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Buy 2021 Upgrade Amplified HD Outdoor Indoor TV Antenna 260Miles Range,Digital HDTV Antenna with 33ft Coax Cable,Support 4K 1080p Fire Stick and All Older TVs Indoor HDTV Television for Local Channels in United States -

2021 Upgrade Amplified HD Outdoor Indoor TV Antenna 260Miles Range,Digital HDTV Antenna with 33ft Coax Cable,Support 4K 1080p Fire Stick and All Older TVs Indoor HDTV Television for Local Channels

CTNR1060101 CTNR1060101


2026-02-21 USD 94.73

$ 94.73 $ 95.69 1% Off

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2021 Upgrade Amplified HD Outdoor Indoor TV Antenna 260Miles Range,Digital HDTV Antenna with 33ft Coax Cable,Support 4K 1080p Fire Stick and All Older TVs Indoor HDTV Television for Local Channels
2021 Upgrade Amplified HD Outdoor Indoor TV Antenna 260Miles Range,Digital HDTV Antenna with 33ft Coax Cable,Support 4K 1080p Fire Stick and All Older TVs Indoor HDTV Television for Local Channels
2021 Upgrade Amplified HD Outdoor Indoor TV Antenna 260Miles Range,Digital HDTV Antenna with 33ft Coax Cable,Support 4K 1080p Fire Stick and All Older TVs Indoor HDTV Television for Local Channels
2021 Upgrade Amplified HD Outdoor Indoor TV Antenna 260Miles Range,Digital HDTV Antenna with 33ft Coax Cable,Support 4K 1080p Fire Stick and All Older TVs Indoor HDTV Television for Local Channels
2021 Upgrade Amplified HD Outdoor Indoor TV Antenna 260Miles Range,Digital HDTV Antenna with 33ft Coax Cable,Support 4K 1080p Fire Stick and All Older TVs Indoor HDTV Television for Local Channels
2021 Upgrade Amplified HD Outdoor Indoor TV Antenna 260Miles Range,Digital HDTV Antenna with 33ft Coax Cable,Support 4K 1080p Fire Stick and All Older TVs Indoor HDTV Television for Local Channels
Still worrying about the high costs of cable or satellite monthly? />Still worrying about the signal too weak to connect? />Still worrying about cannot connect to more TV channels? />NOW, our Latest Upgrade Indoor/Outdoor TV Antenna can get rid of those troubles for you!!! />Just Cut it Now! />Latest Upgrade Version Free TV Antenna with 2x signal enhancement, Lets you watch all local news, weather, sitcom, kids and sports programming for FREE in HD. />Come join our family make life better, easier and more fulfilling! />Indoor/Outdoor Fast and Easy to Set UpJust plug it into your TV and let the Aerial do all the works.

/>Connect the coaxial cable through amplifier to digital receiver and connect the power adapter's USB charging port. />Place the antenna, on window or as high as possible. />Scan for channels-Do this each time you try a new position for the antenna. />If use a flat HDTV, please go through your TV manual to make sure the TV has built-in tuner for view or you have to install a extra view box.
/>NOTE: Always remember re-scan for channels after moving the antenna/>2020Upgraded Smart IC, 2x Signal EnhancementBuilt-in Smart IC Chip Next generation & Newest Technology to Maximum Receiving Range Indoor/Outdoor. Resulting in 2x signal enhancement, clearer picture, maximum signal reception for more channels even you are far away form broadcast towers. />Depending on your location, the hdtv antenna can receive include NBC, FOX, CBS, ABC, PBS, THE CW, QUBO, TELEMUNDO, UNIVISION, RTV, THIS TV, ION, ME TV and The Weather Channe. />Indoor/Outdoor Maximum Receiving RangeFind the best installation location, 40-100 channels can be obtained (the maximum can exceed 100) />Channel selection and picture quality is dependent on broadcast strength and location. />You can get a better signal by moving the position of the TV ANTENNAS.
/>Cautions when Using: 1. If use a flat HDTV, Please go through your TV manual to make sure the TV has built-in tuner for view or you have to install a extra view box. />2. The actual receivable range may highly dependents on your distance and location. />Areas with large obstructions such in valleys, mountains, etc,. will reduce effective range. />3. Some sources of interference, such as air conditioners, refrigerators, hair dryers, and microwave ovens have a certain effect on the effect of the TV antenna receiving signals. />Keep the HD antenna away from those high-power devices when using it. />

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