range: TeenLanguage: English Book Synopsis O. Henry, the pen name of William Sydney Porter, is one of the most famous short story writers of all times whose stories are known for their wit, wordplay, warm characterization and clever twist endings. O. Henry is so acknowledged as a great short story writer that his pen name is associated with a prestigious American award given to short stories of exceptional merit. Included in this collection of "The Gift of the Magi and Other Short Stories" is the title story which describes the struggles of a poor young married couple as they strive to secretly buy each other Christmas gifts. Also included in this collection are the following stories: "The Cop and the Anthem", "Springtime À La Carte", "The Green Door", "After Twenty Years", "The Furnished Room", "The Pimienta Pancakes", "The Last Leaf", "The Voice of The City", "While The Auto Waits", "A Retrieved Reformation", "A Municipal Report", "A Newspaper Story", "The Ransom of Red Chief", "A Ghost of a Chance", and "Makes the Whole World Kin".
One of Ours - by Willa Cather (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 266Genre: Fiction + Literature GenresSub-Genre: LiteraryFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Indoeuropeanpublishing.comAge Range: TeenAuthor: Willa CatherLanguage: English Book Synopsis Willa Sibert Cather was a American author who achieved recognition for her novels of frontier life on the Great Plains, works such as O Pioneers!, My Ántonia, and The Song of the Lark. In 1923 she was awarded the Pulitzer for One of Ours, a novel set during World War I. It tells the story of the life of Claude Wheeler, a Nebraska native around the turn of the 20th century. The son of a successful Midwestern farmer and an intensely pious mother, he is guaranteed a comfortable livelihood. Nevertheless, Wheeler views himself as a victim of his father's success and his own inexplicable malaise.
Heroes and Heroines - by Mary Giraudo Beck (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 128Genre: HistorySub-Genre: GeneralFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Alaska Northwest BooksAge Range: TeenAuthor: Mary Giraudo BeckLanguage: English About the Book Over uncounted generations the Tlingits and Haidas of Southeast Alaska developed a spoken literature as robust and distinctive as their unique graphic art style, and passed it from the old to the young to ensure the continuity of their culture. Even today when the people gather, now under lamplight rather than the flickering glow from the central fire pit, the ancient myths and legends are told and retold, and they still reinforce the unity of the lineage, and clan, and the culture. Mary Beck has selected nine of the ancient myths and legends from the oral literature that are authentic for one group or another from this region, and drawn parallels between their protagonists and those well known to the heirs of Greco-Roman culture. Book Synopsis Author Mary L. Beck recounts nine traditional Native American legends from the Northwest Coast. Review Quotes "Another excellent book is Mary Beck's Heroes & Heroines in Tlingit-Haida Legend. Beck tells some of the classic stories very well in a book that is also worthy of recognition for its attractive design." ---Alaska magazine"Mary Beck opens this collection of legends by setting the tradition scene: '...It will be a time of feasting, singing, and dancing, of honoring lineages and of telling ancestral stories.' In this small, beautifully produced volume, enhanced by the wonderful illustrations by Nancy DeWitt, Becks tells nine traditional tales, including Fog Woman, Volcano Woman, Bear Mother and The Boy Who Fed Eagles." ---Bill Hunt, Anchorage Daily News About the Author Mary G. Beck is a classical scholar (M.A. from Stanford) who has lived in Ketchikan, Alaska beginning in 1951 when she married a third-generation Alaskan. Besides rearing a family, she taught literature and writing courses for thirty years at Ketchikan Community College, a branch of the University of Alaska. Mary has an abiding interest in the Native culture of Southeast Alaska and a commitment to recording its oral literature. She is also the author of two other related titles, "Heroes and Heroines in Tlingit-Haida Legend," and "Potlatch: Native Ceremony and Myth on the Northwest Coast "as well as articles on Native mythology and on travel by small boat to towns and Native communities in Southeast Alaska. She and her husband currently reside in Bellevue, Washington.
Tomboy Bride, 50th Anniversary Edition - by Harriet Fish Backus (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 288Genre: Biography + AutobiographySub-Genre: WomenFormat: PaperbackPublisher: West Margin PressAge Range: TeenAuthor: Harriet Fish BackusLanguage: English Book Synopsis A Colorado favorite, Tomboy Bride presents the first-hand account of a young pioneer woman and her life in a rough and tumble mining town of the Old West. In 1906 at the age of twenty, Harriet Fish hopped on a train from Oakland, California, to the San Juan Mountains of Colorado in search of a new life as the bride of assayer George Backus. Together, the couple ventured forth to discover mining town life at the turn of the twentieth century, adjusting to dizzying elevation heights of 11,500 feet and all the hardships that come with it: limited water, rationed food supplies, lack of medical care, difficulty in travel, avalanches, and many more. As she and George move from Telluride's Tomboy Mine to the rugged coast of British Columbia, to the town of Elk City, Idaho, and then back to Colorado's Leadville, Harriet paints a poignant picture of a world centered around mining, sharing amusing and often challenging experiences as a woman of the era. With a new foreword by award-winning author Pam Houston, this 50th anniversary edition also includes previously unpublished black and white photographs documenting Harriet's journey. Tomboy Bride endures as a classic of the region to this day as it captures in heart-felt emotion and vivid detail the personal account of Harriet Backus, a true pioneer of the West. Review Quotes As the classic Telluride read, Tomboy Bride has held the #1 spot on the annual bestseller list at BTC for over a decade. An amazing story the first time you read it, and fun to gift to those who wonder what living in the wild alpine west was like. We joke that the summer Jeep tours that visit the old Tomboy mine and townsite should end the tour in front of the bookstore because once people hear about her life and actually see where she lived, they want to read the book.-- "Daiva Chesonis, Between the Covers bookstore"In the early 1900s, Harriet Backus went to live with her new husband, an engineer, in the remote mining community of Telluride, CO. Tomboy Bride, her account of her experiences and struggles, is remarkable. The couple endured bitter winters, dangerous conditions, limited food, no running water, and plenty of other hardships, yet the spirited Harriet found it all fascinating--and readers will, too. Harriet's unembellished first-hand account of her day-to-day life will certainly appeal to fans of history and biography, and to anyone loves a good outdoor adventure.-- "Robin Lenz, managing editor, Shelf Awareness"
The Shame of the Cities - by Lincoln Steffens (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 118Genre: Political ScienceSub-Genre: American GovernmentFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Lulu.comAge Range: TeenBook theme: StateAuthor: Lincoln SteffensLanguage: English Book Synopsis Renowned muckraker and investigative reporter Lincoln Steffens recounts a series of historic corruption scandals in cities of the United States. The various backhanders and embezzlements occurring in the urban councils of the USA in the late 19th century are recalled here. Though the country was in a period of great development and advancement, this rise to industrial prowess was accompanied by an egregious culture of dishonesty. The development of ?old boy networks?, whereby a group of insiders would conspire to siphon public funds and favour one another in matters of politics or business, became a serious problem. Steffens was a leading opponent of such nepotism, and did his utmost to root it out. In this book are images he gained of dishonest accounting; these, among other documentary evidence, led to certain corrupt officials losing their position and facing charges.
You Call, We Haul - by Tana Reiff (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 52Genre: EducationSub-Genre: Teaching Methods & MaterialsFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Grass Roots PressAge Range: TeenBook theme: Language ArtsAuthor: Tana ReiffLanguage: English Book Synopsis Alex just lost his job at the plant. His unemployment checks won't last forever. He owns only one thing of value-his pickup truck. That's when the idea comes to him. He can start a hauling business! The business turns out to be full of surprises and takes many twists and turns. Alex doesn't give up. In time, he earns a steady income. He gets closer with his son. And he falls in love. Then he gets a phone call. After all his hard work, he must decide whether to keep his business or let it go.This high-interest, low-vocabulary novella is intended for adult basic education (ABE) and English as a Second Language (ESL) readers.
Kaplan Early Learning Company
Fame - by Michael Troy & Darren G Davis (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 26Genre: Biography + AutobiographySub-Genre: Entertainment & Performing ArtsSeries Title: FameFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Tidalwave ProductionsAge Range: TeenAuthor: Michael Troy & Darren G DavisLanguage: English About the Book As featured on CNN, Time Magazine, People Magazine, LA Times, OK Magazine, and MSNBC! FAME is a comic book biography series that focuses on the biggest and brightest stars in the world! Read about the world about Olympian Tom Daley! Book Synopsis A new biography comic featuring Tom Daley. British diver Tom Daley made quite a splash at the 2012 Olympic Games with his winning personality, boyish good looks and impressive physique. Writer Michael Troy and artist Alex Schumacher tell the inspiring young swimmer's tale of triumph and tragedy from his Olympic success to the loss of his father and his rise as a reality tv celebrity. As featured on CNN, Time Magazine, People Magazine, LA Times, OK Magazine, and MSNBC! FAME is a comic book biography series that focuses on the biggest and brightest stars in the world! Read about the world about Olympian Tom Daley! Review Quotes "The Comic Book Every Child Should Own" Buzzfeed "It's great that they are doing these comics" CNN"Engage a growing readership and bridge the gap between comic books and the diverse multimedia marketplace" Vanity Fair "Offers readers a unique insight" Fox News Channel"A must read for fans and should even intrigue non-fans" "TidalWave Productions creates intelligent, well-examined biographies of authors and stars as well as political and historic figures. If readers are looking for factual insights, relevant information, and terrific art, these books are a great source." RT Book Reviews
Prickle Moon - by Juliet Marillier (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 248Genre: Fiction + Literature GenresSub-Genre: FantasyFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Ticonderoga PublicationsAge Range: TeenBook theme: Collections & AnthologiesAuthor: Juliet MarillierLanguage: English About the Book Prickle Moon is the first collection of stories by multiple award-winning Australian writer Juliet Marillier. Book Synopsis Prickle Moon is the first collection of stories by multiple awardwinning Australian writer Juliet Marillier. Born in New Zealand, Juliet Marillier is the author of thirteen novels for readers of all ages. Her bestselling fantasy series include The Sevenwaters quintet, the Saga of the Light Isles, The Bridei Chronicles and the Wildwood series. She lives in Perth, in a one hundred-year-old cottage, which she shares with three dogs. Juliet Marillier is a three-times winner of the Aurealis Award for best fantasy novel. Publisher's Weekly calls her "a fine folklorist and gifted narrator." The book collects 14 tales, including the best of Marillier's published stories, and five additional tales written especially for this collection.
Old Mother West Wind - by Thornton W Burgess (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 48Genre: Fiction + Literature GenresSub-Genre: ClassicsFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Digireads.comAge Range: TeenAuthor: Thornton W BurgessLanguage: English Book Synopsis Thornton W. Burgess was an important and influential American conservationist and a prolific author of charming children's stories. For over 50 years, Burgess published numerous popular books on the flora and fauna of the natural world and wrote a regular newspaper column called "Bedtime Stories". Often affectionately referred to as the "Bedtime Story-Man", Burgess celebrated his love for the natural world through humorous and educational stories for children in both his books and in his popular column. Published in 1910, "Old Mother West Wind" is his first book to appear in print and introduces readers to many of his most enduring and beloved characters. Children will enjoy meeting Peter Rabbit, Jimmy Skunk, Bobby Raccoon, Little Joe Otter, Jerry Muskrat, and more funny animals for the first time and joining in their entertaining adventures. Burgess had a special ability to combine an educational story about the behaviors, habitats, and characteristics of the creatures of the natural world while also captivating audiences both young and old. This edition is printed on premium acid-free paper and includes the original illustrations by George F. Kerr.
Bartleby, The Scrivener - by Herman Melville (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 50Genre: Fiction + Literature GenresSub-Genre: Short Stories (single author)Format: PaperbackPublisher: Binker NorthAge Range: TeenAuthor: Herman MelvilleLanguage: English About the Book "Bartleby, the Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street" is a short story by the American writer Herman Melville, first serialized anonymously in two parts in the November and December 1853 issues of Putnam's Magazine. Book Synopsis "Bartleby, the Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street" is a short story by the American writer Herman Melville, first serialized anonymously in two parts in the November and December 1853 issues of Putnam's Magazine, and reprinted with minor textual alterations in his The Piazza Tales in 1856. A Wall Street lawyer hires a new clerk who, after an initial bout of hard work, refuses to make copy and any other task required of him, with the words "I would prefer not to". Numerous essays have been published on what, according to scholar Robert Milder, "is unquestionably the masterpiece of the short fiction" in the Melville canon. Melville's major source for the story was an advertisement for a new book, The Lawyer's Story, printed in both the Tribune and the Times for 18 February 1853. The book was published anonymously later that year but in fact was written by popular novelist James A. Maitland. This advertisement included the complete first chapter, which had the following opening sentence: "In the summer of 1843, having an extraordinary quantity of deeds to copy, I engaged, temporarily, an extra copying clerk, who interested me considerably, in consequence of his modest, quiet, gentlemanly demeanor, and his intense application to his duties". Melville biographer Hershel Parker points out that nothing else in the chapter besides this "remarkably evocative sentence" was "notable".[3] Critic Andrew Knighton notes the debt of the story to an obscure work from 1846, Robert Grant White's Law and Laziness: or, Students at Law of Leisure. This source contains one scene and many characters -- including an idle scrivener -- that appear to have influenced Melville's narrative.[4] Melville may have written the story as an emotional response to the bad reviews garnered by Pierre, his preceding novel. Christopher Sten suggests that Melville found inspiration in Ralph Waldo Emerson's essays, particularly "The Transcendentalist" which shows parallels to "Bartleby". Bartleby is a scrivener--a kind of clerk or a copyist--"who obstinately refuses to go on doing the sort of writing demanded of him". During the spring of 1851, Melville felt similarly about his work on Moby Dick. Thus, Bartleby may represent Melville's frustration with his own situation as a writer, and the story itself is "about a writer who forsakes conventional modes because of an irresistible preoccupation with the most baffling philosophical questions".[7] Bartleby may also be seen to represent Melville's relation to his commercial, democratic society.[8 Melville made an allusion to the John C. Colt case in this short story. The narrator restrains his anger toward Bartleby, his unrelentingly difficult employee, by reflecting upon "the tragedy of the unfortunate Adams and the still more unfortunate Colt and how poor Colt, being dreadfully incensed by Adams [...] was unawares hurled into his fatal act".
Dreamscape - The Poetic Underground #3 - by Erin Hanson (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 98Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: EuropeanFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Lulu.comAge Range: TeenBook theme: English, Irish, Scottish, WelshAuthor: Erin HansonLanguage: English About the Book Book 3 of poems by Erin Hanson ( including poems written from November 2015 - March 2016. Book Synopsis Dreamscape is a collection of poems written from November 2015 to March 2016. Poems included come from as well as some never before published online. All poems are written by Erin Hanson and all illustrations are by Aimee Hanson
The Very Best Day - by Roger Hutchison (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 40Genre: Religion + BeliefsSub-Genre: Christian LifeFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Church PublishingAge Range: TeenBook theme: GeneralAuthor: Roger HutchisonLanguage: English About the Book An introduction to the Way of Love for children and their families. Book Synopsis - Introduces the practices for a Jesus-centered life for children "The Way of Love" has become a mantra of Michael B. Curry's episcopate as presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church. From the royal wedding to the 79th General Convention of the Episcopal Church and continuing today, all ages have been inspired and eager to "grow more deeply with Jesus Christ at the center of our lives, so we can bear witness to his way of love in and for the world." The Very Best Day: The Way of Love for Children introduces the practices for a Jesus-centered life for children ages 3-10 and their families. Through accessible language and age-appropriate themes, it specifically addresses children and the importance of rhythm and practice in their lives as Christians, accompanied by Roger Hutchison's familiar and vibrant artwork. Through a cadence of words and colorful images, children will see how to Turn, Learn, Pray, Worship, Bless, Go, and Rest in daily life as a follower of Jesus. Acquiring such wisdom at an early age will benefit children (and the adults who love them) to learn these practices for a lifetime. Review Quotes "Roger has captured the essence of the Way of Love beautifully, while diving even deeper into what it means to live and love like Jesus in the beautiful, sacred, everyday-moments of life. It is a book that can be read to start the day or end the day, a book that can be read at church and on the soccer field, in a classroom and in the car." --From the Foreword by Jerusalem Jackson Greer, Evangelism Office for The Episcopal Church"This book is a work of art. The generous layering of paint in its illustrations, coupled with the gentle poetry and depth of its text, creates a moment for readers--whether very young, very old, or anywhere in between--to reflect on what it means to journey on the Way of Love." --Jennifer Grant, author of Love You More and Little Blue Bottle"As a priest and as a parent I have been wanting something that will help me share the Way of Love with the youth of my parish and with my own children. The Very Best Day is a fabulous resource to introduce young followers of Jesus to this sevenfold path of discipleship; Roger's beautiful paintings and awe-inspiring words combine to create the perfect primer for parents, teachers, and clergy searching for a means to help their young ones experience the Way of Love." --T.J. Freeman, rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, Ft. Wayne, Indiana"It is deeply Anglican and profoundly Christian to care for the spiritual lives of the youngest among us. Roger Hutchison has created a beautiful and accessible resource that is sure to become a classic in the Church. Teaching our kids about Jesus is often a challenging but worthy task. With The Very Best Day, we parents and educators do not have to go it alone." --Sarah Condon, author of Churchy and co-host of The Mockingcast"Warm, inviting poetry, questions, and images weave together experiences of everyday life and spiritual practices that artfully illuminate the Way of Love. Hutchison has created both a thoughtful gift for children entering Sunday school and a resource that sparks meaningful faith conversations at home." --Christine V. Hides, Director of Christian Education at Kenilworth Union Church (Illinois) and blogger at "Bless Each One""Roger Hutchison uses easy-to-read poetry, meaningful reflection, and beautiful illustration to introduce the practices of the Way of Love to children. The Very Best Day: The Way of Love for Children is an excellent resource for teaching spiritual disciplines that will help even the youngest of disciples to walk in the way of Jesus' love." --Victoria Hoppes, Camp Director at Waycross Episcopal Camp and Conference Center, Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis"This book takes readers on a journey through what it means to live as Christ taught us. A tool for all who would like to grow in faith as a family, it will make a delightful addition to a home or church library. Excellent and timely!" --Traci Smith, author of Faithful Families and Prayers for Faithful Families
Karate: The Art of Empty Hand Fighting - by Hidetaka Nishiyama & Richard C Brown (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 256Genre: Sports + RecreationSub-Genre: Martial Arts & Self-DefenseFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Tuttle PublishingAge Range: TeenAuthor: Hidetaka Nishiyama & Richard C BrownLanguage: English About the Book "The groundbreaking work on karate" above title. Book Synopsis Karate: The Art of Empty-Hand Fighting is the definitive guide to Shotokan Karate--the most widely practiced style of Karate--and has inspired millions of Karate practitioners worldwide. Authored by one of the great masters of the art, Hidetaka Nishiyama, this book is a classic, groundbreaking work on the sport of Karate, and one of the first published in English. An Olympic sport, Karate is today practiced by over 100 million people worldwide. Nishiyama began his training under the instruction of Gichin Funakoshi, the legendary founder of Shotokan Karate. He helped establish the Japan Karate Association and, as head of the JKA's instructors training program, was instrumental in bringing Karate to the U.S. and other Western countries. When he arrived, he proceeded to train the first great generation of Karate instructors spawning a whole new generation of martial artists. Highly accessible and richly illustrated with over 1,000 photographs, this book is a comprehensive manual with step-by-step instructions to all the basic movements and techniques of Karate. Topics covered include: A brief history of KarateTheories and principles of the martial artEffective training and exercise methodsKarate techniques including stances, blocks and attacksDefenses against weapons With a new foreword by Ray Dalke, who trained under Nishiyama and, at 8th Dan, is the highest ranking American in Shotokan Karate, Karate: The Art of Empty-Hand Fighting provides analyses from the standpoint of physics, physiology, philosophy, and body dynamics. The book's techniques apply to all styles of the martial art and is a valuable reference for any Karateka--stressing Nishiyama's lesson that mastery of the basics is not the end but merely the beginning of a lifelong journey. Review Quotes Karate: The Art of Empty Hand Fighting is a classic work from the man who brought true karate to the world. Always demanding perfection, it was an honor to train and learn from Nishiyama Sensei. --Ray Irving, Counties Shotokan Karate Association (NZ)As Nishiyama Sensei's first graduated U.S. Instructor, I am convinced that Karate: The Art of Empty Hand Fighting is an important tool for every student and instructor of karate and should be in the library of anyone interested in the art. --Lester Ingber, Japan Karate Association/All American Karate Federation AlumnusThe first complete and most authoritative book on the technique of unarmed self-defense...A fully illustrated manual giving step-by-step explanations of all the fundamentals of karate. --Robert Klaverkamp, UPI About the Author Hidetaka Nishiyama is an important figure in the history of karate in the U.S. He was a student of Gichin Funakoshi, the legendary founder of Shotokan Karate, and was instrumental in bringing Karate to America and other Western countries. He helped establish the Japan Karate Association (JKA) in the U.S. and trained the organization's first American instructors. He was the founder of the All American Karate Federation (AAKF) and International Traditional Karate Federation (ITKF). Among his notable students were All-Japan Karate champions Hiroshi Shirai and Takeshi Oishi. He received many honors including a posthumous award to the rank of 10th Dan. Richard C. Brown is a senior American member of the Japan Karate Association (JKA). Ray Dalke is a former student of Hidetaka Nishiyama and holds the rank of 8th Dan making him the highest ranking American in Shotokan Karate. He worked at the University of California, Riverside for 30 years where he coached the Shotokan Karate team to five National Championships.
Kolchak: The Night Strangler Files - by Richard Matheson & Chris Mills (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 126Genre: Comics + Graphic NovelsSub-Genre: HorrorFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Moonstone PressAge Range: TeenAuthor: Richard Matheson & Chris MillsLanguage: English Book Synopsis This collection reprints the adaptation of the TV movie "The Night Strangler" written by the legendary RICHARD MATHESON, and the three issues of "Kolchak: The Night Stalker Files" comic by Chris Mills. Carl Kolchak doesn't have time for horror movies. His life is scary enough - and now he's between jobs and desperate for a paycheck. But when a young actress goes missing on the set of a low-budget monster flick, he soon discovers that making it big in Hollywood can be murder!!
Buckaroo Banzai Tp Vol 02 No Matter Where You Go - by Earl Mac Rauch (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 158Genre: Comics + Graphic NovelsSub-Genre: Science FictionSeries Title: Buckaroo BanzaiFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Moonstone PressAge Range: TeenAuthor: Earl Mac RauchLanguage: English Book Synopsis First time in paperback! Writer Mac Rauch and director WD Richter return to their creation with brand new stories! Everyone's favorite adventurer/surgeon/rock star is back again just in time to save the world! Get the low down on the events that transpired before the movie! See for the first time a good look at Buckaroo's beginnings! This volume reprints the 2 issue "Prequel" series, the two-issue "H.O.T.H." series, and the "Origin" and "Big Size" issues.
Invincible: The Ultimate Collection Volume 2 - (Invincible Ultimate Collection) by Robert Kirkman (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 352Genre: Comics + Graphic NovelsSub-Genre: FantasySeries Title: Invincible Ultimate CollectionFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Image ComicsAge Range: TeenAuthor: Robert KirkmanLanguage: English About the Book "Originally published in single magazine form as 'Invincible'"--Indicia. Book Synopsis In the aftermath of Mark's revelation concerning his father, he's forced to pick up the pieces of his life and carry on. The Ultimate Collection, Vol. 2 collects Invincible's struggle to become his own man, to stand on his own and live his own life. This is a can't-miss for any Invincible fan and a perfect addition to any bookshelf.
Wrinkles - by Paco Roca (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 104Genre: Comics + Graphic NovelsSub-Genre: LiteraryFormat: PaperbackPublisher: FanfareAge Range: TeenAuthor: Paco RocaLanguage: English About the Book "Admitted to a home for the elderly because he suffers from Alzheimer's disease, for Ernest community life feels like an ordeal. But soon he accepts his new environment and decides to fight to escape from giving in to his awful destiny. For the author, the human community is like a library where books are piled up in mountains populated by yellowing paper of dreams and fantasies. Where a life is covered in wrinkles, and some see the writing of their pages disappear, sheet after sheet, until they become completely blank. Despite this, the most intense emotions survive, preserved as a hidden treasure on a remote island."--Page [4] of cover. Book Synopsis Admitted to a home for the elderly because he suffers from Alzheimer's disease, for Ernest community life feels like an ordeal. But soon he accepts his new environment and decides to fight to escape from giving in to his awful destiny. For the author, the human community is like a library where books are piled up in mountains populated by yellowing paper of dreams and fantasies. About the Author Paco Roca, born 1969, is part of the generation of Spanish authors whose work was first published in the ground-breaking magazine El Vibora. Since then he has created many graphic novels including GOG (2000); The Lighthouse (2004), a story set in the Civil War as a backdrop about an escaping soldier, which was awarded best script by the journal Notices of Tenerife, the top comic award in Spain; Children of the Alhambra (2007), an adventure story about a painter of French nineteenth-century romanticism; Wrinkles (2007), among other awards won the Best Album and Best Screenplay at the Barcelona Comic Festival, The National Comic Award and awards for best album at the Festivals of Lucca and Rome; The Grim Game (2008), a personal view of surrealist painter Salvador Dali; Streets Arena (2008), Cartoonist Winter (2010), depicts the life history of cartoonists in Franco's Spain and also won an award from Notices of Tenerife; Memoirs of a man in Pyjamas (2011), is a collection of strips that appeared in the Sunday newspaper Las Provincias and Metamorphosis (2011), is an illustrated book of short stories by Franz Kafka. He also worked as writer and character designer on the animated film adaptation of Wrinkles (La Tete en l'Air), which received the Goya Award for Best Adapted Screenplay.
Jim Henson's the Dark Crystal Creation Myths: The Complete Collection - by Brian Froud & Brian Holguin & Joshua Dysart & Matthew Dow Smith
Number of Pages: 288Genre: Comics + Graphic NovelsSub-Genre: Media Tie-InSeries Title: Dark CrystalFormat: HardcoverPublisher: ArchaiaAge Range: TeenAuthor: Brian Froud & Brian Holguin & Joshua Dysart & Matthew Dow SmithLanguage: English About the Book "The complete prequel trilogy to Jim Hensons cult classic fantasy film The Dark Crystal, with a story by the films original concept designer, Brian Froud...This series reveals the definitive origins of the Skeksis, Mys tics, Gelfling, and the Dark Crystal itself while introducing all new characters in an epic spanning thousands of years."--Provided by publisher. Book Synopsis The complete prequel trilogy to Jim Henson's cult classic fantasy film The Dark Crystal, with a story by the film's original concept designer, Brian Froud. Brian Froud, legendary conceptual designer of the beloved Jim Henson fantasy film The Dark Crystal, returns to the world he helped create in this official prequel trilogy to the cult-classic film. Collected for the first time in one oversized edition, this series reveals the definitive origins of the Skeksis, Mystics, Gelfling, and the Dark Crystal itself while introducing all new characters in an epic spanning thousands of years. Written by Brian Holguin (Spawn: Origins), Joshua Dysart (Unknown Soldier), and Matthew Dow Smith (Doctor Who), and lushly illustrated by Alex Sheikman (Robotika) and Lizzy John (Fraggle Rock), Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal: Creation Myths is a breathtaking return to the fantasy world that has captivated audiences for over thirty years.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Lost Chronicles Vol. 2 - by Kyle Higgins & Sina Grace & Adam Cesare (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 112Genre: Comics + Graphic NovelsSub-Genre: SuperheroesSeries Title: Mighty Morphin Power RangersFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Boom! StudiosAge Range: TeenAuthor: Kyle Higgins & Sina Grace & Adam CesareLanguage: English About the Book "Celebrating 25 years of Power Rangers, ... comic book creators from around the world pay homage to the franchise near and dear to their hearts with stories from across the morphin grid, including fan-favorite teams like Ninja Steel, RPM, SPD, In Space, and more"--Publisher marketing. Book Synopsis Collecting short stories celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the franchise and tying into the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Shattered Grid event. Celebrating 25 years of Power Rangers, renowned comic book creators from around the world pay homage to the franchise near and dear to their hearts with stories from across the morphin grid, including fan-favorite teams like Ninja Steel, RPM, SPD, In Space, and more! With stories from comic book all-stars Kyle Higgins (Nightwing), Joe Quinones (Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man), Sina Grace (Iceman), Marcus To (Weapon H), and many more, this morphinominal collection is a must-have for every Power Rangers fan.
The Secret Sense of Wildflower - Southern Historical Fiction, Best Book of 2012 - by Susan Gabriel (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 252Genre: Fiction + Literature GenresSub-Genre: Coming of AgeFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Wild Lily ArtsAge Range: TeenAuthor: Susan GabrielLanguage: English Book Synopsis "There are two things I am afraid of. One is dying young. The other is Johnny Monroe."Small southern towns have few secrets. But when a grieving daughter confronts the local bully, she unwittingly triggers a series of traumatic events that will change her life forever.Appalachia, 1941. Thirteen-year-old Louisa May "Wildflower" McAllister's heart still aches for her father. A year after her dad's tragic sawmill accident, she relies on her strength of spirit and her heightened intuition to deal with a critical mother and cope with the aftermath. Despite these hardships, Wildflower has a resilience that is forged with humor, a love of the land, and an endless supply of questions.But when she's cartneared by the town's teenage bad boy, she may need more than her "secret sense" to survive.Will Wildflower fall to another tragedy or will her strength be enough to carry her through?With prose as lush and colorful as the American south, The Secret Sense of Wildflower is powerful and poignant, brimming with energy and angst, humor and hope.* * *Named a Best Book of 2012 by Kirkus Reviews: "A quietly powerful story, at times harrowing but ultimately a joy to read.""This was chosen by our book club as our book for the month. I am so happy it was! It was the best book of the year." - Cecilia C.
The Shame of the Cities - by Lincoln Steffens (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 118Genre: Political ScienceSub-Genre: American GovernmentFormat: HardcoverPublisher: Lulu.comAge Range: TeenBook theme: StateAuthor: Lincoln SteffensLanguage: English Book Synopsis Renowned muckraker and investigative reporter Lincoln Steffens recounts a series of historic corruption scandals in cities of the United States. The various backhanders and embezzlements occurring in the urban councils of the USA in the late 19th century are recalled here. Though the country was in a period of great development and advancement, this rise to industrial prowess was accompanied by an egregious culture of dishonesty. The development of ?old boy networks?, whereby a group of insiders would conspire to siphon public funds and favour one another in matters of politics or business, became a serious problem. Steffens was a leading opponent of such nepotism, and did his utmost to root it out. In this book are images he gained of dishonest accounting; these, among other documentary evidence, led to certain corrupt officials losing their position and facing charges.
The Story of My Life - by Helen Keller (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 278Genre: Biography + AutobiographySub-Genre: GeneralFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Bibliotech PressAge Range: TeenAuthor: Helen KellerLanguage: English Book Synopsis Helen Adams Keller (June 27, 1880 - June 1, 1968) was an American author, political activist, and lecturer. She was the first deafblind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree. The story of how Keller's teacher, Anne Sullivan, broke through the isolation imposed by a near complete lack of language, allowing the girl to blossom as she learned to communicate, has become widely known through the dramatic depictions of the play and film The Miracle Worker.A prolific author, Keller was well-traveled, and was outspoken in her anti-war convictions. A member of the Socialist Party of America and the Industrial Workers of the World, she campaigned for women's suffrage, labor rights, socialism, and other radical left causes. She was inducted into the Alabama Women's Hall of Fame in 1971. The Story of My Life, first published in 1903, is Helen Keller's autobiography detailing her early life, especially her experiences with Anne Sullivan.[1] Portions of it were adapted by William Gibson for a 1957 Playhouse 90 production, a 1959 Broadway play, a 1962 Hollywood feature film, and the Indian film Black. The book is dedicated to inventor Alexander Graham Bell. The dedication reads, "To ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL Who has taught the deaf to speak and enabled the listening ear to hear speech from the Atlantic to the Rockies, I dedicate this Story of My Life." (
That Wedding - (That Boy) by Jillian Dodd (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 458Genre: Fiction + Literature GenresSub-Genre: RomanceSeries Title: That BoyFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Jillian Dodd Inc.Age Range: TeenBook theme: ContemporaryAuthor: Jillian DoddLanguage: English About the Book Marry the boy next door in this sweet contemporary romance by USA Today Best Selling Author, Jillian Dodd. Book Synopsis Marry the boy next door in this sweet contemporary romance by USA Today Best Selling Author, Jillian Dodd. The gorgeous engagement ring on my finger mimics my happiness. I feel so sparkly, glittery, and full of promise, because I absolutely know he's that boy. The boy I want to marry. My prince. My happily ever after. But then our pastor starts asking lots of questions. His parents say I haven't dealt with my past. I have horrible wedding disaster dreams. I can't find the perfect dress. I have to manipulate him to get my way. An old boyfriend asks me to run away with him. My best friend says I'm going to ruin everything. And forever starts to sound like a really long time. Which totally freaks me out and makes me question everything I know. Should best friends get married? Will my past affect our relationship? Are my horrible dreams a warning? Will I ever find a dress? Could his sexiness be clouding my judgment? Am I going to ruin everything? Or is it just a case of cold feet? And then I have to decide. Am I willing to give up on true love forever, or am I going to listen to my heart and marry him?
Deadly Desert Winds - (Grave Robbers' Chronicles) by Lei Xu (Paperback)
Genre: TravelSub-Genre: AsiaSeries Title: Grave Robbers' ChroniclesFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Things Asian Press/Global DirectionsAge Range: TeenBook theme: GeneralAuthor: Lei XuLanguage: English Book Synopsis Written by a man known as "the Stephen King of China," The Grave Robbers' Chronicles (known in Chinese as / Daomu Biji), is as impossible to put down as a bag of good potato chips. A story with more twists and turns than a burial cavern, disgusting and unsettling monsters, and the funniest grave robbers the world has ever known, it's kept Chinese readers awake far into the night. Now it's your turn... The Grave Robbers' Chronicles is a novel about the grave-robbing adventures of Wu Xie, a young man hailing from a family that had been tomb-raiders for centuries. It is one of the most popular novel series in China with several million fans. In volume 5: When Uncle Three finally tells his side of the story, his nephew still feels skeptical. When mysterions videtapes show up in the mail, with scenes that are mystifying, horrible, and involve faces that are much too familiar, they bring questions that demand action and answers.. An abandoned house holds more peril than anyone expected--and a notebook with a message from the past. An expedition into the Gobi Desert turns into a rainforest adventure with deadly snakes and a tragic death. Then there is It, a mysterious and demonic force that threatens to destroy the lives and minds of the grave-robbing companions. Once again Panzi, Fats, Qilin, and Uncle Three's nephew, with Ning added to the group, band together to follow the incomplete and possibly flawed leadership of a man who is perhaps a killer, probably a liar, and beyond a doubt the most engaging villain in horror fiction. Deadly Desert Winds skillfully introduces new characters and devious plot twists that make this adventure series more compelling than ever before. The fifth volume of the Grave Robbers' Chronicles will soon be followed by Graveyard of a Queen, the sixth in the series. Will the questions be answered? Will the adventures continue? And who will be the next to die? About the Author The author Xu Lei was born in 1982 and graduated from Renmin University of China in 2004. He has held numerous jobs, working as a graphic designer, a computer programmer, and a supplier to the U.S. gaming industry. He is now the owner of an international trading company and lives in Hangzhou, China with his wife and son. Writing isn't his day job, but it is where his heart lies.
Sally the Sleuth - by Adolphe Barreaux (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 170Genre: Comics + Graphic NovelsSub-Genre: Crime & MysteryFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Bedside PressAge Range: TeenAuthor: Adolphe BarreauxLanguage: English Book Synopsis One of the premiere detectives of the dirty, sordid era of pulp comics of the 1930s, returns in a whole new collection. This collection features her scandalous adventures as a detective's assistant in her original black and white appearances in the Spicy Detective Stories Pulps, and her later return in the cleaned up color comics of Crime Smashers. Take a tour through the wild evolution of crime comics from the 1930s through the 1950s. Sally, of the Central Bureau, proved in her run of adventures that women could be anything: murderous doctors, gang leaders, gun molls, victimized starlets, and even detectives. Only Sally, with her uncanny ability to fight crime even partially nude, can bust the evil-doers of her city, along with her diminutive sidekick Peanuts. A sexually exploitative pulp turned wholesome crime-fighting comic, in all her incarnations Sally the Sleuth proves herself to be a daring, risk-taking detective available to do anything to crack a case!
Gym Class Hero - by Martin Parks Kalmbach (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 316Genre: Fiction + Literature GenresSub-Genre: SportsFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Martin P. KalmbachAge Range: TeenAuthor: Martin Parks KalmbachLanguage: English About the Book Life is throwing a lot at Stevie Kalkannes as he begins his Junior year at Jackson High School. As basketball season approaches, Stevie wonders whether he should return to playing a game he loves after being the star of the team in junior high, then giving it up in defiance of an overbearing father, a bombastic sports talk show host. Book Synopsis Life is throwing a lot at Stevie Kalkannes as he begins his Junior year at Jackson High School. As basketball season approaches in northern Ohio, Stevie wonders whether he should return to playing a game he loves after being the star of the team in junior high, then giving it up in defiance of an overbearing father, a bombastic sports talk show host now divorced from Stevie's mother - and a very critical older brother, a former star player at Stevie's school. Gym Class Hero captures the emotions of a high school basketball player as he weaves his way in and out of trouble, often caused by his spurious and irreverent comments directed at coaches and teachers, and his inability to make clutch free throws in the games waning seconds. Adding to Stevie's high school quandaries is a budding romance with a devilish fickle cheerleader named Mindy, a recent transfer student. A dating novice, Stevie contemplates whether he should continue to date her as she both boosts and undermines his confidence. Stevie turns to two new friends he meets through his Food and Fitness class for help, mature H.S. Senior girls Alison and Jillian, wordies and citizen scientists, who take him under their wing to advise him about girlfriends, love, vegetarianism, yoga and mindfulness, and to his surprise, give him basketball tips to improve his game.Title: Gym Class HeroAuthor: Martin Parks KalmbachGenre: Fiction/General Fiction (including literary and historical)Audience: YA/Middle GradeWord Count: 90,525 KIRKUS REVIEW A debut YA novel tells the story of a high school junior trying to get a grip on his basketball game--and his life.Stevie Kalkannes' friends call him the "Gym Class Hero" because, despite his skills on the basketball court--"Known as the best three ball shooter in the school, I could rain threes, teardrops from the sky"--he has refused to play for the Jackson High School team. But during his junior year, a new coach comes to town, and Stevie decides he might want to start living up to the legacy of his star older brother, Benny. Stevie makes the cut even though he spends all his free time pining after the new girl at school, Mindy Derosiers. Despite Stevie's inexperience with romance, he and Mindy manage to hit it off--though she proves to be a more complicated girlfriend than he expected. The stress over Mindy and various unresolved emotions surrounding his family and basketball may be at the root of his new problem: missing key free throws at the ends of games. But help comes from unlikely sources. At first, Stevie thinks the two girls in his Food and Fitness class, Alison Johnson and Jillian, are just health nuts. As it turns out, their ideas about mindfulness might be just what Stevie needs to take back control of his game. Like many teenage narrators, Stevie is jocular and sarcastic. Yet Kalmbach's prose isn't one-note, and Stevie's shtick often takes a back seat to more lyrical passages: "A first period rumor, its wildfire spread by the runners delivering passes from the main office, fanning the flames--a new girl in school and you ought to see her--whole classrooms inquisitive--their fascination displacing the Pythagorean Theorem, Iambic Pentameter." Because this is a sports book, a passing interest in basketball is probably required to get the most out of Stevie's arc. The author knows the game and is skilled at capturing its drama on paper, teasing out plays into meaningful encounters. This is not a work of high drama, but it contains that potent combination of forces--friends, family, love, childhood passions, and new ideas--that summon to mind the transitional years of adolescence.A charming, inquisitive sports tale. About the Author Martin Parks Kalmbach is a retired teacher who was a head girls varsity basketball coach for twenty-seven seasons (thirty-five years coaching in total, in several sports) which gave him insight into the teen-age athlete's mind. As a teacher of students with learning disabilities, Martin read many coming of age sports fiction novels such as Chris Crutcher's "Whale Talk" and "Athletic Shorts" with his students. He eventually took summer writing courses at the University of Wisconsin's Writer's Institute where he received favorable critiques from Kathy Steffen (Author of the "Spirit of the River" series) who gave him confidence about his amazing dialogue and voice. Martin Parks Kalmbach brings experience and knowledge and humor to this terrific coming-of-age story about the world of high school sports.
Wraith - (Mercy) by Rebecca Lim (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 324Genre: Fiction + Literature GenresSub-Genre: FantasySeries Title: MercyFormat: PaperbackPublisher: High Street Publishing CompanyAge Range: TeenBook theme: ParanormalAuthor: Rebecca LimLanguage: English About the Book The sudden reappearance of Mercy in Gia Basso's life, in a new and terrifying incarnation, draws Gia into a desperate struggle to locate Lucifer--who holds Ryan Daley captive in order to keep him from Mercy, his beloved, forever. Wraith is the fifth dark, thrilling and genre-defying installment of the much-loved Mercy series. Book Synopsis It was a new world to which we were confined because of a bargain I'd made with Death himself: no paradise for Luc and the exiled, and none for me. But the moment I made my choice, I was marked for sacrifice, as was Ryan. A price was settled; a debt, escalated. Time. There would never be enough. It's been two years since Gia Basso witnessed archangels and demons waging war upon each other beneath the dome of the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele in Milan. Traumatised, Gia has been in self-imposed exile on the English coast. But the sudden reappearance of Mercy in her life, in a new and terrifying incarnation, draws Gia into a desperate struggle to locate Lucifer -- who holds Ryan Daley captive in order to keep him from Mercy, his beloved, forever. Tasked by the archangels to destroy Lucifer, and by Mercy to help her trace and free Ryan, Gia is pushed to the limits of human endurance as she traverses the earth -- with the help of friends old and new -- to do the impossible. For Lucifer and his demons have discovered a new way to move freely in the human world. And Mercy and Gia must bargain with the Archangel of Death himself, Azraeil, to get what they want. Wraith is the fifth dark, thrilling and genre-defying instalment of the much-loved Mercy series from the acclaimed author of The Astrologer's Daughter. 'A racy story of good and evil in a world where angels aren't all sweetness and light' -- Sunday Herald Sun Review Quotes Praise for the Mercy series'A sinister and rather fabulous world' -- The Age'Gripping ... by the end, you can't help but wonder who this angel of Mercy will become next' -- Sunday Herald Sun'This thriller has a creepiness that keeps the pages turning.' -- Kirkus Reviews'Mercy['s] sarcasm, courage, and determination will hook readers.' -- School Library Journal'Subtly beautiful and utterly intriguing, Rebecca Lim's Mercy series brims with mystery and romance that pull readers through the veil between worlds real and mythical.' -- Andrea Cremer, New York Times-bestselling author of the Nightshade series'A page-turning mystery with touches of romance ... beautifully written prose; and a dark and twisting plot that kept me guessing' -- Laurie Faria Stolarz, bestselling author of Touch and the Blue is for Nightmares series'What is compelling about this novel is not only its tightly constructed plot but the lyric quality of the writing ... Not to be missed' -- Reading Time'In her U.S. debut, Australian author Lim opens her planned series with a dark and chilling mystery, where the supernatural meets every parent's nightmare. Vivid prose highlighting Mercy's sense of isolation will draw readers in ... while dramatic tension and the mystery of Mercy's Quantum Leap-style body-hopping ought to keep their attention' -- Publisher's Weekly'A racy story of good and evil in a world where angels aren't all sweetness and light' -- Sunday Herald Sun
No Normal - (Ms. Marvel Graphic Novels) (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 120Genre: Comics + Graphic NovelsSub-Genre: SuperheroesSeries Title: Ms. Marvel Graphic NovelsFormat: PaperbackPublisher: MarvelAge Range: TeenLanguage: English About the Book "Contains material originally published in magazine form as Ms. Marvel #1-5 and All-new Marvel now! point one #1." Book Synopsis Marvel Comics presents the all-new Ms. Marvel, the groundbreaking heroine that has become an international sensation! Kamala Khan is an ordinary girl from Jersey City - until she is suddenly empowered with extraordinary gifts. But who truly is the all-new Ms. Marvel? Teenager? Muslim? Inhuman? Find out as she takes the Marvel Universe by storm! As Kamala discovers the dangers of her newfound powers, she unlocks a secret behind them as well. Is Kamala ready to wield these immense new gifts? Or will the weight of the legacy before her be too much to handle? Kamala has no idea either. But she's comin' for you, New York! It's history in the making from acclaimed writer G. Willow Wilson (Air, Cairo) and beloved artist Adrian Alphona (Runaways)! COLLECTING: MS. MARVEL 1-5, MATERIAL FROM ALL-NEW MARVEL NOW! POINT ONE About the Author Willow Wilson began her writing career at the age of 17, when she freelanced as a music and DJ critic for Boston's Weekly Dig magazine. Since then, she's written the Eisner Award-nominated comic book series Air and Mystic: The Tenth Apprentice and the graphic novel Cairo. Her first novel, Alif the Unseen, was a New York Times Notable book. It was shortlisted for the 2012 Flaherty-Dunnan Award. G. Willow spent her early and mid twenties living in Egypt and working as a journalist. Her articles about the Middle East and modern Islam have appeared in the New York Times Magazine, the Atlantic Monthly and the Canada National Post. Her memoir about life in Egypt during the waning years of the Mubarak regime, The Butterfly Mosque, was named a Seattle Times Best Book of 2010. Willow is published by Grove/Atlantic Books in the United States and Atlantic UK in the United Kingdom.
A Study Guide for Tennessee Williams's Cat on a Hot Tin Roof - by Cengage Learning Gale (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 44Genre: Study GuidesSub-Genre: Study GuidesFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Gale, Study GuidesAge Range: TeenAuthor: Cengage Learning GaleLanguage: English Book Synopsis A Study Guide for Tennessee Williams's "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof," excerpted from Gale's acclaimed Drama For Students. This concise study guide includes plot summary; character analysis; author biography; study questions; historical context; suggestions for further reading; and much more. For any literature project, trust Drama For Students for all of your research needs.
Shadow Hawk - by Andre Norton (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 230Genre: Fiction + Literature GenresSub-Genre: HistoricalFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Ethan Ellenberg Literary AgencyAge Range: TeenBook theme: GeneralAuthor: Andre NortonLanguage: English Book Synopsis Rahotep was the son of a noble Egyptian family, but an older half-brother had unjustly deprived him of his place at court and had secured his transfer to a distant desert outpost. There he led skirmishes against the Hyksos invaders who, in about 2000 B.C., had overrun Egypt and destroyed much of her ancient might.It was a time of intrigue and danger, a time when a young man might do great things. And Rahotep dared! With his band of splendid Nubian archers, skilled in the arts of desert warfare, he joined the sons of the Pharaoh in the first organized attack on their oppressors and proved himself, against great odds, a valiant citizen and courageous warrior.Andre Norton combines authentic detail and careful research in a narrative filled with swift action, violence and high courage. Shadow Hawk vividly recreates the ancient world of Egypt and its people in an important moment in history.
One Red Paperclip - by Kyle MacDonald (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 288Genre: Business + Money ManagementSub-Genre: E CommerceFormat: PaperbackPublisher: River Grove BooksAge Range: TeenBook theme: GeneralAuthor: Kyle MacDonaldLanguage: English Book Synopsis MEET KYLE MACDONALD. He has one red paperclip and one big dream. And he can write. Only problem is he's between jobs, and his girlfriend is sup- porting him. Now is the time for Kyle MacDonald to get creative. And that is where this amazing story begins. Kyle takes his paperclip and puts an ad on Craigslist. In just fourteen trades, Kyle MacDonald turns that paperclip into a fish pen, then a doorknob, and then a camping stove. Next, he trades the camp- ing stove for a generator. Soon, Corbin Bernsen, Alice Cooper, and a small town in Canada are involved, and before long Kyle MacDonald turns his paperclip into a house! One Red Paperclip is an inspiring story about a man with the courage and moxie to think outside the box. It is the most unlikely of stories and an example of how we can create and do amazing things with the right amount of know- how and determination. Let Kyle MacDonald inspire you to find your own one red paperclip. You just never know where it could lead . . . About the Author Kyle MacDonald is a writer, public speaker, artist, and skier. He likes riding bikes and his mom still cuts his hair.
El Dorado Freddy's - by Danny Caine (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 150Genre: PoetrySub-Genre: Subjects & ThemesFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Belt PublishingAge Range: TeenBook theme: PlacesAuthor: Danny CaineLanguage: English About the Book A collection of accessible, humorous poems about chain and fast food restaurants Book Synopsis El Dorado Freddy's may be the first book of fast food poetry. In Olive Garden, Culver's, Popeye's Louisiana Kitchen, Cracker Barrel, Applebee's (after James Wright) and other poems, Caine reviews chain restaurants, taking on topics such as parenting, the Midwest, politics, and chicken fingers along the way. Caine's funny, deceptively accomplished poems are paired with Tara Wray's color-drenched photos. The result is a literary yet goofy book about American food and identity, set in a Midwestern landscape where people eat at chain restaurants, even when they know better. Review Quotes You may look down your nose at fast food restaurants for any number of reasons, but you cannot deny their significance. ... El Dorado Freddy's, a collaboration by poet Danny Caine and photographer Tara Wray, gives these familiar outposts their complete attention. It is a splendid twofer that pairs two sequences by two artists in two different media on one theme and with one binding. ...Though this book actually left me craving fast food (something I haven't eaten in a long time), I didn't feel gross and bloated after devouring it. Instead, I went back for seconds, starting at the beginning and reading it again.--Dallas Crow, Rain Taxi Review of Books
Understanding Chess Endgames - by John Nunn (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 224Genre: GamesSub-Genre: ChessFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Gambit PublicationsAge Range: TeenAuthor: John NunnLanguage: English About the Book One of the world's foremost chess writers provides everything you need to know about chess endgames! Assuming no specialized endgame knowledge, John Nunn presents 100 key endgame concepts, and explains how they are used to win games or save difficult positions. He covers all the main types of endgames and typical thinking methods, and so equips readers with all the skills needed to excel in this vital phase of the game up to good club level and beyond. The endgame is the stage of the game where precision is most important, and where errors are punished most drastically. It is also deceptive: many endgame positions look too simple to require prior knowledge, but yet contain fiendish concealed pitfalls that can reverse the result of the game on the spot. Some key positions simply have to be memorized, as they can hardly be worked out at the board, especially when playing with today's faster time-controls. In such perilous terrain, an expert guide is necessary. John Nunn could not be better qualified: he is a battle-hardened grandmaster of top-level over-the-board chess and a solving world champion. From his wealth of endgame expertise, he has distilled a course of fundamental knowledge that is highly cartneared on practical success for all levels of players. Book Synopsis One of the world's foremost chess writers provides everything you need to know about chess endgames! Assuming no specialized endgame knowledge, John Nunn presents 100 key endgame concepts, and explains how they are used to win games or save difficult positions. He covers all the main types of endgames and typical thinking methods, and so equips readers with all the skills needed to excel in this vital phase of the game up to good club level and beyond. The endgame is the stage of the game where precision is most important, and where errors are punished most drastically. It is also deceptive: many endgame positions look too simple to require prior knowledge, but yet contain fiendish concealed pitfalls that can reverse the result of the game on the spot. Some key positions simply have to be memorized, as they can hardly be worked out at the board, especially when playing with today's faster time-controls. In such perilous terrain, an expert guide is necessary. John Nunn could not be better qualified: he is a battle-hardened grandmaster of top-level over-the-board chess and a solving world champion. From his wealth of endgame expertise, he has distilled a course of fundamental knowledge that is highly cartneared on practical success for all levels of players. Review Quotes ...a wonderful presentation of 100 key endgame ideas - GM Lubomir Kavalek, Huffington PostIf there is ever to be someone to teach us the endgame, it is going to be John Nunn. Anyone who absorbs the contents of this book could well save some bad or even lost positions. Beautifully produced, and with lots of diagrams... - Bab Wilders, Nederlands DagbladThere's some excellent material on offer and I think players of all levels will benefit from reading this - GM Stephen Gordon About the Author Dr John Nunn is one of the best-respected figures in world chess. He was among the world's leading grandmasters for nearly twenty years, winning four gold medals in chess Olympiads and finishing sixth overall in the World Cup in 1989. He is a much-acclaimed writer, whose works have won 'Book of the Year' awards in several countries. In 2004, 2007 and 2010 Nunn was crowned World Chess Solving Champion, ahead of many former champions.
Cambridge Latin Course Unit 1 Student's Text North American Edition - (North American Cambridge Latin Course) 4th Edition (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 264Genre: Foreign Language StudySub-Genre: LatinSeries Title: North American Cambridge Latin CourseFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Cambridge University PressAge Range: TeenLanguage: English About the Book Wholly compatible with the fourth edition of Units 1-3, this edition wraps upthe story line and provides a wealth of unabridged and adapted works of majorLatin authors. Book Synopsis The Fourth Edition Cambridge Latin Course is an introductory program organized into four well-integrated units. Cambridge's proven approach includes a stimulating continuous story line, interwoven grammatical development and cultural information, supportive illustrations and photographs, and a complete Language Information section. Reading is the heart of the Cambridge Latin Course, and all the elements of the program - illustrations, vocabulary, grammar and syntax, cultural contexts and references, activities - are carefully introduced and arranged to provide students with the skills they need to read with comprehension and enjoyment from the very first page.
Land of Hope - by Wilfred M McClay (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 504Genre: HistorySub-Genre: North AmericaFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Encounter BooksAge Range: TeenAuthor: Wilfred M McClayLanguage: English Book Synopsis For too long we've lacked a compact, inexpensive, authoritative, and compulsively readable book that offers American readers a clear, informative, and inspiring narrative account of their country. Such a fresh retelling of the American story is especially needed today, to shape and deepen young Americans' sense of the land they inhabit, help them to understand its roots and share in its memories, all the while equipping them for the privileges and responsibilities of citizenship in American society The existing texts simply fail to tell that story with energy and conviction. Too often they reflect a fragmented outlook that fails to convey to American readers the grand trajectory of their own history. This state of affairs cannot continue for long without producing serious consequences. A great nation needs and deserves a great and coherent narrative, as an expression of its own self-understanding and its aspirations; and it needs to be able to convey that narrative to its young effectively. Of course, it goes without saying that such a narrative cannot be a fairy tale of the past. It will not be convincing if it is not truthful. But as Land of Hope brilliantly shows, there is no contradiction between a truthful account of the American past and an inspiring one. Readers of Land of Hope will find both in its pages. Review Quotes "At a time of severe partisanship that has infected many accounts of our nation's past, this brilliant new history, Land of Hope, written in lucid and often lyrical prose, is much needed. It is accurate, honest, and free of the unhistorical condescension so often paid to the people of America's past. This generous but not uncritical story of our nation's history ought to be read by every American. It explains and justifies the right kind of patriotism."-- Gordon S. Wood, author of Friends Divided: John Adams and Thomas Jefferson "Those who are acquainted with Wilfred McClay's writing will not be surprised that Land of Hope, his latest book, is a lucid and engaging account of the 'great American story.' McClay is a charming storyteller--and a first-rate scholar and appreciator of America's political and cultural development."-- Michael Barone, resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, senior political analyst at the Washington Examiner, and coauthor of The Almanac of American Politics "We've long needed a readable text that truly tells the American story, neither hiding the serious injustices in our history nor soft-pedaling our nation's extraordinary achievements. Such a text cannot be a mere compilation of facts, and it certainly could not be written by someone lacking a deep understanding and appreciation of America's constitutional ideals and institutions. Bringing his impressive skills as a political theorist, historian, and writer to bear, Wilfred McClay has supplied the need."-- Robert P. George, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence, Princeton University "In a time when America seems pulled in opposite directions, Wilfred McClay has written a necessary book--the most balanced, nuanced history of the United States I have read in the past fifty years."-- Daniel Henninger, deputy editor, editorial page, The Wall Street Journal "Too many recent historians have tried to rewrite America's history as a tale of squalor and exploitation. Wilfred McClay tells it like it is: as a story of hope."-- Glenn Harlan Reynolds, Beauchamp Brogan Distinguished Professor of Law, University of Tennessee "No one has told the story of America with greater balance or better prose than Wilfred McClay. Land of Hope is a history book that you will not be able to put down. From the moment that 'natives' first crossed here over the Bering Strait, to the founding of America's great experiment in republican government, to the horror and triumph of the Civil War, and to the stirring election of Barack Obama, McClay's account will capture your attention while offering an unforgettable education."-- James W. Ceaser, Professor of Politics, University of Virginia "I wish Land of Hope had been there when I was teaching U.S. history. It is history as literature--broad, detailed, compassionate--and it can help anyone who wants to know where we came from and how we got here. Professor McClay has made a welcome gift to the history of our country."-- Will Fitzhugh, Founder, The Concord Review "This is the most cheerful and inspiring history of America written so far this century. Where most historians emphasize fragmentation and oppression, McClay makes the case for a unified national story characterized by optimism and achievement. Without downplaying dismaying episodes, past and present, he shows how they have been offset by the American pursuit of reform, revival, and improvement. Old heroes like George Washington are restored to their rightful place. America is far from perfect, McClay admits, but it is genuinely dedicated to the ideals of equality and democracy, and there is much to be proud of. I can imagine schools and colleges assigning this book with a sense of gratitude and confidence."-- Patrick Allitt, Cahoon Family Professor of American History, Emory University "In Land of Hope, Bill McClay succeeds at multitasking. He has written not only a learned and readable history of the United States, from Columbus to Trump, with balance and integrity but has provided an insightful primer on the meaning of citizenship itself. McClay reminds us that although history holds no easy lessons, its honest practice proves indispensable in preventing the future from proceeding in darkness. Those entrusted with teaching young minds about the discipline of history as well as history will find in this volume much to fortify them."-- Robert Paquette, Professor of History and President, The Alexander Hamilton Institute "This book is the antidote to abysmal levels of historical knowledge our high school graduates possess. History bores them; the textbooks are dreary; lessons play up guilt and identity politics. It turns them off. They want powerful tales and momentous events, genuine heroes and villains, too--an accurate but stirring rendition of the past. This is Bill McClay's Land of Hope, a superb historian's version of the American story, in lively prose spiced with keen analysis and compelling drama. Every school that assigns this book will see students' eyes brighten when the Civil War comes up, the Progressive Era, the Depression, civil rights . . . The kids want an authentic, meaningful heritage, a usable past. McClay makes it real."-- Mark Bauerlein, author of The Dumbest Generation "Land of Hope is in every way a remarkable piece of work, clearly written and as balanced and fair-minded as any American history you will ever read. Land of Hope operates on the assumption that the past remains a necessary part of us, something we must both understand and learn from. It refuses the all-too-common view that we today are simply superior to our own history, a history that amounts to little more than a grab bag of chicanery, venality, and self-interest. Instead, it is an attempt to lay out the political history of our nation, the dilemmas we faced, the choices we made, and the ideas that shaped and reshaped our American creed."-- John Agresto, Professor of Political Science, former President of St. John's College, and author of Rediscovering America "Wilfred McClay has written more than a textbook. His affirmative, even-handed review of American history, institutions, and character is refreshing, and comes none too soon, when so many accounts are merely trying to settle scores. Beautifully written and fair minded, Land of Hope ranks among finest surveys of the nation's past."-- Gilbert T. Sewall About the Author Wilfred M. McClay is the G. T. and Libby Blankenship Chair in the History of Liberty at the University of Oklahoma and the Director of the Center for the History of Liberty. His book The Masterless: Self and Society in Modern America was awarded the 1995 Merle Curti Award of the Organization of American Historians for the best book in American intellectual history. Among his other books are A Student's Guide to U.S. History, Religion Returns to the Public Square: Faith and Policy in America, Figures in the Carpet: Finding the Human Person in the American Past, and Why Place Matters: Geography, Identity, and Civic Life in Modern America. He was appointed in 2002 to membership on the National Council on the Humanities, the advisory board for the National Endowment for the Humanities, and served in that capacity for eleven years. He is a member of the U.S. Semiquincentennial Commission, which is planning events for the nation's 250th anniversary in 2026. He has been the recipient of fellowships from the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the National Academy of Education. He is a graduate of St. John's College (Annapolis) and received his PhD in History from the Johns Hopkins University.
High School Science Reproducible Chemistry - by Tocci (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 130Genre: EducationSub-Genre: SecondarySeries Title: High School ScienceFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Steck Vaughn School SupplyAge Range: TeenAuthor: TocciLanguage: English Book Synopsis Science Series supports children needing additional, focused instruction in physical science, biology or chemistry. With content based on state and national standards, these books can be used as a stand-alone resource or as a supplement for other science materials including basals. Each book contains key terms, specific topic instruction, and review activities in standardized test format, puzzles, a glossary and a bound-in answer key.
High School Science Reproducible Physical Science - by Stckvagn (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 130Genre: EducationSub-Genre: SecondarySeries Title: High School ScienceFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Steck Vaughn School SupplyAge Range: TeenAuthor: StckvagnLanguage: English Book Synopsis Science Series supports children needing additional, focused instruction in physical science, biology or chemistry. With content based on state and national standards, these books can be used as a stand-alone resource or as a supplement for other science materials including basals. Each book contains key terms, specific topic instruction, and review activities in standardized test format, puzzles, a glossary and a bound-in answer key.
Behind Happy Faces - by Ross E Szabo & Melanie Hall (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 263Genre: PsychologySub-Genre: Mental HealthFormat: PaperbackPublisher: Volt PressAge Range: TeenAuthor: Ross E Szabo & Melanie HallLanguage: English About the Book Behind Happy Faces is a summary of the most frequently asked questions that over 2 million young people have about their mental health. The book is a guide on how to navigate mental health challenges for oneself, family, friends and in relationships. The information is delivered using positive examples of multiple personal stories. Book Synopsis Mental health is important for everyone, but the truth is, sometimes it's hard to talk about it or admit you're having problems. You're afraid of being judged or worried no one will understand. And if you're like a lot of people, you put on a happy face and try to act like everything is OK, even when it isn't. It's OK not to be OK. School, family, relationships and lack of sleep take a toll on mental health. Many people are struggling with anxiety disorders, depression, bipolar disorder, addictions, eating disorders or other serious problems. You may not always know how to deal, who to tell or what you should do. You're not alone. Behind Happy Faces takes on the most common emotional concerns expressed by millions of young adults. You will learn: A vast overview of mental health challenges The reasons people hide their emotions and how to break them down How people of different genders, races, socioeconomic status and sexual orientation are impacted by mental health Steps you can take for yourself if you are experiencing a menta health disorder What you can do if a friend or family member is suffering How mental health issues impact relationships and what you can do to build healthy relationships Ways to get involved and discourage negative stereotypes Ross Szabo and other people who have been impacted by mental health issues will inspire you with their stories of dealing with mental health disorders and facing challenges like breakups, divorced parents, losing a loved one or just figuring out how to express feelings. They learned how to take charge of their mental health and they share practical ways for you to do the same. Our hope is that this book will give you the courage to address the issues that have kept you from living the life you want, the courage to stop pretending that everything is OK (even when it's not) and more importantly, to stop hiding your true emotions...behind a happy face. Review Quotes "Mental illness among young people is epidemic. Too often, those who are afflicted are ashamed, too often, they isolate themselves, and too often the results are catastrophic. Frank, honest and informative, Behind Happy Faces will mitigate that shame and isolation, and so head off those dark results."-Andrew SolomonAuthor, The Nonday Demon An Atlas of Depression. Far From the Tree: Parents, Children and the Search for Identity"Behind Happy Faces removes the stigma surrounding mental disorders and stimulates dialogue about these issues among high school and college students. Szabo and Hall are dynamic advocates for young people everywhere."Harold S. Koplewicz, M.D.President, Child Mind Institute"An inspirational read for all young adults as well as parents, teachers, family and friends, Behind Happy Faces provides tools for seeking help and gives hope for recovery. Ross is living proof that with treatment, young adults with mental health issues can be highly functional and lead fulfilling, productive lives." -Tipper GorePhotographer, Author and Mental Health Advocate "Mental disorders are treatable and don't have to define one's life. Behind Happy Faces provides young people with an intimate glimpse into what it means to have an emotional disorder and empowers them to overcome the stugma to get the help they need."-Donna SatowCo-founder, The Jed Foundation"Ross Szabo has a true gift for getting through and Behind Happy Faces allows him to communicate beyond the walls of a full school assembly. His book will most certainly reach you and it will help you reach others. If it is understanding and compassion you seek, look no further."-Lizzie SimonAuthor, Detour: My Bipolar Road Trip in 4-D"Szabo's enthralling narrative draws its strength from the power of his personal story, and the honesty with which he and the other young people represented in the book challenge the myths and stereotypes surrounding mental illness. This powerful book deserves the widest possible audience." -Gail GriffithAuthor, Will's Choice A Suicidal Teen, a Desperate Mother, and a Chronicle of Recovery