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Buy Digital HD TV Antenna, KKUYI Amplified Indoor HDTV Antenna 120 Miles Long Range Reception with Amplified Signal Booster, Support 4K HD UHF VHF Local Channels in United States -

Digital HD TV Antenna, KKUYI Amplified Indoor HDTV Antenna 120 Miles Long Range Reception with Amplified Signal Booster, Support 4K HD UHF VHF Local Channels

CTNR1053242 CTNR1053242


2026-02-21 USD 375.57

$ 375.57 $ 387.19 3% Off

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Digital HD TV Antenna, KKUYI Amplified Indoor HDTV Antenna 120 Miles Long Range Reception with Amplified Signal Booster, Support 4K HD UHF VHF Local Channels
Digital HD TV Antenna, KKUYI Amplified Indoor HDTV Antenna 120 Miles Long Range Reception with Amplified Signal Booster, Support 4K HD UHF VHF Local Channels
Digital HD TV Antenna, KKUYI Amplified Indoor HDTV Antenna 120 Miles Long Range Reception with Amplified Signal Booster, Support 4K HD UHF VHF Local Channels
Digital HD TV Antenna, KKUYI Amplified Indoor HDTV Antenna 120 Miles Long Range Reception with Amplified Signal Booster, Support 4K HD UHF VHF Local Channels
Digital HD TV Antenna, KKUYI Amplified Indoor HDTV Antenna 120 Miles Long Range Reception with Amplified Signal Booster, Support 4K HD UHF VHF Local Channels
Digital HD TV Antenna, KKUYI Amplified Indoor HDTV Antenna 120 Miles Long Range Reception with Amplified Signal Booster, Support 4K HD UHF VHF Local Channels
CUT THE CORD! & NO MORE BILLS! KKUYI HDTV antenna can receive free FULL HD Channels of CW, Fox, AMC, ABC, Hulu, Netflix, ESPN, CBS, NBC, PBC and other full HD channels. Amazing antenna for life to receive the channel without monthly bill. Supports 720p, 1080i, 1080p, 4k etc. />4K Ultra HDTV ChannelsKKUYI HDTV Antenna includes an intelligent Integrated Circuit (IC) chip, powerful amplifier signal booster and the most advanced Clean Peak Filter technology to insulate against cellular and FM interference and provide low-noise crystal-clear picture for channel reception! />Get Your Free ChannelPut the indoor TV antenna on a window or hang on wall to get better reception in your House.

Enter your address into a website such as tvfool for channel listings in your location. />Long Range Reception - 150 MilesKKUYI indoor HDTV antenna can reach up to 150 miles range and can be placed almost anywhere in your home. Regularly scan channels to ensure good reception. />Fast & Easy to
Set UpStep 1: Connect F or IEC connectors to AN/IN ports of set top box or HDTV.
/>Step 2: Place the television antenna in an optimal position, usually on a wall or window.
/>Step 3: Scan for channels using your TV’s 'Channel Search' and enjoy free full HD TV! />Avoid ObstaclesChannel selection and picture quality is dependent on broadcast strength and location. />Antenna reception and picture quality may also be affected by local terrain and obstructions such as hills, mountains, buildings, trees, hair dryer, refrigerator, air conditioner and microwave oven. />There is no limit to how far a TV signal can travel, it is just that the signal gets weaker as it spreads out and the terrain obstructs the signal. />Range will mostly depend on the strength of the transmitted signal in your area, in most countries power is limited to reduce interference from neighbor stations, the amount of things like trees and buildings blocking your line of sight path to the transmitter and the amount of interference. />Taking also into consideration the curvature of the earth and the average height and power of a receiving antenna, a typical high range of a transmitted TV signal is 60-80 miles. />

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